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ASIS buoy deployment
ASIS buoy deployment
Alidade mounted on gyrocompass repeater for taking bearings
A large wave towering astern of the NOAA Ship DELAWARE II.
An EdgeTech SB 0512 combination sidescan sonar and bottom penetration sonar towfish being deployed from the DELAWARE II during habitat mapping operati
An EdgeTech SB 0512 combination sidescan sonar and bottom penetration sonar towfish being deployed from the DELAWARE II during habitat mapping operati
An EdgeTech SB 0512 combination sidescan sonar and bottom penetration sonar towfish being deployed from the DELAWARE II during habitat mapping operati
Alidade used for determining bearings from bridge wing.
A cold November day
Anchor detail on the bow of the NOAA Ship THOMAS JEFFERSON
An artist's conception of the ESSA Ship OCEANOGRAPHER ca
After deck of either HILGARD or WAINWRIGHT rigged for wiredrag operations.
After deck of either HILGARD or WAINWRIGHT rigged for wiredrag operations.
A properly respectful pollywog bowing before King Neptune during Equator crossing ceremonies on the ESSA Ship DISCOVERER.
A survey launch off the EXPLORER at Rat Island.
A calm day on the EXPLORER in the Aleutian Islands.
Able Seaman Mark O'Connor and Eric Heiner supporting the mission - aboard RA-9
A dangerous coating of ice on the NOAA Ship MILLER FREEMAN
A dangerous coating of ice on the NOAA Ship MILLER FREEMAN
A dangerous coating of ice on the NOAA Ship MILLER FREEMAN
A dangerous coating of ice on the NOAA Ship MILLER FREEMAN
A dangerous coating of ice on the NOAA Ship MILLER FREEMAN
A dangerous coating of ice on the NOAA Ship MILLER FREEMAN
A rough day in the harbor
A Philippine Coast Guard vessel acquired for use by the Philippine Coast and Geodetic Survey following World War II.
A double rainbow seen from the NOAA Ship RAINIER
Artist's conception of the NOAA Ship FAIRWEATHER.
Artist's conception of the NOAA Ship OCEANOGRAPHER.
Artist's conception of the NOAA Ship FERREL.
Artist's conception of the NOAA Ship RESEARCHER.
Artist's conception of the NOAA Ship OCEANOGRAPHER.
A bad day on the drydock for the NOAA Ship DELAWARE II.
A bad day on the drydock for the NOAA Ship DELAWARE II.
Artist's rendition of Coast and Geodetic Survey Ship DISCOVERER OSS02 by artist Jack Coggins.
Artist's rendition of Coast and Geodetic Survey Ship FAIRWEATHER by artist James Schick.
Artist's rendition of the Coast a Ship FERREL operating on current surveys
A sea snake caught during dipnetting operations off the NOAA Ship McARTHUR during STAR 2000
A rockfish caught at Clipperton Island during STAR 2000.
A rainbow runner caught at Clipperton Island during STAR 2000.
Accumulator with dredging block hooked; safety hook; brass washer
Aerial view of CHARLES H
A brand new Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Ship MILLER FREEMAN posing for the camera on Lake Erie prior to heading down the St
A model of the BLACK DOUGLAS before conversion to a fisheries research vessel
Another successful buoy deployment off the NOAA Ship RONALD H
A bow view of the MILLER FREEMAN.
A night view from the bridge of huge waves and spray during a nasty Gulf of Alaska storm.
Assistant Survey Tech Scott Warrender and Survey Tech Sandy Zirnfield processing multi-beam data in the Holodeck
Assistant Survey Tech Maureen Goff and Ordinary Seaman Matt Monaghan at work in RA-2.
Assistant Survey Tech Scot Warrender operating the computers aboard RA-1
A view of the stern and stern thrusters of the RONALD H
A light dusting of snow covers the mountains on Kodiak Island as seen from the NOAA Ship RONALD H
An equatorial Pacific rainbow observed during KWAJEX.
