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Photos Sitemap
Page 9
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P1 - Page 9
Portage on Basswood River
Pack train at the top of Mauna Loa
Packing up
Packing up Snow Mountain
Packing up a shear cliff
Packing in the astro instruments
Packing in the astro instruments
Packing in the astro instruments
Packing in the astro instruments
Packing up Lookout Mountain - Mt
Packing instruments for astro work
Pack train
Packing them up in the morning - Montana
Picking up skiff on FAIRWEATHER.
Picking up skiff on FAIRWEATHER.
PEIRCE launch approaching ship for pickup.
PEIRCE launch alongside ready for pickup
Plane table party packing up and going back to ship
Preparing to land at Station Baldy in Quail Bay
PEIRCE launch tied up at Sand Key Light
PIONEER boats at Amlia Island
Pier erected by camping party at Mist Harbor
Passage to Alligator Bay, Everglades - looks like Pirates of the Caribbean
Plastic pig surfing down swell waiting for pickup.
Plastic pig waiting for pickup on a rolly Georgia day.
Philippine hydrographic survey crew off Ship FATHOMER
PE-2 -bowhook (term for individual on bow of boat) reaching for the hook
PE-2 waiting for pickup on a cold November day
Plastic pigs coming home from a day's work.
Passengers from S.S
Pinnacle rocks off Cape Idalug, Amlia Island
Pen and pencil sketch of Sulu Sea
PATHFINDER with launches on boat booms.
Plastic Pig following stern cable breaking
PEIRCE hydrographic launch approaching ship for pickup
PATHFINDER whaleboats.
Poling through the ice, Beaufort Sea
Pavlof and Pavlof Sister volcanoes
Point Lobos, California
Point Lobos, California
Point Elrington, Alaska
Point Lobos, California
Pacific Ocean showing surface water temperature anomalies.
Person locator beacon for use with COSPAS-SARSAT
Poster of NOAA Global Observing Platforms
President Ronald Reagan and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher inspecting satellite model.
Pre-launch of satellite
Pre-launch of satellite
Pre-launch of satellite
Products of the NOAA/Navy Joint Ice Center in 1982
Probably Hurricane Gilbert in the Gulf of Mexico west of the Yucatan Peninsula.
Probably Hurricane Gilbert in the Gulf of Mexico west of the Yucatan Peninsula
Plumes of dust are carried off of Africa into the Atlantic.
Preparing a TIROS-N satellite for launch.
Parabolic antennas at Wallops Island.
Part of the supporting structure of a large satellite antenna
Pre-GOES satellite antenna configuration at Wallops Island
Photographs received from TIROS I on second orbit showed Gulf of St
Photograph of a Pacific atoll taken by an astronaut.
Papeete harbor seen at twilight looking towards the high peaks of Moorea.
Paipalap peak (Sokehs Rock) rises 186 (610 feet) meters above the Pohnpei harbor
Paipalap peak (Sokehs Rock) rises 186 (610 feet) meters above the Pohnpei harbor
Preparing Deep Discoverer for launch.
Part of crew of NOAA Ship FAIRWEATHER fishing at Dutch Harbor while eagles circle overhead.
Proceeding to work site in NOAA Ship FAIRWEATHER RHIB (Rigid-hull inflatable boat.)
Proceeding to work site in NOAA Ship FAIRWEATHER RHIB (Rigid-hull inflatable boat.)
Portside view of NOAA Ship OSCAR DYSON.
Painting NOAA ship MILLER FREEMAN on a concrete wall at Dutch Harbor.
Painting NOAA ship MILLER FREEMAN on a concrete wall at Dutch Harbor.
