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A closeup of the white sponge with the base of a brown mobile crinoid and a pink brittle star.
A pink brittle star on a pebble substrate
A yellow brittle star crawling over rocks and pebbles
A yellow brittle star crawling over rocks and pebbles
A stunning 10-armed sea star
A stunning 10-armed sea star
A seemingly amorphous starfish
A large white egg-shaped urchin next to a woodfall.
A purple holothurian with a killer whale like dorsal fin.
A reddish-orange holothurian on a sandy substrate.
A reddish-orange holothurian with back arched perhaps preparatory to launching for a swim.
Appears to be underside of a purplish white holothurian showing its means of propulsion while crawling
An ugly brown (mud-covered?) holothurian looking somewhat like a sack of potatoes.
A smooth pink holothurian crawling over the seafloor.
A white holothurian crawling over a sand and pebble substrate seafloor.
A white translucent holothurian crawling over the seafloor
A fat whitish pink holothurian swimming just above the seafloor.
A fat whitish pink holothurian arched prior to launching for swimming.
A fat purple holothurian with dimpled skin.
A swimming red holothurian.
A swimming pinkish orange translucent holothurian with intestinal tract visible
A swimming pinkish orange translucent holothurian with intestinal tract visible
A swimming pinkish orange translucent holothurian with intestinal tract visible
A translucent white holothurian on a pebble substrate
An orange holothurian on a pebble and sand substrate.
A large red many-armed sea lily crinoid with a yellow stalk
A small stalked five-armed sea lily crinoid.
A black feather star crinoid.
A black feather star crinoid.
A large whitish-yellow many-armed crinoid.
A small red feather star crinoid.
A white many-armed feather star crinoid on a mud and rock bottom.
An orange feather star crinoid on a rock surface.
An orange feather star crinoid and a pinkish brown feather star crinoid on a rock and sediment covered bottom.
A closeup of the 'legs" of the feather star crinoid seen in image expl5459.
A pinkish-brown feather star crinoid on a sandy substrate covering a rock surface.
A pink brisingid sea star in a boulder field.
A yellow feather star crinoid on a rock surface.
A stalked whitish yellow sea lily crinoid with white glass sponges in the background.
A stalked whitish yellow sea lily crinoid.
A stalked whitish yellow sea lily crinoid.
A dark brown feather star crinoid on a pebble and cobble bottom.
A large pink brittle star witha venus flower basket sponge in the background
A pink brisingid sea star with 11 legs.
A yellow stalked sea lily crinoid with five arms.
A purple-brown stalked sea lily crinoid with ten arms on a
A white feather star crinoid with the minimum of five arms.
A spectacular scarlet-colored sea lily crinoid
A yellow sea lily crinoid that is probably the same species as that seen in expl5426 and expl5427
A reddish brown feather star crinoid on a rock outcrop.
A purple feather star crinoid on a rock outcrop.
A yellow feather star crinoid on a small white stony coral
A feather star crinoid bent in a graceful arc.
Although looking similar to some of the feather star crinoids, this is a large orange brisingid sea star
Although looking similar to some of the feather star crinoids, this is a large orange brisingid sea star.
A closeup of a yellow feather star crinoid atop a glass sponge.
A yellow feather star crinoid atop a glass sponge
An orange yellow feather star crinoid on Madrepora sp
A bright yellow sea lily crinoid on a rock bottom
A peach-colored feather star crinoid on sand substrate.
A yellow feather star crinoid on a white stony coral.
A feather star crinoid at the top of a yellow encrusted whip coral
A feather star crinoid at the top of a yellow encrusted whip coral
A small white feather star crinoid next to a very large octopus
A red feather star crinoid and a yellow feather star crinoid in upper right in a volcanic boulder field.
A large red sea lily crinoid, a white feather star crinoid at the top of the rock outcrop, and a chrysogorgia coral.
Appears to be a small delicate stalked sea lily crinoid.
A brownish-pink feather star crinoid in a volcanic boulder field
A brownish-pink feather star crinoid in a volcanic boulder field
A brown feather star crinoid on a vertical rock surface
A yellow feather star crinoid on a rock surface
A beautiful yellow feather star crinoid on a rocky surface
A beautiful yellow feather star crinoid on a white stony coral
A large cream-colored feather star crinoid
A large yellow-white feather star crinoid and a red feather star crinoid in the center
A red feather star crinoid
A large yellow-white feather star crinoid and a red feather star crinoid in the lower left
A red feather star crinoid and a large shrimp and a small white feather star crinoid to the right
A yellow stalked sea lily crinoid with the minimum five arms
A red stalked sea lily crinoid
A red stalked sea lily crinoid
A gorgonian bamboo whip coral
A sea pen octocoral with an eel-like fish and a translucent holothurian.
A small white stony coral with brittle stars, a Metallogorgia parasol coral, and a pencil urchin to the right with a large red shrimp and small squat
A small white stony coral with brittle stars, an octocoral whip coral, and a glass sponge.
A large stalked hydroid
A droopy sea pen octocoral bent over in the current.
A droopy sea pen octocoral bent over in the current.
An apparently dead whip coral colonized by hydroids
A closeup of the hydroids shown in image expl5367.
A closeup of the hydroids shown in image expl5367.
An apparently dead whip coral colonized by hydroids
A stalked soft octocoral on a sand bottom bending with the current.
A stalked soft octocoral on a sand bottom.
A metallogorgia coral with a squat lobster bent in the current.
A small white stony coral, an antipatharian black coral in the center of the image, and a red stalked creature that has the all the earmarks of a sea
Anthomastus corals with polyps extended.