A glorious sunrise in the South Pacific as the RONALD H
A NASA plane making atmospheric readings makes a low pass off the bow of the RONALD H
A view of filling a bulk carrier ship with phosphate at the piers at Nauru as seen from the NOAA Ship RONALD H
A view of the Island of Nauru in the South Pacific during NAURU99 (RB-99-04) as seen from the NOAA Ship RONALD H
A view of Male, capital of the Maldive Islands as seen from the NOAA Ship RONALD H
A view of part of Capetown, South Africa, from the NOAA Ship RONALD H
A burial at sea off the JOHN N
A burial at sea off the JOHN N
A burial at sea off the JOHN N
A burial at sea off the JOHN N
A burial at sea off the JOHN N
A burial at sea off the JOHN N
A burial at sea off the JOHN N
A CTD instrument ready for deployment.
An artist's rendition of the Mutiny on the EWING.
An aerial view of the NOAA Ship RONALD H
A spectacular sunset over the Santa Barbara Channel seen from Rincon
Anacapa Island with fog as seen from aircraft.
Algae and invertebrate cover on boulder in sandy habitat.
A longspine squirrelfish (Holocentrus rufus) next to yellow sponge.
A sponge-dominated area of deepwater habitat at MacNeil Bank.
A school of creolefish (Paranthias furcifer) in deepwater habitat at MacNeil Bank.
A sun pillar following the setting of the sun.
A spectacular late afternoon rainbow following the arc of a cloud formation
A view of Necker Island from offshore.
A view of Necker Island from offshore.
An ulua
A white-tipped reef shark cruising by
A great frigatebird taking a rest between trips
A different species shows up amidst the sea birds of Tern Island.
A bird shadow at the water's edge.
A vision of paradise
A green turtle with an amputated limb that was probably lost to marine debris.
A squall seen from work boat during marine debris removal operations.
A squall seen from work boat during marine debris removal operations.
A tropical sunset over a placid sea.
A tropical sunset over a placid sea.
Archaeological team recording debris field from wreck of a whaling ship
Anchor and bow section of the whaling ship PARKER at Kure Atoll.
A spectacled parrotfish (Chlorurus perspicillatus).
A spectacled parrotfish (Chlorurus perspicillatus).
A seastar (Linckia multifora?)
A slate pencil urchin (Heterocentrotus mammillatus).
A mushroom coral (Fungia scutaria).
A moorish idol (Zanclus canescens).
A damselfish (Dascyllus albisella?)
A crazy surge wrasse (Thalassoma purpureum).
A reef scene.
A reef scene.
A coral vista with a diving scientist taking notes in the background.
A beautiful coral assemblage overlooking a deep channel.
A school of chub (Kyphosus sp.).
A school of chub (Kyphosus sp.) and finger coral.
A blackside hawkfish (Paracirrhites forsteri).
A blackside hawkfish (Paracirrhites forsteri).
A blackside hawkfish (Paracirrhites forsteri).
A barred knifejaw fish ( Oplegnathus fasciatus).
An arceye hawkfish (Paracirrhites arcatus).
A profusion of reef fish
A school of brown chub at Kure Atoll Wildlife Refuge
A large pencil urchin.
Anchor and archaeologist at the GLEDSTANES shipwreck site.
A paddlewheel shaft at the USS SAGINAW shipwreck site.
A Corsair aircraft engine at Midway.
A ship's gun at the USS SAGINAW shipwreck site.
A ship's gun in a crevasse at the GLEDSTANES shipwreck site.
Archaeologist studying the DUNNOTTAR CASTLE wreckage.
Archaeologist towboarding at French Frigate Shoals looking for indications of shipwrecks.
Archaeologist mapping the Parker shipwreck site.
Archaeologist towboarding at French Frigate Shoals looking for indications of shipwrecks.
Archaeologist maps the Two Brothers shipwreck site
Anchor at Gledstanes shipwreck site.
