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Spinner dolphins (Stenella longirostris) as seen while being towed during debris operations.
Spinner dolphins (Stenella longirostris) as seen while being towed during debris operations.
Spotfin squirrelfish (Neoniphon sammara) framed in cargo net during marine debris removal operations.
Spanish dancer nudibranch (Hexabranchus sanguineus) eggs.
Sailfin tang surgeonfish (Zebrasoma veliferum)
Spiny lobster (Panilurus sp.)
Small scorpionfish in porites coral.
Shallow vertical reef face at French Frigate Shoals.
Surgeonfish (Ctenochaetus strigosus)
Shallow reef scene.
Small blue sponge with unidentified coral.
Surgeonfish (Ctenochaetus strigosus)
Small frog fish caught in surface seaweed.
Soft corals.
Soft corals
Soft corals (Dendronephthya sp.)
Soft corals (Dendronephthya sp.)
Soft corals (Dendronephthya sp.)
Soft corals (Dendronephthya sp.)
Soft corals (Dendronephthya sp.)
Soft corals.
Staghorn damselfish (Amblyglyphidodon curacao).
Same cockscomb oyster (Lopha cristagalli) as in image reef0571 but with illumination from flash
Spiny lobster (Panulirus penicillatus).
Spiny lobster (Panulirus penicillatus).
Spiny lobster (Panulirus penicillatus).
Steinitz's shrimpgoby (Amblyeleotris steinitzi).
Soft corals reef scene
Scuba diving scientist installing marker
Sharks in formation
Saddleback coral grouper
Scuba diving scientist inspecting corals
Scuba diver scientist inspecting corals prior to placing tag.
Soldierfish and a beautiful pink coral garden.
Snorkeler on a vertical wall
Scuba diver
Scuba divers on the reef.
Sea urchin
Snorkeling on the reef.
Spotted trunkfish (Ostracion meleagris)
Schooling bannerfish (Heniochus diphreutes)
Schooling bannerfish (Heniochus diphreutes)
Scene dominated by yellow tang (Zebrasoma flavescens)
Saddleback hogfish (Bodianus bilunulatus)
Soldierfish (sp?) and goatfish (sp.?)
Striped mullet (Mugil cephalus)
Sea turtle
Sea urchin
Sea anemone
Sipunculid peanut worm
Sipunculid peanut worm and clam.
Snakehead cowrie snail (Cypraea caputserpentis)
Stenopus hispidus - banded cleaner shrimp
Spiny lobster (Panulirus sp.)
Sponge Crab, Dromiidae, with sponge attached.
Small crabs taken from digestive system of sea cucumber.
Sea urchin, Colocentrotus atratus, on red cloth background.
Sea urchin, dorsal view of test.
Sea urchin with tube feet visible.
Sea urchin, Eucidaris metularia, live.
Sea urchin, Echinothrix diadema, live, dorsal view.
Sea urchin test, side view.
Sea urchin, Heterocentrotus mammillatus, side view, preserved.
Sea urchin, Echinometra mathaei, preserved, side view.
Sea urchin, dorsal view.
Skeleton of coral colony.
Skeleton of whole coral colony.
Skeleton of upright coral colony.
Stinging hydroid, Plumularia sp.
Spiny lobster, Panulirus marginatus, endemic to the Hawaiian islands.
Small polyp of Fungia scutaria.
Short spined urchin, probably Brissus latercarinatus.
Sea Cucumber, Euapta godeffroyi, very common in Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii.
Sea Cucumber, Euapta godeffroyi, very common in Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii.
Sabellid worm in parchment tube.
Surgeon fish, Acanthurus sp, in inside of pipe on artificial reef.
Surgeon fish, Naso unicornis, Acanthurus olivaceus, Acanthurus dussumieri, on reef during a low slightly greater turbidity episode.
Sea Cucumber, Stichopus chloronotus, and Ctenochaetus striogosus, surgeon fish in typical habitat where pipe meets the bottom.
