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Rain forest
Rainbow Falls in Hilo
Rainbow Falls in Hilo
Rainbow over tropical foliage
River eroding volcanic ash flow
Rabbit Island
Rainbow over Honolulu
Roadside flowers
Raspberry Island Lighthouse
Raspberry Island Lighthouse
Raspberry Island Lighthouse
Race Rock Lighthouse in La Nature.
Research ship ZVEZDA SEVASTOPOLYA at sea.
Red snapper (Trachichthodes gerrardi)
Rosy perch (Callanthias allporti)
Rosy perch (Callanthias allporti)
Red mullet (Upeneichthys porosus) .
Rough leatherjacket
Reception of the Robert brothers by the Prince of Ghistelles on 19 September 1784 in: "Histoire des Ballons et des Aeronautes Celebres," by Gaston Tis
Rhodostethia rosea, juvenile, first autumn
Rhodostethia rosea, male, adult in winter plumage
Route map showing the routes of Shackleton and Amundsen in the quest for the
Reconnaissance of Mississippi River surveyed under the direction of Coast Survey Assistant Ferdinand H
Reversus? A marine bird illustration from an early marine fish catalog
Rara piscatrix
Roadside village, Sao Tome
Roadside village, Sao Tome
Rapa Nui (Easter Island) as seen from offshore.
Rockwell Turbo Commander on the tarmac.
Rockwell Turbo Commander on the tarmac.
Remote control arm for mounting atop Swedish pole
Rodman "Bill" set up over a recessed mark.
Richard Cohen recording astronomic observations with Wild T-4 Theodolite.
Ross Mackay observing astronomic latitude and longitude with Wild T-4 Theodolite
Rod man and level rod on overhead cable support anchor.
Ron Ramsey with Wild T-3 theodolite.
Ron Ramsey observing with a Wild T-3 theodolite.
Ron Ramsey observing with a Wild T-3 theodolite as seen from the lightkeeper's platform on the very top of the tower.
Roy W
Roy W
Roy Anderson of the National Geodetic Survey monitoring a GPS receiver atop the Capitol Building.
Roy Anderson of the National Geodetic Survey is setting up the mounting device manufactured by the National Institute of Standards and Technology for
Rough seas and a rainbow seen from "Miss Piggy", NOAA P-3 N43RF
Rain streaks on a starboard side P-3 window while flying into heavy storms.
Rain streaks on a starboard side P-3 window while flying into a hurricane.
Radar imagery of northern bands of Hurricane Ike.
Reading a certificate
Rain streaking the windows of NOAA P-3 flying into Hurricane Edouard.
Repair Shop at US Aviation School
Rain squall, cumulus, and sun glint.
Rain squall over tropical Atlantic on a calm day.
Relocating a sedated bear on NOAA Bell UH-1M.
Rockwell Aero Commander (AC-500S) N47RFin flight port side.
Rockwell Aero Commander (AC-500S) N47RFin flight starboard side.
Rockwell Aero Commander (AC-500S) N47RFin flight starboard side.
Roy DeHart working on Bell 212 helicopter
Roc Torrey working on a P-3
Rockwell Shrike Commander - N51RF - Aircraft instrumented with gamma radiation detection equipment to support the NWS snow svy program.
Rockwell Shrike Commander - N47RF - Camera equipped aircraft supporting the NOS aeronautical charting quality assurance flight edit program for NOAA a
Rockwell Shrike Commander - N766 - Aircraft instrumented with gamma radiation detection equipment to support the NWS snow svy program.
Rockwell Turbo Commander N57074
Radar image of center of Hurricane Hugo as observed by Charleston, South Carolina Weather Service Forecast Office.
Radar image of center of hurricane as observed on NOAA P-3.
Radar display of Hurricane Fred center.
Radar display of Hurricane Fred center.
Radar display of Typhoon Rosa center.
Radar display of hurricane center.
Radar display of hurricane center.
Radar station.
Radar Technician
Radio station.
RHD - DET - foil samy
Rose hips, seed pods of Rosa rugosa, beach rose.
Rose hips, seed pods of Rosa rugosa, beach rose.
Reddish purple wildflowers.
Red wildflowers.
Red salmon berry.
Redbud blooming
Red berries on devils club.
Removing the back shell and stomach contents of dungeness crab at the Point Chehalis Packers plant.
Red crab (Geryon quinquedens)
Rock crab (Cancer irroratus)
Red crab
Red crab
Radiograph of menhaden for counting vertebrae and fin rays in population studies
Retort operations ? cooking seafood in cans
Right side of Boston Fish Pier as one looks offshore.
Right side of Boston Fish Pier as one looks offshore.
Reading agar plate
Russell Clark, biological aid, and Clyde MacKenzie, fishery biologist, examine juvenile lobsters that were exposed to predator control treatments as m
Recovering gear aboard the M/V BERTHA ANN during a winter research cruise
Razor clams being moved from the dock to the cannery
Razor clams being moved from the dock to the cannery
Rescue work - seining bass from ponds
Repairing nets at Provincetown preparatory to Annual Fleet Blessing
Rearing ponds at the Oceanic Institute, an applied aquaculture research facility.