A stalked peach-colored anthomastus octocoral
A sea pen octoral bent into a question mark and a vertical whip coral.
A large sea reddish pink sea pen with yellow polyps that identify it as an octocoral.
A red mushroom coral - Anthomastus sp
A red mushroom coral on left - Anthomastus sp
An alcyonacean coral - possibly Siphonogorgia alexanderei - and a small white stony coral with a brittle star.
A large octocoral with purple polyps
A large octocoral with purple polyps extended in the foreground, a bright yellow coral directly behind, and a number of Paramuricid corals in the back
A Paramuricid coral with a large brittle star and two large red stalked crinoids
A pink octocoral with translucent polyps extended and an associated brittle star .
A small white stony coral with polyps extended
A small Paragorgia coral with an associated brittle star
A small Paragorgia sp
A small white stony coral with an associated white squat lobster.
An area covered with coral debris that looks like segments of Madrepora sp
A small stalked red coral with polyps retracted.
A red octocoral with polyps retracted and a brittle star.
A small yellow Madrepora sp.? coral.
A small white stony coral.
A white stony coral with associated brittle stars
A purple octocoral with purple polyps extended.
A white stony coral with yellow polyps extended.
A cream-colored stony coral with polyps extended.
A cream-colored stony coral with polyps extended.
A white stony coral with two squat lobsters.
A white stony coral with delicate polyps extended and a translucent hermit crab in a gastropod shell
A white stony coral with delicate polyps extended and a translucent hermit crab in a gastropod shell.
A white stony coral with delicate polyps extended and a pink hermit crab in a white shell.
A white stony coral with a squat lobster on a rocky bottom.
A white stony coral with delicate polyps extended and a squat lobster.
A paramuricid coral with entwined brittle stars.
A white branched octocoral with yellow polyps extended and associated intertwined brittle stars.
A white branched octocoral with pink polyps extended and associated intertwined brittle stars.
A white branched octocoral with stunning purple polyps and numerous brittle stars.
A closeup of the purple polyps of an octocoral.
A white branched octocoral with stunning purple polyps and numerous brittle stars.
A white-stalked octoroal with large purple polyps and a large brittle star(s) entwined in its branches.
A variety of corals, sponges, brittle stars, tube worms, etc.
A white coral with a large pink brittle star.
A white coral with a large pink brittle star
A pink and white coral
A beautiful white coral with a pink brittle star
A yellow coral with a large brittle star
A closeup of a small white coral
A small white coral, hydroids, and a white sponge on the right.
A forest of corals
A small white coral
A red paragorgia bubblegum coral with yellow zoanthids and pinkish red brittle stars.
A red paragorgia bubblegum coral with yellow zoanthids and pinkish red brittle stars.
A red paragorgia bubblegum coral with yellow zoanthids and pinkish red brittle stars.
A white octocoral with purple polyps
A small red paragorgia coral (bubblegum coral) with a yellow base
A white octocoral with purple polyps and a large intertwining brittle star
A white octocoral with purple polyps; a large red brittle star; gray material that is possibly a sponge; and many small white corals.
A white octocoral with purple polyps
An antipatharia coral (black coral) with relatively large squat lobster.
Antipatharia coral (black coral) with translucent polyps swept by current
Antipatharia coral (black coral) with translucent polyps
A reddish coral bush that appears to be an antipatharia coral (black coral) with squat lobster and shrimp.
A yellow octocoral
A delicate white hydroid
A large white scleractinian coral.
An orange antipatharian "black coral"
A pink antipatharian "black coral"
A long-stalked pink antipatharian "black coral" on rock surface.
A bright yellow orgonian octocoral - bamboo coral Keratoisis sp.?
Anchoring base of unknown coral
A pink antipatharian "black coral" attached to a black rock outcrop.
A red antipatharian "black coral" witha white bamboo coral to its right.
A red antipatharian "black coral" with a white bamboo coral to its right
A pinkantipatharian coral (black coral) Bathypathes sp
A closeup of a large branch showing extended polyps both along the main branches and on the more delicate arms
A beautiful yellow and white bamboo coral with a large white sponge, a smaller sponge, and other fauna.
A light orange antipatharian coral (black coral) with a silver fish and two small white sponges.
A red antipatharian coral (black coral) Bathypathes sp.
Antipatharian coral (black coral) Bathypathes sp.
An orange anemone, crinoids and whip corals on rock outcrops.
A reddish crab with numerous spikes for protection, a white holothurian, and a large red anemone.
A long-tentacled reddish anemone on a rock outcrop
A small whitish orange anemone with a tube worm directly behind.
A translucent anemone with white spots at the end of its tentacles.
A number of anemones attached to a snail.
A pinkish anemone attached to a rock outcrop with much sand and mud in the vicinity.
A red anemone with a yellow base.
A pinkish red pompom anemone.
A reddish purple anemone with white dots at the end of its tentacles.
A reddish purple anemone with white dots at the end of its tentacles.
A closeup of the white venus flytrap anemone.
A white venus flytrap anemone with a white hard coral in the background and a small round white sponge.
A reddish pink anemone on a black rock outcrop with sandy patches.
A large orange anemone with yellow base on a rock outcrop.
A whitish pink anemone that blends in with the sandy background.
A yellowheaded bristle worm.
An acorn worm
A sipunculan worm (a peanut worm) on a pebbly substrate
A scaleworm with barnacles and a small gastropod.
An orange scaleworm
A scaleworm and barnacles with feeding tentacles extended.
Arms of a brittle star that could easily be mistaken for a group of worms.
Acorn worm with spiral sand excrement pattern
Acorn worm with sand excrement pattern
A large purple acorn worm
A large purple acorn worm
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