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Photos Sitemap
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A1 - Page 33
Alewife fishing - Air suction hose for unloading alewives from boats at
Alewife fishing - Manual packing of alewives in cans
Alewife research - Setting experimental mid-water trawl from VIMS ferryboat LANGLEY
Alewife research - Cable meter for measuring depth of net on board VIMS ferryboat LANGLEY
Alewife canning - Revolving drum used to wash and scale alewives
Alewife fishing - Boats waiting to unload at Haynie Cannery
Alewife fishing - Air suction hose for unloading alewives from boats at Haynie Cannery.
Alewife fishing - Brailing fish into hold of F/V MUNDY POINT
Alewife fishing - Brailing fish into hold of F/V MUNDY POINT
Alewife fishing - Catch of alewives off F/V MUNDY POINT
Alewife fishing - Alewives trapped in wire enclosure in a pond in the brook and are dipped into the unloading box as needed
Art - Alewife (Pomolobus pseudoharengus)
Alewives in Burnham Harbor
Art - The inland alewife or skipjack (Clupea chrysochloris)
A King Island councilman at Nome.
Attendees at dedication of new Woods Hole BCF Biological Laboratory building.
ALBATROSS IV open house at Washington Navy Yard.
ALBATROSS IV open house at Washington Navy Yard.
ALBATROSS IV under construction, keel up, at the Southern Shipbuilding Corporation at Slidell, Louisiana
ALBATROSS IV tied up port side to at Woods Hole
ALBATROSS IV tied up starboard side to at Woods Hole
ALBATROSS IV approaching pier at Woods Hole
ALBATROSS IV approaching pier at Woods Hole
ALBATROSS III breaking free from pier during Hurricane Carol.
Art - Great barracuda (Sphyraena barracuda)
Art - albacore (Thunnus alalunga)
Albacore tuna taken by gillnet aboard the FWS vessel JOHN N
Albacore being brought aboard FWS vessel JOHN N
Art - Drawing of albacore (Thunnus germo)
A 60-foot waterfall which was interpeted to be not possible to make passable for fish.
A water supply dam that could be made passable to fish somewhere in southeast Alaska.
Alaska native eskimo woman and child ice fishing
A small waterfall on Klakas Lake Creek
Attu boy wearing rainproof Kalemeinka
A small outboard FWS boat on patrol in SE Alaska
A bidarrah, a large Eskimo skin-covered boat, ferrying supplies from U.S
Alaska natives have largely replaced salmon cannery workers formerly brought up from the "Lower 48."
A view of the North fur seal Rookery at St
A view of Petersburg
A sample of whitefish from interior Alaska
Adult male silver or coho salmon (Onchorhynchus kisutch)
Air shipped salmon in-the-round being off-loaded at the Alaskan Frozen Products plant.
A single parasite (Gyrodactylus) showing the basal hooks by which it attaches itself to the skin
A pod of whales
A 75-cm (approximately 2 feet) long red snapper on deck.
Aleuts in St
Aleuts in St
Aleut boy sitting in the grass with a fur seal pup
Aleut children picnicking
Aleut natives playing horse shoes
A panoramic view of St
A panoramic view of St
Aerial view of St
A view down 4th Avenue in Anchorage
Albert Day, Director of the Fish and Wildlife Service on the left, at the Bethel cemetery.
Albert M
Approaching Juneau from the south
A view of Juneau from the water
Airplane used by Fish and Wildlife Service in Alaska.
Aboard a Trawler
Apparatus used in recording shell movement and pumping rate of oysters in the Galveston sea water laboratory.
A battery of large glass containers in which various types of larval food are grown.
Abnormally swollen oyster drills after contact with a chemical intended to be used for their control
Artificial and natural oyster spat-collecting materials ready to be suspended for a test in sea water.
A polyethylene sheet serves as a support spread on soft, muddy bottom for oyster shells.
A harrow adapted for underwater use to cover oyster drills and other enemies of commercial mollusks with a layer of bottom deposit
A specially-designed ice-breaking dock to permit handling of experimental animals in northern climate during winter
Apparatus to study the effects of the addition of food to sea water on the growth of recently-set oysters.
Average annual production of oysters in pounds showing relative percentages of oyster harvest for various areas when comparing 1893-1902 vs
Average annual production of oysters in pounds showing decline when comparing 1893-1902 (164.9 million pounds) vs
A fur seal herd
A harem early in the season
Aerial photo made from balloon at 750 feet altitude
A view of the blubbering room - where the blubber is removed from the fur seal skins.
A "skin boy" with pelts on the ground
A six-year old bull
Adult female fur seal sleeping at Zapadni Rookery
Albino fur seal pup at Kitovi Rookery
Albino fur seal pup at Kitovi Rookery
Albino fur seal pup at Gorbatch Rookery
ALBATROSS IV shortly after launching but before installation of A-frame and other necessary gear.
A bathythermograph being deployed by lanyard from the Fisheries Research Vessel HUGH M
Attaching reversing thermometer to cable prior to lowering to desired depth.
Attaching Nansen bottle to cable on hydrographic cast.
A large hammerhead shark caught in shrimp trawl net.
A large shark caught in a gillnet during tuna fishing
A fork lift deposits 6,000 pound containers of red salmon directly in aircraft
A commercial swordfishing boat out of New Bedford.
Advertisement for Peter Van Schaack and Sons, Sponge Importers based out of Chicago.
