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T1 - Page 6
The wardroom of the PATHFINDER
The Russian Orthodox Church at Unalaska
The view down the cliffs from Mount Ballyhoo
The Russian Orthodox graveyard at Unalaska
The totem poles at Old Kasaan Survey crew off the PATHFINDER
The upper reaches of the inlet
Traveling in style with the gravity field party - Tent camps were now a thing of the past.
Traveling in style with the gravity field party - Tent camps were now a thing of the past.
The old C&GS Ship SURVEYOR at Dutch Harbor looking a little worse for the wear
Taking a sun sight with sextants
Taking a rest after packing to the top of Bogoslof Hill for observations
The Adak shoreline
The PATHFINDER at low tide at a Dutch Harbor pier
The harbor at Dutch Harbor
The lookout at Otter Crest
The view to the south at Cape Foulweather
The bridge at Depoe Bay - the entrance to "the world's smallest harbor"
The ferry dock at Orcas Island
The crew at Oliktok Point
The spring melt continues - bare tundra is seen
The spring melt at Oliktok Point
Tide gage, hydrographic signal, and shore camp Older buildings are from ca
Tigvariak Island base camp from the air
The end of the day
The starboard quarter view of the landing craft "Goldie"
The first sign of the spring melt - a stream is seen flowing on the ice
Triangulation party at Camden Bay
Triangulation party at Cross Island
The sea ice off of Tigvariak Island
Tide gage installation - Abe Simmons and Harley Nygren
Triangulation station NYGREN 1949 - 70 08 51.83200(N) 146 11 24.40800(W)
The observing party at Patko Island
Tigvariak Island Camp from the air - boats to left on beach line.
Time to start digging out the equipment covered by snow over the winter
The Barter Island Camp starts taking shape after a few days of digging
The hydro fleet ready for work
Transocean Airlines aircraft helping supply the Arctic Field Party camps.
The big Spring meltdown is on its way.
Two Miles Around the Pendulum Station on Hoosac Mountain
T-Sheet T-947
Table of contents for Harbors of Alaska
Thematic maps showing various aspects of the United States population as of the census of 1850
Title block of survey T-355, "The Harbor and Environs of Newburyport and the mouth of the Merrimcack River" by Alexander Wadsworth Longfellow.
Title block of survey sheet T-1129 Heads of Casco Bay....Sebaskahegan Island
Topographic survey T-1129 "The Heads of Casco Bay...." surveyed by Alexander Wadsworth Longfellow, 1867-1869
Temperature profiles of the Gulf Stream superimposed on bathymetry
Title block of topographic sheet 3 of the United States Coast Survey
Topographic map of the Site for the New Naval Observatory, surveyed at the request of Rear-Admiral John Rodgers, by Charles Junken, Assistant U.S
Topographic map of Cape Disappointment, Washington, by Edwin Hergesheimer, one of the greatest of Coast Survey topographers and cartographers
Topographic map of Cape Disappointment, Washington, by Edwin Hergesheimer, one of the greatest of Coast Survey topographers and cartographers.
Topographic survey of the California and Nevada Boundary Line showing topography one mile each side of 35 North Latitude along the Colorado River.
Title block of map of Natural Oyster Grounds of Maryland.
Title block of nautical chart of Boston Harbor, edition of 1869 reissued in May 1889
Three coastal views showing St
Title block of nautical chart of the Potomac River from Indian Head to Georgetown.
Thirteen coastal views between Point Ano Nuevo and Point San Pedro
Three coastal views in Half Moon Bay area that include Gordon's Chute, Sail Rock , Pillar Point, and Point San Pedro Rock
Topographic map of the United States Military Academy at West Point by W
Title block to Chart of Atlantic Ocean by A
Topographic survey of the site of the new Naval Observatory by Charles Junken of the Coast and Geodetic Survey
Title block to Investigation of the Oyster Beds off Pungoteague Creek, Virginia
Title block to Investigation of the Oyster Beds off Pungoteague Creek, Virginia
Title block to bathymetric map of the West India Islands and Caribbean Sea by E
Topographic map of Round Top area, Sierra Nevada, by E
Topography T-1466a of Round Top, Alpine County, California, Section 10
Topographical drawing from U.S
The E section of Hydrographic Chart H-1514 of West India Islands and Caribbean Sea.
The W section of Hydrographic Chart H-1514 of West India Islands and Caribbean Sea.
