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The Siegsfeld kite balloon at Mount Weather Observatory
Tracking pilot balloon with theodolite Women's first opportunities in meteorology occurred as a result of WWII
The kite houses were mounted on turntables This allowed turning with wind to facilitate kite launching
The Space Environment
The Aurora from the Shuttle - Lucky viewers of the aurora sometimes wonder what they look like from above, not just from below
This Air Force personnel is a forecaster at the Space Weather Operations, and provides analysis of the space environment, synthesis of the many inform
Telescope and Technician
Thawing switches - every effort was made to keep the street cars running during the "Knickerbocker" storm.
The Capitol steps gathered its share of snow during the "Knickerbocker" storm.
The slippery walks were responsible for many falls during the "Knickerbocker" storm.
The only method of getting to work Saturday morning following the "Knickerbocker " storm.
The Weather Bureau observer and his wife proceeding on snow shoes to the Weather Bureau/Forest Service cooperative site outside of Ephriam, Utah, for
The end of horse and sleigh travel on the way to the Weather Bureau/Forest Service Cooperative site outside of Ephriam, Utah, for snow observations
The outer lighthouse covered with ice on its windward side after a storm.
The Blizzard of '93 in northern Arkansas
The Great Blizzard of March 12, 1888.
The Great Blizzard of March 12, 1888.
The Great Blizzard of March 12, 1888.
The Great Blizzard of March 12, 1888.
The Great Blizzard of March 12, 1888.
The Great Blizzard of March 12, 1888.
The Great Blizzard of March 12, 1888.
The Great Blizzard of March 12, 1888.
The Great Blizzard of March 12, 1888.
The Great Blizzard of March 12, 1888.
The Great Blizzard of March 12, 1888.
The administration building at the Mount Weather Observatory
The power house and balloon shed at Mount Weather
This Army Signal Service weather station was erected on Cape Mendocino, the westernmost point of the contiguous United States
The triple register used to record hours, minutes, and wind velocity
The triple register used to record hours, minutes, and wind velocity
The Robinson anemometer
Tipping-bucket rain gauge
Top of the U
The weather station at Cape Henry, Virginia What a grand place to observe the weather that must have been!
The Au water-stage recorder for lakes and rivers Very similar to tide gauges
The rain gage at U
The rain gage at the cooperative weather station at Granger, Utah
The Zellon Three-Dimensional Weather-Map Device
The steamer MISSISSIPPI laboring in a typhoon - "...the wind was blowing with the force of a hurricane, in puffs, flattening the sea, and filling the
Typhoon generated waves striking a breakwater in Japan
Tanker taking green water over the bow
The flood at Glen Falls, New York.
The aftermath of the Johnstown Flood
The aftermath of the Johnstown Flood
The aftermath of the Johnstown Flood
The aftermath of the Johnstown Flood
The aftermath of the Johnstown Flood
The aftermath of the Johnstown Flood
The aftermath of the Johnstown Flood
The aftermath of the Johnstown Flood
The aftermath of the Johnstown Flood
The aftermath of the Johnstown Flood
The aftermath of the Johnstown Flood
The aftermath of the Johnstown Flood
The aftermath of the Johnstown Flood
The aftermath of the Johnstown Flood
The aftermath of the Johnstown Flood
The aftermath of the Johnstown Flood
The aftermath of the Johnstown Flood
The aftermath of the Johnstown Flood
The aftermath of the Johnstown Flood
The aftermath of the Johnstown Flood
The Missouri Pacific Railroad Bridge over the Kansas River
The incongruity of fire and flood
The Great Mississippi River Flood of 1927 A crevasse in the levee at Junior, Louisiana, on April 23, 1927 Caused by an out-of-control steamship striki
The Great Mississippi River Flood of 1927 The river front at Cape Girardeau, Missouri, on April 20, 1927 The river stage was at 40 feet From: "The Flo
