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Photos Sitemap
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Spotted elk calf
Spotted elk calf
Scabby bull elk
Spike elk at Gibbon Meadows
Scabby bull elk
Six bull elk in winter near Wraith Falls trailhead
Spike elk on Opal Terrace
Silhouette of bull elk
Six mule deer does in snow
Several mule deer does grazing
Small herd of mule deer does on hillside
Superintendent Horace Albright sitting at a table with black bears
Side profile of bison in snow
Small group of bison
Steve Sweaney, NPS contractor, inoculating bison
Steve Sweaney, NPS contractor, inoculating bison
Steve Sweaney, NPS contractor, preparing bison inoculation
Steve Sweaney, NPS contractor, preparing bison inoculation
Stephens Creek bison pen - Monty Simenson, Brian Helms, Ben Cunningham
Stephens Creek bison pens
Stephens Creek bison pens
Sorting bison blood samples
Stock Inspector & Detective emblem on car
Stephens Creek bison pen
Silhouette of bull bison
Side view of Bighorn Sheep ram standing in snow above Yellowstone River near Tower
Side view of Bighorn Sheep ram standing in snow above Yellowstone River near Tower
Souvenir Folder (postcard) of Yellowstone National Park
Springs on border ofYellowstone Lake - YELL 8525
Sand in the Canyon - YELL 8542
Still hunt - YELL 2497
Summit of Jupiter Terraces
Southeast arm of Lake Yellowstone, looking southwest
Southeast arm of Lake Yellowstone & Yellowstone River
Soda Butte
Shoshoni camp - History - Indians
Staves (horn is soaked & straightened)
Sheepeaters winter wickiup with stabilizer pole in cave or rock overhang
Skull of wolf (top), wolf hybrid dog (middle) recoved in Wyoming (size of sheepeater dog) & dog (lower)
Sketch of Plains indian dogs hitched to travois
Screening at dig site, Black Canyon of the Yellowstone on Wyoming/Montana border - History - Indians
Starting a dig in Black Canyon of the Yellowstone, Wyoming/Montana border - History - Indians
Sketch of descent into Devil's Kitchen
Stagecoach from Roosevelt
Stagecoach from Roosevelt Lodge loaded with passengers
Snowmobilers approaching the Hoodoos
Snow on Beartooth Highway
Summit of Colter Peak
Summit of Top Notch Mountain
Summit of Top Notch Peak
Snowplane along the Firehole River
Sign on shed near Gardiner, Montana (about Bill Clinton)
Sign on shed near Gardiner, Montana (about Bill Clinton)
Sulphur deposit in Brimstone Basin
Small steam vent at Ochre Springs
Sylvan Springs
Sapphire Pool
Steamboat at peak of eruption
Siphon being used to clean Morning Glory Pool
Siphon being used to clean Morning Glory Pool
Siphon being used to clean Morning Glory Pool
Siphon being used to clean Morning Glory Pool
Siphon being used to clean Morning Glory Pool
Siphon set up for cleaning Morning Glory Pool
Sapphire Pool on eruption
Sapphire Pool in eruption after 1959 earthquake
Sapphire Pool in eruption after 1959 earthquake
Student designed geology exhibit at the Canyon Visitor Center
Storm at Yellowstone Lake boat dock
Storm at Yellowstone Lake boat dock
South entrance station in the winter
South entrance station
Snowmobilers inside Old Faithful visitor center
Sportsman Lake patrol cabin (burned in the 1988 fires)
South entrance station
South entrance station
Superintendent Townsley at the Albright Visitor Center dedication
Superintendent Townsley at the Albright Visitor Center dedication
Spectators & speaker at the Horace M Albright visitor center dedication
Snow plow
Snow plow
Snow plow
Snow plow
Snow plow
Snow grooming maching on the road at Swan Lake Flats
Snow groomer
Snow grooming machine
Student Conservation Association worker leading program on snakes
Student Conservation Association worker leading a program on snakes
Santa & elf on courier run at West Thumb warming hut
Snowplowing & trail grooming on Swan Lake Flats
Snowplowing the Beartooth Highway
Snowplowing Swan Lake Flats
Snowplowing Swan Lake Flats
Snowplowing the Beartooth Highway
Spring road clearing operations
Spring road clearing operations
Spring plowing on Cascade HIll
Spring plowing on Cascade Hill
Spring plowing on Cascade Hill
Susan Sindt, dressed as an early tourist, doing a Voices in Yellowstone (living history) program
Superintendent Toll (on left) with Homer Snow holding pet lion
Snow removal crew on Swan Lake Flat
Snow removal from road on Swan Lake Flat
