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Photos Sitemap
Page 31
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Shrimp trawler dumping shrimp catch on deck
Sorting shrimp catch aboard the CAPTAIN FRANKIE
Setting shrimp net
Shrimp fishing with school of dolphin
Shrimp fishing with school of dolphin
Shrimp fishing with school of dolphin
Sorting shrimp catch aboard the CAPTAIN FRANKIE
Shrimp trawler
Shrimp boats
Shrimp boats
Shrimp trawlers
Shrimp trawlers
Shrimp trawlers
Shrimp gear
Shrimp gear
Shrimp trawler
Shrimp trawlers
Shrimp trawler
Shrimp trawler dumping shrimp catch on deck
Shrimp trawler dumping shrimp catch on deck
Shrimp trawler dumping shrimp catch on deck
Shrimp trawler dumping shrimp catch on deck
Shrimp trawler dumping shrimp catch on deck
Shrimp trawler dumping shrimp catch on deck
Shrimp trawlers
Shrimp on seafloor
Smooth dogfish shark (Mustelis canis)
Shark caught by surf fisherman
Shovelnose shark from drawing (Sphyrna tiburo)
Sport fisherman returning small shark to the ocean
Shark caught during shrimp trawling operation on FWS ship OREGON
Shark caught during shrimp trawling operation on FWS ship OREGON
Shark caught during shrimp trawling operation on FWS ship OREGON
Shark caught during shrimp trawling operation on FWS ship OREGON
Spinner or large blacktip sharks, some 7-footers, follow a shrimp boat to feed on bycatch thrown overboard during shrimping operations
Soupfin shark gillnets
Spinner or large blacktip sharks, some 7-footers, follow a shrimp boat to feed on bycatch thrown overboard during shrimping operations
Shrimp staining
Sampling to determine food consumption of isolated shrimp
Shrimp marking
Sheefish from George River, Alaska
Sheefish from George River, Alaska.
Sheep-head (Pacific) male (Pimelometopon pulchrum) from drawing by G
Sheepshead (Archosargus probatocephalus) from drawing by G
Sheepshead (Archosargus probatocephalus) from drawing by H
Sheepshead (Archosargus probatocephalus) from drawing by H
Spanish mackerel (Scomberomorus maculatus)
Shrimp catch
Shrimp caught in Gulf of Mexico
Shrimp product value lessened by injury during capture
Shrimp entangled by its numerous spines in extra mesh twines of Guthrie improved net.
Southern shrimp (Penaeus setiferus) from drawing by J
Sorting trawl catch of blue crabs and small fish on deck of FWS research vessel
Sorting trawl catch of blue crabs and small fish on deck of FWS research vessel
Shellfish research - cultureing algae as shellfish food
Structure of a fresh-water mussel drawn by George LeFevre and W
Sorting trawl catch of blue crabs and small fish on deck of FWS research vessel
Sorting trawl catch predominantly of blue crabs and small fish of FWS research vessel
Shad fishing in brackish water
Shad fishing - hauling net over stern
Shad fishing - hauling net over stern
Small boat used in shad fishery - outboard amidships forward to facilitate hauling net over stern.
Small boat used in shad fishery - outboard amidships forward to facilitate hauling net over stern.
Small boat used in shad fishery - outboard amidships forward to facilitate hauling net over stern.
Shad research - removing shad from drift gill net
Shad research - hauling in drift gill net
Scale of 4-year old hickory shad (Pomolobus mediocrus) showing annulus crossing circuli.
Shad hatching boxes
Seaweed - ulva lactuca
Seaweed -chondrus crispus, known as Irish moss.
Seaweed -Rhodymenia palmata
Seaweed Sargassum natans)
Sea otter skull, lower and upper jaw showing caries in teeth and broken canine with worn opposing teeth.
Sea otter skull, lower and upper jaw showing caries in teeth and broken canine with worn opposing teeth.
Sea otter skull showing caries in teeth of upper jaw
Sea otter skull showing caries in teeth of upper jaw
Showing measurement of length of hind paw of sea otter.
Showing measurement of length of tail of sea otter.
Showing measurement of length of front paw of sea otter.
Showing measurement of length of sea otter.
Sea urchin in a tidal pool
Snails on rocks - one form of otter food.
Sea otter in Burr House Cove
Sea otter habitat - East end of Makarius Bay
Sea otter in Burr House Cove
Sea otter in Burr House Cove
Sea otter in Burr House Cove
Sea otter in Burr House Cove
Sea otter on its back in the water
Sub-adult sea otter on a rock beach
Sea otter on its back in the water
Sea otter on its back in the water
Steller sea lions on breeding grounds
Steller sea lions two weeks before the height of the breeding season
Steller sea lions on breeding grounds
Steller sea lions two weeks before the height of the breeding season
Steller sea lions two weeks before the height of the breeding season
Sea lions on Tolstoi Point
Sea lion bulls awaiting arrival of cows
Sea lion in a seaweed garden
Steller sea lions (adults swimming, young on beach)
Sea lion pups
Sea-cucumber, sea-urchin, sand dollar, starfish, and two jellyfish shown in artwork.
