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Page 44
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A white sponge on a carbonate rock outcrop.
Amorphous stalked sponge above silty bottom.
A globular white sponge.
A small stalked sponge with brownish white zoanthids on stalk.
A small stalked sponge with brownish white zoanthids on stalk.
A stalked globular sponge.
An odd white bat star with pentagonal design on top with two small shiny gastropods.
A translucent slime star.
A translucent slime star next to a stalked sea lily crinoid.
A bottom-dwelling brittle star with a pentagonal central "disk."
A rarely seen six-rayed starfish, possibly Ampheraster alaminos.
A bottom dwelling brittle star in a "pushup" position.
A bottom dwelling brittle star in a "pushup" position.
A large brisingid starfish.
A large brisingid starfish.
A large brisingid starfish.
A rarely seen six-rayed starfish, possibly Ampheraster alaminos.
A rarely seen six-rayed starfish, possibly Ampheraster alaminos.
Appears to be the top of the central disk of deep sea starfish Dytaster insignis .
A pinkish brittle star with a pentagonal central disk.
A white sea star on a sediment bottom.
An orange brown brittle star with a pentagonal central disk.
An orange brown sea star on a sediment bottom.
A red brittle star with a pentagonal central disk.
A white sea star on a sediment bottom.
A large white brittle star with disk buried in the sediment.
A seven-armed brisingid starfish.
A brisingid starfish is seen on a carbonate rock outcrop
A skate on a sandy bottom.
A skate on a sandy bottom.
A skate over a bottom of Lophelia pertusa rubble.
Appears to be a skinny greeneye (Chloropthalmus agassizi)
Atlantic roughy (Hoplostethus atlanticus)
A halosaur.
A halosaur.
A small scorpionfish on a sediment bottom with a yellow sponge.
An eel over a large sponge
A small scorpionfish in Lophelia pertusa rubble
A cusk eel.
A rattail swimming close to a carbonate rock outcrop.
A large orange brown anemone, a skate, Stichopathes sp
A snailfish.
A cusk eel.
A bathysaurus on the seafloor.
A bathysaurus on the seafloor.
A large rattail challenging Deep Discover (photo 4).
A large rattail challenging Deep Discover (photo 3).
A large rattail challenging Deep Discover (photo 2).
A large rattail challenging Deep Discover (photo 1).
A school of crevalle jacks seen from below as Deep Discoverer nears the surface.
A white eel.
A type of bathysaur?
A type of bathysaur?
A rattail fish.
A swimming tripod fish
A tripod fish
A tripod fish
A rattail fish.
A rattail fish.
A tripod fish
A bathysaurus on the seafloor.
A bathysaurus on the seafloor.
A tripod fish
A bathysaurus on the seafloor.
A bathysaurus on the seafloor.
A rattail fish.
A rattail fish.
A duckbill eel.
A cusk eel.
A halosaur.
A tripod fish.
A halosaur
An eel.
A crab (Chaceon sp.) with chelae extended.
A rat-tail fish and a red shrimp over sediment covered carbonate rocks.
A rat-tail fish over a bottom littered with mussel shells.
A rat-tail fish and two red shrimp.
A rat tail fish (Macrouridae).
A rat tail fish (Macrouridae).
A large cusk eel.
A curious fish inspects Deep Discoverer ROV
A white sea urchin on a white rock wall.
A white sea urchin on a white rock wall next to a yellow feather star crinoid.
A rare instance of deep-sea predation caught on camera - a sea urchin munches on a Plumarella octocoral.
A rare instance of deep-sea predation caught on camera - a sea urchin munches on a Plumarella octocoral.
A rare instance of deep-sea predation caught on camera - a sea urchin munches on a Plumarella octocoral.
A rare instance of deep-sea predation caught on camera - a sea urchin munches on a Plumarella octocoral.
A rare instance of deep-sea predation caught on camera - a sea urchin munches on a Plumarella octocoral.
A yellow feather star crinoid on Lophelia pertusa rubble.
A yellow feather star crinoid on a rock face.
A reddish brown sea urchin with white spines with a yellow feather star crinoid.
A reddish brown sea urchin with white spines.
A brown feather star holothurian.
A brown feather star holothurian.
A brown spiky looking holothurian next to a ropy looking bit of excrement.
A white feather star crinoid
A holothurian covered with sediment and pteropod shells.
A yellowish white stalked sea lily crinoid
A translucent swimming purpish red holothurian.
A white feather star crinoid below a white encrusting sponge.
A brown feather star crinoid
A purple holothurian on the seafloor.
A white crinoid feather star.
A compact purplish blue holothurian and a small translucent purplish red holothurian.
A reddish brown holothurian on the seafloor.
A reddish brown holothurian on the seafloor.
