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A field of extinct sulfide chimneys, several meters high, rise above the surrounding seafloor
A recent pillow lava flow with biological material resting between the pillows, indicating where low-temperature hydrothermal fluid has been leaking o
An oddly broken lava slab showing cooling zones of lava and pink and white alteration.
An extinct hydrothermal spire probably composed of sulfide minerals spewed from a black smoker.
A deep crevasse probably marking proximity to the locus of seafloor spreading.
A recent lava flow showing white microbial staining on the broken basaltic rocks , caused by discharge of warm hydrothermal fluids through the seafloo
A large crack in an otherwise smooth lava sea floor along the Galapagos Rift
A recent pillow lava flow with biological material resting between the pillows, indicating where low-temperature hydrothermal fluid has been leaking o
A recent pillow lava flow with biological material resting between the pillows, indicating where low-temperature hydrothermal fluid has been leaking o
A recent pillow lava flow with biological material resting between the pillows, indicating where low-temperature hydrothermal fluid has been leaking o
Angular blocks of lava rock and vent crabs are seen through shimmering water indicating venting hydrothermal fluids.
A pillow on a pedestal in a highly fissured area of seafloor apparently close to the locus of spreading along the Galapagos Rift.
A rugged area of pillow lavas and a large fissure in the seafloor.
A field of extinct sulfide chimneys, a few meters high, rise above the surrounding seafloor
A field of extinct sulfide chimneys, a few meters high, rise above the surrounding seafloor
A large fissure in the Galapagos rift area flanked by pillow lavas on each side.
An area of angular boulders with white coating which is probably of biological origin
A recent lava flow showing white microbial staining on the broken basaltic rocks , caused by discharge of warm hydrothermal fluids through the seafloo
Appear to be looking down into a crevice
Aspect of image makes it difficult to say whether this is a vertical spire or a horizontal spur of volcanic rock jutting into a crevice
Angular boulders of volcanic rock
A recent pillow lava flow with biological material resting between the pillows, indicating where low-temperature hydrothermal fluid has been leaking o
A recent pillow lava flow with biological material resting between the pillows, indicating where low-temperature hydrothermal fluid has been leaking o
A recent pillow lava flow with biological material resting between the pillows, indicating where low-temperature hydrothermal fluid has been leaking o
A recent pillow lava flow with biological material resting between the pillows, indicating where low-temperature hydrothermal fluid has been leaking o
A clam shell and mussel shells in association with pillow lavas.
A large dead mussel shell indicating hydrothermal venting in this area in the past.
A burrow in the sand with a white leg (brittle star?) poking out.
A collapsed pillow lava with the lava frozen in place after flowing out.
A smooth pahoehoe lava flow with a pinkish red holothurian.
A fresh lava flow of black pillow lavas overlying older pillow lavas having sediment cover
A remarkable field of pillow lavas
A collapsed pillow lava
A little extrusion of lava from the side of a large pillow structure.
An archway formed by lava pillars supporting a remnant of intact lobate lava flow crust within a large collapsed lava lake
A deep-sea skate glides through a cloud of diffused "smoke", i.e., mineral laden waters from hydrothermal vents.
A deep-sea skate reminiscent of a stealth bomber glides through a cloud of diffused "smoke", i.e., mineral laden waters from hydrothermal vents.
A deep sea fish swimming over pillow lavas with pinking bacterial mat material
A deep sea fish swimming over pillow lavas with pinking bacterial mat material
A deep sea fish swimming over the barely perceptible bottom.
A deep-sea skate glide through the outskirts of a vent field.
A deep-sea skate glide through the outskirts of a vent field.
A deep-sea skate glides through a cloud of diffused "smoke".
An eel-like fish over pillow lavas.
A field of brachiopods and ophiuroids on the seafloor with several fish, corals and a seastar in view
A gadiform fish, small corals, large brittles stars, and an eel on the right edge of the image are seen in this rock garden like image.
An eel and a gadiform fish on a primarily rock bottom
A number of deep sea fish on a sand bottom
An antimora swimming over a boulder field
An eel-like fish with a macrourid fish hidden in the rocks, a white sunflower sea star, and a red squat lobster.
An antimora swimming, a tonguefish and a squat lobster on the sediment below.
A colorful unidentified fish in left center, a squat lobster in left foreground and a tongue fish in right foreground.
A large eel, small white corals, a white sea urchin, small brittle stars, and other biota in a field of black boulders.
An unidentified species of eel peeks up at the ROV from its hole in the seafloor sand.
A sea pen coral, a tongue fish on a sandy bottom, reddish squat lobsters, and a small white coral wtih black rock outcrops.
Abbysal scene with rock outcrops, white corals, and macrourid fish.
