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Page 13
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Finback whale swimming away from catcher boat
Finback whale just killed in western Alaska
Finback whale spouting blood after being harpooned.
Fisherman cleaning sponges.
Florida Key sheepswool sponge - Specimen from Florida
Firing the harpoon gun
Flensing a male sperm whale.
Flensing a 78-foot long blue whale
Finback whale
Fluke of gray whale indicating healed tail rope lesions
Feeding humpback whales lunge through schools of sand lance with mouths agape, trapping their prey at the surface.
Finback whale brain
Fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus)
Fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus)
Full body breach by humpback whale.
Full grown green sea turtle
Fisheries Biological Laboratory roadsign on U.S.70
Female terrapin depositing eggs in sand.
Frank Hester of the Tuna Research Laboratory preparing the alphameter.
Frank Hester of the Tuna Research Laboratory preparing the alphameter.
Forty-five tons of prime (50-pound average weight) bluefin tuna in "dried up" bag of purse seine off California.
Fishermen catching yellowfin tuna in the racks on the BCF research vessel HUGH M
Fishing Net and Raft
Flatfish larvae
Football fish (Himatolophus sp.)
Fangtooth (Anoplogaster cornuta)
Fangtooth (Anoplogaster cornuta)
Fangtooth (Anoplogaster cornuta)
Fangtooth (Anoplogaster cornuta)
Fangtooth (Anoplogaster cornuta)
Fangtooth (Anoplogaster cornuta)
Fangtooth (Anoplogaster cornuta)
Fangtooth (Anoplogaster cornuta)
Female southern elephant seals, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica.
Female southern elephant seal, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica.
Frozen waterfall at Seal Island, Antarctica.
Female Elephant seal resting at the edge of the shore.
Female Antarctic fur seal scratching.
Fantastic iceberg formation, Southern Ocean.
Fishing nets and gear used for research trawls on the R/V Yuzhmorgeologiya.
Fin whale, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica.
Fin whale, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica.
Field biologists at Seal Island wave goodbye to their supply ship.
Fur seal pup next to a whale vertebra.
Fur seal mother and pup.
Field camp at Cape Shirreff, Livingston Island.
Fur seals and chinstrap penguins congregate around a rocky inlet on Seal Island, in the South Shetland Islands.
Floating ice in the Southern Ocean.
Full moon over Admiralty Bay.The reflection silhouettes a lone penguin.
Female elephant seals at a chinstrap penguin colony.
Fish wheel o the Yukon river near Ruby
Fish wheel o the Yukon river near Ruby
Fish wheel operated for river basin research on the Copper River
Fertile areas of the ocean swarm with hundreds and hundreds of millions of animal plankton
For many years, BCF oceanographers have worked with space technology to analyze data from manned and unmanned spacecraft and have related these data t
Fertilized salmon eggs are being placed on immersion incubator to determine the best conditions for survival
Famed cannery row has gone out of business as a center of sardine canning
Fishery food scientists carry out research to find the best means of retaining color, as well as taste, during storage of frozen fish
Fur seal rookeries, reef rookery, Garbotch rookery.
Fort Alexander, Nushagak River (side view), settlements and buildings, 1890.
Fuegian and canoe, Otter Bay, Smythe Channel, Western Patagonia.
Fort Wrangell, AK, panorama (3 plates), Alaska settlements and buildings.
Fort Rupert, BC, ethnology, 1888-89.
First shrimp fishing north of Point San Pedro, showing young fish drying, San Francisco, CA.
Fish drying, San Francisco, CA, Lynde & Hough, 1888-89.
Fish drying, San Francisco, CA, Lynde & Hough, flake yard, 1888-89.
Fish trap.
Fakarava Atoll, children on beach with site of house formerly occupied by Robt
Fishes, Rutter salmon investigation, Sacramento River, 1897-1899, a 48 lb
Flounder, bastard halibut, San Diego, CA, March 24, 1898.
Fish scow at dock, Chignik, Alaska, Alaska scenery, Albatross, 1897.
Fishing schooner, San Diego, CA, La Playa.
Fishing boat Puget Sound, WA, San Juan Ids., halibut boat, 1895.
Fishing boat Puget Sound, WA, San Juan Ids., fishing for herring and dogfish, 1895.
Fishing boat Puget Sound, WA, San Juan Ids., fishes for halibut, herring and occasionally for dogfish, 1895.
Fishing boat, Port Townsend, WA.
Fishing boat Puget Sound, WA, San Juan Ids., pleasure boat
Fishing boat, Port Townsend, WA.
Fishing boat Puget Sound, WA, San Juan Ids., halibut boat, 1895.
Fishermen, Karluk, 1889.
Fishing boat of Chinese make, Carmel Bay, CA, 1890-91.
Fishing camp, unidentified.
Fishing vessels, unidentified.
Fishing vessel, unidentified.
Fishing steamer John Smith.
Fish holding pen.
Fish holding pen.
Fish holding pen.
Fishing boat lying at the wharf at Galveston, TX.
Fishing boats of Galveston, TX.
Fishing vessel, unidentified.
Fishing vessel, unidentified.
Flooding, unidentified.
Fish, unidentified.
Finback whale just killed, Western Alaska, AK.
Fishermen in a flat-boat bringing barrels of lightly-salted herring to the steamer for transportation to market
Fish houses and wharves, Edenton, NC.