Title block to Hydrographic Chart H-1514 of West India Islands and Caribbean Sea
The SE section of Chart of Lake Champlain, sheet No.2
Topographic Diagram H-2139 showing proposed connection between Sierra Nevada and Wahsatch (Wasatch) Mts
Title block showing statistics and legend information for Hydrographic Survey H- 1341a of Monica Bay (Santa Monica Bay), California, surveyed by Lieut
The eastern part of the view of the entrance to Boston by South Channel, showing Alms House, Pt
The center part of the view of the entrance to Boston by South Channel, from Long Island Light to Deer Island
The western part of the view of the entrance to Boston by South Channel, showing Boston Light, Nantasket Hill, Middle Brewster, Great Brewster, Calf I
The NW section of the chart of Boston Harbor, Mass
Title block to the chart of Boston Harbor, Mass
Title block to Comparative Map of Boston Harbor, Massachusetts.
Topographic survey T-1406 "Du Wamish Bay (part of) Washington Territory." Surveyed in 1875 by James Lawson
Title block of "Map Showing the Distribution of the Tribes of Alaska and Adjoining Terrritory" showing contribution of William H
Tracing from the Reconnaisance of the Western Coast (Southern Sheet), showing lines of soundings to determine the 500 fathom curve
Title block to Hydrographic survey H-1202, a
Topographic chart of Plattsburgh and Cumberland Bay, Lake Champlain, New York
Title block to the hydrographic survey H-1862 of "Northern Part of Pamlico Sound, N.C." Chart showing the area and positions of the natural and artifi
Topographical Chart of Burlington, Vermont.
Title Block to Projects for Coast Charts outlining a projected series of charts from New York to Maine.
Topographic Survey T-991 of The vicinity of the rebel fortifications on the rivers emptying into Ossabaw Sound, Georgia
Topographic Survey T-356 of Eastern End of Deer Island, surveyed by John Smith
The Theodolite Magnetometer
Title block to "General Map of Charleston Harbor...." Charles O
Title block to original survey of grounds of what became Arlington National Cemetery
Title block of Topographic Survey T-926 of Chattanooga and its Approaches showing the Union and Rebel Works before and during the battles of 23rd, 24t
Topographic Survey T-926 of Chattanooga and its Approaches showing the Union and Rebel Works before and during the battles of 23rd, 24th and 25th Nove
The Coast of Georgia, possibly original map but probably a tracing from British Admiral F
Tertiary Triangulation of Half Moon Bay, California by the party of A
Topographic Survey T-848 of Rebel Defences at Manasses Junction and Vicinity.
Topographic Portion Map of City of Charleston & Ashley River.
Topographic Map of City of Charleston & Ashley River.
Title block to "Preliminary Chart of Charleston Harbor and its approaches."
Title block to the smoother version of "Plans and Views of Rebel Defences coast of South Carolina."
Title block to survey map of Massachusettes Bay.
Title Block to "Comparative Map of Boston Harbor Massachusetts."
Trumpetfish (Aulostomus maculatus)
Trumpetfish (Aulostomus maculatus)
Trumpetfish (Aulostomus maculatus)
Tobaccofish (Serranus tabacarius)
Threespot damselfish (Stegastes planifrons)
Threespot damselfish (Stegastes planifrons)
Threespot damselfish (Stegastes planifrons)
Threespot damselfish (Stegastes planifrons)
Threespot damselfish (Stegastes planifrons)
Threespot damselfish (Stegastes planifrons)
Trumpetfish (Aulostomus maculatus)
Trumpet fish - Aulostomus maculatus - and a Star coral
Trumpet fish - Aulostomus maculatus - and Nassau grouper - Epinephelus striatus
Triton shell.
The view towards the surface from a crevasse
Table coral (Acropora sp.).
Table coral (Acropora sp.).
Threespot wrasse (Halichoeres trimaculatus)
Two nudibranchs (Phyllidiella pustulosa).
Two nudibranchs (Phyllidiella pustulosa).
Triton shell (Charonia tritonis)
Trumpetfish (Aulostomus maculatus).
Trunkfish - Lactophyrs trigonus
Trumpet fish - Aulostomus maculatus
Tube sponges on a ledge
Tubastrea sp
Truck on deck of Sankisan Maru.
Trevally on the Sankisan Maru.
Top of Magnificent Star starfish (Luidia magnifica) - note regenerating legs.
