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A derelict gill net continues to 'ghost fish' at Farnsworth Bank, near Santa Catalina Island in southern California
An unhappy fisherman has recently lost one of his XTRATUFF boots at Tanner Bank
A stack of un-fired ammunition lies partially buried in the soft sediment at 9 Mile Bank off the coast of San Diego
An orange bucket rests on the sea floor at the Blackgill Spot, near 43 Fathom Bank off the coast of San Diego
A large car/boat battery rests on the sea floor near San Nicolas Island
An old Pepsi can sits on the rocky seafloor near 43 Fathom Bank off the coast of San Diego
Aurora rockfish (Sebastes aurora)
A large shark captured during shark studies in the Gulf of Mexico
Atlantic croaker (Micropogonias undulatus)
Atlantic barracuda (Lestidium atlanticum)
Allen Shimada outside the Western United Fish Company facility with a nice box of salmon.
Assembly line with salmon fillets.
Aurora rockfish (Sebastes aurora)
Aurora rockfish (Sebastes aurora)
Aurora rockfish (Sebastes goodei)
Aurora rockfish
Adult coho salmon
Adult coho salmon
Adult steelhead in Scott Creek
A vacuum cleaner found on the seafloor
A teapot on the seafloor
A short-spined combfish and a sufficiently recent beer bottle on the seafloor such that the label is legible.
Algae bloom in Hamilton Harbor, Lake Ontario
An assortment of zooplankton
An assortment of zooplankton
A zebra mussel, an invasive species that causes much damage on the Great Lakes
A submersible fish cage sitting on the surface for cleaning and inspection.
Angela Annino of Connecticut holds up an impressive striped bass, one of New England's most popular sport fish
Atlantic sturgeon.
Atlantic cod.
An adult Atlantic salmon from one of the world's most productive rivers, the River Teno in northern Norway.
A researcher shows visitors microalgae tanks which supplies a steady supply of nutrients for young oysters.
Area of dissolved oxygen in the Gulf of Mexico: 1985-2010.
Aerial view of North Atlantic right whale that a team of state and federal biologists assisted in disentangling off Daytona Beach.
Artisanal landing site-outside Tema, Ghana
Artisanal fishing craft decorated with image of dolphin fish and bill fish
Artisanal fishing craft seen offshore.
Artisanal fishing craft seen offshore.
Artisanal fishing trap
A scene on the River Cestos
Artisinal fisherman selling a barracuda on the roadside
A wide variety of fish and shellfish species support a mostly small-scale fisher y, operating near to the coast
An educational poster produced by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) for the Southeast Pacific Ocean area.
Anchovy fishmeal
A "chata" lighter is used to transfer the catch from the fishing boat to the processing plant.
About 400 tons of jack mackerel (Trachurus murphyi) are caught by a Chilean purse seiner.
A basket load of fish being emptied on deck.
After the basket is unloaded, the fish are channeled into a chute that leads to a freezer compartment
A basket load of fish on board.
An aerial view of a purse seiner after the purse has been closed and the net is being hauled aboard.
A view of the power block as the net is coming on board
A view of the power block as the net is coming on board.
A view of the power block as the net is coming on board.
After closing the net and trapping the fish, the net is now brought on board
After closing the net and trapping the fish, the net is now brought on board
A view of the tuna that are captured inside the net.
A view of tuna agitating the surface as the net is drawing closed.
Another view of hauling on the cables to close the net.
Artist's conception of pole and line fishing
Artist's conception of school of tuna pursuing a school of bait fish while pole and line fishing is being conducted from fishing vessel.
A pod of killer whales on the Bay of Biscay.
A fin whale - Balaenoptera physalus -on the Bay of Biscay.
A bluefin tuna attacked by a shark while being brought aboard during pole and line fishing operations
A bluefin tuna caught in the trap at Stintino.
After tagging, the bluefin tuna are returned to the sea.
After tagging, the bluefin tuna are returned to the sea.
After tagging, the bluefin tuna are returned to the sea
Artist's conception of tuna trolling operation.
Artist's conception of purse seining operations.
Artist's conception of purse seining operations.
After fishing, any light damage to the poles is repaired.
After fishing, any light damage to the poles is repaired.
A 250 kilogram (550 pound) tuna caught up in the nets is recovered by the trap diver and hauled aboard.
