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Photos Sitemap
Page 7
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Survey crew under Assistant John F
Smoothing a landing strip on sea ice at Pitt Point
Sunset over the station in the austral fall of 1997.
Sunset illuminating a quiet cove in Southeast Alaska.
Swells from a far-away storm are apparent on the sea's surface as the sun disappears below the horizon
Swells from a far-away storm are apparent on the sea's surface as the sun disappears below the horizon.
Sun approaching the horizon as the bottom limb is becoming obscured by far distant clouds.
Sun, clouds, and reflection off the ocean.
Sunset over a calm ocean
Sun peeking over the oceanic horizon at sunrise
Sunset, seagull and crepuscular rays over the ocean.
Sun as an orange sphere setting over the ocean.
Sunset at sea south of Nantucket
Snow on the ground at Mauna Loa Observatory.
Snow on the ground at Mauna Loa Observatory.
Skua and scientists on the sea ice.
Seal on the sea ice
Seal on the sea ice
Statue of Robert Falcon Scott along the Avon River in Christchurch, New Zealand.
Sea smoke over open water along the Ross Ice Shelf at the Bay of Whales
Sea smoke forming towards open water from first year ice at the Bay of Whales.
Sunset over the Ross Sea.
Small pancake ice
Seal resting on sea ice at the Bay of Whales
Setting up an Aandaara current meter for deployment in the Ross Sea
Setting up a SeaBird SeaCat, temperature and conductivity sensor for deployment in the Ross Sea
Sculpted sea ice
Scientists photographing Adelie penguins
Sorting a dredge haul of holothurians on the deck of the NATHANIEL PALMER.
Sorting through the spoils of a bottom trawl on the continental shelf of the Ross Sea.
Scientific equipment at Palmer Station with a glacier front in the background
Small ice floes in open water as seen from the bridge of the NATHANIEL B
Shrine to _____ Williams who lost his life during Navy Antarctic operations in the 1950's when his tractor broke through the sea ice and he was drowne
Stuffed emperor penguins on display in the Canterbury Museum in Christchurch, New Zealand.
Scott's Hut with the NATHANIEL B
Science is hard work!
Scientist conducting phytoplankton taxonomy research.
Spoils of net trawl
Small ice floes in open water as seen from the bridge of the NATHANIEL B
Sunset over sea ice at the marginal ice zone as NATHANIEL B
Sir Raymond Priestly after spending nine months in a snow cave at Terra Nova Bay in Victoria Land, Antarctica.
Shaded relief map of Antarctica developed from RADARSAT Synthetic Aperture Radar data
Statue of Antarctic explorer Robert Falcon Scott along the Avon River in Christchurch, New Zealand.
Sometimes the crevasses appeared hundreds of feet deep
Sometimes the crevasses appeared hundreds of feet deep
Sea lions basking on the beach at Strawberry Hill.
Sandy banks from the air
Surf fishing on the Outer Banks
Ski-equipped C-130 on the ground at South Pole Station.
Solar telescope tower at South Pole Station
Surf breaking over the rocks and kelpbeds at Point Pinos, Monterey area.
Spy-hopping killer whale alongside the MILLER FREEMAN.
Spy-hopping killer whale checking out the MILLER FREEMAN.
Scientist in lab space of the MILLER FREEMAN
Scientist sorting the catch after being dumped in the checker from the cod end of the trawl.
Scientist holding crab
Sorting catch on MILLER FREEMAN
Scientists sorting and sampling redfish
Scientists entering fisheries observations and data into computer
Scientist working with tissue sampling vials
Scientist obtaining otolith (ear bone) for age determination
Scientist weighing, measuring, and sampling tissue on the MILLER FREEMAN
Scientist weighing and measuring fish on the MILLER FREEMAN
Scientist weighing and measuring fish on the MILLER FREEMAN
Scientists sorting fish on the MILLER FREEMAN.
Sorting fish on the MILLER FREEMAN
Seward Bay
Seal Island chinstrap penguin protecting young.
Seal Island chinstrap penguins.
Seal Island chinstrap penguin rookery.
Southern fur seal with penguins in the background.
Some common groundfish from the waters around South Georgia Island.
Southern fur seal with elephant seals and penguins in the background.
Sir Ernest Shackleton's grave on South Georgia Island
South Georgia Island
South Georgia Island
South Georgia Island
Scientist with instrument to measure components of Earth's magnetic field
Steller sealions at Sail Island, Frederick Sound.
Scientists sorting specimens of salmon material for joint U.S./Canada genetic research project.
Scientists sorting specimens.
Storing sample material in a vile prior to storing in liquid nitrogen.
Sorting salmon for genetic research
Scientists sorting salmon specimens for genetic research
Salmon gillnetting cruise - studying smolts diurnal activities.
Skiff returning at sunset from marine mammal studies.
Scientists departing in skiff on marine mammal study.
Splash from a breaching humpback whale.
Sunset in the Inside Passage
Sunset in the Inside Passage.
Scenery in the Inside Passage.
Sunset in the Inside Passage.
Sunset in the Inside Passage
Small bergy bits the size of houses being released from Tracy Arm
Small bergy bits the size of houses being released from Tracy Arm
Stephens Passage
Small island near Hoonah
Sablefish longline operations - lines 3/4 miles long with hooks every 15 to 20 feet.
Sablefish longline operations - lines 3/4 miles long with hooks every 15 to 20 feet.
