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Scientist measuring the amount of bottom material retrieved with the coring device.
Scientific party sorting fish in wet lab
Scientific party sorting fish in wet lab
Small pelagic fish (mainly croakers) captured during scientific trawling operations.
Shaking out the cod end of a semi-pelagic high-opening trawl
Steenstrupiella steenstrupii
Star radiolarian
Scyphosphaera apsteinii
Sea turtle studies in the Gulf of Mexico.
Scientists conducting laboratory studies on fish caught on NOAA ship GORDON GUNTER.
Sorting trawl catch on the NOAA Ship GORDON GUNTER
Sorting and measuring various species on the NOAA Ship GORDON GUNTER.
Spotfin jawfish (Opistognathus robinsi)
Salmon fillets.
Salmon processing
Scene in the Pike Place Fish Market
Scene in the Pike Place Fish Market
Scene in the Pike Place Fish Market
Scene in the Pike Place Fish Market
Shrimp trawler operating in Pascagoula Harbor
School of small pelagic fish.
Small school of sardines.
Starry rockfish in background.
Starry rockfish
Striped fish is juvenile yelloweye rockfish with rosy rockfish in foreground.
Starry rockfish
Spotted Gar (Lepisosteus oculatus).
Sucker fish larval stage
Silver carp caught by sport fisherman
Sport fishing in a dammed stream on a warm summer day
Sport fisherman holding Atlantic salmon
Sportfishing helps fuel coastal economies.
Sockeye salmon
Sandbar shark being released after measuring and taking tissue samples.
Scientists from NOAA Fisheries Service and its state and nonprofit partners successfully used at-sea chemical sedation to help cut the remaining ropes
Shellfish farming (oysters, clams, mussels) is the largest sector of the U.S
Simkins Dam on the Patapsco River in Maryland was bre3ached on October 21, 2010, opening up 20 miles of stream habitat and bringing it closer to being
Small plastic debris visible from the surface of the water during an expedition in the Pacific Ocean on the OKEANOS EXPLORER
Scientists from NOAA Fisheries Service approaching a young North Atlantic right whale they disentangled on January 15 off Cape Canaveral.
Small pelagic fish caught by Ghanaian artisanal fishers
Safety training for the Ghanaian observers
Students from the Ghana observer training
Scale for measuring fish width for assurance of comliance with regulations.
Senegalese fisheries patrol officer uniform patch.
Senegalese fisheries patrol vessel.
Senegalese artisanal fishermen at presentation made by NOAA NMFS International Affairs representative.
Security patrol for USS NASHVILLE, LPD-13, in Dakar Harbor.
Student graduating from Beginning Fisheries, NMFS International Affairs capacity building course, Sao Tome and Principe
Sao Tomean Capacity Building Lead
Sao Tomean Capacity Building Students finding otoliths
Sao Tomean artisanal fisherman relaxing and discussing day's lesson
Sao Tomean's posing with shark
Shark being prepared for Sao Tomean market
Shark being carried to the market
Shark being carried to the market
Sao Tomean artisanal fishing boats
Sao Tomean artisanal fishing boats
Sao Tomean artisanal fishing boats
Sao Tomean artisanal fishermen obtaining gasoline for boats.
Sao Tomean artisanal fishing boat
Sao Tomean artisanal fishing boat
Sao Tomean artisanal fishing boat
Sao Tomean artisanal fishing boat
Sao Tomean artisanal fishing boat
Sao Tomean artisanal fishing boat
Sao Tomean artisanal fishing boat
Sao Tomean artisanal fishing boat
Sorting pilchard (Sardinops Sagax) and chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus) in the Paita refrigeration plant
Sacks of anchovy fishmeal at Los Ferroles fishmeal plant.
Ship has finished deploying net which is still attached by a cable
Ship is finishing deployment of purse seine net
School of tuna agitating the surface while pursuing smaller fish.
Spotter using large binoculars to look for signs of tuna.
Spotters looking for signs of tuna such as logs on surface or agitated water
Scientists measuring dimensions of tuna caught in Hawaii area of Pacific.
Scientist tagging a juvenile tuna.
Scientists measuring a bluefin tuna - Thunnus thynnus.
Scientist displaying pop-off electronic tag
Scientist preparing to tag albacore tuna - Thunnus alalunga.
Scientists tagging bluefin tuna in the Bay of Biscay with traditional tagging method.
Seining for bait fish for pole and line tuna fishing
Starting fishery operations in the trap at Stintino.
Small bits of plastic and metallic debris on what should be a pristine shoreline .
Showing off a goosefish
Sorting squid at the sorting table on the stern of the ALBATROSS IV
Sea cucumbers or holothurians obtained during trawl haul
Snail (Littorina sitkana)
Six ray starfish
Skeletonema costatum - live specimen
Spearing seals at sea
Stripping cod at sea on a winter morning
Scientist at microscope studying plankton obtained during Bongo net tow.
Scientist at microscope studying plankton obtained during Bongo net tow.
