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Sidescan surveying operations
Sidescan surveying operations
Sidescan surveying operations
Sidescan surveying operations
Sidescan surveying operations
Sidescan surveying operations
Sidescan surveying operations
Sidescan surveying operations
Sidescan surveying operations
Sidescan surveying operations
Sidescan surveying operations
Sidescan surveying operations
Sidescan surveying operations.
Sidescan surveying operations.
Sidescan surveying operations.
Sidescan surveying operations.
Shoran and EPI camp site.
Survey crew camp life on the Alcan Highway
Survey crew camp life on the Alcan Highway
Survey crew camp life on the Alcan Highway
Survey crew camp life on the Alcan Highway.
Survey crew camp life on the Alcan Highway.
Survey crew camp life on the Alcan Highway
Survey crew camp life on the Alcan Highway
Survey crew camp life on the Alcan Highway.
Survey crew camp life on the Alcan Highway.
Sketch showing where very precise studies of the sound velocity structure of the ocean was conducted by the C&GS ships PIONEER and GUIDE in 1933
Studies of changing configurations of barrier islands through time in the vicinity of present day Sandy Hook and Barnegat Inlet, New Jersey.
Studies of changing configurations of barrier islands through time in the vicinity of present day Rockaway Inlet, New York.
Studies of changing configurations of barrier islands through time in the vicinity of present day Atlantic City, New Jersey.
Ship image as found on stationary from the Coast and Geodetic Survey Ship PATHFINDER.
Stationary from the Coast and Geodetic Survey Ship PATHFINDER.
Survey launch approaching the PATHFINDER for pickup.
Setting up tide gauge equipment somewhere in Alaska
Sandwaves imaged by a multi-beam sonar sounding system
Single beam echo sounding analog record of ship wreck.
Side Scan sonar image of humpback whale on seafloor off New England.
Side Scan sonar image of ship wreck of S-5 submarine which foundered in 1920
Side Scan sonar image of ship wreck of S-5 submarine which foundered in 1920
Side Scan sonar image of ship wreck of S-5 submarine which foundered in 1920
Side Scan sonar image of wreck of oil barge leaking viscous material on sea floor
Side scan sonar image of unknown steamer surveyed by NOAA Ship RUDE
Side scan sonar image of debris field of ship wreck.
Side scan sonar image of USS MONITOR.
Side scan sonar image of USS MONITOR.
Side Scan sonar image of shipwreck of the windjammer B
Side Scan sonar image of sunken barge.
Side Scan sonar image of ship wreck.
Side Scan sonar image of debris field associated with TWA 800 disaster discovered by NOAA Ship RUDE.
Side Scan sonar image of unknown ship wreck surveyed by the NOAA Ship RUDE.
Sunset in the Pribilof Islands.
Scenery at Dutch Harbor.
Survey crew with pie and ice cream in camp
Suggested C&GS flag design prior to selection of official flag.
Suggested C&GS flag design prior to selection of official flag.
Suggested C&GS flag design prior to selection of official flag.
Suggested C&GS flag design prior to selection of official flag.
Suggested C&GS flag design prior to selection of official flag.
Suggested C&GS flag design prior to selection of official flag.
Suggested C&GS flag design prior to selection of official flag.
Suggested C&GS flag design prior to selection of official flag.
Suggested C&GS flag design prior to selection of official flag.
Suggested C&GS flag design prior to selection of official flag.
Source document for maps showing various magnetic elements obtained by W.H
Station Burnt Point
Sixteen-foot observing stand at Station Reid.
Station Greenbush, a 44-foot observing tower that was blown down a few months after being built.
Station Reid, a 25-foot observing platform.
Screwing in a big leg on a gas pipe observing tower on Station Walker.
Station Hayes
Station Burnt Point
Standard automatic tide gauge.
Shoran installation on radar tower
Shoran installation on radar tower
Sounding by means of depth recorder demonstrated by Captain Clarence Burmister, USC&GS
Shoran antenna secured on radar antenna.
Shoran ground station at West Point on Puget Sound near Seattle
Shoran installation on radar tower on Agattu Island
Smiling Coast Surveyors in the Washington, D.C
Smiling Coast Surveyors in the Director's Office of the C&GS Atlantic Marine Center.
Saugerties Lighthouse, Hudson River.
Survey team in Wyoming 1920.
Sunset on Cook Inlet.
Sam's first caribou of the season
Signal stand on Station Snowshoe
Some of the scenery in northwest New Mexico
Sophie Risvold with daughter Diane, holding down the homefront while Floyd Risvold worked on the Salmon River.
Second-order leveling observing unit working in Virginia in 1935.
Station Tensas
Shoreline topography in Alaska.
Surveying party climbing over a glacier with Mount St
See image theb2933 for comparison.
Salt domes at the edge of the continental shelf in the Gulf of Mexico
Steamer tracks showing relationship of Alaska to Japan and other parts of the Far East
Setting up the theodolite to make observations.
Starting into the River of No Return Wilderness along the Salmon River
Stopping on the trail for lunch on the way to a triangulation station in central Alaska.
Signal building for triangulation work on the Alaska coast.
Signal building for triangulation work on the Alaska coast.
Showing light on the meridional arc between Anchorage and Fairbanks
Station Walnut, 1 mile west of Walnut Grove and only 22 feet from the center- line of the road, was struck by an automobile and collapsed on December
Station Walnut, 1 mile west of Walnut Grove and only 22 feet from the center- line of the road, was struck by an automobile and collapsed on December
Station Walnut, 1 mile west of Walnut Grove and only 22 feet from the center- line of the road, was struck by an automobile and collapsed on December
Station Pinnacle, 12 airline miles from San Bernardino.
