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Photos Sitemap
Page 16
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Penguin chick catch and release, Seal Island.
Preening chinstrap penguin.
Preening chinstrap penguin.
Penguin colony on Seal Island, Antarctica.
Panoramic view of Cape Shirreff, Livingston Island.
Pelagic tunicates called salps on a rocky beach, South Shetland Islands.
Please don't slam the doors
Penguins cling to the side of an iceberg.
Playful Antarctic fur seal pup.
Pseudochannichthys georgianus, a species of Antarctic icefish.
Parachaenichthys charcoti, "Charcot's dragonfish".
Pancake ice, South Shetland Islands.
Proud Antarctic ichthyologists with their catch, a toothfish.
Preparing to deploy a piece of oceanographic equipment aboard the NOAA Ship Surveyor.
Polly Penhale (NSF), Rennie Holt and AMLR scientists at Palmer Station with R/V Polar Duke in background.
Peter Boveng participated in the 1994 fur seal pup survey of the South Shetland Islands.
Porpoising dusky dolphins, Southern Ocean.
Porpoising dusky dolphins, Southern Ocean.
Petrels fly above the icy landscape, South Shetland Islands.
Pancake ice, South Shetland Islands.
Pink ice, South Shetland Islands.
Penguins line the shore at North Cove, Seal Island.
Penguins and seals at North Cove, Seal Island.
Penguins line the shore at Seal Island.
Penguins line the shore at Seal Island.
Penguin biologist Lisa Hiruki-Raring preparing to weigh a chinstrap penguin.
Penguin biologists William Meyer and John Jansen prepare to weigh penguin chicks.
Penguin crossing at the Seal Island field station.
Patches of molting skin are visible on the nose of this female elephant seal.
Penguins and seals around a rocky cove at Seal Island, 1991.
Part of the 1996 AMLR crew, aboard the R/V Yuzhmorgeologiya.
Polish electronics technician Emil Ociepka, John Wormuth and John Green work under a makeshift tent on the deck of the R/V Profesor Siedlecki, termina
Penguin colonies at the foot of a glacier.
Penguin colonies colored by pink excrement, caused by the penguins' krill diet.
PTS - this is an amphibious vehicle used to transport supplies between the resupply ship and the Polish Station.
Pancake ice surrounding King George Island
Patagonian toothfish, aka Chilean sea bass.
Penguins and seals share coastal real estate, while researchers observe.
Penguins and seals sharing beachfront real estate.
Pumping alewives from a poundnet in Milwaukee Harbor
Purse seines lead in quantity of fish landed by U.S
Pumping alewives from the hold of a Lake Michigan trawler
Picking Pacific oysters by hand at low tide
Peruvian fishmeal in a warehouse in Port Hueneme, California
Purse seine nets are now larger and can be hauled by power blocks installed in aluminum purse seine boats
Purse seine operation from 1940
Pelagic sealing, sealing canoe with outfit and catch Dora Sherward.
Pelagic sealer E.B
Pelagic sealer, Bering Sea, boarded by Albatross boat, collecting statistics, 1895.
Pelagic sealer, Unalaska, AK, 1895.
Pelagic sealing, position of fleet in Victoria Harbor, BC, 1894.
Pelagic sealing boats, Victoria, BC, 1895.
Pelagic sealer, Anni E
Pelagic sealer Dora S, 1895.
Pelagic sealing, Bering Sea, mammary glands, 1894.
Port of sealing fleet at Sand Point, Shumagin Islands, AK, 1893.
Punta Arenas, Strait of Magellan, as seen from the hill back of the town, the Albatross lying in the harbor.
Panorama views -226-228-229, parts together, Alaska settlements and buildings, 1889.
Port Chester, AK, settlements and buildings.
Port Chester, AK, settlements and buildings, 1888-89.
Petropaulski, Kamchatka, from hill in village, 1896.
