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A misty Antarctic mountaintop, as seen from a Zodiac, South Shetland Islands.
A southern giant petrel glides over the crests of waves while foraging in the Southern Ocean.
A southern giant petrel glides over the crests of waves while foraging in the Southern Ocean.
Antarctic fish sample.
Antarctic shags gather at their coastal nesting site.
An AMLR scientist records the number of eggs found in this skua nest while the adult skuas are foraging away from the nest.
AMLR scientist leaving NOAA Ship SURVEYOR on zodiac for Seal Island.
An AMLR biologist with two southern elephant seals.
AMLR scientists traverse the snowy landscape, South Shetland Islands.
An AMLR scientist with an Adelie penguin, which will be measured, tagged and released.
A gentoo penguin and chick.
A elephant seal takes a break on the Seal Island boardwalk.
A skua displays its outstretched wings in a "long-call wing display" as a method of claiming its territory.
AMLR scientists at the Seal Island field station.
AMLR scientists aboard the R/V Surveyor.
A female elephant seal in the shallows at Cape Shirreff, Livingston Island.
A close-up of this Antarctic shag highlights its characteristic blue eyes and the yellow/orange growth above its beak that is brightest during the bre
An Antarctic fur seal pup after a swim.
AMLR Scientists prepare the brand new zooplankton sorting lab, built into a cargo container.
An Antarctic fur seal pup, Livingston Island.
A close up of a leopard seal.
A resting crabeater seal pup.
A field station at South Georgia Island.
Antarctic fur seals with whalebones at Cape Shirreff, Livingston Island.
An AMLR scientist with a large whalebone.
Antarctic scientist, Tony Amos, analysing data aboard the R/V Yuzhmorgeologiya.
AMLR scientists build the Cape Shirreff field camp.
An AMLR scientist stands in front of the food storage building.
Adelie penguins, South Shetland Islands.
A closeup of a penguin's feet.
A close up of a penguin's feathers.
A leopard seal and Antarctic fur seal.
An iceberg in pack ice, Southern Ocean, South Shetland Islands.
A close up of a leopard seal.
A cape petrel sits on its nest on a cliff face on Seal Island.
AMLR scientists look on as a humpback whale breaches next to their boat.
Antarctic fur seal pup with a backpack.
A flock of snow petrels rests on an icy coastline.
An adult chinstrap penguin, Seal Island.
A leopard seal swims in icy waters.
A leopard seal captures an emperor penguin.
An emperor penguin chick with two adults.
A chinstrap penguin colony on the rocky coast of Seal Island.
A close up of a leopard seal.
An emperor penguin, the largest species of penguin.
A close up of a resting leopard seal.
A penguin colony at Seal Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica.
A penguin colony surrounds the foot of a rocky pinnacle at Seal Island.
A gentoo penguin in the snow, Seal Island.
A penguin colony on the rocky coast of Seal Island.
Adelie penguins calling.
Adelie penguins are often found on snowy beaches such as this one.
An Adelie penguin.
A group of chinstrap penguins on the alert near a leopard seal.
A young male Antarctic fur seal with a wound from fighting.
A resting crabeater seal at Seal Island.
A resting chinstrap penguin at Seal Island.
A Weddell seal at North Cove, Seal Island.
A rare blonde color morph of the Antarctic fur seal rests on the beach.
AMLR scientist McKenzie Mudge with a fur seal pup.
A Zodiac brings supplies to the AMLR field station at Seal Island.
A young Antarctic fur seal explores the AMLR field station at Seal Island.
A chinstrap penguin colony on Seal Island.
Antarctic fur seals and chinstrap penguins on a beach at Seal Island.
A young Antarctic fur seal.
An adult chinstrap penguin with chicks.
A rare blonde color morph of the Antarctic fur seal.
A snowy sheatbill and its chick are seen walking amidst the rocks.
A southern giant petrel chick sits on its nest, awaiting the return of its parents and the anticipated meal that accompanies their arrival.
A crabeater seal at Seal Island, South Shetland Islands.
A Weddell seal with an instrument that records location and depth.
A Weddell seal.
A cliffside penguin colony in the South Shetland Islands.
A group of fur seal pups after a swim.
A group of macaroni penguins.
A cliffside colony of chinstrap penguins at Seal Island.
A chinstrap penguin with chick.
A sheathbill with chick.
A seal colony with two satellite-tagged seals.
A biologist at a chinstrap penguin colony on Seal Island.
A seal with a telemetry tag in 2005.
A seal with a telemetry tag in 1990.
A Weddell seal on the ice
AMLR biologists walk to the bird blind at Seal Island, where they can monitor penguin behavior without disturbing the penguin colony.
Antarctic fur seal pup .
A team of AMLR scientists pushes their Zodiac off the beach at Seal Island to an area deep enough to lower the outboard motor.
A storm approaching Cape Shirreff, Livingston Island.
An AMLR scientist with telemetry equipment at Seal Island, South Shetland Islands.
A chinstrap penguin investigates the prefab field camp at Seal Island.
AMLR scientists construct the Seal Island field station during their first field season.
A Zodiac, useful in shallow waters and when attempting to tag animals at sea.
A penguin colony near a weather station, Seal Island.
Antarctic fur seals and chinstrap penguins at North Cove, Seal Island.
Antarctic fur seals and chinstrap penguins at North Cove, Seal Island.
A fur seal with a radio transmitter glued to its fur
A fur seal amongst penguins.
A close up of an Antarctic fur seal's teeth.
A chinstrap penguin being instrumented with a Time Depth Recorder (TDR).
AMLR biologist John Jansen enters data at the Seal Island field camp.