Station Ripsey Hill, a short pack of a 1/4 mile from the end of truck travel
Somewhere in New Mexico
Station with observing tent set under a lookout tower
Station Bennett on a volcanic diatreme similar to Shiprock
Snow drives the party of Lieutenant Ector Latham out of the Montana high country .
Standing: Bill Bussey, L.C
Station Glendive was the center of the water tank at Glendive
Somewhere in the West
Station Hawk Peak as seen from the road
Snow in the desert near Nogales.
Station Sauharita
Station Atacosa as seen from the trail
Setting up the observing tent at Station Madden at 11, 972 feet in southwest Colorado
Shadows cast on nearby mountains by observing party on a high peak at Station Kent
Station Nelson located on Mount Nelson in the distance
Station Offset No
Showing light
Station Tractor near Roundup, Montana
Silk Hat Harry Quinlavin and Floyd Risvold at about 9000 feet heading into the high Sierra to recover a signal lamp left at station Mt
Station Malpaso - the "O" tent is up and the observation party is waiting for the fog to lift
Setting up the observation tent at Station Malpaso
Setting up an observing tent to protect the instrument from the wind somewhere south of Monterey.
Station on the sand dunes on the southern California coast.
Station Molera south of Point Sur
Silk Hat Harry Quinlavin (without his hat), Cowboy Roy Bixby, and Lieutenant William Tucker in Big Sur country.
State of advancement of hydrographic surveys of the world, 1904, by George W
Storage of Coast and Geodetic Survey charts prior to distribution.
Shoulder loops for officers of the USC&GS
Station Dat at Dcatabato Island (spelled Databato in other entries).
Station Us at Usada Island.
Station Par on Laparan Island
Small island off Basilan Island near Portholland.
Second man in the province wearing Moro ceremonial dress and displaying a Kris, the traditional Moro sword.
Station Mal on Malicut Island.
Station Lag on Tubulubac Island.
Station Thirst on Bas Bas Island.
Some Coast Surveyors swimming in the Mauo River, Sorsogon Province
Small iceberg melting in fantastic shapes.
Structures and tents along the beach at Demarcation Point.
South of the pack ice about 40 miles west of Point Barrow.
Survey launch from NOAA Ship FAIRWEATHER in the pack ice about 40 miles west of Point Barrow
Survey launch from NOAA Ship FAIRWEATHER in the pack ice about 40 miles west of Point Barrow
Survey launch from NOAA Ship FAIRWEATHER in the pack ice about 40 miles west of Point Barrow.
Survey launch from NOAA Ship FAIRWEATHER in the pack ice about 40 miles west of Point Barrow.
Subsurface ice seen below melting floe.
Subsurface of melting ice floe
Ship passing through large pancake ice.
Stringy seaweed on the cobble beach at Teller.
Stringy seaweed on the cobble beach at Teller.
Stringy seaweed on the cobble beach at Teller.
Short thick cylindrical ice crystals seemingly strewn about ice surface.
Short thick cylindrical ice crystals seemingly strewn about ice surface
Short thick cylindrical ice crystals seemingly strewn about ice surface.
Surface covered by ice crystals.
Small and large pancakes coming together to form ice floes.
Small pancake ice
Small floe surrounded by brash ice
Small floe surrounded by brash ice
Small floe surrounded by brash ice with box on floe for scale.
Swirls of nilas forming on open water
Small pancakes freezing together
Small pancakes forming an almost continuous floe
Small first- to second-year adjacent to area of multi-year floes with aquamarine melt ponds.
Seemingly endless melt ponds and ice floes below a gray sky.
Sensor display on the bridge of the CGC HEALY showing position as 80 58 N , 154 41 W.
Sensor display on the bridge of the CGC HEALY showing position as 79 49 N , 143 58 W.
Sensor readout on bridge of CGC HEALY
Stepping-stone appearance of a series of melt pools.
Snow surface of piece of an ice floe that has been pushed under water by the reclosing of a lead.
Snow surface of piece of an ice floe that has been pushed under water by the reclosing of a lead.
Scientist standing by block of ice for scale on pressure ridge.
Scientists inspecting blocks of ice on pressure ridge.
Sun seen through the clouds reflecting on melt pools in late summer
Sunset over a freezing landscape.
Sun seen through ice crystal haze
Sun seen through the clouds reflecting on frazil ice
Sun seen through the clouds reflecting on grease ice
Sun reflecting off refreezing open water and melt pools.
Sun reflecting off open water between ice floes
Sun seen through the clouds over late summer ice floes.
Sun seen through the clouds
Sun seen through the clouds over a vast ice field
Sun seen through the clouds over a vast ice field.
Sun seen through the clouds over melt pools and hummocky ice on a gloomy day.
Small ice floes and open water
Sun, red sky, and an expanse of open water.
Sun, red sky, and an expanse of open water with small bits of brash ice in foreground.
Sun reflecting off open water and ice floes
Sun reflecting off open water and ice floes
Sun, reflections off new ice, clouds, pack ice, and new ice forming at the edge of the pack ice.
Sun seen through the clouds over the jackstaff as the CGC HEALY proceeds through ice floes.
Sun seen through the clouds reflecting off grey ice.
Second or multi-year pack-ice with ridges extending to the horizon.
Sun seen through the clouds
Second or multi-year ice showing a relatively smooth surface and developing a hummocky appearance.
Sun seen through the clouds over first year ice floes.
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