Preobrazhansky village, Copper Island, 1896
Panorama views of Sitka from Baranoff Castle, AK, 1894.
Pearl fisheries, Albatross, South Seas, 1900, pearl divers.
Pearl fisheries, Albatross, South Seas, 1900, pearl diving vessels.
Panorama of village at Avatoru Village, Rairoa Atoll, Paumotu Archipelago, eastern part, view from Brander Island.
Probably a species of sea trout or weakfish.
Portis (Pallas) furcata, Fish Hawk, Puerto Rico, 1899.
Porites astreoides lam., Fish Hawk, Puerto Rico, 1899.
Porites porites (Pallas) forma clavaria lam., Fish Hawk, Puerto Rico, 1899.
Pelagic sealing, American Schooner Columbia, with sealing canoes.
Pelagic sealing, American Schooner Columbia, with sealing canoes.
Pelagic sealing, hoisting canoe aboard schooner, 1894.
Pelagic sealer, Bering Sea, boarded by Albatross boat, collecting statistics, 1895.
Pelagic sealer, boarded by Albatross boat to collect statistics, 1895.
Pelagic sealer Ratherine, 1895.
Pelagic sealing, Victoria Harbor, BC, 1894, types of sealing vessels.
Pelagic sealing, indian hunter throwing spear.
Pelagic sealing, Canadian schooner Favorite, white officers, indian hunters, 1894.
Pelagic sealing, Canadian schooner Favorite, 1894.
Pelagic sealing, indian hunter throwing spear.
Pelagic sealing, pelagic sealer Amoka unloading skins, Victoria, BC, 1895.
Pelagic sealer, Bering Sea, 1895.
Pelagic sealer, Bering Sea, 1895.
Pelagic sealing, Bering Sea, carcass of seal on deck of sealing schooner, 1894.
Pearl fishing, La Paz, lower CA, sea pearl fishery.
Pseudemys Rubriventris.
Pseudemys Floridana.
Phillipine toilet sponge, sitanki, natural size.
Phillipine toilet sponge, sitanki, natural size.
Pod of pups, H
Pemaquid, ME lobster pound, transfer of lobsters from pound for transfer to Gannet and thence hatchery.
Passing lobsters over dam of lobster pound, outside view of lobster pound, dory of lobster pound.
Preparing fish halibut for shipment.
Pew & Son
Portrait of fishermen.
Poster, broadside, "Eat Fish, Fine Fish at Low Prices".
Poster, broadside, "Eat More Fish!".
Poster, broadside, "Eat Frozen Fish".
Poster, broadside, "Why You Should Eat Oysters".
Poster, broadside, "Fish Roe and Buckroe".
Poster, broadside, "Pink Salmon".
Poster, broadside, "Chum Salmon".
Poster, broadside, "Whale Meat".
Poster, broadside, "Tilefish".
Poster, broadside, "Skates and Rays".
Poster, broadside, "Shark".
Poster, broadside, "Sea Mussels".
Poster, broadside, "Sablefish".
Poster, broadside, "Redfish".
Poster, broadside, "Menhaden".
Poster, broadside, "Groupers".
Poster, broadside, "Grayfish".
Poster, broadside, "Euclachon".
Poster, broadside, "Burbot".
Poster, broadside, "Black Drumfish".
Poster, broadside - Mrs
Poster, broadside, "Special Today Sable Fish".
Poster, broadside, "Special Today Grouper".
Poster, broadside, "Eat the Carp!"
Poster, broadside, "Eat Fish, Sea Catfish".
Poster, broadside, "Eat Fish, Hard Tail".
Portuguese fishermen cleaning trawls, Schooner Ontario.
Preparing trawls.
Packing salt cod.
Painting boat.
Pier and lateen-rigged boats.
Provincetown Harbor from Picket & Co
Pound net and steamer, Cape Cod, MA.
Packing codfish in butts.
Putting sardines on flakes for drying, Eastport, ME.
