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The edge of a tabular iceberg, Southern Ocean.
The AMLR crew on the stern of the R/V Yuzhmorgeologiya.
Trematomus scotti, crowned rockcod.
Trematomus scotti, crowned rockcod.
Trematomus eulepidotus, blunt scalyhead.
Themisto gaudichaudii, an Antarctic amphipod.
This stove at the Seal Island field station was used for cooking and warmth.
The sun rises over the R/V Moana Wave in Discovery Bay, Antarctica.
The sun rises over the R/V Moana Wave in Discovery Bay, Antarctica.
The AMLR crew works to deploy a CTD off the stern of the R/V Moana Wave.
The R/V Moana Wave off the Copacabana field station, King George Island.
The RV Yuzhmorgeologiya sits in Admiralty Bay, awaiting scientists who are offloading supplies to the Copacabana field station on King George Island
Two black-browed albatross fly with a flock of cape petrels across a classic,
The AMLR crew at the Copacabana field station, King George Island.
This sea star is holding a brood of eggs which are visible only when the star is turned upside-down.
The AMLR science crew: Left to right (back row): Susan Woods, Dr
The R/V Yuzhmorgeologiya awaits scientists who are running small boat operations from the Cape Shirreff field station on Livingston Island.
The crew of the R/V Yuzhmorgeologiya deploys a CTD from the stern.
The AMLR crew casts a CTD from the stern of the R/V Yuzhmorgeologiya.
The Cape Shirreff field station on Livingston Island.
The stern of the R/V Yuzhmorgeologiya.
The rocky shores of Seal Island, Antarctica.
The rocky shores of Seal Island, Antarctica.
Two south polar brown skuas fight over the remains of an Antarctic finfish.
The AMLR science team on the stern of the R/V Yuzhmorgeologiya.
Two south polar brown skuas fight over the remains of an Antarctic finfish.
Tabular iceberg, South Shetland Islands.
Tabular icebergs in the Southern Ocean, South Shetland Islands.
The Adelie penguins hop over ice and snow in the early breeding season.
The AMLR field station at Seal Island.
Two chinstrap penguins in the surf at Seal Island.
The Seal Island field camp.
The setting Antarctic sun is reflected in the alpenglow on the mountains of Livingston Island.
The field camp at Seal Island.
The Weatherport living structure at Beaker Bay, Seal Island, with a chinstrap penguin colony in the foreground.
The Seal Island field camp and Beaker Bay on a clear, sunny day.
This young fur seal has discovered a comfortable resting spot, in the pelvic bone of a whale
The Cape Shirreff field station on Livingston Island
Tabular icebergs in the Southern Ocean.
The penguin observation blind, where AMLR scientists can watch penguins without disturbing their activities, was built in 1989.
The Seal Island research team, with Dr
The American and Japanese flags are flown at the Seal Island field station.
The AMLR field station at Seal Island.
The NOAA Ship Surveyor was used by the AMLR Program from 1990 through 1995.
The sailing board for the NOAA ship Surveyor in 1991.
The volcanic origins of the South Shetland Islands are evident in this cliffside formation.
The volcanic origins of the South Shetland Islands are evident in this cliffside formation.
The largest salp catch in February 1993 was several liters.
Tracks leading up to a snowy pinnacle.
Trawling gear on the stern of the R/V Professor Siedlecki.
This injured Adelie penguin seeks the refuge of its breeding ground, but may not survive.
The pantry of the Copacabana field station.
The most efficient mode of travel between base camps in Antarctica.
These are the Aquarium (smaller) and Biological Lab bldgs on the point
This Adelie penguin, recently returned from foraging, is feeding its chick, has been waiting for its parent's return for several days.
Territorial Adelie penguins confront each other near their nesting sites.
Three adult Adelie penguins convene on a snowy beach.
The unexpectedly colorful Antarctic landscape.
The coast of King George Island in 1995.
