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Photos Sitemap
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Postcard of the U.S
Postcard of the U.S
Postcard of the U.S
Postcard of the U.S
Postcard of the U.S
Postcard of the U.S
Postcard of the U.S
Postcard of the U.S
Postcard of the U.S
Postcard of the U.S
Postcard of the U.S
Postcard of the U.S
Plotting upper-air maps Women's first opportunities in meteorology occurred as a result of WWII
Photograph of the radar scope at Orlando, Florida
Photograph of the "off-set" PPI radar scope at Orlando, Florida
Photo - 2 Meriden, Kansas, tornado as seen on Topeka Weather Bureau WSR-3 radar
Photo - 1 Meriden, Kansas, tornado as seen on Topeka Weather Bureau WSR-3 radar
Preparing to launch a meteorological kite
Preparing to launch a rocket for upper air observations.
Preparing a meteorological rocket for launch.
Preparing an ARCAS meteorological rocket for launch.
Preparing to launch America's first "ballon-sonde." Since this first launch, literally millions of weather balloons have been launched by the National
Preparing a balloon for launch
Preparing to launch a balloon on an oceanographic ship
Preparing to launch a manned balloon The Weather Service provided information for National Balloon races
Preparing to launch a pilot balloon Women's first opportunities in meteorology occurred as a result of WWII
Pennsylvania Avenue, near State, War, and Navy Building.
Probably the town of Ephriam, Utah, around 1910
Paradise Inn at the 6000 -foot level on Mount Rainier
Paradise Inn looking north toward the summit of Mount Rainier
Part of the flooded residential section of Fremont, Ohio.
Part of the residential section of Fremont, Ohio, flooded
Plate 7, page 82 of "Monographie de L'eclair Fulgurant" by E
Plate 8, page 84 of "Monographie de L'eclair Fulgurant" by E
People's Railroad Car Sheds
People's Railroad Cable Power-House, at Eighteenth Street and Park Avenue
Photo -2
Photo -2
Photo -1
Pacific sunset through the haze
Partial halo at sunrise
Partial halo with parhelia (sun dogs) on both sides of halo
Parhelion or "sun dog" - sometimes called "mock sun"
Parhelion or "sun dog" to the left of the sun
Parhelion or "sun dog" to the left of the sun at sunset
Portion of rainbow over Waikiki
Plate Nr
Portable fathometer transducer being lowered into water.
Pilothouse of a Tennessee River ferry boat
Preparing to set a pre-cast concrete monument
Phyliss Benfell looking down an old well at an abandoned house in Chilhowie
Position check in office trailer.
Packing up and getting ready to leave for shore stations .
Part of the crew of the "Monitor" from a photograph taken soon after the fight.
Predicted tide curve for Cebu, Philippine Islands, for November 1944
Printing charts from copper plates; final cleaning of the plate by hand; plate press on left
Pockmarked bottom area in Belfast area of Penobscot Bay
Plane table work on an exposed Alaska coast.
Plane table party working near Mt
Profile of Bowers Bank
Precision depth recorder record of small seamount on side of Easter Island
Pair of piano wire sounding machines on the PATTERSON.
Profile with bottom characteristics of TUSCARORA soundings
Pollywog taking a bath
Polar bear swimming in Norwegian Sea
Polar bears with dead seal.
Paul A
Passed Assistant Surgeon Elisha Kent Kane
Philip C
Philip C
Philip C
Plane table survey in the water
Philippine constabulary guard with shore party of George L
Plane table mapping in the mangroves in the southern Sulu Sea
Philip C
Paul C
Philip C
PATHFINDER launch getting ready for pickup.
Pop Lake reflections on a still summer day.
Pop Lake reflections on a still summer day.
Pacific sunset - waiting for the green flash.
Pastoral scene on Guam
Passing Mount Shishaldin at the end of summer.
Passing Mount Shishaldin early in the survey season
Passing under the Golden Gate Bridge
Packing into Yellowstone
Postwar - Joseph Lushene receiving award for geophysical work
Postwar - Carl Aslakson at MacDill Field
Photo of Nazi submariner foot (?) trying to get out of submarine escape hatch
Projection scheme for aeronautical charts of the U.S
Picking up pilot and radio operator from recon airplane off Oahu
Preparing a streamlined buoy for planting with Roberts Radio Current Meter
Price Current Meter used on the SURVEYOR.
