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Plans and Views of Rebel Defences coast of South Carolina
Preliminary Chart of Ossabaw Sound, Vernon and Ogeechee Rivers, Georgia
Parrotfish (Scarus iserti) initial phase
Parrotfish (Scarus iserti) initial phase
Parrotfish (Scarus iserti) initial phase
Porcupinefish (Diodon hystrix)
Porcupinefish (Diodon hystrix)
Peacock Flounder (Bothus lunatus)
Peacock flounder - Bothus lunatus
Patch of corals with anthiases and bicolor chromis (Chromis margaritifer) in the distance.
Pinnate spadefish (Platax pinnatus).
Prawn-goby (Amblyeleotris sp.)
Purple coral.
Pen shell (Pinna nobilis)
Pedersen's Cleaner Shrimp
Peacock flounder (Bothus lunatus)
Pedersen's cleaner shrimp ( Periclemenes pedersoni)
Pink-tipped anemone (Condylactis gigantean)
Pink barrel sponge.
Pompon crab (Lybia edmondsoni)
Pompon crab (Lybia edmondsoni)
Pompon crab (Lybia edmondsoni)
Pennant bannerfish (Heniochus chrysostomus)
Pink anemonefish (Amphiprion perideraion)
Pink anemonefish (Amphiprion perideraion)
Pink anemonefish (Amphiprion perideraion).
Pink anemonefish (Amphiprion perideraion)
Peppered moray (Siderea picta)
Pygmy blenny (Nannosalarias nativitatis) is found on shallow reef areas subject to moderate surge
Pompano (Banner? African young?)
Pompano (Banner? African young?)
Plane inside of Fujikawa Maru.
Parrotfish (Chlorurus sp.)
Pencil urchin (Heterocentrotus mammillatus).
Pencil urchin (Heterocentrotus mammillatus).
Potter's angelfish (Centropyge potteri).
Porcupine fish (Diodon hystrix).
Pacific triton trumpet shell (Charonia tritonis) with living gastropod inside.
Pearl wrasse (Anampses cuvier)
Parrotfish (Chlorurus perspicillatus)
Pavona duerdeni - sometimes called pork chop coral.
Pearl oyster (Pinctada margaritifera) in lower center of image.
Parrotfish (Chlorurus perspicillatus)
Potter's angelfish (Centropyge potteri) on the left and surgeonfish (Ctenochaetus strigosus)
Papuan toby, also known as sharpnose pufferfish, (Canthigaster papua).
Pufferfish (Arothron nigropunctatus).
Pufferfish (Arothron nigropunctatus).
Pufferfish (Arothron sp.)
Pink clownfish (Amphiprion perideraion) with sea anemone
Pink clownfish (Amphiprion perideraion) with sea anemone
Pink clownfish (Amphiprion perideraion) with sea anemone
Pink clownfish (Amphiprion perideraion) with sea anemone
Pink soft coral with reef fish
Parrotfish (sp?)
Parrotfish and triggerfish
Parrotfish and barred thicklip wrasse
Pacific double-saddle butterflyfish (Chaetodon ulietensis)
Pennantbannerfish (Heniochus chrysostomus) with humphead bannerfish (Heniochus varius) in the middle of the photo.
Pennantbannerfish (Heniochus chrysostomus) and coral
Parrotfish and coral
Pillar coral on the right
Polychaete worm, closeup of head region.
Polychaete worm, sabellid, branchial pinnate filaments extended.
Polychaete worm.
Picture of live coral polyps in colonial coral.
Picture of aberrant coral polpys of Fungia sp.
Pocillopora damicornis, coral, showing gauls caused by the coral crab Trapezia wardi.
Possibly a mating congregation of jacks - males darker
Patch reef with assorted corals.
Parupeneus multifasciatus - a red goatfish
Predominantly Porites sp
Pomacentrus sp.? Possibly a species of damselfish.
Pterois sphex - Lionfish - Dorsal spines are extremely poisonous
Paracirrhites sp
Point Judith Pond, RI.
Point Judith Pond, RI.
Point Judith Pond, Tracey Collier deploys a fish trap to sample fish and their exposure to oil.
Point Judith Pond, retrieving a fyke net used to sample fish for exposure to oil.
Point Judith Pond, RI DEM worker retrieves a lobster pot used to sample lobsters and determine their exposure to oil.
Pre restoration, since this image was taken Fort Robbins has been cleaned-up.
Padanaram Marsh, Dartmouth MA
preferred restoration alternatives for the New Bedford Harbor Superfund site.
Plants and Trees
Plants and Trees
Pump Street
Part of the collection system for acid mine drainage.
Part of the Blackbird Mine site, the Bucktail drainage basin
Panther Creek, an image of the stream that was affected by Blackbird Mine
Project personnel deploy decoys onto Devil Slide Rock.
Project personnel deploy decoys onto Devil Slide Rock.
PG&E Corp assist the project by providing a front-end loader and man power for the volunteer-based restoration project.
Pre excavation, the pink flags show the area to be excavated.
Pre excavation, the pink flags show the area to be excavated.
Pre restoration images of the the restricted culvert.
Pre restoration images of the the restricted culvert.
Pre restoration images of the the restricted culvert.
Pre restoration images of the the restricted culvert.
Peter Clark of Tampa Baywatch, left, addresses volunteers at the staging area before the workers depart to begin the clean-up.
People - NOAA's Restoration Center Collection
PVC pipes are used to protect the Oculina varicosa and to provide stability during the restoration.
preparing the site for a fyke net collection.
Poplar Island snag areas were sampled using gillnets
preparing at a marsh site for fyke net sampling
Preparing marsh sites for fyke net sampling at a reference site.
