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Page 18
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P1 - Page 18
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Plate 30
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Plate 167
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Plate 165
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Plate 150
Plate 149
Plate 148
Plate 147
Plate 18
Plate 17
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Plate 15
Plate 14
Plate 13
Plate 12
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Plate 7
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Plate 5
Plate 4
Plate 3
Plate 2
Plate 1
Plate 129
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Plate 46
Plate 49
Plate 128
Plate 130
Parapenaeus americanus, female
Peristedion gracile Goode & Bean
Pontinus macrolepis Goode & Bean
Priacanthus arenatus Cuvier & Valenciennes
Prionodes baldwini Evermann & Marsh
Pterois volitans (Linnaeus)
Panularis japonicus (De Siebold)
Paracirrhites arcatus (Cuvier & Valenciennes)
Paracirrhites cinctus (Gunther)
Paracirrhites Forsteri (Bloch & Schneider)
Pseudoscarus jordani Jenkins
Pseudocheilinus octotaenia Jenkins
Pseudupeneus multifasciatus (Quoy & Gaimard)
Pseudupeneus chrysonemus Jordan & Evermann
Pikea aurora Jordan & Evermann
Parexocoetus brachypterus (Solander)
Picking the net of small organisms when trawl being retrieved during sperm whale predation survey.
Power block in operation retrieving fish trap.
Preparing to dump cod end of trawl into hopper, part of the ship ladder system for conveying fish to wet lab
Primarily small pelagic fish
Preparing to dump cod end of trawl into hopper, part of the ship ladder system for conveying fish to wet lab
Preparing to dump cod end of trawl into hopper, part of the ship ladder system for conveying fish to wet lab
Preparing to dump cod end of trawl into hopper, part of the ship ladder system for conveying fish to wet lab
Picking small fish and gelatinous life forms from meshes of Aleutian wing trawl used during Sperm whale predation studies
Preparing a CTD rosette for taking measurements and water samples at the Deep Water Horizon oil spill site.
Preparing a CTD rosette for taking measurements and water samples at the Deep Water Horizon oil spill site.
Protohabdonella curta - a tintinnid microzooplankton species
Parafavella parumdentata - specimen collected from the Bering Sea by Diane Stoecker.
Probably Lamprocyclas maritalis
Phycologist humor - lorica evolution? Why have a lorica or shell? The lorica or shell likely evolved as protection against predation by other protists
Planktonic protists: plants and grazers
Pacific sardine (Sardinops sagax) eggs collected and photographed under a microscope in April 2006 during FRD's California Current Ecosystem Survey ab
Pink rockfish (Sebastes eos)
Phantom DS4 ROV, source of many shallow to mid-depth high-resolution images.
Phantom DS4 ROV, source of many shallow to mid-depth high-resolution images.
Pulling a shark on deck while trying to minimize any injury to the shark.
Preparing to measure moderately large shark.
Processed swordfish.
Processing swordfish.
Pink rockfish? (Sebastes eos?)
Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center Dole Street Laboratory.
Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center Dole Street Laboratory.
Pompom sea anemone
Painted greenling (left) and female sheephead (right)
Plastic particles are collected using a manta net that is towed on the surface of the water.
Public warning signs like these are posted in areas that have been closed due to high level of toxin in shellfish.
Porbeagle shark
Plankton is collected on silk mesh as water flows through the continuous plankton recorder.
Plastic marine debris collected inside the cod end of the manta net after a tow
Peruvian purse seiners.
Processing Pacific menhaden (Ethmidium maculatum) at Hayduk cannery
Processing anchovies (Engraulis ringens) at the SIPESA fishmeal plant.
Peruvian scientist sampling blue jack mackerel (Trachurus picturatus).
Peruvian scientist taking a chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus) sample on board a fishing boat.
Pelicans (Pelacanus thagus) and gannets (Sula variegata) on a fishing boat net.
Peruvian purse seiner fishing for small pelagic fish.
Peruvian purse seiner fishing for small pelagic fish.
Peruvian purse seiner fishing for small pelagic fish.
Peruvian purse seiner fishing for small pelagic fish.
Peruvian purse seiner fishing for small pelagic fish.
Peruvian purse seiners.
Power block operator monitors the net as it comes aboard
Preparing to tag a large yellowfin tuna caught on longline gear by the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Ship OREGON in the Caribbean Sea.
Photo -2
Photo -1.Cross-section of first spine of dorsal fin of young bluefin tuna showing annual growth rings
Pole and line fishing on a chartered vessel to catch tuna for tagging
Pole and line fishing on a chartered vessel to catch tuna for tagging
Pole and line tuna fishing boat from Fuenterrabia, Northern Spain.
Pole and line tuna fishing boat from Fuenterrabia, Northern Spain.
Photo -1 of sequence
Photo -2 of sequence
Photo -3 of sequence
Pole and line fishing with two poles working in unison
Pole and line fishing
Pole and line fishing vessel with live bait container on the foredeck.
Pole and line fishing boat above a school of tuna
Placing tuna in crates before lowering to the cold store (refrigerated space.)
Pole and line fishing boat above a school of tuna
Photo taken in the chamber of death in the trap at Favignana
Plastic debris littering Hawaiian shoreline
Plastic debris littering Hawaiian shoreline
Plastic debris washed at the high tide line
Pacific sand lance (Ammodytes hexapterus) burrowing into the sand
Pink coralline algae and an orange-red bloodstar
Protoperidinium quinquecorne - live specimen
Prorocentrum minimum - live specimen
Phytoplankton - the foundation of the oceanic food chain.
Phytoplankton - the foundation of the oceanic food chain.
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