Small coral colonies were collected on pipe surfaces of know age to determine growth rate of corals on the artificial reef.
Small coral colonies were collected on pipe surfaces of know age to determine growth rate of corals on the artificial reef.
Straightening out one of the underwater transect lines used for counting fish
Secchi disc readings were used to determine turbidity at the reef site on a regular basis
Small pipes were moved to the interior of larger pipes to create more complex habitats for comparative studies.
Small pipes were moved to the interior of larger pipes to create more complex habitats for comparative studies.
Small pipes were moved to the interior of larger pipes to create more complex habitats for comparative studies.
Squirrel fish, Myripristis berndti (Menpachi), in typical artificial reef habitat for that species.
School of Mulloidichthys samoensis (Weke) in large concrete pipe
Scorpion fish, Dendrochirus brachypterus, on inside of concrete pipe
Small school of Dascyllus albisella observed on a night dive on the artificial reef.
School of Mulloidichthys samoensis (Weke) in large concrete pipe
School of Mulloidichthys samoensis (Weke) in large concrete pipe
School of goatfish - Parupeneus multifasciatus ( Known as moano).
Surgeonfish - Acanthurus olivaceus - grazing on new reef material
Surgeonfish - Acanthurus dussumieri - known as palani locally
Surgeonfish - Acanthurus olivaceus - grazing on new reef material
Schooling surgeonfish -Acanthurus sandvicensis (manini or convict tang) Acanthaster planci - crown of thorns starfish on seafloor.
School of goatfish - Parupeneus pleurostigma.
Spiny puffer, a porcupine fish - Diodon hystrix
Schooling surgeonfish -Acanthurus sandvicensis (manini or convict tang)
Surgeonfish - Acanthurus dussumieri - known as palani locally
Schooling surgeonfish -Acanthurus sandvicensis (manini or convict tang).
School of goatfish - Parupeneus pleurostigma.
Surgeonfish - Ctenochaetus strigosus.
Spiny lobster - Panulirus sp.
School of jacks -Carangids in deep water.
Species of butterflyfi feeding on damselfish eggs attached to substrate
Serpulid sp
Seagulls feed on stranded lobsters and surf clams after the oil spill incident.
Sunset over the Bay.
Sediment samples being collected at the site of the spill.
Shellfish transplants, New Bedford Harbor.
Sewage treatment plant settling tank at the southern tip of Clarks Point
Salt piles on Popes Island, New Bedford Harbor.
Sulphuric acid fumes kills trees on top of Iron Mountain Mine.
Sulphuric acid fumes kills trees on top of Iron Mountain Mine.
Sulphuric acid fumes kills trees on top of Iron Mountain Mine.
Slickrock Creek seep.
Slickrock, AMD seep at Iron Mountain Mine.
Slickrock Creek basin, Iron Mountain Mine.
Slickrock Creek from the edge of Brickflat Pit.
Surface runoff through the mine dump at Iron Mountain Mine.
Spring Creek, Debris Dam.
Sacramento River below Keswick Dam
Sacramento River below Keswick Dam
Sacramento River at Redding, CA.
Spring Creek just above Boulder Creek input
Spring Creek below Iron Mountain Mine
Spring Creek Reservoir and the Spring Creek arm of Keswick Dam.
Spring Creek Debris Dam Reservoir.
Spring Creek, downstream of the Debris Dam.
Spring Creek and Boulder Creek meet, note the change in riparian vegetation.
Spring Creek just above Boulder Creek input
Spring Creek , looking into the sun, from Keswick Reservoir near Redding, CA.
Spring Creek discharge.
Slickrock Creek drainage.
Surface run off, waste pile at Iron Mountain Mine.
Sulfide deposits at Iron Mountain Mine.
Scientists and project personnel arrive at Devils Rock to begin placing decoys to attract common murres.