A bird's eye view of a passing hydrofoil and most of the netting complex
A short harpoon is used for the small tuna.
A large tuna is landed by fishermen working together.
A large tuna is landed by fishermen working together.
A large tuna is landed by fishermen working together.
A large tuna is landed by fishermen working together.
A raised landing net brings the tuna to the surface.
A 400 kilogram (880 pounds) tuna is landed by eight fishermen
A large tuna is landed by a group of eight fishermen.
A raised landing net brings the tuna to the surface.
A raised landing net brings the tuna to the surface.
A raised landing net brings the tuna to the surface.
Acoustic monitoring screen on the HENRY BIGELOW showing bottom configuration
Acoustic monitoring screen on the HENRY BIGELOW showing water column
Acoustics laboratory on the HENRY BIGELOW
Acoustics laboratory on the HENRY BIGELOW
Acoustics laboratory on the HENRY BIGELOW
As the abandoned sailor drifts out to sea, the old adage that you shouldn't ever get in an abandoned refrigerator is proved true once again
An experiment in flotation proves an abandoned refrigerator could serve as a lifeboat in dire circumstances
An odd bit of marine debris floating off the coast of American Samoa
A large sawfish brought alongside for tagging
Another giant lobster (Homarus americanus) on the stern of the ALBATROSS IV.
A giant lobster (Homarus americanus) on the stern of the ALBATROSS IV.
An agglomeration of king crabs
A print of the Beaufort Marine Laboratory as it looked in the 1930's
A ghost net and other marine debris
A Hawaiian monk seal entangled on a large fishing float.
Appears to be hemp rope on a black sand Aleutian Island beach.
A derelict crab pot on an Aleutian Island Beach
A sea turtle entangled in a ghost net.
A black cod in trawl haul with sea urchins, bat stars, and other biota
Arrowtooth flounder (Atheresthes stomias)
A large sun star (Solaster stimpsoni)
A large white sea anemone (Metridium senile)
An assemblage of littorines (snails of the genus Littorina)
Algae - Alaria marginata
Asterionella japonica - live specimen
A typical seal rookery, half-abandoned
Actinia (Actiniaria Tealia ?) and shrimps
Actinia (Actiniaria Tealia ?) and shrimps
Actinia (Actiniaria Tealia ?) and shrimp
Actinia (Actiniaria Tealia?)
Actinia (Actiniaria Tealia?)
Actinia (Metridium senile)
Actinia (Metridium senile)
Actinia (Actiniaria Tealia?)
Actinia (Actiniaria Tealia?)
Ascidia (Ascidia Halocintia) and unknown eggs
Ascidia (Ascidia Halocintia) and unknown eggs
Ascidia (Ascidia Halocintia) and unknown eggs
Actinia (Metridium senile)
Actinia (Metridium senile)
Actinia (Metridium senile)
Actinia (Metridium senile) and sea-urchin (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis)
Actinia (Metridium senile)
Actinia (Actiniaria Tealia ?)
Actinia (Metridium senile)
Actinia (Metridium senile)
Actinia (Metridium senile)
Actinia (Actiniaria g.sp.)
Actinia (Actiniaria Tealia?)
Actinia (Actiniaria Tealia?)
Actinia (Actiniaria Tealia?)
Actinia (Actinia Tealia ?) in the Barents Sea at Dalnezelenetsky Bay, Lat
Actinia (Actinia Tealia ?) in the Barents Sea at Dalnezelenetsky Bay, Lat
Actinia (Actinia Tealia ?) in the Barents Sea at Dalnezelenetsky Bay, Lat
Ascidia (Ascidia Halocintia) and sea-urchin (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis) in the Barents Sea at Dalnezelenetsky Bay, Lat
An unidentified type of branchial mollusc in the Barents Sea at Dalnezelenetsky Bay, Lat
An unidentified type of sponge in the Barents Sea at Dalnezelenetsky Bay, Lat
An unidentified type of sponge in the Barents Sea at Dalnezelenetsky Bay, Lat
Ascidia (Ascidia Halocintia) in the White Sea at Solovky Island Lat
Actinia (Actinaria g
Ascidia (Ascidia Halocintia) and hermit crab in the Barents Sea at Kola Bay at Belokanenka, Lat
Ascidia (Ascidia Halocintia) and hermit crab in the Barents Sea at Kola Bay at Belokanenka, Lat
An unidentified type of sea anemone
An unidentified type of sea anemone
A large group of specimens of red king crabs (Paralithodes camtschaticus) taken in Kola Bay, Salnyi Island area at Lat
A Pascagoula, Mississippi, shrimper crew helps an enforcement officer verify that their TED meets specifications.
