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Photos Sitemap
Page 15
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Satellite apparently photographed from space shuttle
Satellite launch
Satellite launch
Satellite launch
Sea surface temperature anomalies from March to August 1997 showing evolution of major El Nino.
Satellite infrared view of Hurricane Andrew after it had crossed over the Florida Peninsula and entered the Gulf of Mexico.
Satellite infrared view of Hurricane Andrew making landfall south of Miami.
Ship tracks? Aircraft tracks? as seen from satellite? Note there are two objects in the image - middle left apparently traveling to W (left)
Super Typhoon Ward south of Japan
Snow pack on the Sierra Nevada of California
Super Typhoon Kent ENE of Luzon and threatening Taiwan
Super Typhoon Oscar SE of Japan near peak intensity.
Strong tropical wave over the Cape Verde Islands
Smoke from Wyoming forest fires is trailing southeast after passing over the Mid-Atlantic States.
Strong frontal system off the United States East Coast.
Satellite view of cloud pattern
Ship contrails off the California coast are visible on the right margin
SMS-II full disc infrared image showing parade of tropical storms marching to the west across the eastern Pacific Ocean.
Severe thunderstorms over northern Louisiana, Arkansas, and southeast Missouri
Severe thunderstorms along a frontal system in the Midwest were producing large hail, strong winds, and rain at the time of the image
Snow cover over the Midwest and Eastern U.S
Snow cover over the United States as indicated by white arrows.
Stable marine layer in northwesterly flow encountering Guadalupe Island generates lee vortices.
Ship trails and lee vortices south of Guadalupe Island in stable marine layer.
Super Typhoon Chaba churns away in the western Pacific Ocean while Typhoon Aere passes over Taiwan.
Sector of GOES full disk composite infrared and visible image indicates areas of high convection and potentially violent weather
Scientist working on GOES-D model satellite prior to launching.
Scientist Frank Porto at the tape drives of the then new National Environmental Satellite Service (NESS) mass data storage system, the SDC TBMII
Scientist Frank Porto at the tape drives of the then new National Environmental Satellite Service (NESS) mass data storage system, the SDC TBMII
Satellite Operations Control Center (SOCC) shift supervisor Jim Nichols at the TIROS-N Spacecraft Engineer's Console.
Satellite Operations Control Center (SOCC) Controller James Budd at TIROS-N Controller's console, from which two operational TIROS-N type spacecraft a
Specialized antenna array used to monitor the ATS-1 satellite
Satellite receiving antennas for use by investigators at the NOAA's Boulder Environmental Research Laboratories.
Sea ice analysis in the Gulf of St
Second stage of Thor-Able rocket being set in place prior to launching TIROS I
Securing cover for TIROS V satellite prior to launching
Scientist inspecting early TIROS satellite components
Sea ice analysis in the Gulf of St
Surface weather map of Pacific frontal storm derived from TIROS I data.
Some of the tools of the salt workers at Lake Retbe.
Salt workers in the highly saline Lake Retbe, the "Pink Lake." The color comes from a cyanobacteria.
Sailing for Science Collection
Sailing for Science Collection
Sailing for Science Collection
Sailing for Science Collection
Sailing for Science Collection
Sailing for Science Collection
Sailing for Science Collection
Sailing for Science Collection
Sailing for Science Collection
Sailing for Science Collection
Sailing for Science Collection
Sailing for Science Collection
Some of the places we go! Climbing in the clouds on a day off.
Sailing board on the NOAA Ship FAIRWEATHER
Steering course 289 on a foggy day headed out the Strait of Juan de Fuca.
Securing the launch for pickup.
Sometimes that bow hook just doesn't want to release
Stern view of NOAA Ships FAIRWEATHER and RAINIER tied up at Kodiak pier.
Standing watch on an icy, slushy day as the bridge windows ice up.
Scientific campaigns of the HIRONDELLE in the late summers of 1885 and 1886
Soundings being made from a steam launch for a hydrographic survey near Cape Mitra, Spitzberg
Small extended length Bouree net
Starfish tile mural on the floor of the Oceanographic Museum at Monaco
Submarine sound signaling apparatus in Knight's Modern Seamanship (Seventh Edition 1917)
Salvage ship S.S
Sumatra Padang Highlands; "Kloof von Arau"
Sigsbee deepsea sounding device ascending after striking bottom, detaching weight, and obtaining bottom sample
Sigsbee deepsea sounding device before striking bottom and detaching weight
Sir John Murray
Sigsbee sounding system
Sea elephants at Kerguelen Island in the southern Indian Ocean at 49 20 S Lat., 70 20 E
Sounder rigged with accumulator.