Anclote yellow sponge - Specimen from Florida
Abaco sheepswool sponge - Specimen from Bahama Islands
Alaska salmon roundup - Purse seining is an important method of taking salmon in the deep, swift waters of Alaska
A fine haul - At Astoria, Oregon, these men hauling in a beach seine heavy with Columbia River salmon
Aggregation of starfish on oyster bed
At a processing facility the carcass of the whale is stripped of its outer layer of fat, or blubber
A hunter-killer boat on the way to the whaling grounds.
A humpback whale breaks the surface after it has been harpooned.
Atlantic salmon - artwork by G
Australian salmon (Kahawai) (Arripis trutta) - artwork by G
Adult chinook salmon in hatchery pool at Spring Creek hatchery
Adult male chinook salmon in hatchery pool at Spring Creek Hatchery.
Adult chinook salmon in hatchery pool at Spring Creek Hatchery.
Art - Chum salmon (G
Art - pink salmon by G
Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
Art - a breaching humpback whale
Artist's conception of Tektite I habitat with working divers in water
Artist's cutaway view of Tektite II habitat
Artwork depicting the Tektite II Habitat
Artwork depicting closed-cycle underwater breathing system, designed and built by General Electric's Re-entry adn Environmental Systems Division
Attempting to rescue gray whales trapped in the ice in the Beaufort Sea
Attempting to rescue gray whales trapped in the ice in the Beaufort Sea
Attempting to rescue gray whales trapped in the ice in the Beaufort Sea
A sailfish (Istiophorus orientalis) 86 lb.; a striped marlin (Makaira mitsukurii 145 lb.; and bottom, a Pacific blue marlin (Makaira ampla) 136 lb
Atlantic walrus
Adult terrapin shipped to California in 1943.
Aquarium and terrapin rearing house.
Aquarium and terrapin rearing house
Albacore tuna taken by trolling
A bucket of tuna offloading
A school of 400-500 pound bluefin tuna in the Atlantic
A school of 400-500 pound bluefin tuna in the Atlantic
A marine life form spotted in the sea water
Are these sea snakes?
A Furryteuthis squid in a sample box
A juvenile flatfish
A small deep sea hyperiid amphipod (Phronima sp.).
A small deep sea hyperiid amphipod (Phronima sp.)
A salp
A salp
A red deep sea shrimp (Oplophorus sp.)
A basket of squid (Illex coindetii)
Appears to be pieces of a large squid, perhaps Asperoteuthis acanthoderma.
A squaliform shark (Centrophorus sp.)
A seahorse (Hippocampus erectus)
A squaliform shark (Centrophorus sp.)
A squaliform shark (Centrophorus sp.)
A squaliform shark (Centrophorus sp.)
A squaliform shark (Centrophorus sp.)
A squaliform shark (Centrophorus sp.)
A squaliform shark (Centrophorus sp.)
A squaliform shark (Centrophorus sp.)
A bluefish (Pomatomus salatrix)
A species of deep sea anglerfish of the sub-order Ceratioidei
A species of deep sea anglerfish of the sub-order Ceratioidei
A diaphanous hatchetfish (Sternoptyx diaphana)
A fish-eating salp with a partially ingested fish
Atlantic fanfish (Pterycombus brama)
Alepisaurus ferox
A cookie cutter shark (Isistius brasiliensis)
Atlantic sabretooth (Coccorella atlantica)
A female anglerfish of the family Linophrynidae (Linophryne sp.)
Anglerfish (Melanocetus sp.)
Anglerfish (Melanocetus sp.)
Adelie penguins with their new egg.
Adelie penguins nest relief.
Adelie penguins nest relief.
Adelie penguins incubating eggs.
All three study species of penguins at the Copacabana field station on King George Island.
All three study species of penguins at the Copacabana field station on King George Island.
AMLR scientist Jessica Lipsky tests oxygen content of water samples.
AMLR scientist Kristen Green sorts krill samples aboard the R/V Yuzhmorgeologiya.
AMLR scientist Tom Near measures fish samples caught aboard the R/V Yuzhmorgeologiya.
An echogram, or sound diagram, of a krill swarm.
Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba.
A group of crabeater seals on an ice floe.
A Weddell seal .
Antarctic shags, South Shetland Islands.
A pair of macaroni penguins, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica.
An Adelie penguin feeding its chick.
A southern giant petrel in flight, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica.
AMLR scientists Dr
AMLR scientists aboard a Zodiac near a glacier, South Shetland Islands.
An Adelie penguin colony at Petermann Island during the Charcot Expedition taken from the same point as image fish9029.
A gentoo penguin colony at Petermann Island, 2006.
A chinstrap penguin colony, King George Island.
Antarctic fur seal, South Shetland Islands.
Antarctic fur seal, South Shetland Islands.
Antarctic fur seal, South Shetland Islands.
Antarctic fur seal, white morph, South Shetland Islands.
Antarctic fur seal, South Shetland Islands.
Antarctic fur seal, South Shetland Islands.
A resting southern elephant seal, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica.
A resting southern elephant seal, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica.
Antarctic fur seal and chinstrap penguins, Seal Island, Antarctica.
Antarctic fur seals, South Shetland Islands.
Antarctic fur seal and penguins, Seal Island, Antarctica.
A chinstrap penguin colony, Seal Island.
A chinstrap penguin colony, Seal Island.
A small tag attached to penguins to track their movements.
A chinstrap penguin sporting a telemetry tag.
An AMLR biologist holds a penguin chick.
AMLR field biologists at the Seal Island research station.
An AMLR biologist, with a molting elephant seal at his doorstep.
An observation shack at a chinstrap penguin colony on Seal Island
A south polar skua, Seal Island, Antarctica.
A south polar skua, Seal Island, Antarctica.
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