Processing and measuring a crab pot collection.
Processing the samples taken from a gillnet, a horseshoe crab in the background.
Placement of the catch/samples into buckets
Post restoration.
Post restoration/marsh platform construction
Post restoration, this image shows the cell that did not perform well after being planted with Spartina alterniflora
Plants after the first growing season now into the second growing season.
Planted plugs of Spartina alterniflora, early in the planting process.
Planted sprigs of Spartina alterniflora
Planted sprigs of Spartina alterniflora
Post restoration, a site visit.
Post restoration, a site visit.
Post restoration, a site visit.
Post restoration, sediment is placed and then grass is planted in rows to begin colonization.
Plants near near Arthur Kill Waterway, Richmond County
People observing
plants from a commercial nursery
Planting marsh grass
planting marsh grass
planting marsh grass
planted plugs
Planting marsh grass
Pipeline Equipments
Pipeline Equipments - NOAA's Restoration Center Collection
Point Au Fer after restoration.
Placement of oyster shell along the wooden plug.
Plug 6 at the Transco Canal.
Plug 4 at the south end of Transco Canal.
Plants showing one year of growth from the pilot test project.
Planting mangrove propagules at Indian River Lagoon.
Planting mangrove propagules at Indian River Lagoon.
Pat Kurkul, the NE Regional Administrator, passes the herring to volunteers who then place the fish in trucks waiting to transport them past the dams
Planting smooth cordgrass, Spartina alterniflora, at a donor site at the Port Manatee fish hatchery.
Partial breeching of the dam and construction of the pools.
Pile driver pounding sheet metal into location of the self-regulating tide gate SRT.
Plug site 7 looking at the south bank of the existing oil access canal
Plug site 7 looking northwest along the existing oil access canal
Penny Dalton searches for trash during the collection phase of the restoration.
Penny Dalton, former Assistant Administrator for NOAA Fisheries, cleans trash and debris from the rip rap around the perimeter of the wetlands at Ft M
Patchy coverage of S
Plastic tarps temporarily hold together the sediments that comprise the containment dike fronting the Gulf of Mexico.
Personnel and family members from the National Weather Service Office in Grand Junction, Colorado participate in their annual Adopt a Lake clean up pr
Personnel from the NOAA Marine Protected Area (MPA) Center visit the MPA located at the center of the Monterey Day coastline, the Elkhorn Slough Natio
Participants celebrating the launch of a tsunami buoy in the Indian Ocean took time to commemorate NOAA's 200th celebration on the deck of the Indones
Promoting environmental literacy is essential to support NOAA's mission
Participants in a conference highlighting the 50th Anniversary of the Fargo 1957 tornado held at North Dakota State University
Peter Jung, Senior Hydrologist, and William Gartner, Forecaster, staff a booth at the Open House hosted by the co-located NWS Forecast Office and Midd
Personnel from NOAA's Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary and the U.S
Participants in a NOAA-funded marine debris removal project off the northern Oregon coast
Personnel of the NOAA Fisheries Large Whale Disentanglement Program helping disentangle an endangered North Atlantic Right Whale
Personnel from the NWSFO in Corpus Christi, Texas, helping install a temperature sensor and a rain gauge for new volunteer Cooperative Observers at th
Personnel of the OMAO Marine Operations Center-Pacific proudly display the NOAA 200th Banner outside the headquarters building of the Marine Center
Producers of Treasures of NOAA's Ark 2007
Petty officer Mears and Chief Boatswain Petersen with hash marks on sleeve.
Public Health Service Doctor outside Pop's Bar in Sitka.
Personnel of Commissioned Personnel Center: CDR Chris Andreasen in center left, CAPT Miller Tonkel, and two from his left, Peggy Davis, longtime help
P-3 Lieutenant Commander Tim Gallagher at briefing prior to flying into Hurricane Ike.
P-3 pilot Commander Mark Nelson at briefing prior to flying into Hurricane Ike.
President George W
PATHFINDER crew at awards ceremony for work with JTF-8.
PATHFINDER crew at awards ceremony for work with JTF-8.
PATHFINDER chief petty officers at awards ceremony for work with JTF-8.
PATHFINDER officers at awards ceremony for work with JTF-8.
PATHFINDER crew in formation for awards ceremony for work with JTF-8.
PATHFINDER crew and officers in formation at Pearl Harbor.
PATHFINDER crew mustered for awards ceremony.
PATHFINDER wardroom - CME Gilgan, left center; Lt
Party chief, Lieutenant Commander Marvin Paulson, somewhere in the western states, with his Dodge Power Wagon.
Peter George Peterson, 1926 - , twentieth Secretary of Commerce.
Peter George Peterson, 1926 - , twentieth Secretary of Commerce.
Philip M
Philip M
President William Jefferson Clinton and Secretary of Commerce Ron Brown.
Professor Cleveland Abbe.
Professor Cleveland Abbe,
Professor Charles F
Professor Charles F
Professor Willis L
Professor Mark W
Patch commemorating the NOAA Ship GEORGE B
Patch commemorating the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey.
Patch commmemorating NOAA Ship John N
Patch commmemorating NOAA Ship MILLER FREEMAN.
Patch commmemorating NOAA' Seattle ship base known as the Pacific Marine Center.
Patch commmemorating NOAA Ship RESEARCHER.
Patch commmemorating NOAA Ship PEIRCE.
Patch commmemorating NOAA Ship RAINIER.
Patch commmemorating NOAA Ship FAIRWEATHER.
Patch commmemorating NOAA Ship RAINIER
Patch commmemorating NOAA Ship RAINIER.
Patch commmemorating NOAA Ship SURVEYOR, affectionately referred to as "Old Workhorse."
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