Shadow bands in the pinkish glow of a Southeast Alaska sunset.
Sablefish put in live tank, scooped up, tagged, and sent back overboard.
Salmon rearing pens at Little Port Walter Research Station.
Sunset in St
Sun below the horizon in Haines area
Sunset in Hoonah Sound area
Sunset in Icy Straits area
Stephens Passage, Tracy Arm area
Sunrise in Southeast Alaska
Sunrise on the way to Ketchikan
Strange deepwater fish coming up from about 100 fathoms
Sometimes fisheries folks do the darndest things!
Swim call! Undaunted by Jaws movies, ALBATROSS IV crewman dives into waters off Menempsha Bight
Sailboats racing in America's Cup off Newport
Sunset off the Massachusetts coast
Sperm whale blowing - note forward angle of exhalation
Sea gulls looking for scraps of food off stern of the ALBATROSS IV.
Sea gulls waiting for a free lunch after ALBATROSS IV throws over fish scraps.
Spring twilight at South Pole Station
South Pole geodesic dome illuminated by last gasp of sunset
South Pole Station antenna farm illuminated by setting sun
South Pole Station illuminated by the setting sun
Ski-equipped C-130's on a fly-by at South Pole Station
Sun dog to the left of su
Sun dog to the left of sun
Small halo, sun dogs, and arc of much larger halo nearly bisecting smaller halo.
Small halo, sun dogs, and arc of much larger halo nearly bisecting smaller halo.
Sun halo and sun dogs.
Sun halo.
South Pole Station on a day without a horizon, near "white out" conditions
Ski-equipped C-130's ready for a trip to the South Pole
Some digestive biscuits from another era at Scott's Hut Point shelter
Salt and corned mutton - a few staples of the day at Scott's Hut Point shelter
Supplies in interior of Scott's Hut Point Shelter
Supplies in interior of Scott's Hut Point Shelter
Stalactites and masses of ice crystals
Scott Base is maintained by New Zealand
Social life under the ice during survival training exercise.
Sculpting ice for the entrance to an impromptu shelter in the ice
Shoreline near Cape Evans
Scientists conducting studies of Weddell seals Hood placed over head causes seal to cause seal to not move
Setting foot on Antarctic soil ( maybe ice would be a better term.)
Sastrugi - windsculpted snow
Sastrugi - windsculpted snow
South Pole Station in the summer of 1968.
Ski-equipped C-130 on its way back to McMurdo Sound from the South Pole.
Ski-equipped C-130 taking off from the South Pole
Survival exercises prior to debarking for South Pole
Scientists during survival training exercise prior to debarking for South Pole
Sea ice at McMurdo Sound
Sea lions at Cape Geddes, Laurie Island, South Orkney Islands
Seals on the ice in Meek Channel - note flipper marks in the snow.
Sheep farming at Hill Cove
Seal hunting in Lemaire Strait.
SHACKLETON boat heading into the ice at Duse Bay for seal hunting
Sealing at Duse Bay - getting food for the dogs
Skin divers getting ready for a dive off the SHACKLETON.
Shishaldin Volcano
Shishaldin Volcano on the left - an Aleutian stratovolcano
Shoran station on the north side of the Alaska Peninsula
Some of the scenes on a road trip on the Kenai Peninsula
Springtime in Southeast Alaska
Survey launch work
Survey launch returning to the EXPLORER
Sam Fordyce with gravity meter
Sam Fordyce taking readings with gravity meter
Seals taking in the sun on a rocky point
Seals hauled out on a rocky shore
Survey party on St
Signal building party taking a rest on Kagalaska Island
Shoreline of Adak Island
Shoreline of Adak Island
Signal building party resting on the slopes of Kagalaska Island
Sea caves in the rocks of the Oregon coast
Survey work near Depoe Bay The L crew - Legako, Laterriere, and Lafountaine
Summertime landing along the sandy beach
Survey launch tied up and fueling at a "home-made" pier
Strolling down main street of the Oliktok Point Camp Snow plows cover entrances to buildings similar to more urban areas
Spring melt starting wiht patches of snow melt water
Survey boat at the Long Island camp - Shoran navigation antenna on the beach
Survey launch at anchor with dinghy returning from shore
Securing transducer to side of survey launch on a warm Arctic summer day.
Survey launch -14 towing a dinghy
Survey launch running near the shore at Cross Island
Survey launch and supply launch at Cross Island
Survey launch offshore from Cross Island
Survey launch at Cross Island
Survey Launch -15 , called "Fair Dinkum" at Cross Island
Survey launches at Tigvariak Island ready for a summer season of work Boats painted orange for visibility in Arctic waters
Stopping at a small Alaska town on the way south
Stopping at a small Alaska town on the way south
Survey launch towing dinghies after supplying observing camp
Signal pole on Dinkum Sands - east side of Prudhoe Bay The existence of these sands has been the subject of litigation
Sunrise or sunset? Who knows when there is twenty-four hour daylight.
Shore camp with geodetic signal tower and Shoran electronic navigation station tower.
Somewhat disinterested husky with survey boats in the background.
Sea ice
Smooth Sheet
Sketch Showing the Progress of the Survey on the Atlantic Gulf of Mexico and Pacific Coast of the United States to November 1870
Sketch A Shewing the progress of the Survey in Section 1 from 1844 to 1868
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