Swimming pool at Old Faithful 1914-1933 (Geyser Bath), remodeled in 1934, dismanteled in 1951
Stephen Mather, (1913 Assistant Secretary of the Interior, 1916 first National Park Service Director) motorcyclist with side car
Superintendent Horace Albright with Herbert Hoover, Secretary of Commerce (prior to presidency)
Superintendent H Albright, Wyoming governor (1st woman), Nellie Ross, Ranger Freda Nelson opening West Yellowstone entrance
Superintendent H Albright, C Hedges, CW Cook - 50th anniversary
Superintendent Horace Albright & National Park Service Director Stephen Mather beside National Park Service Packard
Steamboat Zellah, Yellowstone Lake
Stagecoach at Gardiner Train Depot
Stage coach going through Lamar River
Six-horse stagecoach with Mt Everts in the background
Stagecoach at Mammoth Hotel
Stagecoach at Yancy's Hotel
Six horse "mudwagon"in front of the Mammoth Hotel
Steamboat Zillah on Yellowstone Lake
Six horse team pulling a supply wagon
Sapphire Pool
Sapphire Pool, Biscuit Basin
Soldier station at Upper Geyser Basin, Geyser Hill in background, Old Faithful
Silicified baselog of Queen's Lundry bathhouse
Samuel T Hauser of the 1870 Washburn/Langford/Doane expedition
Senator George Graham Vest
Superintendent Norris with first wagon into the Upper Geyser Basin
Superintendent Nathaniel P Langford, superintendent from 1872-1877
Soda Butte Soldier Station - YELL 22440
Soldiers with machine guns
Soldier in T Roosevelt's camp
Soldier sitting on bison robe at T Roosevelt's camp
Soldiers at Theodore Roosevelt's camp
Soldier standing on horse
Soldiers at target range
Superintendent Norris & road builders
Six horse stagecoach at the Mammoth Hotel
Superintendent (4/18/1877-3/31/1882) Philetus Walter Norris
Superintendent (4/18/1877-3/31/1882) Philetus Walter Norris
Snake River Ranger Station sign
Second step in formation of Yellowstone caldera - Diagrams
South face of Obsidian Cliff with patches of snow
Steam plume on Mt St Helens as seen from Coldwater Ridge
Satellite trucks viewing Mt St Helens at Loowit Viewpoint
Steam/lenticular cloud at Mt St Helens as seen from Coldwater Ridge
Steam plume from new dome at Mt St Helens
Steam plume from new dome on Mt St Helens
Second steam & ash explosion of Mt St Helens
Second steam & ash explosion of Mt St Helens
Sour Creek Dome
Sheepeater Cliff - Volcanics
Steam vents from volcano before giant eruption, Mt St Helens
Spirit Lake filled with trees, ash, ice & mud - Mt St Helens
Spirit Lake, Mt St Helens
Sheepeater Cliff
Sedimentary clay at Storm Point - Geology
Specimen Ridge
Specimen Ridge
Specimen Ridge
Single tall petrified stump with living tree behind it, Gallatin Petrified Forest
Specimen Ridge
Specimen Creek petrified tree
Specimen Ridge
Slough Creek oxbow - Geology
Stroam Channel in wall of the Gardner Canyon - Geology
Slide on Sepulcher - Geology
Svina Fellsjokull, southern Iceland - Geology - Glacial
Side view of Bumpus Butte after spring 2001 rock slide - Geology
Sediment in river water from mudslide in Gibbon Canyon - Erosion/Geology
Slide debris in Gibbon Canyon - Geology/Earthquake
Slide damage on Golden Gate Bridge - Geology/Earthquake
Ski-doo boxes in West Yellowstone
Street scene in West Yellowstone
Silver Gate, Montana with Barronette Peak in the distance
Salamander eggs & tadpoles
Sagebrush lizard
Sagebrush Lizard
Spotted Frog
Spotted Frog
Spotted frog
Sucker at Pelican Creek
Spawning run in Agate Creek
Snake River Cutthroat
Sucker in Pelican Creek
Snake River Cutthroat Trout
Spawning migration of Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout
Size comparison between Lake & Cutthroat Trout
Spawning Cutthroat Trout in water
Spawning Cutthroat Trout in water
Spawning Trout in LeHardy Rapids
Sucker showing mouth
Smoke column from south of Yellowstone Lake, lake in foreground
Smoke plume from Madison Plateau with Old Faithful Inn & crowd in foreground
Smoke blocking out sun at Terrace Spring - North Fork fire
Smoke plume partially blocking out sun behind Electric Peak near north entrance
Small smoke column rising in blue sky from Washburn Range - seen from Canyon Junction
Smoke behind buildings in Mammoth Hot Springs
Solitary burned tree & smoke along Madison River
Smoke & Roosevelt Arch at north entrance
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