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Photos Sitemap
Page 4
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R1 - Page 4
Reconnaissance Sheet T-1911 of the Tennessee River
Reconnaissance chart of the Ohio River near New Grand Chain, Illinois, just above the junction of the Ohio River and Mississippi River
Reconnaissance in Virginia north of Falls Church
Reconnaissance in Virginia north of Falls Church
Reconnaissance in Virginia north of Falls Church
Reconnaissance in Virginia north of Falls Church
Reconnaissance in Virginia near Dranesville
Rebel fortifications Sewall Point, Virginia
Reconnaissance of Entrance & Part of Coquille River, Oregon
Red sponge
Rock beauty (Holocanthus tricolor) head-on view.
Red hind (Epinephelus guttatus)
Rock hind (Epinephelus adscensionis) peering out from crevice
Reef scene
Reef scene with angelfish
Reef scene
Reef scene
Reef scene
Reef scene
Reef scene
Reef scene
Reef scene with school of bluestripe snapper (Lutjanus kasmira).
Reef scene with school of bluestripe snapper (Lutjanus kasmira).
Reef scene with school of bluestripe snapper (Lutjanus kasmira).
Reef dropping off to the abyss
Reef scene with school of purple queen fish (Pseudanthias pascalus) and bicolor chromis (Chromis margaretifer)
Reef scene with school of purple queen fish (Pseudanthias pascalus).
Reef scene.
Reef scene with green damselfish.
Reef scene with green damselfish.
Reef scene.
Reef scene.
Reef scene with school of damselfish.
Reef scene.
Reef scene.
Reef scene.
Reef scene.
Reef scene
Reef scene
Reef scene
Reef scene
Reef scene
Reef scene
Reef scene
Reef scene
Reef scene
Reef scene
Reef scene
Reef scene
Reef scene
Reef scene
Reef scene
Reef scene
Reef scene
Reef scene
Reef scene
Reef scene
Reef scene
Reef scene
Reef scene
Reef scene
Reef scene
Reef scene
Reef scene
Reef scene
Reef scene
Reef scene
Reef scene
Reef scene
Reef scene
Reef scene
Reef scene
Reef scene
Reef scene
Reef scene with scuba divers in the distance
Reef scene
Reef scene
Reef scene with reef fish
Reef scene with blue anthias?
Reef scene with blue anthias?
Reef scene
Reef scene with blue anthias?
Reef scene with reef fish
Reef scene with reef fish
Reef scene with numerous reef fish
Reef scene with whip coral
Reef scene
Reef scene
Reef scene with parrotfish
Reef scene with coral
Reef scene with coral
Reef scene with coral
Reef scene with coral
Reef scene with coral
Reef scene with a variety of reef fish
Reef scene with reef fish
Reef scene with surgeon fish and parrot fish
Reef scene
Reef scene
Reef scene
Reef scene
Reef scene
Reef scene
Reef scene
Reef scene
Reef scene
Reef scene
Reef scene
Reef scene
Reef scene
Reef scene
Reef scene
Reef scene
Reef scene
Reef scene
Reef scene
Reef scene
Reef scene.
Reef scene with damselfish (Dascyllus aruanus).
Reef scene with damselfish (Dascyllus aruanus).
Reef scene with damselfish (Dascyllus aruanus).
Reef scene with humbug damselfish (Dascyllus aruanus) just above coral and unknown type of schooling damselfish higher in water column.
Reef scene with damselfish (Dascyllus aruanus) in distance.
Reef scene with damselfish (Dascyllus aruanus) in left foreground.
Reef scene with damselfish (Dascyllus aruanus) in foreground.
Reef scene with school of goatfish (Mulloidicthys sp.) and damselfish (Dascyllus aruanus) in right foreground.
Reef scene with school of goatfish (Mulloidicthys sp.) two raccoon butterflyfish (Chaetodon lunula).
Reef scene.
Reef scene with school of goatfish (Mulloidicthys sp.) following the contour of the coral.
Reef scene with school of goatfish (Mulloidicthys sp.)
Reef scene with school of goatfish (Mulloidicthys sp.) and damselfish (Dascyllus aruanus) in left foreground.
Reef scene with school of goatfish (Mulloidicthys sp.)
Reef scene with school of goatfish (Mulloidicthys sp.)
Reef scene with damselfish (Dascyllus aruanus) in foreground.
Reef scene.
Reef scene.
Reef scene.
Reef scene.
Reef scene.
Reef scene.
Rock lobster (Panulirus versicolor?)
Reef scene
Reef scene
Reef scene on a vertical cliff
Reef scene with large barrel sponge in foreground.
Raccoon butterflyfish (Chaetodon lunula).
Reef scene with parrotfish.
Redspotted blenny (Blenniela periophthalmus)
Reef stonefish (Synanceia verrucosa)
Remains of a truck inside the Sankisan Maru.
Reef scene at Shark Island.
Reef scene at Shark Island.
Reef fish including convict tang and bullethead parrotfish.
Reef scene with chubs (Kyphosus bigibbus) in foreground.
Rainbow runners (Elagatis bipinnulatus)
Rainbow runners (Elagatis bipinnulatus)
Reef scene.
Rice coral (Montipora capitata) growing over Porites lobata
Reef lizardfish (Synodus variegatus).
Red sponge and yellow divaricate tree coral (Dendronephthya sp)
Regal angelfish (Pygoplites diacanthus).
Regal angelfish (Pygoplites diacanthus).
Regal angelfish (Pygoplites diacanthus).
Reef scene
Reef fish resting on coral with cabbage coral in foreground
Red gorgonians with polyps extended on the lfet colony and retracted on the right
Reef fish and coral
Reef fish and coral rock
Red breasted wrasse (Cheilinus fasciatus) amongst coral
Reef fish in study area marked by iron reinforcement bars.
Reef fish
Red slate pencil urchins (Heterocentrotus mammillatus)
Reef scene
Reef fish
Reef scene
Reef fish and coral
Reef fish and coral
Regal angelfish (Pygoplites diacanthus) and coral
Regal angelfish (Pygoplites diacanthus) and coral
Redfin butterflyfish (Chaetodon lunulatus)
Red tunicate colony ?
Reef fish
Reef fish in coral
Reef scene with parrrotfish and surgeonfish
Reef scene with parrotfish in the center.
Reddish-pink sponge.
Reticulated butterflyfish (Chaetodon reticulatus)
RI DEM collects stranded lobsters on Moonstone Beach after the oil spill.
Redds in Sacramento River, Redding CA.
Rectenwald, Dean Heckathorn, Nick Iadanza at the Spring Creek arm of Keswick Reservoir
Remedial activities.
Remedial activity at Iron Mountain Mine.
Richmond Adit at Iron Mountain Mine.
Remedial activity at Iron Mountain Mine included collecting and treating acid drainage from mine run off
Remedial activity at Iron Mountain Mine.
Rock and gravel are delivered to the restoration site
Researchers at The University of Rhode Island prepare to release the condo reared juvenile lobsters onto the cobble reefs.
Reef construction material on the barge.
Restoration specialists mark areas to be planted.
retrieving gillnets from the sampling area
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