The Great Mississippi River Flood of 1927 A refugee camp at Vicksburg, Mississippi, on May 3, 1927 This was a nice camp on high ground Many refugees h
The Great Mississippi River Flood of 1927 Greenville, Mississippi on April 27, 1927 The river stage was at 46.8 feet From: "The Floods of 1927 in the
The Great Mississippi River Flood of 1927 Arkansas City, Arkansas on April 27, 1927 The river stage was at 52.8 feet From: "The Floods of 1927 in the
The Great Mississippi River Flood of 1927 Dynamiting through the levee to create an artificial crevasse at Caernarvon, La 14 miles below New Orleans C
The Great Mississippi River Flood of 1927 Teche Bayou, New Iberia, Louisiana This was the first recorded experience of this kind at Teche Bayou From:
The Great Mississippi River Flood of 1927 The Arkansas River at Fort Smith, Arkansas April 16, 1927 - river stage at 36.7 feet From: "The Floods of 19
The Great Mississippi River Flood of 1927 Flooded power plant at Oswego, Ks., on the Neosho River April 23, 1927 - river stage 25.4 feet From: "The Fl
The Great Mississippi River Flood of 1927 Highway between Mounds, Illinois, and Cairo Illinois, March 25, 1927 - river stage at Cairo, Illinois., 52.8
The Great Mississippi River Flood of 1927 Blanche Avenue at Mounds, Illinois on the Ohio River March 29, 1927 - river stage at Cairo, Illinois., 52.8
The Great Mississippi River Flood of 1927 Frontispiece - beginning of crevasse breaching levee at Mounds Landing, Miss
The southeast floods of 1916
The southeast floods of 1916
The southeast floods of 1916
The southeast floods of 1916
The southeast floods of 1916
The southeast floods of 1916
The southeast floods of 1916
The southeast floods of 1916
The southeast floods of 1916
The southeast floods of 1916
The southeast floods of 1916
The southeast floods of 1916
The southeast floods of 1916
The southeast floods of 1916
The southeast floods of 1916
The southeast floods of 1916
The remnants of Hurricane Camille still packed a powerful punch Traveling through the business district by boat
Trailer, vehicle, and utility pole in jumbled pile following a flash flood
Twisted remains of a vehicle and other debris following a flash flood
The phenomenon known as St
This photo was taken when the photographer was about 14
The aftermath of Hurricane Camille
The aftermath of Hurricane Camille
The aftermath of Hurricane Camille
The aftermath of Hurricane Camille
The aftermath of Hurricane Camille
The aftermath of Hurricane Camille
The aftermath of Hurricane Camille
The aftermath of Hurricane Camille
The aftermath of Hurricane Camille
The track of the Galveston Hurricane This was the greatest natural disaster in terms of loss of life in U.S
The Galveston Hurricane - Damage caused by the hurricane and storm surge This was the greatest natural disaster in terms of loss of life in U.S
The Galveston Hurricane - Damage caused by the hurricane and storm surge This was the greatest natural disaster in terms of loss of life in U.S
The Johnstown Flood
The Johnstown Flood
The Johnstown Flood
The Johnstown Flood
The Johnstown Flood
The Johnstown Flood
Typhoon Kerry in the Coral Sea
Typhoon Kerry in Coral Sea
Typhoon Kerry east of the Solomon Islands
Typhoon Kerry east of the Solomon Islands
Tropical Storm Debra approaching landfall near the Texas-Louisiana border
Tropical Storm Debra approaching landfall near the Texas-Louisiana border
Tropical Storm Debra in west central Gulf of Mexico
Typhoons Ione and Kristen displaying Fujiwhara effect
The same motel showing its beach side After passage of Hurricane Hugo
The same homes at Folly Beach, South Carolina, after Hurricane Hugo
The track of Hurricane Hugo
The remains of Trinity Episcopal Church after Hurricane Camille
Trinity Episcopal Church was built in 1849 Before Hurricane Camille
The condominium complex "Latitude 29" This building was brand new but destroyed by Hurricane Eloise
Tracks of Camille and the Labor Day Storm of 1935 The two deadliest storms of the Twentieth Century
The Holiday Club at Aransas Pass, Texas - the scene of mass groundings Shrimp fleet aground after Hurricane Celia
