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Page 39
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Swarm of shrimp near hydrothermal vent
Sediment covered rock in a scene reminiscent of a winter snowfall
Small holes with radial patterns extending outward from the hole
Sand dung pile amongst material that looks to be in bottom of hole.
Small holes at the bottom of a sedimentary layer
Shells and other biological detritus at bottom of hole in sediment.
Shell and other biological detritus covering the bottom of a hole in the sediment.
Small shells at the bottom of a hole in the sediment
Small deep sea fish
Strange appearing crustacean partially buried in the sand
Strange appearing crustacean partially buried in the sand
Swimming shrimp with long antennae extended
Sand excrement seen in gut of purple translucent holothurian while swimming
Swimming Spanish dancer holothurian.
Small green octocorals colonizing a dead coral bush, a small bamboo coral bush , and small translucent octocorals
Small green octocorals colonizing a dead coral bush.
Small green octocorals
Small green octocorals
Small green octocorals
Small clear octocorals attached to a vertical rock surface.
Small green octocorals
Small bamboo coral bush in area of angular volcanic blocks partially covered by sand and mud.
Small green octocorals
Sea anemone on sand cliff
Sea anemone on sand cliff
Stalked sponge?
Sponges on broken angular blocks of basalt
Stalked sponge in a barren landscape of white sand sediment
Sponges adhering only to rock surfaces on mostly sediment covered rock wall on opposite sides of crevice.
Sponges adhering only to rock surfaces on mostly sediment covered rock wall.
Sponges adhering only to rock surfaces on mostly sediment covered rock wall.
Small translucent sponges on rock wall with large porifera rough knob sponge and small bamboo corals
Small translucent sponges on rock wall
Small translucent sponges on rock wall and small bamboo coral
Small translucent sponges on rock wall
Small sponges on vertical wall
Small bamboo coral, porifera sponge knob, and cup corals
Sponge growing from rock face.
Stalked white hexactinellida sponge
Sand-covered serpulid worms?
Serpulid worm.
Small tubeworms protruding from a sandy bottom.
Small white tube worms with siblonogid tube worms.
Squat lobsters and two large Riftia pachyptila tube worms seen behind curtain of shimmering hydrothermal waters.
Small white anemones covering rock outcrops
Small white anemones covering pillow lava as large pycnogonid crab forages
Siboglinid tube worms, a species not seen before on the Galapagos Rift, were found at Tempus Fugit vent field
Siblonogid worms, limpets, mussels, a large translucent anemone with tentacles hanging down, a large pinkish brown scale worm, yellow mussels, large w
Siboglinid tube worms, perhaps a species not observed before on the Galapagos Rift, were found at Tempus Fugit vent field
Spaghetti worms and a large red shrimp on a basalt rock surface
Spaghetti worms cover a basalt rock surface
Shrimp and crabs colonizing a rock outcrop at a diffuse venting site.
Small anemones and small tube worms on rock race
Smooth fairly new black shiny lava overlying angular lava boulder field.
Sheet flows and pillow lavas with pink biological material indicating where low- temperature hydrothermal fluid is leaking out of the crust
Smooth baked appearance with pink alteration along cracks.
Small octopus nestled between pillow lava tubes.
Small octopus nestled between pillow lava tubes.
Small octopus with legs partially extended preparatory to swimming off.
Small octopus on sediment covered pillow lava
Small octopus on sediment covered pillow lava
Small octopus on pillow lava
Small octopus climbing up pillow lava
Small octopus next to pillow lava
Squat lobster with furry appearance peering out from under rock ledge
Silvery appearing squat lobster with orange-yellow eyes
Strange little crab-like crustacean on coral stalk
Swimming shrimp hovering near coral branch
Swimming shrimp over basalt pillow lava
Shrimp swimming above pillow lavas in areas of murky water indicating possible proximity to hydrothermal venting
Small colorful shrimp next to octocoral colonies
Squat lobsters and a large crab are among the various types of fauna in this image.
Spider-like jellyfish
Swarm of larvae encased in jelly-like mass with jellyfish in distance
Siphonophore on right, comb jelly on left.
Swimming clear holothurian with sand filled gut clearly visible
Swimming clear holothurian with sand filled gut clearly visible
Swimming reddish pink holothurian
Small corals growing on a sediment draped rock.
Sponges and small corals growing on a sediment draped rock
Sponge on a rock outcrop
Single stalk octocoral growing from a sediment covered rock
Single stalk octocoral growing in an area of pillow lavas
Small coral stalk growing from a sand and mud substrate.
Small coral stalk attached to a pillow lava.
Small coral stalk attached to an angular volcanic rock boulder.
Small coral stalk with a brittle star and a black coral in the left background.
Small bamboo coral on a near vertical outcrop.
Small "black" coral bushes and brittle stars
Small "black" coral bushes and brittle stars
Small bamboo coral with black bands on branches and smaller coral bush with polyps extended.
Small bamboo coral with black bands on branches, galatheid crab, and small gray sponges
Small white coral, brittle stars, brachiopods, and a red shrimp
Strange life form attached to pillow lavas
Small gorgonian coral and cup coral on rock surface
Solitary cup coral with tentacles extended
Solitary stony cup coral with tentacles extended in feeding position
Sulfur? iron oxide? orange bacteria? what is this covering?