A compact purplish blue holothurian on the seafloor.
A reddish brown Enypniastes holothurian on the seafloor.
A swimming reddish translucent holothurian.
A reddish brown swimming Enypniastes holothurian.
A translucent bluish holothurian.
A shell and sand covered holothurian plows through the seafloor.
A shell and sand covered holothurian leaves its trail on the seafloor
A compact purplish blue holothurian on the seafloor.
A purple holothurian crawling on the seafloor.
A swimming purple Enypniastes holothurian with internal organs visible.
A large black Enypniastes holothurian on the seafloor.
A large black Enypniastes holothurian on the seafloor.
A large black Enypniastes holothurian on the seafloor.
A purple translucent holothurian.
A purple translucent holothurian
A purple translucent holothurian.
A purple translucent holothurian.
A purple translucent holothurian.
After excreting, Enypniastes holothurian launches itself into the water column.
A reddish brown Enypniastes holothurian apparently excreting.
A reddish brown Enypniastes holothurian apparently excreting.
A reddish brown Enypniastes holothurian apparently excreting.
A swimming reddish brown Enypniastes holothurian.
A swimming reddish brown Enypniastes holothurian.
A swimming reddish brown Enypniastes holothurian.
A holothurian that has covered itself with pteropod shells.
A swimming reddish brown Enypniastes holothurian.
A swimming reddish brown Enypniastes holothurian.
A minute later the Enypniastes holothurian has launched and is swimming.
An Enypniastes holothurian on a sandy seafloor.
A swimming translucent reddish brown Enypniastes holothurian.
A swimming translucent reddish brown Enypniastes holothurian.
A swimming translucent reddish brown holothurian.
A purple holothurian on a sand and mud seafloor.
A brown crinoid feather star and a small pinkish squat lobster.
A holothurian covered with shell fragments crawling across the seafloor
A black crinoid feather star.
A black crinoid feather star.
A purple holothurian swimming above the seafloor.
A white holothurian on a silt bottom
A white holothurian on a silt bottom.
A white holothurian on a silt bottom.
An Anthomastus sp
A stylaster coral that appears to have been uprooted lying in Lophelia pertusa rubble.
A Paramuricea coral bush - the left half has living coral with polyps extended, the right half is dead coral that has been colonized by yellow zoanthi
A golden crab in a field of Lophelia pertusa rubble.
A soft coral in a new recently described family called Aquaumbridae
A small translucent orange-brown coral with eggs visible.
A white translucent coral with eggs visible.
A dark octocoral bush with extended polyps.
A small translucent orange-brown coral with eggs visible.
A small translucent orange-brown coral with eggs visible.
An Anthomastus sp
A large squat lobster on a small Plumarella sp
A closeup of a live Lophelia pertusa colony.
Anthomastus coral growing amidst Lophelia coral rubble.
A small purple octoral bush.
A small purple octoral bush.
A white stylaster coral.
A white stylaster coral.
An extensive bed of Lophelia pertusa debris
A rock outcrop with numerous small life forms including small corals, small sponges, cup corals, worm tubes, and a large red shrimp with white bands.
A gray "black coral."
A small Paragorgia sp
An Anthomastus coral growing from a small raised rock.
A small Paragorgia sp
A lone small Paragorgia sp
An Anthomastus coral growing from a small raised rock.
A small Paragorgia sp
An orange "black coral" whip coral.
A small rock hosting an orange "black coral" whip coral, a small pink Paragorgia sp
A small Paragorgia coral with polyps extended and a translucent sponge on a small rock extending above the surrounding subtrate.
A small Chrysogorgia sp
A small coral bush in front of a large gray translucent anemone.
A bamboo coral with well-defined bands that helps identify the coral type.
A bamboo coral with polyps extended looking somewhat like a candelabraum.
A bamboo coral with polyps extended looking somewhat like a candelabraum.
A Metallogorgia sp
A beautiful yellow Enallopsammia sp
A bright yellow Enallopsammia sp
A beautiful yellow Enallopsammia sp
A beautiful yellow Enallopsammia sp
A large Paragorgia bush, numerous yellow Paramuricea bushes, and a white bamboo octocoral.
A large Paragorgia bush, numerous yellow Paramuricea bushes, and a white bamboo octocoral.
At least five different species of coral are seen in this image
An odd appearing white octocoral with a white feather star crinoid on its bottom left.
An Enallopsammia coral.
An Enallopsammia coral.
A small pink octocoral bush with delicate polyps
A pink brittle star on a white octocoral bush.
A bamboo coral bush with polyps extended and a yellow crinoid feather star on the right.
A bamboo coral bush.
A large white bamboo whip coral.
An Anthomastus coral with polyps retracted
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