A long thin halosaur on a rocky slope with numerous small primnoid coral colonies.
A number of sponges and corals on a hydrothermally altered rock face
A large orange shrimp, a white sponge?, a large round long-spined sea urchin, and numerous small white to almost invisible stony corals.
A large red shrimp next to a bizarre appearing candelabra-like black coral bush.
A delicate coral with a small red-mottled shrimp to its right and a number of brittle stars.
A cup coral to left, a white to translucent soft coral, numerous squiggly brittle stars,a number of bivalves, and a white coral in the right center of
A large red shrimp, bivalves, small corals and a large orange brittle star
A medium sized fish, numerous bivalves and brittle stars covering the rock outcrop to the upper right, and a brown toadfish on the bottom right.
A red encrusting sponge? or a red blanket that has drifted down from the surface ? The field identification for this image was labeled sweater_sponge
A tripod fish, a number of squat lobsters, one red shrimp, a flatfish, and one other small deep sea fish on a sandy bottom.
A large crab and fairly long eel-like fish in a rock environment with numerous small coral bushes
A variety of life can be seen in this image including squat lobsters, a large white urchin, a cup coral, small coral bushes, whitish clear anemones, b
A reddish crab on the left of the image, white and pinkish translucent anemones in the center of the image, and a relatively large bluish deep sea fis
A sea spider Pycnogonid crab
A red shrimp on a rock outcrop
A beautiful red-mottled and translucent shrimp
A large crab and small corals on a rock outcrop
A squat lobster and an anemone on a coral bush.
A highly diverse animal community with squat lobsters, various corals, a large brittle star and a deep sea fish right at the bottom of the image.
Acrobatic galatheid crab bending over backwards on black coral bush.
A swimming polychaete worm, with long squid-like tentacles used for breathing, undulates through the water column.
A swimming polychaete worm, with long squid-like tentacles used for breathing, undulates through the water column.
A swimming polychaete worm, with long squid-like tentacles used for breathing, undulates through the water column.
A xenophyophore
A large polychaete work on a rock outcrop
A large brittle star with its armed raised upward
A large brittle star supporting itself over a sandy seafloor
A large brittle star on a sandy seafloor
A brittle star wrapped around a coral bush
A purple starfish.
An almost perfectly round, very long and thin-spined, pinkish orange sea urchin.
A large thirteen-legged brisingid starfish
A large orange and white eight-legged starfish on a rock outcrop
Arms of a pinkish orange brittle star.
A pinkish orange brittestar and delicate clear to white corals
A white gastropod crawling on a rock face.
A small red-shelled gastropod crawling on a rock face.
A sponge? A very thick based life form attached to a rock bottom.
A white sponge growing on a bare rock face.
A white sponge growing on a sediment covered rock outcrop.
A large white sponge and a smaller conical white sponge growing from a hydrothermally altered rock outcrop.
A yellow sponge and small white corals growing from a spherical pillow lava
A stalked sponge growing from a rock outcrop.
A yellow sponge growing on a rock outcrop
A small stalked sponge growing on a sandy bottom.
A variety of sponges and a large brittle star growing on sediment covered rock.
A white sponge growing from a a somewhat jumbled appearing sediment pile.
A stalked sponge on a sandy bottom
A white sponge on a rock outcrop
A Euplectellidae glass sponge known as Venus flower basket.
A Euplectellidae glass sponge known as Venus flower basket.
A Euplectellidae glass sponge known as Venus flower basket.
A Euplectellidae glass sponge known as Venus flower basket.
A stalked Euplectellidae glass sponge.
Antipatharian "black coral" on left and bamboo coral on right
Antipatharian "black coral" bush and small white bamboo corals bushes.
Antipatharian "black coral", red shrimp, and what appears to be a small white sponge.
Antipatharian "black coral"
Antipatharian "black coral"
Antipatharian "black coral"
An octocoral whip coral beginning to wind into a spiral in an area of pillow lavas.
A small bluish white coral bush with polyps retracted
A small octocoral bush growing in a field of pillow lavas being covered with sediment.
An amphipod no longer than a pencil eraser clings to a low branch of this black coral on the Galapagos Rift.
A large red shrimp swimming over a large black coral bush.
A small bamboo coral buth with polyps extended
Antipatharian coral ("black coral") bush
Antipatharian coral ("black coral") bush with galatheid crabs
Anemone-octocoral symbiosis
A beautiful purple anemone
A purple anemone, a reddish holothurian ( to left and below anemone), and a small white coral on a pillow lava
A beautiful orange anemone
A beautiful orange anemone
A brilliant purple anemone
A large yellow anemone on a pillow lava.
