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A biologist has company while recording substrate composition along a transect line during an underwater survey.
A biologist used a quadrat to quantify invertebrates during an underwater survey
A CREWS buoy is towed from NOAA ship TOWNSEND CROMWELL for deployment in shallow water.
A biologist records substrate composition along a transect line during an underwater survey at Rose Atoll.
A biologist records algal diversity within a photoquadrat during an underwater survey at Midway Atoll.
A biologist records algal diversity within a photoquadrat during an underwater survey at Midway Atoll.
A piece of marine debris net is silhouetted by the sun in the shallow waters of Lisianski Island, NWHI.
As part of Marine Removal Debris Diver training, Joel Paschal is entangled in the dreaded "Net Monster" and must free himself while wearing a blacked-
A piece of Marine Debris Net fouls a coral head at French Frigate Shoals.
Areas of dead coral on diseased coral structure.
Algae encroaching upon diseased and dying coral.
A dying reef area.
A dying reef area.
Algae encroaching upon diseased and dying coral.
Algae-covered dead reef.
Algae-covered dead reef.
Algae-covered dead reef.
A desolated area of reef.
A desolated area of reef.
An area of dead coral on an escarpment.
Algae enhance the growth of bacteria that chokes corals by removing oxygen
Algae enhance the growth of bacteria that chokes corals by removing oxygen
Algae enhance the growth of bacteria that chokes corals by removing oxygen
Algae enhance the growth of bacteria that chokes corals by removing oxygen
Algae enhance the growth of bacteria that chokes corals by removing oxygen
A decimated coral reef area.
A decimated coral reef area.
A few fish wander through the remains of a dead reef.
A few fish wander through the remains of a dead reef.
A dead coral reef.
A dead coral reef.
Algae covering dead coral reef.
Algae covering dead coral reef.
Algae covering dead coral reef.
Algae covering diseased and dying coral reef.
Algae covering diseased and dying coral reef.
A dive tourist loving a coral reef structure to death as touching can damage or kill delicate coral polyps.
A rainy squally day stops work early.
A derelict net strung across a nearly vertical reef wall
An endangered monk seal inspects a derelict net that was ready for loading on an inflatable boat.
A big load of derelict net debris being loaded onto the deck of contract vessel CASITAS.
A sharknose goby over a red encrusting sponge (Porifera spp).
A juvenile highhat (Pareques acuminatus)
A spotted moray (Gymnothorax moringa), boulder star complex coral (Montastrea annularis), great star coral (Montastrea cavernosa), and Y branched alga
A well-camouflaged pipefish (Sygnathus dawsoni) in a stand of Halophila decipiens.
A longfin damselfish (Stegastes diencaeus) and a knobby brain coral (Diploria clivosa) in a turtle grass (Thalassia testudinum) bed.
A spotted trunkfish (Lactophrys bicaudalis) swimming over a boulder star coral complex (Montastraea annularis)
A sharknose goby (Elacatinus evelynae) residing on a barrel sponge (Porifera sp
A school of tomtate (Haemulon aurolineatum)
A juvenile nurse shark (Ginglymostoma cirratum)
A threespot damselfish (Stegastes planifrons), a yellow tang (Acanthurus coeruleus), and a large pink anemone.
A checkered puffer (Sphoeroides testudineus) in a mangrove grove.
A yellowfin mojarra (Gerres cinereus) over a turtle grass meadow (Thalassia testudinum)
A whitefin sharksucker (Echeneis neucratoides) hitching a ride on the nearest large swimming creature.
A foureye butterfly fish (Chaetodon capistratus) swimming over an outcrop with stands of fire coral (Millepora sp.).
A foureye butterfly fish (Chaetodon capistratus) swimming over an outcrop with stands of fire coral (Millepora sp.).
A sharknose goby (Elacatinus evelynae) over a grooved brain coral (Diploria labyrinthiformis)
A scientist having a close encounter with two porcupinefish (Diodon hystrix).
Amphiroa sp
A blue tang (Acanthurus coeruleus), encrusting fan-leaf algae (Lobophora sp.), finger coral (Porites porites), and a few blue chromis.
A bizarre reflection from the air-water surface turns this image into modern art
A massive starlet coral (Siderastrea siderea) surrounded by Y branched algae (Dictyota sp.)
Algae - Ventricaria sp.
A white grunt at a boulder star coral complex (Montastrea annularis) with encrusting fan-leaf algae (Lobophora sp.) surrounding the coral.
A school of Creole wrasse (Clepticus parrae) in a diverse area including Y branched algae (Dictyota sp.), boulder star coral complex (Montastraea annu
A well-camouflaged pipefish (Sygnathus dawsoni) in a a stand of Halophila decipiens.
A lesser starlet coral (Siderastrea radians) in a turtle grass (Thalassia testudinum) meadow.
A Porifera sp
Although purple, blue chromis (Chromis cyanea) against an outcrop with orange-red cup corals and red encrusting sponges.
A large gorgonian coral dominates a scene encompassing multiple fish species including a squirrelfish in the foreground, two coneys, a French grunt, a
A school of French grunts (Haemulon flavolineatum) cruise through a seascape of large sponges, gorgonian corals, and other biota.
A squirrelfish using an opening in hard substrate for cover while a gray angelfish cruises above
A coney (Cepalopholis fulva) and a longspine squirrelfish (Holocentrus rufus) using a rock ledge for cover.
