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Remains of Hill's Grocery near Sullivant and Cypress Avenues.
Row boat leading a horse to safety on West Town Street.
Raging waters flowing out to the main body of the Potomac River during flood.
Raging waters flowing out to the main body of the Potomac River during flood.
Railroads damaged
Relief work
Rice culture
Republican Presidential Candidate (1912) William Howard Taft endorsing building levees on the Mississippi River
Railway cars nearly underwater at the Cincinnati railway yard.
Reflectivity image of tornado in Spalding County.
Reflectivity image of tornado in Lamar County.
Reflectivity image of tornado in Floyd County.
Reflectivity image of tornado in Dade County.
Reflectivity image of Catoosa tornado.
Reflectivity image of tornado in Bartow County.
Remnants of home swept off a ridge overlooking Trenton, GA, by the Dade-Walker EF3 tornado.
Remains of a house hear the EF4 tornado damage
Roya Bahreini and Fatma Ozturk of both NOAA ESRL and CIRES check instrumentation designed to measure the composition of particles in the atmosphere.
Regional office training for new Weather Bureau employees Women's first opportunities in meteorology occurred as a result of WWII
Rainbands from Hurricane Isobel seen from Sterling, Virginia, radar.
Rainbands from Hurricane Isobel seen from Wakefield, Virginia, radar.
Rainbands from Hurricane Isobel seen from Sterling, Virginia, radar.
Rainbands and eyewall of Hurricane Isobel seen in its entirety from Newport, North Carolina, radar.
Rainbands from Hurricane Isobel seen from Wakefield, Virginia, radar.
Radar image showing "bow echo" as squall line approaches Grand Rapids.
Radome and shelter for SCR-717B radar unit on top of weather station
Radar image of Hurricane Donna on its closest approach to Miami illustrating all the features of a classic hurricane.
Ray Gonzalez, RS Information Systems Lead Technician working on the Open Radar Data Acquisition (ORDA) upgrade at Western Arkansas NWS radar site.
Revolving kite and balloon shed at Mount Weather Observatory
Red Cross workers search for victims buried in cars following snowfall during the Blizzard of "77." Only about 12 inches of new snow fell during this
Robinson's Anemometer, a cup anemometer used to measure wind speed
Roof of Weather Bureau building showing instruments at Johns Hopkins University In: Outline of the Present Knowledge of Meteorology and Climatology of
Richard's Barograph In: The Aims and Methods of Meteorological Work by Cleveland Abbe
Richard's Thermograph In: The Aims and Methods of Meteorological Work by Cleveland Abbe
Rough weather for lighthouse keepers.
Rough weather for lighthouse keepers.
Rescuing families along the Hudson River
Railroad bridge leading to Carnegie Steel plant at Youngstown, Ohio
River Street in Troy, New York
Rescuers administer mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to flood victim Hurricane Donna sent ten-foot tides through three of New York's boroughs Even the lar
Rescuing an individual during a flash flood The strength of the current is apparent in this flash flood Note the wake patterns surrounding the rescuer
Rescue crew setting out to save an individual stranded in a flash flood
Ranking and magnitude in dollars lost due to the costliest hurricanes to hit U.S Andrew did more damage than next three costliest hurricanes combined
Remains of Atlantic House Restaurant at Folly Beach after Hurricane Hugo
Remains of a house built on a concrete slab Home destroyed by Hurricane Eloise, a Category 3 storm
Remains of a house built on a concrete slab Home destroyed by Hurricane Eloise, a Category 3 storm
Richeliu Apartments after Hurricane Camille 30 out 32 people having a "hurricane party" died here Richeliu Apartments found to be poorly constructed P
Richeliu Apartments before Hurricane Camille Substantial appearing building chosen as site of hurricane party
Representation of waterspout accompanying "Water-spouts and Whirlwinds" by Benjamin Franklin
Ruins of the De Soto, Illinois, public school where 33 children were killed
Ruins of the Baptist Church at Murphysboro, Illinois
Ruins of the Longfellow School where 17 children were killed
Ruins of the Longfellow School where 17 children were killed
Remains of a large military aircraft after passage of tornado Tornado of March 25, 1948 at Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma The coming of this storm re
Rime ice in the Smokies
Reflections on a bronze sea
Rainbow over Waikiki Beach
Right half of rainbow
Rain shower from altocumulus
Reflections of cirrus clouds in a small lake at sunset
Reading depths off fathometer on the left and recording depths in field record book on right.
Reading temperatures to determine sound velocity for correcting fathometer readings.
Reading temperatures to determine sound velocity for correcting fathometer readings.
Reading depths off fathometer on the left and recording depths in field record book on right.
Range markers
Real time plotter on S/V Laidly.
