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An adult gentoo penguin feeding its two chicks.
An Adelie penguin braves the surf as it heads out to forage in the open ocean.
A white morph southern giant petrel sits on its nest atop a rocky hillside
A skua steals an egg from an Adelie penguin nest as nearby Adelie penguins look on in defense of their own nests
An adult skua sits on its nest near a nest marker
An unusually calm day in the South Shetland Islands, with mirror-like waters.
A chinstrap penguin with two chicks.
Asynchronous hatching in a gentoo penguin nest.
A chinstrap penguin oufitted with a radio transmitter.
A critical component of any Antarctic field station: the generator.
A penguin colony at King George Island in 1978.
A chinstrap penguin and chick.
A nesting Adelie penguin
A skua flies away from an Adelie penguin colony with a stolen egg
An adult gentoo penguin feeding its chick.
Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) feeding at the ice edge.
A brown skua sits on its nest, barely visible amid the mottled pattern of browns and oranges on the surrouding rocks
An adult skua stands on a lichen-covered rock
An adult skua stretches its wings, revealing identification tags used by AMLR scientists to study foraging behavior of an animal throughout a single b
A cape petrel rests on the ocean's surface.
A tagged skua steals eggs from a nest as Adelie penguins look on in defense of their own nests.
A brown skua sits on its nest.
A southern giant petrel guards its chick.
A rare white phase of Southern giant petrel nests at King George Island
A banded skua stands on colorful rocks covered in green grasses and orange lichen.
A kelp gull with a nearly full-grown chick perch atop rocks covered in red and black lichens.
A pair of skuas protect their nest from AMLR field biologist who diligently records the animals' activities throughout the breeding season near the re
An early AMLR field camp at King George Island.
A rock formation at King George Island, nicknamed the Sphinx.
A pair of chinstrap penguins.
A remote observation shack must be anchored with heavy stones because of strong katabatic winds.
An aerial view of Copacabana field station and surrounding penguin colonies.
An Antarctic ichthyologist holds a fish sample.
A haul of icefish from a research trawl.
AMLR scientists work diligently through inclement weather at the catch sorting station on the stern of the R/V YUZHMORGEOLOGIYA
A team of AMLR scientists and Russian crew pull in trawling nets during the 1997 demersal fish survey aboard the R/V YUZHMORGEOLOGIYA
A black rockcod caught in a research trawl.
A catch of spino crabs.
A benthic trawl at Stromness Bay, South Georgia Island.
An ROV equipped with a camera for investigating benthic organisms.
A sunny day in the fjords of the Antarctic Peninsula.
AMLR crew headed for their base camp in four Zodiacs.
A chinstrap penguin preens while standing on a sleeping elephant seal.
A chinstrap penguin after swimming.
A "growler" off Seal Island.
A grounded iceberg called a "growler", sculpted by wind and waves.
A female Antarctic fur seal after a swim.
A fur seal pup after swimming.
A penguin colony overlooking the AMLR field station at Seal Island.
A biologist inspects a chinstrap penguin rookery.
Antarctic fur seals and chinstrap penguins congregate at a rocky inlet on Seal Island
An AMLR scientist walks along the crest of a snow-covered mountainsilhouetted by a dramatic vista of clouds.
An elephant seal on the front porch of an AMLR field camp.
A small iceberg at Seal Island.
A group of chinstrap penguins on pack ice.
A southern giant petrel rests after scavenging on carrion.
A molting elephant seal on the front porch of the field camp at Seal Island.
A resting Weddell seal.
an AMLR scientist traverses the stark but beautiful Antarctic landscape toward a pinniped monitoring site.
A southern right whale in the Southern Ocean.
A gentoo penguin warming its egg.
A gentoo penguin performing a courtship display.
AMLR scientists monitor many breeding sites around Livingston Island, some of which are far away from the Cape Shirreff field station
A tabular iceberg, fractured and sculpted by wind and ice.
A large iceberg with an ice cave in Lalamon Fjord
A female elephant seal snoozes on a warm piece of ship debris.
An AMLR scientist treks along a glacier in the morning silence, with only a penguin for company.
A group of gentoo penguins gather along an icy shoreline.
A seal biologist analyzing seal scats (feces), which provide clues about the animals' diet.
A southern elephant seal bull, at home among the icebergs.
A seal researcher opening camp for the season at Cape Shirreff.