PRINCESS ALICE sounding machine
Prince Albert's ships, figure 6 - the HIRONDELLE; Figure 10 - PRINCESS ALICE II; figure 11 - PRINCESS ALICE; figure 13 - the HIRONDELLE II
Polyhedral fish trap system with recovery buoy in upper left
Positions of errant mines that broke away from moorings during the First World War and recovered in the North Atlantic between November 7, 1918, and F
Professor Thoulet explaining sounding operations to a lady of the entourage of King Alphonse XIII of Spain
Preparation of a longline for oceanic fish sampling on the HIRONDELLE II
Professor E
Prince Albert I of Monaco and members of the scientific complement conferring with Captain G
Prince Albert I of Monaco and members of the scientific complement conferring with Captain G
Party on the HIRONDELLE II on August 2, 1914
Photo taken at Bergen
Professor Hergesell reading the electroscope
Prince Albert I of Monaco
Professor Thoulet - the celebrated oceanographer
Prince Albert on the bridge of the PRINCESSE ALICE
Professor G
Prince Albert I of Monaco, 1848-1922, a great oceanographer, statesman, and humanitarian
Prince Albert I of Monaco, 1848-1922, a great oceanographer, statesman, and humanitarian
Prince Albert I of Monaco, 1848-1922, a great oceanographer, statesman, and humanitarian
Plate 4
Plate 3
Plate 2
Plate I
Plate 6
Plate 5
Plate 4
Plate 3
Plate 2
Plate I
Plate 3
Plate 2
Plate I
Plate I
Painting of Prince Albert manning the harpoon cannon while attempting to obtain marine mammal for study
Painting of launch of meteorological kite from stern of Prince Albert's vessel "Princesse Alice."
Plotted rough contour map of Seabeam data that has been georeferenced
Pelagic and deep sea bottom crustaceans
Pelagic fish
Pteropod shells from 296 meters depth
Penguin colony at the entrance to Fairweather Harbor, Kerguelen Island
Pettersson's enclosed deep water sampling device
Plankton net
Petersen's Wharf in Hamburg Harbor, the beginning of the VALDIVIA expedition
Penguin Island in the Crozet Group in the southern Indian Ocean.
Plate X, Whales, of "Explanations and Sailing Directions, to Accompany the Wind and Current Charts ...." Third Edition, 1851.
Possibly the earliest 3-D image of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Photograph taken in 4-feet of water off Tortugas Islands, Florida
Prince Albert I of Monaco on the bridge wing of PRINCESS ALICE II in1898
Preparing to launch a microbe sampler from the sounding platform
Profiles of the Aleutian Trench compiled by Harold W
Portion of map in Congressional Report depicting work of Fish Commission Steamer ALBATROSS in conducting deep sea soundings for a telegraphic cable su
Portion of map in Congressional Report depicting work of Fish Commission Steamer ALBATROSS in conducting deep sea soundings for a telegraphic cable su
Portion of map in Congressional Report depicting work of Fish Commission Steamer ALBATROSS in conducting deep sea soundings for a telegraphic cable su
Preparing and deploying a deepsea trawl net
Profiles of Giacomini Seamount discovered in the Gulf of Alaska by systematic Coast and Geodetic tracklines between 1925 and 1939
Profiles of submarine mountains discovered in the Gulf of Alaska by systematic Coast and Geodetic tracklines between 1925 and 1939
Penguins at home
Plate XXIX - The island of Tristan d'Cunha
Piano-wire sounding maching developed by Sir William Thomson, later Lord Kelvin
Preparing the cannon and harpoon for whale hunting
Preparing to deploy a fish trap
Plesiopeneus edwardsianus
Physalia physalis - Portuguese Man of War
Plate 10
Plate 15
Plate 15
Plate 33
Plate 32
Plate 31
Plate 29
Pilot boat MISS MOLLY off Columbia River entrance
Part of the floating city at the Deepwater Horizon disaster site during well containment efforts.
Push boat on the Yukon River
Passing the containership SANTA CATALINA while approaching locks from the Caribbean side of the Panama Canal
Passing the containership SANTA CATALINA while approaching locks from the Caribbean side of the Panama Canal
Passing the containership SANTA CATALINA while approaching locks from the Caribbean side of the Panama Canal
Passing the containership SANTA CATALINA while approaching locks from the Caribbean side of the Panama Canal
Pilot boat approaching vessel waiting to transit the Panama Canal.
Propeller and shaft of NOAA Ship MILLER FREEMAN being worked on at Seattle shipyard with Space Needle in the background.