Securing plankton from Bongo net tow for microscopic study
Securing plankton from Bongo net tow for microscopic study
Securing plankton from Bongo net tow for microscopic study
Sea-star Crossaster papposus
Sea-urchin (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis), sea-star (Asterias rubens) and sea-star (Solaster endeca) showing concentration at depth caused by des
Sea-urchin (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis) , sea-star (Asterias rubens) and sea-star (Solaster endeca)
Sea-urchin (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis) , sea-star (Asterias rubens) and sea-star (Solaster endeca)
Sea-star (Asterias rubens)
Sea-urchin (Echinus esculentus) on rock
Sea-star (Solaster endeca)
Sea-star (Asterias rubens) and sea-urchin (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis)
Soft coral (Eunephthya sp)
Sea-star (Asterias rubens) in the Barents Sea at Dalnezelenetsky Bay, Lat
Sea-star (Asterias rubens) and sea-urchin (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis) Dalnezelenetsky Bay, Lat
Sea-star (Asterias rubens) and sea-urchin (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis) in the Barents Sea at Dalnezelenetsky Bay, Lat
Sea-star (Asterias rubens) and sea-urchin (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis) in the Barents Sea at Dalnezelenetsky Bay, Lat
Sea-star (Asterias rubens) in the Barents Sea at Dalnezelenetsky Bay, Lat
Sea-star (Asterias rubens) in the Barents Sea at Dalnezelenetsky Bay, Lat
Sea-urchins (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis) with exo-skeletons in the Barents Sea at Dalnezelenetsky Bay, Lat
Sea-urchins (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis) and sea-stars (Asterias rubens) in the Barents Sea at Dalnezelenetsky Bay, Lat
Sea-urchins (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis) in the Barents Sea at Dalnezelenetsky Bay, Lat
Shrimp in the Barents Sea at Kola Bay at Belokanenka, Lat
Soft coral (Eunephthya sp.) in the Barents Sea at Kola Bay at Belokanenka, Lat
Soft coral (Eunephthya sp.) in the Barents Sea at Kola Bay at Belokanenka, Lat
Soft coral (Eunephthya sp.) and hermit crab in the Barents Sea at Kola Bay at Belokanenka, Lat
Seaford, Virginia, is home to a large and modern fleet of scallop dredgers.
Small wingnetters, like this one in Louisiana's Bayou La Fourche, take a surprising amount of the smaller-sized shrimp.
Small snapper, grouper, and parrotfish are sold from the back of a truck in St
Skilled mechanics and engineers, such as this Seaford, Virginia, crewman, have more job options when the fishing is poor.
Skates taken as trawl bycatch serve as bait for Pt
Still a common food fish, herring are also salted for lobster bait here at Pt
Sand dunes along the Outer Banks of North Carolina.
Steel "doors" hung on the stern of a trawler in Santa Barbara, CA.
Specialized wooden traps are used to take whelk in shallow Delaware Bays.
Small-scale fishermen and yachtsmen co-existing peacefully
Small-scale fishermen in Crashboat, Puerto Rico, sell their catch - snapper, mackerel, and dolphin fish- locally.
State officials, such as this Delaware fish and wildlife officer in Lewes, have the largest role in fisheries enforcement.
Seafood is transported worldwide as air cargo
Seafood cookbooks
Sketch of Cobb's equipment for miscroscopic work on nematodes at Woods Hole.
Small boat refuge at Woods Hole with ALBATROSS tied at the dock
Spencer Fullerton Baird's residence at Woods Hole
Spencer Fullerton Baird and George Brown Goode seining in Little Harbor
Spencer Fullerton Baird and George Brown Goode on Little Harbor collecting trip.
Seafood dinner
Seafood dinner
Seafood dinner
Seafood dinner
Seafood dinner
Seafood dinner
Seafood dinner
Seafood dinner
Seafood dinner
Seafood dinner
Seafood dinner
Seafood dinner
Seafood dinner
Seafood dinner
Seafood restaurant
Seafood restaurant
Seafood restaurant
Seafood restaurant
Seafood restaurant
Seafood restaurant
Seafood restaurant
Seafood restaurant
Seafood restaurant
Seafood restaurant
Seafood restaurant
Seafood restaurant
Seafood restaurant
Seafood restaurant
Seafood restaurant
Seafood restaurant
Seafood restaurant
Seafood restaurant
Seafood transporting trucks
Seafood advertisements
Seafood restaurant
Seafood restaurant
Seafood restaurant
Seafood restaurant
Seafood restaurant
Seafood restaurant
Seafood restaurant
Seafood restaurant
Seafood dinner
Seafood restaurant
Server with a seafood lunch
Seafood restaurant
Seafood restaurant
Seafood restaurant
Seafood restaurant
Sign for seafood restaurant
Seafood restaurant
Synchronized marine mammal observing
Scientist entering information in journal on the NOAA Ship McARTHUR
Scanning the horizon with the bigeyes on the NOAA Ship McARTHUR
Scientist at work in the laboratory of the NOAA Ship McARTHUR
Sometimes tissue samples can appear a little gross
Sometimes tissue samples can appear a little gross
Streaming acoustic array off stern of NOAA Ship McARTHUR
School of black-fish stranded on the shore of Cape Cod, Massachusetts
Sponge yard at Key West, showing the sponges drying
Spongers at work
Swordfish (Tetrapturus), yellowfin tuna, and yellowtail, caught with rod and reel at Santa Catalina Island
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