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Standing wave clouds formed in the lee of Mt
Stacked formation of lenticular clouds
Stratiform altocumulus
Stratiform altocumulus clouds
Squall line with potentially tornadogenic clouds
Stratocumulus following cold front passage
Selections from a German cloud atlas In: "Wolken und andere Erscheinungen....", Thomas Forster, 1819 Figure 5
Selections from a German cloud atlas In: "Wolken und andere Erscheinungen....", Thomas Forster, 1819 Figure 3
Selections from a German cloud atlas In: "Wolken und andere Erscheinungen....", Thomas Forster, 1819 Figure 4
Set-up in Breathitt County, Kentucky
Sailboats in Fairport Harbor.
S/V Laidly underway.
S/V Laidly
Survey crew office trailers at Fairport Harbor Coast Guard Station.
S/V Laidly in Fairport Harbor.
S/V Laidly returning to Fairport Harbor.
Survey technician annotating echo-sounder record on FAIRWEATHER hydrographic survey launch.
Signal built at Gull Rock for triangulation observations at entrance to Port Etches on the east side of Prince William Sound.
Stinson Gullwing on floats at Kotzebue.
Stinson Gullwing with broken landing gear following hitting a pothole when landing on the beach.
Shishmaref Schoolhouse and living house
Survey crew member trailers at Colfax, Washington.
Supplying the hungry army at Harrison's Landing.
Sumner's Corps crossing the overflowed "Grapevine Bridge" to reinforce Couch at the Battle of Fair Oaks
September 1944 tide and light diagram for Manila Bay, Philippine Islands
Sidescan sonar imagery overlaying 3-D view of bottom generated by multi-beam sonar
Sidescan sonar image of the 4-masted schooner HERBERT D
Sidescan and multi-beam sonar images of the 4-masted schooner HERBERT D
Sidescan sonar backscatter data combined with 3-D multi-beam data produced this map which showed a direct relationship between depth and type of botto
Sub-meter backscatter resolution used to help determine bottom types at Diamond Shoal.
Sidescan sonar imagery was combined with multi-beam sounding data to produce 3-D reflectivity maps which were indicative of bottom materials.
Shaded relief model of seafloor showing pronounced sand wave field on left of image
Sidescan sonar record of shipwreck
Sidescan sonar record of what appears to be a sunken LCVP
Sidescan sonar image of shipwreck
Sidescan sonar record of shipwreck
Sidescan sonar record of rocky outcrops
Survey gear on bridge of NOAA Ship RUDE.
Sketch of John Ross Key by James McNeill Whistler
Series of photos getting to mountain peak by horse and foot
Series of photos getting to mountain peak by horse and foot
Survey launch off of SURVEYOR with Raydist antenna.
Strong tidal currents in Southern Alaska.
Shallow water bathymetry
Submarine valleys of Georges Bank
Submarine valley discovered in Georges Bank area
Sounding machine - detail view
Sounding operations on the PATTERSON.
Steam sounding machine on the GEDNEY.
Soledad and Los Coronados Canyons
Sigsbee Sounding Machine on stern of ALBATROSS.
Soundings from the Sigsbee Sounding Machine in the Gulf of Mexico.
Sigsbee Sounding Machine in use on the ALBATROSS.
Ships of the Coast and Geodetic Survey 1942.
Sounding record from Fish Commission Steamer ALBATROSS.
Sounding device made by William P
Sounding machine devised by Robert Hooke
Sometimes things just catch the eye of the coast surveyor.
Strangers on the shore
Seaman from PEIRCE making friends with a newborn harbor seal.
Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus) pup caught on Amlia Island
Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) airborne.
Sea lions.
Sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) the LESTER JONESat Walrus Island.
Sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) at the east end of Amlia Island.
Sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) at the east end of Amlia Island.
Sea turtle giving illusion of flight.
Sea turtles on East Island.
Sea turtles on French Frigate Shoal.
Standing l to r - Paul C
Standing l to r - Furman, R
Sitting l to r - Chisholm, Hennessey, Captain John F
Sitting - Louis Sengteller (l) and unknown
Shore party off the TAKU.
Sam White
Sam White
Sam White
Sam Grenell
Spencer Fullerton Baird.
Sketch of a Coast Survey camp site.
Sometimes these would catch the humans instead of vice versa
Signal-building crew on way to mountain peak
Shore camp crew posing on coral rock.
Shore camp on small coral islet
Survey boat underway
Survey boat being walked in over a reef.
Survey boat under sail.
Survey boat being walked in over a reef
Survey crew returning to ship
Survey boat in a tropical lagoon
Some of the crew with family and friends on a Sunday afternoon
Sort of like a rodeo - sort of like Pamplona
Swim call on the MARINDUQUE.
