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Photos Sitemap
Page 41
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Scorpion fish
Section of Hydrographic Survey H-599, showing the deep sea soundings and temperatures southeast of Mississippi Passes and south of the Florida Panhand
Sub-sketch of Point Hueneme
Survey Map of City of San Francisco and its Vicinity
Survey Map of San Antonio Creek
Stellwagen's and other dangerous ledges near Cohasset
Survey of California coast from Santa Clara River to Hueneme by Sub-Assistant W.M
Sketch E, map of "Comparison of Maffitt's Channel, Charleston Harbor."
Survey Map Gulf Stream No 1 showing the positions and comparison of observations of temperature in the Gulf Stream in 1845, '6, '7, '8, '53, & '54.
Sketch A Survey of "Minots Ledge off Boston Harbor", showing the site for a Light House
Sketch diagrams of the results of the "Gulf Stream Explorations", showing Section 5 off Charleston, SC., Section off St
Sketch J, No
Sketch of "Charleston Harbor", exhibiting the normal Course and Velocity of the Tidal Current at Flood from observations by Lieut
Sketch of "Cape Hancock", series 2 of 4
Sketch K of the preliminary survey of the "Mouth of the Columbia River, Oregon Territory" by William P
Sketch J No
Sketch J No
Sketch of ship discovered on Topographical Survey T-331 of "Galveston Bay." This vessel was probably the Coast Survey Schooner NYMPH, under the comman
Sketch J No.8
Sketch F No.3 of "Proposed Base at Cape Sable, Florida."
Sketch F No.4 of "Proposed Base at Cape Florida".
Section of the Preliminary survey H-590 of "The Approaches to D'Wamish Bay, Washing Ter." Note Seattle on the east side of the bay.
Sketch of Charleston Harbor showing triangulation by Charles Boutelle.
Sheet no
Sheet No
Sheet No
Sheet No
Sheet No
Section of SE sheet of six sheets of New York Bay and Harbor showing current table and scales of both statute miles and a scale of yards
Section of SE sheet of six sheets of New York Bay and Harbor showing False Hook Channel, the primary means of approaching New York Harbor prior to the
SE sheet of six sheets of New York Bay and Harbor
SW sheet of six-sheet chart of New York Bay and Harbor
Section of Hydrographic Sheet No
Survey launch from NOAA Ship RAINIER in Burroughs Bay, Alaska
Securing GPS satellite receiver unit on a windswept promontory.
Survey boat working in close proximity to shoreline.
Study in gray - a gray survey launch on-line on a gray ocean with a gray sky.
Survey launch finding least depth the hard way.
Survey launch finding least depth the hard way.
Survey launch finding least depth the hard way.
Survey displays in survey space of hydrographic survey launch
Survey technician monitoring hydrographic survey operations.
Survey techs in survey launch during hydrographic operations.
Survey displays during hydrographic survey operations.
Small work boat outfitted with Trimble GPS GPS receiver used in shoreline mapping.
Small work boat outfitted with Trimble GPS GPS receiver used in shoreline mapping.
Small boat with Trimble GPS receiver being used for shoreline mapping and aerial photography editing.
Small boat with Trimble GPS receiver being used for shoreline mapping and aerial photography editing.
Small boat with Trimble GPS receiver being used for shoreline mapping and aerial photography editing.
Small work boat waiting for surveyors to finish leveling a tide gage.
Shoreline mapping
Survey work at Dutch Harbor overlooking the harbor.
Setting bench marks for tidal leveling operations.
Seismological equipment formerly installed by the Coast and Geodetic Survey at the Sitka Geophysical Observatory.
Surveyor taking sun azimuth for true direction to determine magnetic declination from magnetic observations.
Surveyor taking sun azimuth for true direction to determine magnetic declination from magnetic observations.
Surveyor taking sun azimuth for true direction to determine magnetic declination from magnetic observations.
Surveying operations associated with determination of magnetic declination.
Surveyor taking sun azimuth for true direction to determine magnetic declination from magnetic observations.
Structure of Coast and Geodetic Survey Office of Seismology and Geomagnetism
Seismograph - spgr.
Seismograph - spgr.
Siesmograph equipment at Coast and Geodetic Survey geophysical observatory
Starting a drill hole with hammer and chisel for placing a survey mark.
Starting a drill hole with hammer and chisel for placing a survey mark.
Senior Survey Technician Brandy Geiger with Trimble satellite positioning system determining location of tide gage site as other members of work crew
Survivors of the shipwreck of the US Revenue Cutter TAHOMA on the bow of the USC&GS Ship PATTERSON being transported from Aleutian Islands.
Securing the stern hook of a RAINIER survey launch
Securing the bow hook on a RAINIER survey launch being readied for pickup
Small boat picking up crew after accomplishing tide staff installation and leveling.
Seaman ***nhorn photographed by Photographers Mate Ira G
Son of tribal chieftain used as guide by Coast and Geodetic Survey officers in remote area of the Philippine Islands.
Seaplane landed at Tigvariak Island with survey launches at anchor offshore.
Survey launch "Fair Dinkum" being prepared for launching
Survey launch and skiff in water
Strawberry Camp - radio antenna rigged for communication with ship.
Surveyor crossing river on highline.
Surveying along the beach with Mount Fairweather in the background.
Supplies landed on beach in calm inside bay with USC&GSS SURVEYOR offshore.
Ship's officers, Hubbard, Nelson, Knox and Reed taking horizontal sextant angles on starboard bridge wing of USC&GSS SURVEYOR
Shore party returning to ship
Sounding launch approaching ship
Signal building party on beach
Surgeon Sommer with wrap-around caribou antlers found on Unimak Island
Surgeon Sommer on bridge of Steamer EXPLORER at Bremerton Navy Yard
Surgeon Sommer with Alaskan pups
Some of EXPLORER's crew with a string of ptarmigan at a shore camp.
