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Photos Sitemap
Page 14
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Sono-radio-buoy developed by Almon Vincent for RAR work
Sono-radio-buoy for RAR work on pier --- Almon Vincent design
Shore Radio Acoustic Ranging Station on San Clemente Island
Signal party white-washing rock
Signal off the Delaware coast
Signal in Penobscot Bay
Signal in Prince William Sound
Signal in Prince William Sound
Signal building party in Southeast Alaska
Signal building party off of PEIRCE
Station Hans at south end of Hans Lollik Island
Signal and navigation trisponder at Station Can
Signal and navigation trisponder at Station Can
Station Pic at west end of Picara Point
Station Pic at west end of Picara Point
Station Mud - built in 12 feet of water and no telling how much mud
Signal at Isle Chandeleur
Signal built on tree at Station WADE
Ship on Nantucket Shoals that was subsequently blown up
Sonic sounding apparatus on the GUIDE
Shelter and equipment used in reading sounding tubes
Sounding in Salton Sea for seaplane landing site
Sailor sounding from merchantman - Nineteenth Century
Small boat hydro - Cook Inlet area
Skiff outfitted for hydrography - casting the lead
Shoran Launch No
Surf breaking on rock
Setting up a Wild T-2 in the dunes.
Salvaging crashed helicopter at "Palm Springs" camp
Sikorski helicopter used in vicinity of Kuskokwim Bay
Snow-cat negotiating small grade
Snow-cat and pressure ridge
Snow-cat offloading gear from landing ship.
Steel truck wrecks near San Sabo
Steel tower truck at Haigler, Nebraska
South of Martin's Ranch
Stuck in the mud
Steel tower truck stuck in the mud and snow
Stuck on the beach near Cape Canaveral
Swimming the horses across the Salmon River
Start of the trail at the end of the road
Shoran navigation gear being brought ashore at Nushagak Bay
Shoran navigation gear being brought ashore at Nushagak Bay
Station Emery near Muddy River
Survey crew going to Station Rail
Stopping for lunch and a rest enroute
Setting bench marks in Utah
Speeder and trailer
Setting the velocipede back on the tracks after train passes
Showing how line of sight clears recorder with inclined tripod
Sextometer invented by Carl Aslakson
Sextometer invented by Carl Aslakson
Signal light used for triangulation work
Shore camp for Tellurometer and angle measurements
Shelton 100-meter comparator
Shelton 100-meter comparator -- Making contact
Signal lamp and batteries
Signal lamps
Showing light at Station Northome
Signaling with heliograph near Monument 92
Setup in marshy land
Small umbrella lashed to alpenstock - shading instrument from sun
Station Caribou after being struck by lightning - Elevation 9816 feet
Station Caribou before being struck by lightning
Signal and small pole for observations on short lines
Station Yolo SE Base
Setting mark near White Pass
Setting mark on Station Twin
Station Eskimo on Honduras - Guatemala border
Station NIU during reobservation of World Longitude stations
Short wave radio recorder
Skiff dragging otterboards looking for obstruction
Skiff hydrography for chart evaluation survey
SURVEYOR launches for detached party tied up
Shoran antenna dismantled prior to launch pickup
Survey launch with Shoran antenna departing PIONEER
Southern half of Golden Gate Bridge
Sea turtle.
Sperm whale surfacing in the Gulf of Mexico.
Sun rising through the fog on the Mendocino coastline
Santa Barbara Lighthouse
Spray in the sunset at Soquel Point
Spray in the sunset at Soquel Point
Shishaldin and Isanotski Volcanoes
Shishaldin and Isanotski Volcanoes
Surf boiling on the reef on the north side of San Salvador Island
Southeast coast of Guadalupe Island
Statue on coast of Easter Island
Southeast coastal area of the United States at sunset.
Survey crew comprised primarily of Navy personnel at Honolulu
Standing L to R - Unknown, James Tison, Leonard Hubbard, unknown, Sam Grenell, unknown, Horace Conerly, unknown.Front row - L to R - unknown, Howard C
Ship's wardroom
Saxton self-registering tide gauge, model as of 1897
Saxton self-registering tide gauge - model of 1853
Stierle gauge as modified by the Coast and Geodetic Survey
Stierle gauge as modified by the Coast and Geodetic Survey
Sorenson's engraving pantograph
Stone marking end of comparator, a 100-meter very stable short base line
Sandy Hook Bar, New York Harbor entrance
Sandy Hook Bar, New York Harbor entrance
San Nicholas Island, California
San Miguel Island, Channel Islands, California
Santa Barbara Island, California
Santa Cruz Island, Channel Islands, California
Santa Barbara Lighthouse site survey
San Francisco, California
San Francisco, California
San Diego, California
South shore of Cape Ann by Henry L
Section of West Coast chart centered on Monterey Bay.