A seal researcher doing double duty shoveling snow at an AMLR field station.
A female Antarctic fur seal and her newborn pup, only minutes old.
A fur seal mother cleaning her newborn pup.
An Antarctic fur seal giving birth, or 'pupping" at Cape Shirreff, Livingston Island
Antarctic scientist starting work for the day at the Cape Shirreff bird blind.
An icy ridge extends towards the sea
An Antarctic fur seal pup sporting a flipper tag.
A humpback whale, with visible dorsal hump that gives it its name.
A storm approaching Cape Shirreff
A molting chinstrap penguin
Aquaculture has the potential to meet a large part of the demand for certain fishery products
Aerial view of a purse seiner encircling a school of tuna.
A converted ferryboat is used in the Potomac River by the Virginia Institute of Marine Science to test the efficiency of a midwater trawl in catching
A tracing made by an echo sounder shows concentrations of Pacific ocean perch on the sea floor, as well as the otter trawl of another vessel sweeping
Aerial photograph showing fish school with contrail
Aerial photograph showing fish school with contrail
A salmon troller
Assembling computer at BCF Beaufort Biological Laboratory
A research vessel is experimenting with an instrumented buoy system for transmitting data to fishermen on the location, kinds, and abundance of fish s
Aerial spotting and photography are used to evaluate the magnitude and movements of pelagic untapped fishery resources.
At the annual fish day at Port Washington, youngsters participate in a smoked- fish eating contest.
A Samoan woman cracks a piece of coral to extract a hidden sea urchin
A little-known aspect of the U.S
A technician is packaging fish fillets in a plastic container for demonstration shipping tests
An engineer at the Gloucester Technological Laboratory tests newly developed plastic container for shipping iced fresh fish long distances
A taste panel records its reactions to a new fishery product
A BCF home economist is testing a new industry-developed batter for preparing fried fish.
AK scenery, 1892.
Atka mackerel, Atka, AK, 1893.
Albatross at anchor, Port Otway, western Patagonia, 1888.
Alert Bay, BC, Haidah graveyard, ethnology, 1888.
Albatross, HI, 1902, black albatross, Laysan Island.
Albatross, HI, 1902, black albatrosses, Laysan Island.
Albatross, HI, 1902, albatross feeding young, Laysan Island.
Albatross, HI, 1902, white albatross, Laysan Island.
Albatross, HI, 1902, Laysan Island.
Albatross, HI, 1902, Laysan Island.
Albatross, HI, 1902, Laysan Island.
Albatross, HI, 1902, Laysan Island.
Albatross, HI, 1902, Laysan Island.
Albatross, HI, 1902, Laysan Island.
Albatross, HI, 1902, Laysan Island.
Albatross, HI, 1902, old coral rock, Laysan Island.
Albatross, HI, 1902, Yerus (?), Laysan Island.
Albatross, HI, 1902, albatross rookery, Laysan Island.
Albatross, HI, 1902, freshwater lake, Laysan Island.
Albatross, HI, 1902, shark, first specimen taken.
Albatross, HI, 1902, shark, second specimen taken.
Albatross, HI, 1902, salt lake, Laysan Island.
Albatross, HI, 1902, harbor at Laysan Island.
Atka village from beach to east, Nazan Bay, Atka Id, AK, 1894.
Albatross, AK, 1901, Baranof Island, Gut Bay, site of old barricade.
Albatross, AK, 1901, Chichagof Island, cannery at Sitka Bay.
Albatross, AK, 1901, Yakutat Bay and vicinity, Hubbard Island, east stream from islet at Lurn Point.
Albatross, AK, 1901, Icy Strait, southeast Alaska, cannery of Western Fisheries Cannery Co., Dundas Bay, looking east.
Albatross, AK, 1901, Icy Strait, building erected for cannery by Icy Strait Packing Co
Albatross, AK, 1901, Wrangell Island, southeast Alaska, cannery of Alaska Packers Assn., Point Highfield.
Albatross, AK, 1901, Revilla Gigedo Isd., southeast Alaska, cannery of Alaska Packers Assn, Naha Bay.
Albatross, trawl net.
Albatross cruise, 1897, humpback salmon taken in stream, head of Uganuk Bay, Kodiak Island, AK.
Albatross, AK, 1900, cannery of Icy Strait Packing Co., Petersburg, view from steamer wharf, Wrangell Strait.