Submarine signal apparatus installed on a lightship and ready to be lowered to 25 feet below the surface
Scientists from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography study seafloor material acquired off the Aleutian Islands
Sigsbee Sounding Machine mounted on the stern of the United States Fish Commission Steamer ALBATROSS
Sifting deposit looking for various forms of life from the deep sea
Six's Thermometers as used on the CHALLENGER
Specimens 11-16 are Globigerina rubra, d'Orbigny
Sir John Murray of the CHALLENGER.
Sounding technique used by Sir James Clark Ross in obtaining first modern deep sea sounding on January 3, 1840 at Latitude 27 26 S and Longitude 17 29
Sorting the catch obtained while trawling
Seafloor dredging
Small salmon seiner
Small fishing boat SONJA tied up at Astoria
Small fishing boat PACIFIC FUTURE in Columbia River
Small fishing boat SUNDANCER in Columbia River
Small skiff with high prow to stem choppy waters.
Seattle shipyard
Seattle ferry boat TACOMA
Seattle ferry boat KITSAP
Seattle ferry boat KITSAP
Scripps Institution of Oceanography R/V MELVILLE
Swordfish boat with lookout in the afternoon sun
Some of the vessels on site at the Deepwater Horizon disaster well containment efforts.
Steamer YUKON of the Alaska Commercial Company with coal for the C&GS ship YUKON at Goodnews Bay
Ships waiting to transit Panama Canal.
SS Coastal Nomad in St
Staten Island Ferry
Suez Canal as seen from the bridge of the SEALAND COMMITMENT
Suez Canal as seen from the bridge of the SEALAND COMMITMENT.
Suez Canal as seen from the bridge of the SEALAND COMMITMENT.
Suez Canal as seen from the bridge of the SEALAND COMMITMENT.
Suez Canal as seen from the bridge of the SEALAND COMMITMENT.
Suez Canal as seen from the bridge of the SEALAND COMMITMENT.
Suez Canal as seen from the bridge of the SEALAND COMMITMENT.
Sea Jet I, the Foxwoods ferry running past the New London Ledge Lighthouse.
Sailing catamaran PACIFIC FURY provides ocean experience for tourists at Key West.
Steering gear of the Coast Guard Bark EAGLE, the U.S
Stern of bulk carrier WILLIAM MATHER safely past the Gorge.
STATE OF MAINE, Maine Maritime Academy Training Vessel, approaching the pier at Norfolk, Virginia, in the Elizabeth River.
STATE OF MAINE, Maine Maritime Academy Training Vessel, approaching the pier at Norfolk, Virginia, in the Elizabeth River.
STATE OF MAINE, Maine Maritime Academy Training Vessel, approaching the pier at Norfolk, Virginia, in the Elizabeth River.
STATE OF MAINE, Maine Maritime Academy Training Vessel, approaching the pier at Norfolk, Virginia, in the Elizabeth River.
STATE OF MAINE, Maine Maritime Academy Training Vessel, approaching the pier at Norfolk, Virginia, in the Elizabeth River.
STATE OF MAINE, Maine Maritime Academy Training Vessel, passing over the Chesapeake Bay Bridge/Tunnel.
South Carolina Department of Natural Resources Vessel ANITA.
South Carolina Department of Natural Resources Vessel ANITA.
South Carolina Department of Natural Resources Vessel ANITA.
South Carolina Department of Natural Resources Vessel ANITA.
South Carolina Department of Natural Resources Vessel ANITA.
South Carolina Department of Natural Resources Vessel ANITA.
South Carolina Department of Natural Resources Vessel ANITA.
South Carolina Department of Natural Resources Vessel ANITA.
South Carolina Department of Natural Resources Vessel ANITA.
South Carolina Department of Natural Resources Vessel ANITA.
South Carolina Department of Natural Resources Vessel ANITA.
South Carolina Department of Natural Resources Vessel ANITA.
South Carolina Department of Natural Resources Vessel ANITA.
South Carolina Department of Natural Resources Vessel ANITA.
South Carolina Department of Natural Resources Vessel ANITA.
South Carolina Department of Natural Resources Vessel ANITA.
South Carolina Department of Natural Resources Vessel ANITA.
South Carolina Department of Natural Resources Vessel ANITA.