Remains of dock and seawall damaged at Woods Hole BCF Biological Laboratory by Hurricane Carol
Regional Director of BCF and Mrs
Reverend Lockwood; Thomas D
Raising the official flag of the Department of the Interior during dedication ceremonies on the ALBATROSS IV
Ringing ALBATROSS IV's bell during dedication ceremony at Woods Hole
Red salmon caught by Aleut natives being dried out later consumption.
Red salmon, or sockeye, adult male (Onchorhynchus nerka)
Red snapper smacks (type of boat) at E
Red snapper fishing schooners laid up at wharf.
Rock sole
Rowing to the FWS ship DENNIS WINN from St
Russian Orthodox priest officiating at wedding of Aleut man and woman.
Retrieving a tow net on Naknek Lake
Russian Orthodox priest conducting ceremony on 4th of July
Rowing to shore from float plane
Ripe oysters individually marked and each in a separate container ready to be induced to spawn, to provide material for studies on physiological and e
Removing fur seal skins from the wash tanks
Recovering a dead seal with a dipnet
Retrieving a fur seal with a four-pronged gaff while in pursuit of another seal
Recovering a Nansen bottle in rough seas on the Fisheries Research Vessel HUGH M
Recovering a Nansen bottle in rough seas on the Fisheries Research Vessel HUGH M
Removing a Nansen bottle to the wire for obtaining both temperature at depth and a water sample
Retrieving a Nansen bottle aboard the Fisheries Research Vessel MURRE II.
Releasing a bathythermograph aboard the ALBATROSS IV
Retrieving a bathythermograph at the end of a cast off a Navy oceanographic ship.
Receiving signals from an acoustic tuna tag.
Receiving signals from an acoustic transmitting tuna tag.
Receiving signals from an acoustic transmitting tuna tag.
Reconversion of the FWS ship ALBATROSS III.
Recovering Nansen bottle
Rhina ancylostoma, a large batoid fish resembling a guitar fish
Resting her 14,000 pounds comfortably, Gigi, the baby gray whale, is lifted from her Sea World tank in preparation for transport to NUC and subsequent
Reef sponge - Specimen from Cuba
Reef sponge - Specimen from Bahama Islands
Reef sponge - Specimen from Cuba
Rock crabs in a bucket (Cancer irroratus)
Rock crab (Cancer irroratus
Russell E
Right flipper of male finback whale
Roof of mouth of finback whale
Roads and Buildings
Rare white loggerhead turtle hatched at NOVA University's Ocean Science Center
Reef fish
Reef fish
Release of baby terrapin by local fisherman
Removing albacore tuna from a gillnet
Removing marine debris from shoreline near Eastport.
Retrieving a full core of Gulf of Mexico mud for further study
Red and white starfish
Reef butterflyfish (Chaetodon sedentarius)
Red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus)
Reef butterflyfish (Chaetodon sedentarius)
Red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus)
Red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus)
Rendezvous fish (Polymetme corythaeola)
Resting chinstrap penguin.
Rocky coastline at Seal Island, South Shetland Islands.
Researchers on a zodiac using multibeam acoustics for krill school measurements.
Roger Hewitt and two AMLR scientists on Livingston Island.
R/V Surveyor, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica.
Researchers deploy a small RHIB (Rigid-Hulled Inflatable Boat) from the main research vessel.
ROV being deployed from the R/V Surveyor.
Repairing weather monitoring equipment at a field station.
Relaxing at the Seal Island field camp with a female southern elephant seal.
Raia, Alaska deepwater, 1888-89, steamer Albatross, AK.
Red rockfish and black cod, Flattery Bank, WA, steamer Albatross, 1888-89.
Right whale porpoise, Unalaska, AK, 1895.
Reef sponge, Bahama Is., natural size.
Reef sponge, Bahama Is., natural size.
Removing blubber from finback whale.
Reels for drying purse seines.
Reels for drying and mending gill nets, Alpena, MI.
Russia Cement Co
Revolving brushes for cleaning mackerel, Portland, ME.
Rolling up a gill net to dry.
Refrigeration compressors at the Penguin Brand Frozen Lake Herring plant
Recommended method for handling the individual shrimp for injection
Rechecking dimensions of marked shrimp recovered during mark- recapture experiment undertaken to evaluate rate of shrimp growth
Reward poster for return of stained shrimp
Respiration studies with Warburg respirometer
Royal red shrimp drawing (Hymenopenaeus robustus)
Royal red shrimp (Hymenopenaeus robustus)
Repairing gill net used in shad fishery
Red sculpin (Hemilepidotus hemilepidotus)
Replacing worn links in sea scallop dredge on board BCF ship ALBATROSS IV
Raft-culture of oysters, used widely in Japan, is under study by Woods Hole Laboratory
Routine collections of biostastical data include length measurements of several species of fin fish and shell fish
Red salmon
Returning rejected salmon to fishway
Red salmon passing through Karluk River weir
Red salmon passing through Karluk River weir
Red salmon passing through Karluk River weir
Rafting lumber for salmon station
Rex Gary Schmidt taking underwater motion pictures of salmon
Red salmon killed by brown bear on spawning stream
Removing eggs from female salmon
Removing spawn or eggs from mature salmon for artificial propagation.
Repairing salmon nets
Repairing salmon nets
Repairing salmon nets
Repairing salmon nets
Roy Wahle of BCF and George Radich of the Bumble Bee Co.
Repairing salmon nets
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