Albatross, AK, 1900, Bristol Bay district, Eskimo women cleaning salmon on beach near A.P.A
Albatross, AK, 1900, Bristol Bay district, bidarka and kayak on beach near A.P.A
Albatross, AK, 1900, Bristol Bay district, Greek (Russian) church west of Naknek Packing Co., Naknek River.
Albatross, AK, 1900, Bristol Bay district, native village west of Naknek Packing Co., Naknek River, Ukala Rocks.
Albatross, AK, 1900, Bristol Bay district, native barabara (sod house) and stone house near Artic Packing Co
Albatross, AK, 1900, Bristol Bay district, native village and Ukala Rocks on bluff to west of Artic Packing Co., Naknek River.
Albatross, AK, 1900, Bristol Bay district, Ukala Rocks near cannery of A.P.A., Naknek River, AK, on the left is a typical diminutive tent such as is u
Albatross, AK, 1900, Bristol Bay district, northern and inshore pot of salmon trap belonging to Alaska Packers Assn., near Graveyard Point, Kvichak Ba
Albatross, AK, 1900, Bristol Bay district, Norwegian prahm, a handy boat in favor among Bristol Bay cannery at Alaska Packing Co
Albatross, AK, 1900, Bristol Bay district, Columbia River salmon boats at Alaska Packing Co
Albatross, AK, 1900, Bristol Bay district, Eskimoes in settlement near Bristol Bay Canning Co., Nushagak Bay.
Albatross, AK, 1900, Bristol Bay district, Cannery of Bristol Bay Canning Co
Albatross, AK, 1900, Bristol Bay district, salting station of C.E
Albatross, AK, 1900, Bristol Bay district, cannery of Artic Packing Co
A Scaridae fish.
A species of whiting.
A Serranoid fish of some sort.
Alaskan salmon fisheries, obstructions, traps, apparatus, etc., Albatross, 1897.
Alaska peninsula, Belkofski village from graveyard, settlements and buildings
Alaskan salmon canneries, salteries, etc
Albatross, sampling tools.
Alaskan salmon canneries, salteries, etc
Alaskan salmon fisheries, obstruction traps apparatus
Alaska salmon canneries, salteries, etc
Albatross cruise 1897
Alaskan scenery, Dutch Harbor, AK, Alaska settlement and buildings.
Alert Bay, BC, part of the native village, 1888.
Albatross, Sigsbee sounding machine, 1895.
Albatross, Townsend's Intermediate tow-rest.
Albatross, Sigsbee sounding machine, 1895.
Albatross, Blake deep sea trawl, front view.
Albatross, Blake deep sea trawl, side view.
Albatross, Tanner dredging quadrant, 1895.
Albatross, Sigbee sounder with 30-lb
Albatross, Tanner dredging quadrant, 1895.
Albatross, Sigbee sounder with 30-lb
Albatross, old fashioned sounding rod used by Hawaiian Inter-Island Cable Co., presented to Townsend at Honolulu.
Albatross, Tanner thermometer case on wire
Albatross trawl net.
Albatross, Blake deep sea trawl, lowering.
Albatross, beam trawl.
Albatross, Blake deep sea trawl, lowering.
Albatross, surface tow rest.
Albatross, Tanner improved intermediate tow rest closed.
Albatross, Tanner improved intermediate tow rest ready to send down.
Albatross in southeast AK.
Albatross in Alaska.
Albatross at Panama about 1890.
Albatross, at Washington Navy Yard.
Albatross, ethnology, prehistoric ruin, Cozumel, Mexico.
Album cover for Views In Michigan
Aspidonectes Emoryii.
Aspindonectes Sp.
Abandoned trap over 3,000 feet long, AK.
At Fishing Battery Hatchery and Lighthouse, fishermen's boats in harbor, 1891.
At Fishing Battery Hatchery and Lighthouse landing shad seine, 1891.
Albatross surface nets.
Alabama oyster survey, Portersville, AL.
Aquatic products in Arts and Industries, whalebone, New Bedford, MA.
A crabber's camp on Tangier Island, VA, Aug
A crab-float filled with shedding crabs, Crisfield, MD, Aug
A drawer of soft crabs packed for shipment, Crisfield, MD, Aug
A crab-house "yard", Crisfield, MD, Aug
Alewife fishery, Albermarle Sound, NC, hauling seine on landing platform.
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