An AMLR Antarctic tradition: making ice cream
Antarctic researcher Lisa Hiruki-Raring downloads data in the observation blind at North Cove, Seal Island.
A sunrise in the South Shetland Islands.
AMLR scientists in a Zodiac off the coast of Seal Island.
A species of icefish.
A small iceberg, or "growler", off the cost of rocky Seal Island.
A glacier at Seal Island, 1992.
A chinstrap penguin colony on Seal Island.
A small iceberg, or "growler", off the cost of rocky Seal Island.
A close up of an Antarctic fur seal.
A conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) is deployed from the fantail of the R/V Surveyor.
A white morph giant petrel savenges on the carcass of a fur seal pup, seen in the foreground
AMLR scientists deploy a small boat from the R/V Surveyor to carry supplies to the AMLR field stations.
A wildlife photographer .
A cross-section of Antarctic fur seal teeth seen under a dissecting microscope.
A cross-section of a fur seal tooth, under a microscope
A calm day in Antarctica.
An Antarctic fur seal instrumented with radio and flipper tags.
A group of female Southern elephant seals in molt.
A chinstrap penguin rookery
A large chinstrap penguin colony at Seal Island.
A chinstrap penguin guards its nest after a snowstorm.
A pair of chinstrap penguins prior to copulation.
A chinstrap penguin colony near a glacier at Seal Island.
An AMLR biologist seeks a better view at a Seal Island penguin colony.
A fur seal mother and nursing pup.
A calling fur seal.
A fur seal and her pup
An impressive view of a leopard seal's teeth, Cape Shirreff, Livingston Island
Antarctic fur seal mom and pup.
A resting Weddell seal.
A nursing Antarctic fur seal pup .
Adelie penguins rest on the snow on Livingston Island.
A tagged Antarctic fur seal with her newborn pup.
A fur seal with a flipper tag, and her newborn pup.
A fur seal with a flipper tag and radio transmitter.
Antarctic fur seal giving birth.
A southern giant petrel uses the posture known as the "sealmaster" posture - wings outstretched, tail raise and beak pointed at the enemy - to guard i
A giant petrel defends its meal from an intruder in a pose referred to by some scientists as the "sealmaster" posture.
A fur seal mother with her newborn pup.
A fur seal snoozes with a penguin colony in the distance.
An AMLR biologist buries a scale in a penguin colony on Seal Island.
AMLR scientists set up a hidden scale that will measure penguins as they walk over it or sit on it.
A yearling Antarctic fur seal.
An Antarctic fur seal at Cape Shirreff, Livingston Island.
AMLR researchers Drs
An Antarctic fur seal, with warm winter coat.
An AMLR scientist sets up the Seal Island field station's radio antenna.
A biologist counts his way through a chinstrap penguin colony on Seal Island.
An AMLR small boat makes its way toward the Seal Island field station from the nearby R/V Surveyor.
A small aircraft doing aerial surveys in South Georgia Island.
An adult chinstrap penguin with two chicks.
A chinstrap penguin colony on the rocky shoreline of Seal Island.
An adult chinstrap penguin with two chicks.
A cliffside colony of chinstrap penguins at Seal Island.
A colony of chinstrap penguins
An AMLR scientist takes a break from work at the Seal Island field station.
A seaside colony of penguins at Seal Island in 1991.
An Adelie penguin colony, with an observation shack visible in the distance .
A seaside colony of penguins at Seal Island in 1991.
A seaside colony of chinstrap penguins at Seal Island in 1991.
A penguin biologist with good humor.
A helicopter makes a beach landing at the Seal Island field station.
An AMLR researcher sorts the most recent catch of zooplankton aboard the R/V Surveyor.
A beautiful crystalline ice formation.
A trawl net, used to collect zooplankton and pelagic fish samples.
A scientist prepares a CTD rosette, with bottles to collect seawater samples.
A tabular iceberg, being reshaped by the wind and ocean.
A tabular iceberg afloat in the Southern Ocean.
AMLR's current director, Dr
An iceberg at the moment it cleaves a large chunk of ice.
An IKMT is deployed from the stern of the R/V Yuzhmorgeologiya.
A SCUBA diver in the icy Southern Ocean.
A pair of SCUBA divers look to climb out of the icy water and back aboard the Zodiac
An iceberg sculpted by wind and waves.
Antarctic scientist, Dr
A fine-mesh net designed to catch zooplankton, tiny creatures swimming in the water column.
A trawl net on the stern of a commercial fishing vessel.
A R/V Profesor Siedlecki launch full of Polish scientists and sailors returns to the ship from a visit at the Polish Arctowski field station.
Acoustic fish.
Arctowski station seen from the high hillside above the base
A pair of Weddell seals resting on the ice.
An Antarctic fur seal with gentoo penguins.
A lone chinstrap penguin stands in the moonlight in Admiralty Bay on King George Island.
An Antarctic krill, Euphausia superb, can be seen here feeding under the ice layer that forms on the surface of the ocean during the winter.
A water trail through pancake ice, made by a research vessel.
Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba
An adult Adelie penguin stands beside a nearly grown chick
An adult Adelie penguin looks after its two chicks.
A pair of nesting Adelie penguins, guarding the first egg of the clutch.
A male Adelie penguin performs a courtship display.
A group of fur seals swims toward shore.
An aerial photo of the western shore entrance to Admiralty Bay
An aerial view of cliffside penguin colonies.
An aerial view of the Copacabana field station, with surrounding penguin colonies, King George Island.
A group of Adelie penguins at King George Island in 1977.
A glacier meets the sea, South Shetland Islands.
A makeshift field camp at King George Island.
A chinstrap penguin colony, King George Island.
A gentoo penguin keeping its chicks warm.
Another day at the office, entering data.
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