A red-footed booby taking off from a coral islet.
A fairy tern.
A fairy tern.
A fairy tern.
A fairy tern.
A red-footed booby chick.
A red-footed booby peering over the bushes from its perch.
A masked booby family with snow-white chick.
A dead albatross on an old runway.
An adult Laysan Albatross.
A diver photographing the German freighter NORDMEER that met its end on Lake Superior.
A diver on the bow of the NORTHERN LIGHT, a shipwreck in 190 feet water depth
A diver on the bow of the NORTHERN LIGHT, a shipwreck in 190 feet water depth
A humpback whale in a graceful arc as it begins its descent to the sea from a near vertical breach.
A soaring humpback whale at the beginning of its breach.
A levitating whale.
Anchor on seafloor.
A side scan sonar is used to characterize the seafloor and locate maritime heritage resources
A remotely operated vehicle (ROV) is used by NOAA scientists to study the seafloor, marine life, and shipwrecks.
A fire hose sits on the edge of the Portland's hull
A cusk hides in the Portland's steam release pipe
A ceramic pitcher sits on the seafloor next to the Portland's hull
A ceramic mug sits amongst twisted pipes on the steamship Portland's main deck
Artifacts sit on the Frank A
Artifacts sit on the Frank A
Artifacts sit on the Frank A
Artifacts sit on the Frank A
A group of cod hide under the anemone covered wooden frames of the schooner Paul Palmer
An ocean pout under the hide under the anemone covered wooden frames of the schooner Paul Palmer
A large trawl net was wrapped around the windlass on the shipwreck of the coal schooner Paul Palmer until it was removed by NOAA divers in 2006 .
A trawl net cable sliced into the steamship Portland's bow before the fishermen lost his entire net.
A trawl net cable sliced into the steamship Portland's bow before the fishermen lost his entire net.
A large trawl net was wrapped around the windlass on the shipwreck of the coal schooner Paul Palmer until it was removed by NOAA divers in 2006.
A Sea Raven - Hemitripterus americanus
A Wolf Fish - Anarhichas lupus - hiding in the rocks
A Northern Right Whale on the surface
A humpback whale breaching
A squid - Illex illecebrosus - cruising over a sandy area of the bank
A Murre colony up close
A Black Oystercatcher.
A pair of Tufted Puffins on a cliff
Aerial view of Teahwhit Head and James Island
A sunstar, possibly Solaster dawsoni.
A large orange fish-eating anemone (Urticina piscivora)
A golden cerianthid anemone (Pachycerianthus fimbriatus).
A cerianthid anemone
A large cerianthid anemone.
A large cerianthid anemone.
A species of seaweed, green algae, and a few marine snails are seen at the upper limit of high water.
A large amphipod washed up on a sand beach.
A lined chiton (Tonicella lineata) over similarly colored coralline algae near Grimes Canyon along the Big Sur coast.
A curious seal inspects diver Kevin Stierhoff in a kelp forest off Pacific Grove .
A hermissenda nudibranch
A purple striped jellyfish -- Pelagia panopyra - possesses very potent stingers
An Elephant Seal
A California Sea Lion.
Amberjack milling about the U
Amberjack within a camera grid frame on the deck of the U
Archaeologist examining the area under the MONITOR's armor belt
A green sea turtle swimming toward the photographer.
A Florida regal goddess (Hypselodoris edenticulata) nudibranch closeup.
A Yellow Line Arrow Crab (Stenorhynchus seticornis) on a sea urchin.
Atlantic spotted dolphin
A reef scene showing the variety of life at Gray's Reef
A Regal Sea Fan
A Yellow Line Arrow Crab
A sponge
A fish and gorgonians
A Gray Triggerfish
A Reticulated Moray Eel
A Nurse Shark
A Belted Sandfish.
A Dusky Flounder
A mixed school of Porgy and other fish species
A Loggerhead Sea Turtle
A ledge and trough of Gray's Reef
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