Threadfin butterfly fish (Chaetodon auriga)
Threadfin butterfly (Chaetodon auriga).
Threadfin butterfly (Chaetodon auriga).
Twinspot snapper (Lutjanus bohar)
Teardrop butterflyfish (Chaetodon unimaculata)
Teardrop butterflyfish (Chaetodon unimaculatus)
The ahermitic coral Dendrophyllia sp
The marbled cone (Conus marmoreus)
The marbled cone (Conus marmoreus)
The species of worm, Spirobranchus giganteus, live calcareous tubes in living coral heads.
The anemone, Aiptasia sp.
The urchin, Prionocidaris hawaiiensis, endemic to the Hawaiian islands.
The urchin, Prionocidaris hawaiiensis, endemic to the Hawaiian islands.
The urchin, colobocentrotus atratus, in its normal intertidal habitat.
The urchin, colobocentrotus atratus, in its normal intertidal habitat.
The cowrie, Cypraea caputserpensis, very common in intertidal rocky areas.
The coral Pocillopora verrucosa, living colony with polyps.
Two coral polyps on a glass slide soon after settlement.
Tires being placed in an array to determine their effectiveness as habitat for fish.
Tires being placed in an array to determine their effectiveness as habitat for fish.
Tires being placed in an array to determine their effectiveness as habitat for fish.
The trumpet fish, Aulostomus chinensis, and big eye, Priacanthus cruentatus (Aweoweo)
The filefish, Alutera scripta
The surgeon fish, Ctenochaetus striogosus, grazing on algae on pipe surface
Thalasomma duperreyi(Blue Wrasse) and goatfish Parapeneus multifasciatus (Moano) These fish are next to an exclusion cage that prevents grazing in ord
Trumpetfish - Aulostomus chinensis - eye and mouth to right in photo.
Three moorish idols - Zanclus canescens.
Two types of butterfly fish and two types of wrasse.
Tridacna Crocea - Giant clam embedded in coral Demonstrating variable zooxanthellae colorization in mantle
Two types of Chromis sp
Truk native diving on artificial reef
Trustom Pond shoreline.
Trustom Pond, RI.
Trustom Pond, RI
Tracey Collier of NMFS deploys a fish trap to sample for finfish exposure to oil
Tracey Collier of NMFS seines for finfish to determine oil exposure.
The port at Point Judith Pond.
Tracey Collier of NMFS collects sediment samples using a Smith Macentyre Sediment Grab.
Tracey Collier of NMFS deploys a skiff at Point Judith Pond to collect flounder samples.
Tracey Collier of NMFS dissects a flounder and removes bile to document exposure to oil.
Tracey Collier of NMFS dissects a flounder and removes bile to document exposure to oil.
Tracey Collier and a NMFS team of scientists were on site to collect samples to test for oil contamination of sediments and in marine organisms.
The tug, Scandia, grounded in a winter storm was pulling the North Cape The barge carried approximately 828,000 gallons of home heating when tug and b
The tug, Scandia, grounded in a winter storm was pulling the North Cape The barge carried approximately 828,000 gallons of home heating when tug and b
The Debbie Lee.
The combined disposal facility.
The sewage treatment plant at the southern tip of Clarks Point, now gone.
The Combined Disposal Facility (CDF) on the New Bedford side of the inner harbor.
The marsh on the Fairhaven side of New Bedford Harbor looking across at the old factories.
The future site of the New Bedford Oceanarium.
The New Bedford side of the Inner Harbor near one of the combined disposal facilities on the New Bedford side
The New Bedford side of the Inner Harbor near one of the combined disposal facilities on the New Bedford side
The EPA confined disposal facility.
The combined sewer outfall pipe.
The beginning of the hurricane barrier, inside of the northern side of the barrier.
The New Bedford side of New Bedford Harbor.
The New Bedford side of the Harbor looking north.
The hurricane barrier in New Bedford Harbor, Fairhaven shore on the East side.
The New Bedford side of New Bedford Harbor, looking South.
Trees and Plants
The Sacramento River at Redding, CA
The stream below the Debris Dam, Iron Mountain Mine.
The stream below the Debris Dam, Iron Mountain Mine.
The Sacramento River below Keswick Dam, gravel replenishment area.
This is where Spring Creek enters Keswick Reservoir
Trucks (perhaps sludge carriers) on Iron Mountain Mine.
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