A lantern bass (Serranus baldwini) unsing a purple sponge for habitat.
A coney (Cepalopholis fulva) using a rock ledge for cover
A coney (Cepalopholis fulva) on a rocky substrate with yellow sponges in foreground and an olive chromis (Chromis insolata) in the left background.
A comet starfish (Ophidiaster guildingi) on a hard substrate.
Another outcrop protruding above the bottom that serves as habitat for a variety of sponges including a large white sponge, tunicates, green algae, an
A variety of multi-colored sponge species
A large brownish white sponge and a few hydroids visible near its base.
A large brown sponge, smaller orange sponges, and a pink and white stylaster coral at the bottom of the image.
A variety of gorgonian corals.
A brain coral
A brain coral
A variety of corals
An orange and white holothurian, or as is commonly called, sea cucumber.
A variety of sponges and corals on a rock outcrop during night observations
Atlantic trumpet triton and cushion sea star.
A reticulated brittle star
A lettuce sea slug.
A midnight blue parrot-fish
A juvenile highhat drum in a pink-tipped anemone
A hawksbill turtle swimming.
A hawksbill turtle swimming.
A green turtle swimming at the reef.
A nurse shark under a ledge.
A school of blue tang.
A southern stingray.
A school of smallmouth grunt and elkhorn coral.
A scrawled filefish.
A shallow water reef scene.
A reef scene with a sergeant major fish and an angelfish.
A colony of boulder star coral.
An elkhorn coral colony.
A closeup of a cavernous star coral (Montastrea cavernosa).
A knobby purple sea rod.
A spotted cleaner shrimp on pink-tipped anemones.
A moon jellyfish.
Acroporidae coral Montipora sp
A scleractinian coral.
Acroporidae coral Montipora sp.
Acroporidae coral Montipora sp.
Acroporidae coral Montipora sp.
Acroporidae coral Montipora sp.
Acroporidae coral Montipora sp.
Acroporidae coral Montipora sp.
An alcyonid Sarcophyton sp.
Acroporidae coral Astreopora sp.
Acroporidae coral Astreopora sp.
Acroporidae coral Astreopora sp.
Acroporidae coral Astreopora sp.
Acroporidae coral Astreopora sp.
Acroporidae coral
Acroporidae coral
Acroporidae coral
Acroporidae coral
Acroporidae coral
Acroporidae coral
Acroporidae coral
Acroporidae coral
Acroporidae coral
Acroporidae coral
Acroporidae coral
Acroporidae coral
Acroporidae coral
Acroporidae coral
Acroporidae coral
Acroporidae coral
Acroporidae coral
Acroporidae coral
Acroporidae coral
Acroporidae coral
Acroporidae coral Acropora sp.with star coral in background and to right.
Acroporidae coral Acropora sp.
Acroporidae coral Acropora sp.
Acroporidae coral Acropora sp.
Acroporidae coral Acropora sp
Acroporidae coral Acropora sp
Acroporidae coral Acropora sp
Acroporidae coral Acropora sp.
Acroporidae coral Acropora sp
Acroporidae coral Acropora sp.
Acroporidae coral Acropora sp.
Acroporidae coral Acropora sp.
Acroporidae coral Acropora sp
Acroporidae coral Acropora sp
Acroporidae coral Acropora sp
Acroporidae coral Acropora sp
Acroporidae coral Acropora sp
Acroporidae coral Acropora sp.
Acroporidae coral Acropora sp.
Acroporidae coral Acropora sp
Acroporidae coral Acropora sp.
Acroporidae coral Acropora sp.
Acroporidae coral Acropora sp
Acroporidae coral Acropora sp.
Acroporidae coral Acropora sp.
Acroporidae coral Acropora sp.
Acroporidae coral Acropora sp.
Acroporidae coral Acropora sp.
An aggregation of whitecheek surgeonfish (Acanthurus nigricans)
A school of blue and yellow fusiliers passing over the reef
A school of blue and yellow fusiliers with a scuba diver in the distance
A cloud of anthias with green sea turtle in the distance
Anthias milling about over reef
An impressive pillar of coral with sun shining on water above
A variety of fish in a reef scene
A pair of lizardfish (Synodus variegatus)
A pair of pencil-streaked rabbitfish (Siganus doliatus)
A pair of pencil-streaked rabbitfish (Siganus doliatus)
Arc-eye hawkfish (Paracirrhites arcatus) in coral
A school of ulua (giant trevally) Caranx ignobilis
A diver above a school of ulua (giant trevally) Caranx ignobilis
A swirl of ulua (giant trevally) Caranx ignobilis illuminated by sparkles of sunlight
A melange of fish including orangeanthias (Pseudanthias squamipinnis) also known as lyretail.
A red egg casing
A study in red
Assemblage of fish over coral
A stealthy predator, the trumpetfish likes to imitate sea whips and hide next to other fishes like parrotfish and jacks.
A diver passing over colony of elkhorn coral
American whitespotted filefish (Cantherhines macrocerus)
African pompano (Alectis ciliaris)
Anemone seen in the coral reef lagoon of Xcalak, Mexico.
A scary direction to be driving
A Doppler on Wheels radar tracks an intense supercell thunderstorm
A photogrammetry team from NCAR collects video and still photos
A beautiful sunset at the end of a day of pursuing violent weather.
A beautiful rainbow following passage of a storm.
A thunderstorm in the Texas Panhandle
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