Performing maintenance on the running gear of the A-frame on the NOAA Ship MILLER FREEMAN.
Performing maintenance on the running gear of the A-frame on the NOAA Ship MILLER FREEMAN.
Performing maintenance on the running gear of the A-frame on the NOAA Ship MILLER FREEMAN.
Performing maintenance on the running gear of the A-frame on the NOAA Ship MILLER FREEMAN.
Picking up small boat while underway in moderate seas offshore Kodiak.
Poor Oscar, looks a little worse for the wear
Pondering position and location of next station in chart room of NOAA ship MILLER FREEMAN
Port side view of NOAA Ship MILLER FREEMAN.
Proceeding to dive operations off the NOAA Ship NANCY FOSTER.
Port side view of NOAA Ship NANCY FOSTER.
Port side view of NOAA Ship RAINIER at anchor.
Port side view of NOAA Ship RAINIER at anchor.
Preparing an instrument package on the NOAA Ship KA'IMIMOANA
Preparing an instrument package on the NOAA Ship KA'IMIMOANA
Preparing to launch rigid hull inflatable boat (RHIB) off of NOAA Ship KA'IMIMOANA (R333)
Pollywog following a bath in three day old bubble bath during equator crossing ceremonies on the NOAA Ship KA'IMIMOANA (R333)
Pollywog grateful for being able to take a bath during equator crossing ceremonies on the NOAA Ship KA'IMIMOANA (R333)
Pollywog walking the plank while shellbacks enhance the experience during equator crossing ceremony on the NOAA Ship KA'IMIMOANA (R333)
Pollywog displaying name tag during equator crossing ceremony on the NOAA Ship KA'IMIMOANA (R333)
Pollywogs providing entertainment for shellbacks during equator crossing ceremony on the NOAA Ship KA'IMIMOANA (R333)
Pollywog being hosed down during equator crossing ceremony NOAA Ship KA'IMIMOANA (R333)
Pollywogs during equator crossing ceremony on NOAA Ship KA'IMIMOANA (R333)
Painting of NOAA Ship PISCES superimposed on a chart of the Gulf of Mexico.
Possibly a USC&GS workboat with a new outboard motor
Plotting the position of the Coast and Geodetic Survey Ship PATHFINDER while operating in Alaskan waters.
Preliminary to launching ceremony of NOAA Ship BELL M
Painting of NOAA Ship THOMAS JEFFERESON with 200th Anniversary logo
Painting of NOAA Ship RONALD H
Program for launching ceremony for Coast and Geodetic Survey Ship SURVEYOR on April 25, 1959.
Program for the launching of the USC&GS Ship HECK on November 1, 1966
Program for the launching of the USC&GS Ship RUDE on August 17, 1966
Peter Liewit, Senior Survey Tech, on NOAA Ship THOMAS JEFFERSON, conducting survey operations during launch hydro.
Port side view of NOAA Ship THOMAS JEFFERSON
Port bow of NOAA Ship RONALD H
Port side view of NOAA Ship RONALD H
Port side view of NOAA Ship RONALD H
Port side view of NOAA Ship RONALD H
Port side view of NOAA Ship THOMAS JEFFERSON
Port quarter of NOAA Ship THOMAS JEFFERSON
Preparing to deploy a CTD instrument package and water bottle array.
President Lyndon Baines Johnson speaking at the commissioning ceremony of the Coast and Geodetic Survey Ship OCEANOGRAPHER
Preparing to deploy Bongo Nets on the NOAA Ship RONALD H
Preparing to tow Bongo Nets off the NOAA Ship FAIRWEATHER.
Preparation for helicopter arrival of Columbia River Bar pilot.
Peter Liewit and Chief Bos'n Wolf strumming away on the Gulfport Pier.
Picking up a survey launch at the end of a long day.
Pilot house of USC&GS Ship HYDROGRAPHER showing bridge control for propulsion motor, automatic steering, gyro-compass repeater, clear vision disc, and
Pilot house of USC&GS Ship HYDROGRAPHER showing fathometer, radio compass, and barograph.
Pilot house of HILGARD.
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