A large purple anemone residing on angular volcanic rock boulder.
A ridge of volcanic sands on Kawio Barat volcano.
A stalagmite-like spire of mineral material precipitated from a hydrothermal vent.
A kaleidoscopic landscape of black, orange, and white colors composed of hydrothermally altered rocks and sediments and bacterial mat material.
A clam semi-immersed in the sediment in the vicinity of hydrothermal venting activity and covered with hair-like strands of bacterial material.
A large red sea anemone -One of very few sea anemones at the Kawio Barat vent field
Active vent spire and active vent in lower middle left where shimmering water is seen
A large orange shrimp among smaller white ones at Kawio Barat hydrothermal vents field.
A pinkish red shrimp swims over rock with hydrothermal alteration as well as a carpet of yellow balls of native sulfur to left and bottom right
An eelpout in the vicinity of hydrothermal venting activity
A hydrothermal spire covered with barnacles on Kawio Barat.
A vent shrimp on a carpet of granular material in the Kawio Barat vent field.
A nearby hydrothermal vent, a scale worm, shrimp, and precipitates of native sulfur at a vent field on Kawio Barat.
A live clam is inspected on the seafloor at Kawio Barat
A slab of mudstone, possibly part of landslide debris
Angular boulders of volcanic rocks laying over gravel and sand bottom
Angular boulders of volcanic rocks.
A wall of somewhat columnar jointed volcanic rock
A linear slit-like crevice in an otherwise undisturbed seafloor
A small trench, perhaps caused by a whale foraging along bottom, with a red shrimp.
A series of large ripples on the seafloor that is reminiscent of gravity waves in clouds.
Area on right appears to be a flow of material that has covered up much material .
A nearly linear furrow in the seafloor
A nearly linear furrow in the seafloor with a large red shrimp living in the furrow.
A circular geologic feature that appears to have oozed up through the seafloor and left a circular raised area.
A circular geologic feature with seeming radial fractures.
A final look at the aimless holothurian in images expl5995 to expl5997.
A holothurian trail left by a holothurian with no plan in life.
A holothurian trail left by a holothurian with no plan in life.
A red feather star crinoid on a high spot next to a seeming rippled channel bottom indicating high currents in this area.
A weight from fishing gear lying on the bottom
A white limpet and white tube worms on a rotting log.
An oval shiny brown egg? concretion? life form? mineral?
A translucent anemone and white squat lobsters on a rotting log.
A white limpet and small white starfish on a rotting log.
A white chiton on a rotting log.
A scale worm and small urchins on a rotting log.
A large tube worm, an amphipod, and a white crabs legs on a rotting log
A bamboo stick with virtually no associated biota
A gurnard and eel in close proximity lying on the seafloor.
Alfonsino (Beryx splendens)
At least two species of fish, large shrimp, a small spiraling coral,and white sea anemones using iron oxide stained rock outcrop for habitat.
Alfonsino (Beryx splendens)swimming near a vertical cliff face with small yellow corals and stalked crinoids
Alfonsino (Beryx splendens)
Alfonsino (Beryx splendens)
Alfonsino (Beryx splendens)
Alfonsino (Beryx splendens)
A mottled spotted flatfish with eyes protruding above its head laying on a slope.
A brown and white barred fish resting near a local high point - that being a small rock or clay outcrop.
A brown and white barred fish resting near a local high point - that being a small rock or clay outcrop.
A shortnose greeneye (Chlorophthalmus agassizi) resting on the seafloor
A shortnose greeneye (Chlorophthalmus agassizi) resting on the seafloor near a small stalked sponge and a small crinoid
A shortnose greeneye (Chlorophthalmus agassizi) resting on the seafloor in an area that appears to have hydrothermal iron oxide staining.
An armored searobin or flying gurnard - Satyrichthys engyceros
A very long-nosed fish is seen in the lower right corner of this image
A boarfish
A large ray "flying" over a boulder bottom.
A large ray "flying" over a boulder bottom.
A boarfish from its port quarter with a large ray in the center right of the image.
A boarfish from its port quarter
A boarfish from above
A deep sea anglerfish aka goosefish, a member of the Lophiidae family - Sladenia remiger
A deep sea anglerfish aka goosefish, a member of the Lophiidae family - Sladenia remiger
A deep sea anglerfish aka goosefish, a member of the Lophiidae family - Sladenia remiger
A deep sea anglerfish aka monkfish, a member of the Lophiidae family - Lophiodes sp.
A deep sea anglerfish aka monkfish, a member of the Lophiidae family - Lophiodes sp.
An orange toadfish - Chaunax sp.
An orange toadfish - Chaunax sp.
An orange toadfish - Chaunax sp.
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