Sculpin egg predation project
Scup porgy
Sorting out live scallops and clams from dredge haul
Scallop dredge
Scallop dredge
Shucking medium-sized weathervain scallops (Patinopecten caurinus) taken in the Gulf of Alaska by the M/V JOHN R
Shucking scallops
Sorting out live clams and scallops
Setting the dredge on a one-man scallop and clamming operation
Scallop dredge with calico scallop catch coming aboard BCF exploratory fishing vessel SILVER BAY
Sorting scallops aboard ALBATROSS IV
Sea scallop dredge coming aboard with about 15 bushels, not all scallops, in the bag.
Sea scallops on the bottom in about 300 feet of water
Shucking out the sea scallops
Scallop measuring board (Placopecten magellanicus)
Sea scallops on deck (Placopecten magellanicus)
Scallop sampled at the Franklin City BCF Laboratory
Scallops in a sample dish at the Franklin City BCF Laboratory
Scallops in a sample dish at the Franklin City BCF Laboratory
Scallop sampled at the Franklin City BCF Laboratory
Scallop sampled at the Franklin City BCF Laboratory
Scallop sampled at the Franklin City BCF Laboratory
Sockeye salmon purse seiner "turning the table after hauling."
Sockeye salmon purse seiner "throwing off the corkline preparatory to hauling."
Sockeye salmon purse seiner "hauling gear."
Sockeye salmon purse seiner "turning the table after hauling."
Sockeye salmon purse seiner with net just hauled and preparing to "turn table."
Sockeye salmon purse seiner "hauling the seine."
Sockeye salmon purse seiner with net just hauled and preparing to "turn table."
Sockeye salmon purse seiner "pursing the seine and pulling corks."
Sockeye salmon purse seiner "towing and closing the seine."
Sockeye salmon purse seiner "towing the seine."
Sockeye salmon purse seiner with dinghy "towing the seine."
Sockeye salmon purse seiner racing to Mitchell Bay to make its sets
Sockeye salmon purse seiner racing to Mitchell Bay to make its sets at the turn of the tide.
Sockeye salmon purse seiners racing make their sets at the turn of the tide
Sockeye salmon purse seiners racing to a favorite spot to make sets at the turn of the tide.
Salmon leapi9ng up waterfalls on way to spawning ground.
Salmon ascending falls on way to spawning ground
Sardine cans going in the cooker at a sardine canning plant
Studying micro-projection of Pacific sardine scale
Studying micro-projection of Pacific sardine ova
Sardine larva and other plankters from the Gulf of California
Salmon trying to escape f rom fish crowder
Spawning salmon
Salmon weir and fish counting station
Salmon weir and fish counting station
Salmon traps to trap migrant salmon
Salmon counting weir and cabin
Salmon counting weir, cabin and airplane
Salmon counting weir and cabin
Snow at Katlian Bay salmon station
Snow at Katlian Bay salmon station
Snow conditions at Katlian Bay salmon station
Scow load of sockeye salmon
Spawning a ripe red salmon
School of sockeye salmon waiting to spawn in Forfar Creek.
Spawned out and bear-killed pink salmon
Salmon egg incubators through with water flows continuously.
Spawned out pink salmon
Spawned out pink salmon at the Karluk River Weir.
Sorting salmon in holding ponds
Salmon on spawning bed
Spawning a ripe red salmon
Smoking salmon by "standard" cure method
Smoking salmon by "standard" cure method
Smoking salmon by "standard" cure method
Salmon ready for ripening at Booth Fisheries
Salmon caught in a purse net
Seining salmon with team of small boats
Salmon purse seiner at dock with dinghy
Salmon purse seiner at dock
Salmon purse seiner setting net close to shore
Salmon purse seiner setting net close to shore
Salmon purse seiner setting net close to shore
Salmon purse seiner setting net close to shore
Salmon purse seiners
Salmon purse seiner anchoring net on shore - attempting to capture all salmon swimming close to the beach.
Salmon purse seiner with net out
Salmon purse seiner with net out
Salmon seining - hauling in purse seine
Salmon packer at anchor
Salmon purse seiner with net out
Searching for sockeye fingerlings at Lake Chelatna
Salmon purse seines on Fisherman's Dock
Salmon boat NORA docked at the Bumble Bee Seafoods dock
Salmon boat NORA docking
Salmon gill net
Salmon boat docking
Salmon gill net and boat
Small salmon boats anchored inshore with vessel underway offshore.
Salmon purse seiner NINA B.
Salmon purse seiner NINA B.
Salmon purse seiner JOYCELYN
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