Tornadic waterspout crossing Mississippi River in front of large moving ship on the Mississippi River
Text accompanying drawing of waterspout observed by Coast Survey Assistant Louis F
The Great Waterspout in Vineyard Sound, August 19, 1896 Third spout of the storm Photograph taken from Cottage City at 1:27 P.M In: Monthly Weather Re
The Great Waterspout in Vineyard Sound, August 19, 1896 Second spout of the storm Photograph taken from Cottage City at 1:15 P.M In: Monthly Weather R
The Great Waterspout in Vineyard Sound, August 19, 1896 Second spout of the storm Photograph taken from Cottage City at 1:02 P.M In: Monthly Weather R
The Eads Bridge
Trunk Factory on Thirteenth and Papin Streets
Tornado as seen from downtown Dallas
The tornado at Elmwood
The tornado at Solomon, Kansas, from the collection of S.D
The tornado at Norton, Kansas, from the collection of S.D
Tornado destruction along the Red River
Tornado at Mullinville, Kansas, from the collection of S
The tornado at Ellis, Kansas, from the collection of S.D
The crack passenger train, "Empire Builder," bound from Seattle to Chicago, was struck by a tornado
The crack passenger train, "Empire Builder," bound from Seattle to Chicago, was struck by a tornado
Tornado destruction in Omaha
Tornado damage at Terre Haute
Tornado damage at Terre Haute
Tornado damage at Omaha
Tornado damage at Omaha
The awesome power of a tornado demonstrated A 33rpm plastic record blown into a telephone pole
The awesome force of a tornado - tree pierced by shovel Tornado of May 27, 1896, at St
Twin funnels on Palm Sunday
Tornado at Manhattan, Kansas
Tornado in farm country
Tornado at Enid, Oklahoma
Tornado tearing up a farm field
Tornado in the Tennessee Valley
Tornado approaching Canadian city
Tornado approaching Canadian city
Tornado cloud as seen over the buildings of an American city In: "The New Air World", Willis Luther Moore, 1922
Tornado at Oklahoma City, May 12, 1896
Two views of the same tornado at Goddard, Kansas May 26, 1903 Figure 135 of "Meteorology" by Willis Milham, 1912
Trombes or whirlwinds ..
Towering cumulus
Towering cumulus
Towering cumulus
Towering cumulus
Towering cumulus
Thin altocumulus clouds
Thunderhead with anvil from the air
Towering thunderhead with anvil top
Twin cumulonimbus clouds with anvils at sunset
Towering Cumulus at sunset
The cover of "Wolken im Luftmeer" The embossed cover of a German cloud atlas produced for the German Air Forces
The mighty Alabama, a stern-wheel Tennessee River ferry boat.
Tommy Garey from Washington, D.C., sitting on the bumper of a brand new Dodge Brothers truck
The benchmark crew - Orin Eadie, from Washington, D.C
Tourist cabins used as living quarters for level crew in western Appalachia
Typical company coal-mining town near head of Kentucky River in vicinity of Jenkins, Kentucky
Tourist cabins used as living quarters for level crew in western Appalachia
Tidal bench mark eroding away.
Teletype on inshore survey boat for recording time, depth, electronic positioning information, etc.
The view from the Zodiac back towards the tide gauge installation and orange hydrographic signal in Upper Cook Inlet
The view towards Cook Inlet showing the Zodiac at low tide
Trying to find deep water for Zodiac rubber boat to return to NOAA Ship FAIRWEATHER after installing tide gauge in Upper Cook Inlet.
Tide flats at low tide on the east side of Cook Inlet.
Tide gauge with overlapping tide staffs because of high range of tide
Triangulation observing party ready to pack in to a station.
The Confederate Fort De Russy from a sketch made by Clarence Fendall of the Coast Survey.
The Lexington passing over the falls at the dam
The bombardment of Fort Fisher
The "Swamp Angel" in position and ready to fire on Charleston.
The BLACKHAWK, Admiral Porter's flagship during the Vicksburg campaign.
The U.S.S
Towed sidescan sonar fish with depressor kite for helping maintain elevation off bottom.
Tide station transmitter for communicating with satellite
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