A Florida Keys shop boast queen conch shells, but the species is badly overfished in both Florida and the Caribbean.
At a Kent Narrows, Maryland, processing plant, a worker ices down steamer clams to keep them alive until cooking.
A well-gloved worker in a Washington, D.C., seafood market demonstrates blue crabs' tenacious grip.
A Pt
A small Texas shrimp boat heads out of Corpus Christi for day-long fishing trip in the productive Laguna Madre.
A red drum angler working the shallows off Padre Island, Texas.
A resident of Tybee Island, Georgia, targets the small but fine-tasting spot, ubiquitous along Atlantic shores.
A few trawlers deliver croaker and other groundfish to a Pascagoula, Mississippi, pet food cannery.
A crew member divides the day's yellowtail snapper catch taken on an Islamorada, Florida, charter boat.
A 15-foot fiberglass white shark attracts customers to an Islamorada, Florida, charter boat operation.
A South Carolina shark longliner prepares to unload the day's catch at his Folly Beach, South Carolina, dock.
An Islamorada, Florida, charter boat loaded with electronics also sports a flying bridge for spotting billfish.
A commercial swordfish longliner prepares to depart San Juan, Puerto Rico, for a week-long Caribbean fishing trip.
Albacore from around the world are unloaded from a freighter at a large tuna cannery in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico.
Air freight containers are crucial to Puerto Rican fisheries that send and other premium fish to the east coast.
A charter boat crewman cleans tuna and dolphin on a dock in Manteo, North Carolina.
Anglers embark on a half-day trip from Belmar, New Jersey, in pursuit of summer flounder.
An environmental scientist works to reduce seafood-borne illness that could cripple coastal economies.
A view of the harbor at Port Isabel, Texas
A youthful angling enthusiast checks out the action on her spinning reel
abundance of mail-order gear catalogs has helped build the giant recreational fishing industry.
A skilled cast netter aims for a school of mullet off a southeastern causeway.
A night-fishing bait boat is equipped with strong lights to attract squid and anchovies
A crewman removes a salmon caught in the mesh of a gillnet
A net-caught salmon, one of many which in the days's haul, which helps support a Tupik fishing family
A South Carolina woman checks her bait in a simple lift net designed for taking blue crabs.
A small Corpus Christi wing-netter prepares for shrimping in shallow Texas waters.
A netmaker puts the finishing touches on a shrimp net equipped with devices to reduce bycatch and exclude sea turtles.
A shrimp trawl net is readied for a trip out of Biloxi, Mississippi.
A Tarpon Springs sponge fisherman displays his heritage with this traditional Greek fisherman's cap.
A two-man crew moves the morning's longline catch from dory to customers, all within a hundred yards.
A crewman offers up grilled salmon at a dockside barbecue in Kodiak, Alaska, to benefit his fishing organization.
A gear researcher observes a shrimp-net turtle excluder device as part of a program to reduce turtle captures.
A federal enforcement officer discusses closed areas with the crew of a shrimp boat in Bayou La Batre, Alabama.
A Virgin Islands fisheries officer visits with workers at a dockside filleting operation in Charlotte Amalie, St
A federal official watches as croaker are headed and gutted for processing under a Baltimore plant's approved HACCP plan.
A state inspector examines scallop meat at a plant in Seaford, Virginia, for compliance with health and safety laws.
A Baltimore worker affixes a government-authorized inspection sticker to packages destined for the seafood counter.
A trained inspector at a Virginia scallop plant examines both the catch and its paper trail.
A small seafood market in Washington, D.C.
A seafood market in Mclean, Virginia.
A New Orleans seafood restaurant.
A fast-food seafood restaurant.
A Freeport, Long Island, seafood market.
A Chesapeake Bay seafood market.
A large freighter discharges frozen albacore at a tuna cannery in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico
A McLean, Virginia, seafood market employee tends live lobsters from New England
A South Carolina clam aquaculture operation raises both the spat (open tanks) and the green algae they eat (background cylinders)
A head boat filled with satisfied customers returns to its home port of Pt
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