Sketch from Harper's copied from Coast Survey chart of the West Coast.
South Farallon Islands as sketched by Army Captain William P
Survey H-290 from Point Conception to San Francisco
Survey H-289 with all views included on survey sheet
Section of mosaic of photos along Atlantic shore
Sounding pole with walk hydro outfit
Skiff outfitted for hydrography
Sounding boat off of NATOMA.
Seriously stuck in the sand
Steel truck wreck at San Sabo
Steel truck towing building truck after motor drowned
Squeezing through a railroad culvert
Sign says 23% grade ahead
Stuck in the sand
Survey party on International Boundary
Shovel-nosed river boat providing transportation
Shovel-nosed river boat providing transportation
Spring reconnaissance in the Broad Pass District
Spring reconnaissance with pack-dogs after leaving the railroad at Cantwell
Slogging through the snowfields
Station Stephens East Base Minnesota - marking complete
Survey launches with quarterboat GIANT in tow
Steam launch COSMOS being towed from SURVEYOR
Securing Boston Whaler for pickup
Survey launch being put over side
Surf landing west of Icy Point
Shorty Fuentes leaving St
Skiff off HODGSON in Jackpot Bay operating in ice conditions
Salmon River - summer transportation for leveling unit
Skiff from PIONEER in the Aleutians with an easy landing
Survey party - Glacier Bay.
Survey launch on Sacramento River Delta.
Surf-landing on boulder beach.
Sometimes you need a little help
Shorty Fuentes, coxswain on Boston whaler
Survey launch aground waiting for a tow
Survey launch off NOAA Ship RAINIER in heavy seas off Big Island of Hawaii.
Survey launch off of PEIRCE
Sometimes its easy
Stern of Coast and Geodetic Survey Ship SURVEYOR from COSMOS.
Stern view of Coast and Geodetic Survey Ship PIONEER.
Sounding party off USCS Brig FAUNTLEROY
Surf striking east coast of Eleuthera Island
Station Mingo, west end of Lovango Cay
South side of Main Street
Sea view of Barren Islands from the C&GS Ship PATHFINDER
Steam Launch COSMOS
Stern cable snapped dropping Plastic Pig from MT
Survey launch off Hawaii
Sometimes this job is really great.
Sounding boat from MT
Sounding from rowed skiff inside the breaker line
Sounding operations in Taku Inlet
Steam launch towing skiff.
Survey boat in Philippine lagoon
Sounding from small boat - note splash of lead to the right
Sounding operations from small boat
Sounding within surf line with rowed skiff
Search for sunken forest with wiredrag.
Sounding within the surf line in rowed skiff
Survey launch leaving ship, lower left corner.
Sounding within surf line with rowed skiff
Sunset in the Marianas Islands
Storm on Alaska Peninsula
Seattle program honoring the first day issue of a commemorative stamp honoring the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey.
Seattle program honoring the first day issue of a commemorative stamp honoring the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey.
Seattle program honoring the first day issue of a commemorative stamp honoring the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey.
Space Collection
Satellite sensor derived sea surface temperature anomalies
Synchronous Meteorological Satellite - GOES configuration.
Supercells probably over the mid continental area of the United States.
Satellite antennas at Wallops Island.
Satellite antennas at Wallops Island.
Satellite antennas at Wallops Island.
Satellite antennas at Wallops Island.
Satellite antennas at Wallops Island.
SMS-2 launch
Satellite signal receiving station at Wallops Island, Virginia.
Satellite signal receiving station at Wallops Island, Virginia.
Satellite signal receiving station at Wallops Island, Virginia.
Source and location of image from space unknown.
Spain and the Strait of Gibraltar (in the lower left corner)
Satellite Operations Control Center (SOCC) Data Acquisition Control Sub-system (DACS)
Satellite Operations Control Center (SOCC) launch control room
Satellite Operations Control Center (SOCC)
Satellite antenna at Wallops Island, Virginia
Satellite antenna at Wallops Island, Virginia
Satellite antenna at Wallops Island, Virginia
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