Sea smoke in the Gulf of Mexico - a cold winter's day
Sounding boat off the LYDONIA
Survey launch leaving the PIONEER for a day's work
Shallow water soundings being located by stadia
Small skiff inspecting sea caves
Some of the gear that washed ashore from the PIONEER boat
Signal building and white-wash party
Seattle ship base on Lake Union.
South entrance to Adugak Straits.
Shrimp trawler in Sapelo Sound.
Schooner cruising in Penobscot Bay.
Sea patterns - the wake of the SURVEYOR.
Sea smoke, sea ice, and icicles
Squally weather over San Juan.
Surf and rock on the north end of Congo Cay.
South coast of American Samoa late in the afternoon.
Sunset on a calm sea.
Same bizarre clouds in the Gulf of Mexico.
Stormy seas on the east coast
Savannah waterfront scene
San Francisco skyline from the bay on a hazy day
Squinch observing with a Wild T-3 theodolite
Sometimes old Betsy needs a drink of water
Scrambling through the scree
SURVEYOR in North Pacific
SURVEYOR at dock in Aleutians
SURVEYOR in Aleutians in 1944
Souvenir chart of the PATHFINDER service in World War II
Sketches with maps of various geodetic control points
Sound ranging operations of 8th FAOB
Survey work at Kesternich
Survey party entering Vire, France, shortly after D-Day
Streamlined buoy with Roberts Radio Current Meter
Streamlined buoy with Roberts Radio Current Meter
Streamlined buoy with Roberts Radio Current Meter
Streamlined buoy and Roberts Radio Current Meter ready for deployment
Simulated 6.4 knot current as buoy streamed from bow of test vessel
Simulated 10.8 knot current as buoy streamed from bow of test vessel
Scaling the tapes from recording current meters
Snarled anchor cable and current meter cables
Satellite sensors and imagery have revolutionized oceanography
Satellite sensors and imagery have revolutionized oceanography
Spring loaded grab sampler being deployed from PEIRCE
Sensing units on BISP
Swim call in the Arabian Sea
Sidescan sonar system on SURVEYOR
Stations used by Maurice Ewing in 1st offshore seismic reflection experiment
Sigsbee Sounding Machine - invented by Charles D
Steam winch with steel wire
Shorty and Novak at rest waiting for night observations
Still a lot of tents but more and more trailers
Station Clear before the storm
Sometimes folks go crazy in the Arctic
Survey City on Tigvariak Island
Sequam Island camp site
Station Post emulating the "Leaning Tower of Pisa"
Station Post on a good day
Station Hunter - 159 feet - one of the bigger towers
Station Weingard near Amarillo
Straightening steel - even the portable towers needed some maintenance
Small wooden stand on ridge in Mojave Desert
Station Cook - tower had to be built after error by reconnaissance man
Station Plainview in eastern Montana
Small tower on a coral islet
Station Mangal from offshore
Station Gibuson - a 68 foot tree signal
Station Pen in Washington
Station Greene, Indiana
Station Greene, Indiana
Station Tate showing attached signal pole
Signal at Stillpond, Maryland
Signal pole with flag and tin cone for reflecting sunlight
Survey tower with signal pole and tin cone
Some tools of the trade - wiredrag at Mitchell-Jordan Reservoir
Setting out the drag and buoys from the guide launch
Setting out the drag from the guide launch PILOT
Setting a floating signal to help navigate wiredrag operations
Setting out the large buoy
Stowage of wiredrag equipment
Standard tide gauge.
Setup for calibrating microwave navigation instruments
Setting up microwave navigation instrument on pier at Fredericksted
Setting up microwave navigation instrument on lighthouse
Seaman Shorty Fuentes adjusts navigation transponder
Securing tower sections prior to erecting tower
Setting up a Raydist tower
Setting up a Raydist tower
Setting up a Raydist tower
Setting up a Raydist tower
Setting up a Raydist tower
Setting up a Raydist tower
Setting up a Raydist tower
Shoran installation at Port Clarence.
Shoran station Stem
Shoran equipped launch in the Beaufort Sea
Shoran station being unloaded through surf at Nushagak Bay
Shoran station in Liberia
Shoran antenna at Cape Wrangell
Shoran antenna installed on radar tower
Shoran antenna installed on radar tower
Shore station Shoran antenna being raised
Shore station Shoran antenna being raised
Shipboard Shoran antenna as viewed from bow
Shipboard Shoran antenna from below
Shoran was high frequency line-of-sight system
Sono-radio-buoy deployed in the Aleutians for RAR work
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