Portable vans used in lieu of installed laboratory space on many ships
Piston corers ready for deployment on Scripps research ship MELVILLE
Pegasus profiler deployed from stern of NOAA Ship RESEARCHER
Paul Grim (sitting) and George Peter working on heat probe package
Paulson pipe dredge deployed from C&GS Ship PATHFINDER.
Piston coring device deployed from C&GS ship BOWEN
Peard Bay Camp - Arctic Field Party
Party in camp at Jack's Camp - Tehachapi Mountains, California
Photos -1-4 show beginning of construction of 50-foot tower at Station Tatum
Photos - 5-7 show stages in completing a 50-foot tower at Station Tatum
Preparing to dismantle Station Village Mills South Base
Power source for hoisting steel
Pole tower built from native timber at Takhini West Base
Platform and stand built between two trees on Olympic Peninsula
Putting ties on scaffolding at Station Foss
Pole signal with tin cone for reflecting sunlight
Portable automatic tide gauge at old Stone Wharf
Putting the tide gauge on the float well
Putting the nipple on a float well
Plotting Raydist readings with Odessey protractor
Plotting range-range Shoran position with Odessey protractor
Planting anchor for Radio Acoustic Ranging hydrophone
Planting a hydrophone anchor with the cable attached
Plotting three-point sextant fix with metallic three-arm protractor
Preparing white-wash for marking signal
Planting a survey signal buoy
Plath sextant
Prototype "portable" depth recorder used as part of 808 fathometer system
Plastic Pig on line
Point Lobos State Reserve
Point Lobos State Reserve
Peruvian "sky-hook" railway
Packing to the top - sheer fortitude kept him going
Packing to the top - Bill Scaife leading the way up
Plane table work with airport survey
Plane table work at Station Dove
Plane table work at Station Dove
Plane table setup in shoal water - legs driven about 6" into sand
Plane table topography in Prince William Sound area
Paul Smith on the plane table
Paul Smith at alidade
Paul Smith on the plane table
Paul Smith on the plane table
Plane table setup in vicinity of mangrove swamps
Plane table work in Southeast Alaska
Plane table set up in the water
Plane table setup in mangrove swamp
Plane table work on a rocky shore.
Plane table party locating a rock that bares only at a minus tide
Plane table mapping in the foothills of Mt
Plane table setup on a boulder
Plane table setup on a coral reef
Plane table setup on undercut coral islet
Plane table setup in water
Plane table setup on undercut coral islet
Plane table crew in Prince William Sound area
Prismatic mirrors for reflecting laser light beam
Parkhurst Theodolite
Primary triangulation work
Portable observing tripod made of poplar
Portion of New York skyline
Point Conception Lighthouse
Photographer takes self-portrait in South Pole marker
Pavlof's Sister on the left, Pavlof Volcano in the center
Puole Bay as seem from the FAIRWEATHER
Painting of New York Harbor.
Portage Glacier from Turnagain Shoulder
Pulpit-shaped coral rock
Pandanu trees on the coast of Hawaii
Proton vector magnetometer used to measure the absolute value of magnetic field
Proton vector magnetometer used to measure the absolute value of magnetic field
President Dwight David Eisenhour at the 150th Anniversary dinner of the Coast and Geodetic Survey.
Possibly crew of PIONEER in Aleutians, 1940 ca., showing results of beard-growing contest.
Possibly H
President Dwight David Eisenhower speaking at the 150th Anniversary of the Coast and Geodetic Survey
PATHFINDER chief petty officers 1958.
PATHFINDER petty officers ca
PATHFINDER wardroom 1959
Portable transit
Plane table alidade
Portion of nautical chart of San Francisco Bay entrance, 1859
Prisoners Harbor, Santa Cruz Island, California
Point Conception and Coxo Anchorage, California
Pelican Point (Goleta Point) to Dos Los Pueblos, California
Point Arguello, California
Point Conception, California
Point Conception, California
Point Conception, California
Point Reyes, California
Provincetown Harbor, Cape Cod
Plan of the city of Boston, Massachusetts
Portland Harbor, Maine
Photogrammetry - field data verification office.
Photogrammetry - chart compilation office.
Photogrammetry - chart compilation office.
Photogrammetric compilation equipment.
Photogrammetrist compiling chart from aerial photographs.
Placing photo panel for aerial photography
Photo panel installation north of Tuxedni Bay
Portion of photo panel to control aerial photography
Photographer Byron Hale with a roll of nine lens camera film.
Photographer Byron Hale dressed in flight gear
Portion of composite image of New York City.
Poling through the sand
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