Some officers and crew of the USC&GS Ship EXPLORER at Mumtrakamut
Station master with H.M Sippel's baggage
Servicing a tide gauge
Shoal sand ridges on Georges Bank causing surface disturbance
Shoal sand ridges on Georges Bank causing surface disturbance
Side view of tide-prediction machine No
Scaffolding for painting numerals and unit indicators on tide indicator
Self-registering tide gauge
Some of the graves in Boothill Cemetery
San Bernardino Lighthouse
San Bernardino Lighthouse
Survey team recovering station Willow Grove 1839, an earthenware crock set by Ferdinand Hassler
Santa Rita copper mine (now known as Chino Mine)
Shaw posing for the camera at Mount Graham
Station South Base near Prescott
Supper in the armory
Sunset at Peach Springs with pack horses silhouetted.
Sandia Mountains across the Rio Grande Valley
Seating assignments for Sesquicentennial Dinner of the Coast and Geodetic Survey .
Seating assignments for Sesquicentennial Dinner of the Coast and Geodetic Survey .
Seating assignments for Sesquicentennial Dinner of the Coast and Geodetic Survey .
Sketch showing where radio acoustic ranging tests were made in the Santa Cruz Basin
Survey system display showing data logging display on left; real-time multi-beam depth display in center, and right is multi-beam pattern showing bott
Survey system display showing data logging display on left; real-time multi-beam depth display in center, and right is multi-beam pattern showing bott
Survey technician operating survey system on launch
Squirrel signal designed and whitewashed by WESTDAHL crew
Snake and moonshine signal designed and whitewashed by WESTDAHL crew
Shoran antenna on Cape Wrangell.
Shoran trilateration network using baseline crossing technique as noted on image cgs01187
Studies of erosion and depostion on barrier islands and sandy beaches
Surveying on the California coast
Survey party encampment in the western desert.
Survey party on the move
Side scan sonar image distorted by thermocline
Side scan sonar image
Side scan sonar image
Side scan sonar image corrupted by thermocline.
Side scan sonar image of vessel on seafloor.
Side scan sonar image of vessel on seafloor.
Side scan sonar image
Side scan sonar image
Side scan sonar image of vessel on seafloor.
Side scan sonar image of vessel on seafloor.
Side scan sonar image
Side scan sonar image
Side scan sonar image of vessel on seafloor.
Side scan sonar image
Side scan sonar image
Side scan sonar image of biological noise in the water column caused by dolphins .
Side scan sonar image of some sort of man-made debris.
Side scan sonar image of a pile of coal dumped on the seafloor.
Side scan sonar image of possible natural feature with scour marks surrounding.
Side scan sonar image of vessel on seafloor.
Side scan sonar image of vessel on seafloor.
Side scan sonar image
Side scan sonar image showing debris on seafloor but having very little vertical expression
Side scan sonar image showing debris on seafloor but having very little vertical expression
Side scan sonar image demonstrating recorder problem.
Side scan sonar image possibly of barge on seafloor.
Side scan sonar image of small object on seafloor.
Side scan sonar image corrupted by strong thermocline in water column.
Side scan sonar image corrupted by strong thermocline in water column.
Single beam sounding system depth record of obstruction with surveyor's annotations such as LE (Line ends), XL (Cross-line), etc.
Single beam sounding system depth record of obstruction with surveyor's annotations such as LE (Line ends), LB (Line breaks), O/C 090 (on course 090),
Side scan sonar image
Side scan sonar image
Side scan sonar image of what might be a large boulder.
Side scan sonar image apparently of vessel.
Side scan sonar image apparently of vessel.
Side scan sonar image of debris on seafloor.
Side scan sonar image of debris on seafloor.
Side scan sonar image apparently of vessel.
Side scan sonar image apparently of vessel with large shadow area.
Side scan sonar image of vessel.
Side scan sonar image of debris on seafloor.
Side scan sonar image apparently of vessel.
Side scan sonar image apparently of vessel.
Side scan sonar image apparently of vessel.
Side scan sonar image of possible shipwreck above center line
Side scan sonar image of what appears to be two aircraft on seafloor.
Side scan sonar image of wreck on seafloor.
Side scan sonar record of obstruction on seafloor
Single beam sounding system depth record of obstruction with surveyor's annotations such as LTRA (Line turns right about), LR (Line resumes), 180 T (
Single beam sounding system depth record of obstruction identified as wreck in Buzzard's Bay area.
Single beam sounding system depth record of obstruction.
Side scan sonar record of debris on seafloor.
Side scan sonar record of wreck and debris on seafloor.
Side scan sonar record of debris on seafloor.
Side scan sonar record of wreck.
Side scan sonar record of wreck and debris on seafloor.
Side scan sonar record of pipeline
Side scan sonar record of probable wreck debris on seafloor.
Side scan sonar record of boulder-strewn bottom.
Side scan sonar record of two vessels side by side.
Side scan sonar record of wreck debris or structure on seafloor.
Side scan sonar record of sunken vessel (probably barge) on seafloor.
Single beam depth record of obstruction on seafloor
Side scan sonar record of debris or structure on seafloor.
Side scan sonar record of what appears to be a sunken barge.
Side scan sonar record of debris on seafloor.
Single-beam acoustic survey paper record showing rock in Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts.
Slide illustrating NOAA's nautical charting mission.
Sidescan surveying operations.
Sidescan surveying operations
Sidescan surveying operations
Sidescan surveying operations
Sidescan surveying operations
Sidescan surveying operations
Sidescan surveying operations
Sidescan surveying operations
Sidescan surveying operations
Sidescan surveying operations
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