Stalagmite-like spires of mineral material precipitated from hydrothermal fluids .
Stalagmite-like spire built from precipitates of hydrothermal fluids.
Spires built by hydrothermal activity
Sediments in vicinity of hydrothermal vents covered with white bacterial mat.
Small vent shrimp scavenging larger dead shrimp in vicinity of hydrothermal vent
Spectacular spires built by deposition of hydrothermal minerals upon hot mineral-laden vent fluids encountering cold deep oceanic waters
Small white shrimp relatively devoid of coating, a large red shrimp with a coating of material (bacteria? mineral?) at a site where native sulphur has
Stalked barnacles, three scaleworms, and numerous vent shrimp are seen on a rock wall in the vicinity of a hydrothermal vent
Shrimp covered with yellowish orange bacterial material.
Shrimp at a vent site at Kawio Barat.
Shrimp and native sulfur at hydrothermal vent field at Kawio Barat
Shrimp seemingly covered with precipitated material? absorbed ingested material? near vent at Kawio Barat
Shrimp seemingly covered with precipitated material? absorbed ingested material? near vent at Kawio Barat
Shrimp and rivulets of moten sulphur at Kawio Barat
Shrimp in vicinity of hydrothermal vent on Kawio Barat
Small conical mounds with holes in the top, probably some sort of animal burrow.
Small conical mounds with holes in the top, probably some sort of animal burrow
Sunken piece of wood next to large anemone
Sunken coconut with two white chitons.
Sunken coconut with two white chitons.
Sunken coconut with tiny starfish and amphipod.
Sunken stick with a few amphipods and urchins.
Sunken log deteriorating on seafloor
Sunken log deteriorating on seafloor
Sunken log deteriorating on seafloor
Sunken log deteriorating on seafloor
Sunken coconut lying on seafloor
Squat lobsters and shrimp barely visible against light brown shale appearing outcrop
Silver fish with a white sponge
Stalked tunicate?
Squat lobster in a crevice in a rock outcrop
Squat lobsters, white sponges, and small white corals on a rocky substrate.
Small reddish hermit crab with small white shell and small white anemone attached.
Small hermit crab on the side of a large sea squirt (tunicate).
Small reddish hermit crab with a white shell.
Squat lobster next to a large orange anemone.
Squat lobster apparently on top of yellow brittle star in a coral bush.
Small hermit crab in a beautiful turreted shell.
Sponges and a chrsogorgia coral to the left.
Stalked glass sponges growing on a dead coral branch covered with hydroids
Stalk of a large dead sponge used as habitat by a multitude of brittle stars.
Stalked white glass sponges and a variety of corals are seen in this image.
Stalked sponge looking like a car headlight.
Stalked hydroid? Tubularia sp.?
Stalked white sponge
Stalked white sponge
Stalked white sponge with near right angle bend in stalk growing from rock substrate
Sponge with isopods
Spectacular red adn green banded sea urchin
Small white starfish and red- and white- banded shrimp on rock face.
Stalked white sponge on left and large long-spined sea urchin on right.
spear-like spine protruding from sea urchin on yellow gorgonian coral.
Sea urchin with very long thin spines on rock.
Starfish on a rock face
Swimming holothurian seen from Serios, the Little Herc mother ship
Seemingly a family of yellow feather star crinoids
Small reddish antipatharian "black coral" on sandy substrate
Squat lobster in a pink octocoral
Sea pen octocoral with translucent polyps waving in the current.
Sea pen - Pennatulacean with a siphonophore hovering above the bottom to the right.
Sea pen - Pennatulacean.
Small Paragorgia coral with brittle star
Small white stony coral with squat lobster
Small octocoral with purple polyps.
Small Paragorgia corals with a brittle stars.
Small Paragorgia corals with a brittle star and a small crinoid on top right.
Small red octocoral with white dots and translucent polyps extended
Solitary scleractinian cup coral with tentacles extended
Solitary scleractinian cup coral
Solitary scleractinian cup coral
Solitary scleractinian cup coral
Small yellow octocoral in field of boulders and cobbles.
Scleractinian hard coral imaged by the Little Hercules ROV at 1382 meters depth
Six orange antipatharian "black corals" and red crinoid
Square-case gin bottles
Stern area, possibly china from captain's cabin
Shipwreck VK0986.
Shipwreck VK0986.
Shipwreck VK0986.
Shipwreck VK0986.
Shipwreck VK0986.
Shipwreck VK0986.
Shipwreck VK0986.
Shipwreck VK0986.
Shipwreck VK0986.
Shipwreck VK0986.
Shipwreck VK0986.
Shipwreck VK0986.
Shipwreck VK0986.
Shipwreck VK0986.
Shipwreck VK0986.
Shipwreck VK0986.
Shipwreck VK0986.
Shipwreck VK0986.
Shipwreck VK0986.
Shipwreck VK0986.
Shipwreck VK0986.
Shipwreck VK0986.
Shipwreck VK0986.
Shipwreck VK0986.
Shipwreck VK0986.
Shipwreck VK0986.
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