Range azimuth shore positioning station combining visual azimuth with transit electronic distance from Del Norte unit.
Repairing transmission on inshore survey boat.
Recording angles for a triangulation observer at 10 below zero.
Remains of the U.S
Rear Admiral Porter's Flotilla arriving below Vicksburg.
Roberts or India Office Tide Predicting Machine.
Roberts Universal Tide Predictor.
Rock outcrops adjacent to high current area of sand waves
Remains of helicopter after crashing in Lake at Palm Springs Camp
Range Azimuth Navigation from offshore light tower
Robert Peary North Pole Expedition
Ralph W
Richard Wainwright, Jr
Ray Tryon
Ray Tryon and wife
Robert F
Roger Rowse
Rear Admiral John Elliott Pillsbury
Ralph Pfau
Ralph Pfau (l)
Robert Peary
Robert Peary in the Arctic
Raymond Stanton Patton (l)
Raymond Stanton Patton (l)
Raymond Stanton Patton
Raymond Stanton Patton
Robert A
Robert A
Richard Lukens
Rear Admiral S
Robert Knox
Roland D
Roland D
Roland D
Roland D
Rollin A
Ross Gilmore
Ross Gilmore
Robert Fauntleroy
Robert Lee Faris
Richard B
Rear Admiral Charles Henry Davis
Rear Admiral John A
Rear Admiral John A
Richardson Clover.
Roswell Bolstad
Roswell Bolstad
Roswell Bolstad
Rhino hunting in Borneo
Riding the rickshaws at Shanghai on the way out to the Philippines
Robert A
Roland D
Raymond S
Recruiting and personnel work made easy
Rosenberg ashore with natives and Chinese merchant.
Robert Studds and Francis Gallen with native women in the bush
Roland D
Raymond S
Roland D
Rounding Cape Hatteras
Riding light in the trough
RESEARCHER bow in a blazing Pacific sunset.
Reflections on a sunny afternoon.
Rocky shores of American Samoa.
Reindeer meat processing plant
Richard Maxey observing with Wild T-4 Theodolite
Resting up and taking in the view
Rear Admiral Leo O
Rear Admiral Leo O
Relief map of Truk Island developed to guide bombing missions
Route of the 8th FAOB
Running the transit - survey work with the 17th FAOB
Route of 17th Field Artillery Observation Battalion through England and France
Route of 17th Field Artillery Observation Battalion through Belgium and Germany
Recovery of current buoy from approach to nearly on deck
Roberts Radio Current Meter ready for deployment in Akutan Pass.
Roberts Radio Current Meter ready to be deployed
Recovery of box core on the PEIRCE
Recovering drift buoy dropped from aircraft in North Pacific
Recovering drift buoy dropped from aircraft in North Pacific
Recovering drift buoy dropped from aircraft in North Pacific
Rough weather in the Roaring 40's south of Australia
Rough weather during oceanographic operations on stern
Robert S
Recovery of sidescan sonar system on SURVEYOR
Ray Tryon on the front porch of his first married home
Resting from long climb to triangulation station and return to beach
Roland D
Removing wind tarps at Station Umbarger
Rock cairn signal at divide between two main forks of the Ladue River
Raising third leg of instrument tripod at Station Hugo
Raising one side of instrument tripod at Station Hugo
Running levels at a tide station
Ralph W
Raydist strip chart record used to keep track of individual navigation rates
Raydist tower at Cape San Blas
Raydist watch on the HYDROGRAPHER
Range-range navigation lattice generated by Attu-Semichi stations
RAR bomb being exploded astern of GUIDE
RAR bomb being exploded astern of EXPLORER
Railroad car couplers used to anchor RAR hydrophone
Radio Acoustic Ranging - igniting the bomb and timing fuse
Radio Acoustic Ranging bomb making
Radio Acoustic Ranging bomb making
Radio operator at work at Radio Acoustic Ranging shore station KGHS
Ragged appearing fathogram trace caused by coral heads
Running up to bank and loosing trace - then heading back out into bay
Robert Williams with first Fessenden oscillator on the tug Susie D
Recording Wild T-2 observations at entrance to Chesapeake Bay
Recording angles for Station West Offset
Refueling point for the helicopter
Richard Cohen demonstrating use of shovel
Ready to move
Rest stop while climbing to station at Ragged Point.
Rodman in the Louisiana mud.
Rodman holding rod steady for observations
Rodman driving footpin for rod while submerged
Rodman Fisk holding the level rod steady
Recording instrument mounted on left side of velocipede
Rear rodman passing front rodman, recorder pulling
Rodman holding rod vertical during observations.
Rodman with stadia rod for distance measurement
Running levels along the Stanfield Base
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