Fishing Battery Lighthouse from end of breakwater, 1891
Fishing Battery Lighthouse and back of hatchery Superintendent's residence.
Fishing Battery Lighthouse, old hatchery, and residence.
Fishing Battery Lighthouse, hauling seine.
Fresh water mussel dredge.
Fishing boats, Block Island, 1899.
Fish curing or smoking.
Frozen white fish.
Fish docks and gill net reels, Alpena, MI.
Fishing on Detroit River, MI, showing enclosure for holding fish.
Fishing vessels at wharf, Gloucester, MA.
Fish cart used in New England towns.
Flake yard.
Fernwood Lake Ice Co., building capacity, 34,000 tons.
Fulton Market, NY, fish cars.
Fulton Market, NY.
Fulton Market, NY.
Fishing vessel Mystic hauled out for repairs at Gloucester, MA.
Flake yard, Gloucester, MA.
Fishing through ice with tongs and rakes.
Fishermen's residences at Cabanage, LA.
Fish, oysters, and green turtle
Fishermen with catch.
Folly Cove, lobster quarters, Gloucester, MA.
Fishing boats, Cape Ann, MA.
Fishing boats and artificial harbor wall, Cape Ann, MA, Worth, 1891.
Flags displayed for celebration of a fisherman's wedding, Gloucester, MA.
Fish curing establishments, fish freighter in the foreground.
Fishing fleet at Portland, ME, Fernald and Dyers wharves, 1882.
Fyke fishing flounders, men repairing fykes, Sloop Targery, Portland, ME, 1882.
Frying sardines, Eastport, ME.
Fish house, horse mackerel and halibut, Southwest Harbor, ME, Worth, 1891.
Fish packing at Southwest Harbor, ME.
Fish curing establishments, Bass Harbor, ME.
Fishing fleet at Southwest Harbor, ME, Worth, 1891.
Farnsworth's lobster clam and sardine factory.
Fish packing house, Great Lakes, showing ice crusher and refrigerating room.
Fishing showing enclosure for keeping fish
Fish catch in a fishing net
Fish catch on a trawler
Finishing the skinning of the seals.
Finishing the skinning of the fur seals.
Finishing the killing of the fur seals.
Fishermen taking advantage of salmon run and congregation of fish below ladders.
Fishing area from edge of cliff on opposite side of river
Flood flow along the Willamette River
Fisheries employes at the fish counting station on the fish ladder.
Fisheries employee coming over to the fish counting station via "The Falls."
Fish ladder to Spring Creek National Fish Hatchery
Fall chinook spawning in the Molalla River
Fall chinook sspawning in the Molalla River
Fall chinook salmon redds (basically nests for laying eggs) below Horn Rapids Dam on the Yakima River
Foster Dam on the South Santiam River
Falls on the Little Salmon River - Tributary to the Salmon River
Freezer room at the Penguin Brand Frozen Lake Herring plant
Freezer room in fish processing plant with approximately 400,000 pound capacity
Fishing for smelt along the Cowlitz River
Fish bycatch caught in shrimp net
Family enjoying the aquarium at the Woods Hole BCF Laboratory
Fresh-water mussels (lampsilis anodontoides)
Fresh-water mussel (lampsilis luteola) on the half shell
Fresh-water mussels (Anodonta oregonensis)
Fresh boiled shrimp in trays prior to canning
Fresh shrimp in wooden boxes before being cooked and canned
Frank Leahy without hat
Floyd Thornton, trapper, running trapline by dugout canoe several miles above the mouth of the river
Fred Grant holding a 40-pound bag of scallops
Fry trap installation at Whale Bay, showing method of securing traps by cable, and spring snow conditions.
Fry trap installation at Olsen Bay
Fry trap installation at Cannery Creek, showing method of hanging traps and spacing of traps across stream.
Fish food preparation
Feeding juvenile salmon
Feeding juvenile salmon
Fish ladder at the Little White Salmon Hatchery
Fish ladder at the Little White Salmon Hatchery
Fish trap for salmon
Fish trap for salmon
Fish trap for salmon
Fishwheels are still a successful method for natives to obtain salmon from many rivers in Alaska for subsistence and dogfood.
Fyke net used in catching young red salmon smolts.
Fish trap operated by Independent Canneries
Fisherman performing maintenance on purse seine net.
Forklift operator bringing crates of salmon to processing facility of Bumble Bee Company.
Floating salmon cannery Santa Flavia.
Fish heads and tails will be boiled to extract oil which is used in packing salmon and has a high vitamin content.
Filtering plankton from a Nansen bottle sample in the chemistry laboratory of ALBATROSS IV
Fish eggs and invertebrates in plankton sample from the California current.
Fresh water paddlefish (Polyodon spathula) 45.5 inches in length, 15 pounds.
Fresh water paddlefish (Polyodon spathula) 45.5 inches in length, 15 pounds.
Frozen tuna awaiting processing
Frozen tuna awaiting processing
Frozen tuna awaiting processing
Frozen tuna awaiting processing
Fishing for tuna in Central Pacific Ocean near Hawaii
Fresh tuna being prepared for processing
Fishing for tuna aboard a BCF research vessel in the central Pacific
Fishermen landing yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) on exploratory fishing trip in central Pacific Ocean
Fishermen landing a two-pole tuna from a live-bait boat in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean
Fish canning
Filling cans with tuna
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