The tail flukes of a humpback whale.
The north shore of King George Island in 1981.
The north shore of King George Island in 1976.
The lighthouse at the Polish Antarctic research station Henryk Arctowski, King George Island.
The Polish field station at King George Island, "Arctowski".
The Russian ship R/V YUZHMORGEOLOGIYA was chartered by the AMLR Program from 1996 through 2009.
The trawl net deployed from the R/V YUZHMORGEOLOGIYA
The NOAA ship R/V Surveyor stands before a dramatic landscape in the South Shetland Islands
The current director of the AMLR program, Dr
The remote-operated vehicle (ROV) AERG-8, being deployed from the research vessel.
The research team with ROV, on the R/V Surveyor.
Taking a break on a snowy beach.
The volcanic origins of the South Shetland Islands are evident in these rocky, inshore formations.
Tabular icebergs in the Southern Ocean.
Traversing a glacier requires special equipment.
Two researchers on a Zodiac, near Seal Island.
The Seal Island field camp in 1992.
The Cape Shirreff field station, Livingston Islnad, showing the solar panel (right) that the scientists use to power their camps.
The AMLR science crew on the bow of the R/V YUZHMORGEOLOGIYA.
The icy coastal Antarctic
The sea scallop - an inhabitant of waters off the Atlantic coast - is a striking example of genetic variation in nature
The diversity of tiny zooplankton is shown in this microphotograph of preserved specimens
The shrimp-like euphausiid (upper) and the copepod occur in many kinds and often in great abundance
Three-mile fish ladder at Cazadero Dam
To bring fishery products of high quality to the consumer, tests are being considered using helicopters to transport fish quickly to processing plants
Technician at the BCF Ann Arbor Biological Laboratory determines concentration of pesticides in samples of river and lake water
Taiwanese fishermen unload albacore from a tuna longliner at an American cannery in Pago Pago
The fishpot is the most common gear in the Puerto Rico artisanal fisheries
The gear aboard this Hawaiian longliner is used to take bigeye and yellowfin tunas and marlins and other billfishes from subsurface waters
The croaker is the dominant fish caught with trawls in the northern Gulf of Mexico
Three captured sealers from British Columbia 1888 at Unalaska, AK, pelagic sealing.
The Albatross at anchor in Borja Bay, as seen from the top of the hill, 1888.
Totem posts, Ft
Totem posts, Ft
Totem posts, Ft
Tonging oyster in San Francisco Bay, CA.
Thrushing shrimp meats and sacking for shipments, 1888-89.
Thomas Bros
Taking salmon from pound net, Point Robert, WA.
The Blish Distance Finder, Albatross, 1895.
Three captured sealers from British Columbia 1888 at Unalaska, Alaska, that were engaged in illegal pelagic sealing.
The coastal steamer Hiram R
The Givens oyster houses at Corpus Christi, TX, erected 1889, handles 10,000 barrels annually.
Texas fisherman.
Terrapene Carolina.
Two mature sockeye salmon showing contrast in size, the larger weighing 11 lbs, and the smaller 1.25 lbs.
Trawl boards or trawl doors.
Terrapins, adult male and female and brood.
Terrapin, 1 hibernated, 1 fed.
Terrapins, NC, brood.
Toilet sponge, Mediterranean Sea, natural size.
Toilet sponge, Mediterranean Sea, natural size.
Two hair seals taken from a fish trap where they had mutilated several salmon.
The crab house and drying rack (with floats laid up for the winter).
Taku glacier, AK.
T Wharf, Boston.
T Wharf, Boston, baiting trawls.
Tongs and rake.
T Wharf, Boston.
Three vessels building at A.D
T Wharf, Boston.
Taking fish from pound net, Cape Cod, MA.
Taking seine into boat, Gloucester, MA, Worth, 1891.
T Wharf, Boston.
T Wharf, Boston.
T Wharf, Boston.
T Wharf, Boston.