South Carolina Department of Natural Resources Vessel ANITA.
South Carolina Department of Natural Resources Vessel ANITA.
South Carolina Department of Natural Resources Vessel ANITA.
South Carolina Department of Natural Resources Vessel ANITA.
South Carolina Department of Natural Resources Vessel ANITA.
South Carolina Department of Natural Resources Vessel ANITA.
South Carolina Department of Natural Resources Vessel ANITA.
South Carolina Department of Natural Resources Vessel ANITA.
South Carolina Department of Natural Resources Vessel ANITA.
South Carolina Department of Natural Resources Vessel ANITA.
South Carolina Department of Natural Resources Vessel ANITA.
South Carolina Department of Natural Resources Vessel ANITA.
South Carolina Department of Natural Resources Vessel ANITA.
South Carolina Department of Natural Resources Vessel ANITA.
South Carolina Department of Natural Resources Vessel ANITA.
Smooth sailing on the NOAA Ship MILLER FREEMAN.
Some days the ocean is smooth as a mirror.
Starboard side of NOAA Ship MILLER FREEMAN
Starboard bow view of NOAA Ship RAINIER
Starboard quarter view of NOAA Ship MILLER FREEMAN.
Starboard side of NOAA Ship MILLER FREEMAN seen at anchor.
Sailing board of NOAA Ship MILLER FREEMAN.
Ships of the C&GS Fleet
Sunset on the Bering Sea from the bow of the NOAA Ship MILLER FREEMAN.
Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuaries Vessel AUK.
Stern view of NOAA Ship NANCY FOSTER.
Starboard view of NOAA Ship NANCY FOSTER.
Stern view of NOAA Ship RAINIER with survey launches alongside
Stern view of NOAA Ship RAINIER with survey launches alongside
Shellback helping cleanup pollywogs during equator crossing ceremonies on the NOAA Ship KA'IMIMOANA (R333)
Survival suit drill on the NOAA Ship KA'IMIMOANA (R333)
Survival suit drill on the NOAA Ship KA'IMIMOANA (R333)
Survival suit drill on the NOAA Ship KA'IMIMOANA (R333)
Starboard quarter view of NOAA Ships BELL SHIMADA (R227) and PISCES (R226)
Starboard quarter view of NOAA Ships BELL SHIMADA (R227) and PISCES (R226)
Survey launch RA-1 underway in the Pavlof Islands.
Survey launch off NOAA Ship RAINIER "getting it on"
Sign on after deck of NOAA Ship RAINIER emphasizing teamwork and safety first.
Stern of Coast Guard Cutter STORIS
Stern of Coast and Geodetic Survey Ship PATHFINDER tied up in Cook Inlet.
Stern of the USC&GS Ship PIONEER tied up somewhere in San Francisco Bay
Search pattern employed successfully by NOAA Ship THOMAS JEFFERSON in search for downed aircraft's pilot.
Starboard side of NOAA Ship PISCES
Susan Lautenbacher, wife of NOAA Administrator Conrad Lautenbacher, breaks bottle of champagne on bow of BELL M
Sign proclaiming keel laying ceremony of NOAA Ship BELL M
Sailing board of NOAA Ship BELL SHIMADA
Ship's bell of NOAA Ship BELL SHIMADA
Ship's company of the USC&GS Ship SURVEYOR on April 25, 1959.
Ship's company of the USC&GS Ship PEIRCE at commissioning on May 6, 1963.
Survey launch off NOAA Ship THOMAS JEFFERSON underway in New York Harbor with Manhattan ahead.
Survey launch off NOAA Ship THOMAS JEFFERSON underway.
Survey launch off NOAA Ship THOMAS JEFFERSON underway off Statue of Liberty.
Survey launch off NOAA Ship THOMAS JEFFERSON underway approaching Verrazano Narrows Bridge.
Survey launch off NOAA Ship THOMAS JEFFERSON underway.
Starboard bow view of the NOAA Ship RONALD H
Specially designed propeller of NOAA Ship BELL SHIMADA
Sign for christening ceremony of NOAA Ship BELL SHIMADA
Stern view of NOAA Ship RONALD H
Securing TAO buoy for maintenance.
Small boat AR1 from the NOAA ship McArthur II
School of dolphin maybe hurrying to see if they can catch the bow wave of the NOAA Ship DAVID STARR JORDAN as taken from a small craft off the DSJ.
Small boat operations off the DAVID STARR JORDAN in support of marine mammal observations.
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