Plate CXXV
Pulling the skin off a fur seal.
Panorama of the dam and falls at Willamette Falls showing the fish ladder that allows the salmon to continue upstream to their spawning grounds.
Poverty Burn area of the South Fork of the Salmon River
Palouse River Canyon in the Columbia River Scablands.
Palouse Falls in the Columbia River Scablands
Plant producing Penguin Brand Frozen Lake Herring fillets
Preparing interior of fish packing plant
Patterson Shrimp Company processing facility, a modern raw-shrimp plant.
Patterson Shrimp Company processing facility, a modern raw-shrimp plant.
Pumping experimental shrimp farming pond dry for harvesting shrimp
Part of Galveston shrimp fleet showing the JOYCE ELAINE chartered for larval shrimp studies.
Preparing paper chromatograms for identification of shrimp postlarvae.
Pink shrimp drawing (Penaeus duorarum)
Pink shrimp
Preparing to dump cod end of trawl net on deck of FWS research vessel
Positive of an X-ray of the head region of a sawshark (Pristiophorus sp.)
Pod of sea otter - some in water, some on rocks.
Pod of sea otters on a rock shelf
Pink salmon
Preparation of blood samples for testing in salmon serological studies.
Putting cans of sardines into cartons at a sardine canning plant.
Pre-cooking sardine in cannery
Preparing sardines for pre-cooking ?
Project leader of subpopulation program drawing blood from sardines for genetic studies.
Pressure hammer
Pressure hammer
Pink salmon on spawning ground
Purse seiners in the harbor
Purse seiners in the harbor
PHOENIX III, a tender, brailing salmon trap
Purse seine boat unloading halibut
Preparing a salmon purse seine for the next trip
Purse seiner with salmon in net
Purse seiner brailing salmon
Performing maintenance on the stern of the salmon boat PT
Placing bait on hook for salmon trolling
Preparing bait for salmon trolling
Preparing lines for salmon longlining
Pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha)
Perry Thompson of the NMFS Kodiak Fisheries Research Facility discusses sexual characteristics of Pandalid shrimp with Soviet Chief Scientist Yuri Ski
Porpoise escaping a tuna net
Porpoise escaping tuna net during the "backing down" process.
Porpoise escaping tuna nets during the "backing down" process.
Photograph of porpoise next to escape opening in tuna net.
Porgy in the Woods Hole NMFS aquarium
Pollock (Pollachius virens) lying on a net.
Pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) Silver.
Plankton net being launched at night from the BCF research ship CHARLES H
Peridinian plankton dominated by Peridinium, with Ceratium longipes and C
Plankton dominated by the Ctenophore Pleurobrachia pileus with a barnacle (Balanus) larvae in the 'nauplius" stage
Phytoplankton dominated by Ahlosphaera with Ceratium longipes from a surface haul.
Plankton samples collected on the ALBATROSS IV
Preserving plankton samples collected with G-V plankton net mounted on runners to permit sampling within 4 feet of the ocean bottom.
Plankton winch on the BCF ship HUGH M
Plankton sampler aboard R/V SISCOWET.
Plankton sampling on the ALBATROSS IV
Plankton nets for sampling post-larval shrimp at different levels.
Plankton unusually rich in mixed fish species.
Plankton samplers on display.
Plankton net recovery on board USC&GS OCEANOGRAPHER during its 1967 global expedition.
Plankton net being deployed on C&GS Ship PIONEER - probably during 1964 Indian Ocean Expedition.
Plankton net recovery on board USC&GS OCEANOGRAPHER during its 1967 global expedition.
Plankton net recovery on board USC&GS OCEANOGRAPHER during its 1967 global expedition.
Porpoises captured in tuna seine net
Pigfish (Pomodasyss fulvomaculatus)
Plankton sampling device developed for use in an estuary's peripheral marshes
Perry PC 8 submersible underwater.
Perry PC 8 submarine being deployed
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