T Wharf, Boston.
T Wharf, Boston, N.E
T Wharf, Boston, Worth, 1891.
Trefethen's flake yard, Portland, ME.
Trefethen's flake yard, Portland, ME.
Trefethen's flake yard, mending nets, Portland, ME.
Trefethen's flake yard, Portland, ME.
Taking fish out of a weir.
The dredge head of the Army Corps of Engineers Dredge Biddle at the mouth of the Columbia River
The Army Corps of Engineers Dredge Biddle at the mouth of the Columbia River.
Timber management near Timothy Lake
The Dalles Dam
Trapper Creek steep gradient area
Trout Creek Canyon, a tributary of the Deschutes River
The second lift of a shrimp catch
Transportation of bait shrimp
Trawl rollers necessary for rough-bottom trawling
Testing toxicity of pesticides on postlarval shrimp contained individually in 25 -cc reagent bottles.
The white shrimp (Penaeus setiferus) drawing after Rathbun
Typical life history of commercial Gulf of Mexico shrimp
Tagged shrimp on post card.
Towing a vessel possibly astern of OREGON
Trawl nets ready to be deployed
Taken off BCF research ship DELAWARE
Thirteen-foot cow shark caught in Gulf of Mexico by FWS exploratory ship OREGON
The "pigeye" shark, Carcharhinus azureus, bears plump live pups that are ready to forage upon birth.
Taking photos from shark cage
Tagging dogfish
The taking of eggs for experimental restocking
Two sea otter hides - both juvenile
Tame otter on the Wishkah River at Aberdeen City Water Department
Three sea otters shipped from Amchitka and kept in special air-conditioned facility
Three adult sea otter and a pup on rocks
Three adult sea otter and a pup on rocks
Tagged sea lion pup
Tagging sea lion pup
The southern scup (Stenotomus gardeni )
The southern scup (Stenotomus gardeni )
Taking a blood sample from a scup, serology studies
Taking a blood sample from a scup
Throwing over the dredge on a one-man scallop and clamming operation
Two of four bushels of sea scallops taken during 10-minute haul on board BCF ship ALBATROSS IV.
The sea scallop fishing vessel STANLEY M
Tagged sea scallop with streamer (Placopecten magellanicus)
Tagged sea scallop with streamer (Placopecten magellanicus)
Tagged sea scallop (Placopecten magellanicus)
The biologist holds a bay scallop (Argopecten irradians) shell on which may be seen attached oyster spat
The Pacific Coast Salmon Problem showing the range of salmon and the number of salmon streams throughout the area.
temperature gradient block for the study of the growth and development of sardine embryos and larvae.
temperature gradient block for the study of the growth and development of sardine embryos and larvae.
The mechanical fish crowder
The mechanical fish crowder
The raceway at Little White Salmon Hatchery
The raceway at Little White Salmon Hatchery
Tagging salmon at Karluk River weir and salmon tagging pen
Tagging salmon at Karluk River weir and salmon tagging pen
The WESTERN FLYER, a chartered purse seine boat, operating salmon purse seine in experimental fishing.
The small purse seiner ANN PAGE
Transferring sockeye salmon from a purse seiner to the buyer boat.
The salmon boat LAURIANNE
The salmon boat PT
The salmon purse seiner WISCONSIN
The salmon purse seiner HOME-II
The salmon boat WISCONSIN
The salmon boat LAURIANNE
The salmon boat PT
The salmon boat LAURIANNE
The gill net, sometimes called a drift net because it is set to drift downstream with the current, is hauled in over a power-driven drum in the stern
To save the time-wasting trip back to the cannery, packer boats are sent out to the fleets to pick up the catch
Trolling boat THELMA
The grader of the salmon is at the top of the shutes
The Soviet side trawler V
The Soviet SRT KANSK, AT1-0415, a small side trawler completing a haul
The Soviet base ship ARKTIKA
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