Storm water run off adjacent to the Turning Basin No
Seattle, WA from Kellogg Island, Duwamish River
State biologists Brad Chase and Mike Armstrong search for smelt eggs
Sampling the lift nets
Sachuest Marsh is a significant mosquito breeding area, restoration work at the marsh also included open water management techniques to control mosqui
Sachuest Marsh, Phragmites at high tide.
Shows the marsh after construction of the road divided the marsh.
Sachuest Marsh, downstream looking at the unrestricted side of the healthy marsh.
Sachuest Marsh, downstream looking at the unrestricted side of the healthy marsh.
Sampling with a fish trap
Sampling with a fish trap
Sachuest Marsh, downstream looking at the unrestricted side of the healthy marsh.
Sachuest Marsh, downstream looking at the unrestricted side of the healthy marsh.
Sifting rocks to ensure that appropriate size cobble was used in the creation of the reefs placed in the Bay.
Sifting rocks to ensure that appropriate size cobble was used in the creation of the reefs placed in the Bay.
Setting up planting sites at Barren Island for patchy and continuous planting areas
Scott Gudes cradles an injured pelican that was attached to mangroves by monofilament
Scott Gudes delivers a welcome speech to the volunteers that joined the NOAA Restoration Center staff and Tampa Baywatch to assist in the monofilament
Scott Gudes uses a long handled boat hook to remove monofilament from the upper branches of mangroves where birds roost and may become entangled.
Scott Gudes prepares to bury a dead pelican
Scott Gudes buries a dead pelican that was removed from the mangroves where it was entangled in discarded monofilament.
Scott Gudes and Becky Allee of NOAA participate in the all day clean-up.
Scott Gudes of NOAA cradles a pelican that was injured when it became entangled in monofilament in its roosting area.
Scott Gudes of NOAA passes an injured pelican onto a waiting boat that will take the bird to a rehabilitation center.
Scott Gudes and Becky Allee of NOAA prepare to begin work at the Tampa Bay monofilament clean-up.
Sampling in the marsh
sorting gillnet samples at the beach
setting an otter trawl
Setting a crab pot at a reference site.
Stretching out the gillnet to pick fish on Coaches Island
Setting crab pots in Poplar Harbor, note the fine mesh.
Smooth cordgrass, Spartina alterniflora, a salt marsh plant native to the area is planted in rows to encourage rapid colonization of the restoration a
Smooth cordgrass, Spartina alterniflora, flourishes at the western end of the restoration site, Lake Barre, East Timbalier Island.
Smooth cordgrass, Spartina alterniflora, at low tide
Spartina alterniflora planted at the restoration site is in its fourth growing season.
Spartina alterniflora planted at the restoration site is in its fourth growing season.
Spartina alterniflora in its third growing season, post restoration.
Spartina alterniflora in its second or third season, post restoration.
Spartina alterniflora was planted at several cell sites around East Timbalier Island
Sea urchins and a tunicate.
Spill clean-up procedures
Spill clean-up procedures
Spill clean-up procedures
Spill response and clean-up at the oil spill site.
Spill response and clean-up at the oil spill site
Shoreline stabilization was undertaken to protect the beach at Point Au Fer
Southeast view from the stub canal toward the final construction site.
Southeast view from the stub canal toward the final construction site.
Southeast of area 1; a north northeast view from the beach towards Mobile Canal showing part of the Mobile Oil facility in the background.
Southeast of area 1; a southeast view of the beach area fronting the eastern end of Mobile Canal.
Southeast of area 1; the northwest view of the beach area fronting the eastern end of Mobile Canal.
Spartina alterniflora plants stockpiled prior to planting.
Student volunteers cut Brazilian Pepper growth from native mangrove habitat along Indian River Lagoon.
Student volunteers cut Brazilian Pepper growth from native mangrove habitat along Indian River Lagoon.
Student volunteers cut Brazilian Pepper growth from native mangrove habitat along Indian River Lagoon.
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