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French grunt (Haemulon flavolineatum)
French grunt (Haemulon flavolineatum) and a massive starlet coral ( Siderastrea siderea)
French grunt (Haemulon flavolineatum)
French grunt (Haemulon flavolineatum)
Flying gurnard (Dactylopterus volitans)
Flying gurnard (Dactylopterus volitans)
Fairy basslet (Gramma loreto)
Filamentous algae
Finger coral (Porites porites), knobby brain coral (Diploria clivosa), and Y branched algae (Dictyota sp.)
Finger coral (Porites porites) interspersed with turtle grass (Thalassia testudinum)
French angelfish (Pomacanthus paru)
Flamingo tongue snail on a sea fan close-up.
French angelfish at the reef
Flower coral -- (Eusmilia fastigiata)
Figures 1-4, Udotea flabellata Lamouroux
Figures 1-7, Rhipidigorgia flabellum Valenciennes
Figures 1-6, Millepora alcicornis Lamarck
Figures 1-9, Madrepora prolifera Lamarck
Figures 1-9, Madrepora cervicornis Lamarck
Figures 1-3, Madrepora palmata Lamarck
Figures 1-12, 21 and 22
Figures 1-12, Siderastraea galaxea Blainv
Figures 1-9, Mycedium fragile Dana
Figures 1-5, Mycedium fragile Dana
Figs.1 and 2, Agaricia agaricites Milne-Edw
Figures 1-10, Mycedium fragile Dana
Figures 1-15, Dichocoenia porcata Milne-Edw
Figures 1-5, Maeandrina clivosa Verrill
Figures 1-5, Colpophyllia gyrosa Milne-Edw
Figures 1-8, Isophyllia dipsacea
Figures 1-6, Manicina areolata Ehr
Figures 1-22, Manicina areolata Ehr
Figures 1-10, Orbicella annularis Dana
Figures 1-7, Cladocora arbuscula Milne-Edw
Figures 1 and 2, Oculina robusta Pourtales
Figures 1-4, Oculina varicosa Leseuer
Five-sided unknown object? life form? echinoderm? coral?
Fungiidae coral Fungia fungites
Faviidae coral
Faviidae coral
Faviidae coral
Faviidae coral in center with star coral to right.
Faviidae coral Leptoria phrygia
Faviidae coral
Faviidae coral
Faviidae coral Leptoria phrygia
Faviidae coral
Faviidae coral
Faviidae coral
Faviidae coral
Faviidae coral Goniastrea ? sp.
Faviidae coral
Faviidae coral
Faviidae coral
Faviidae coral
Faviidae coral known commonly as brain coral in center and an alcyonid Sarcophyton sp
Faviidae coral
Faviidae coral
Faviidae coral
Faviidae coral
Faviidae coral
Faviidae coral
Faviidae coral
Faviidae coral
Flatworm almost perfectly camouflaged
Flatworm almost perfectly camouflaged
Flatworm almost perfectly camouflaged
Featherduster worm
Featherduster worm
Featherduster worm
Four Geometric (or Grey) Moray Eels (Gymnothorax griseus) living in close proximity to each other.
Fire coral, Millepora complanata, is frequently found in the waters surrounding Bonaire, particularly close to shore
French grunt (Haemulon flavolineatum)
French grunt (Haemulon flavolineatum)
French angelfish (Pomacanthus paru)
French angelfish (Pomacanthus paru)
Foureye butterflyfish (Chaetodon capistratus)
Foureye butterflyfish (Chaetodon capistratus)
Foureye butterflyfish (Chaetodon capistratus)
Fringed filefish (Monacanthus ciliatus)
French grunt (Haemulon flavolineatum)
French grunt (Haemulon flavolineatum)
French grunt (Haemulon flavolineatum)
French grunt (Haemulon flavolineatum)
French grunt (Haemulon flavolineatum)
French angelfish (Pomacanthus paru)
French angelfish (Pomacanthus paru)
Foureye butterflyfish (Chaetodon capistratus)
Foureye butterflyfish (Chaetodon capistratus)
Foureye butterflyfish (Chaetodon capistratus)
Foureye butterflyfish (Chaetodon capistratus)
Fire coral
Fire coral
Fields - National Severe Storms Laboratory (NSSL) Collection
Funnel cloud and lightning
Funnel cloud - a tornado that isn't on the ground.
Flooding associated with downburst.
Facing north in Hawks' Marsh, a freshwater marsh within the Grand Bay NERR boundary.
Facing south in Hawks' Marsh, a freshwater marsh within the Grand Bay NERR boundary.
Ferry boat ELWHA docked at the Friday Harbor ferry terminal.
Fly larva (Caloporphus sp.)
Fly larva (Chrysops sp.)
Fly larva unidentified.
Fishing boats and dive boats at Pandan Island.
Figurehead of a sailing ship at the Bremerhaven Maritime Museum.
Fountains and a whimsical sculpture at Rizal Park.
Fifth China-U.S
Flowers in bloom in Hainan Province
Footsteps and crab burrows at Cerro Beach.
Frigate bird - Fregata magnificens.
Forbidden City, Beijing.
Forbidden City, Beijing.
Forbidden City, Beijing.
Faculty and staff of Department of Geography at Shanghai Normal University.
Flamingoes in a park.
Faculty and staff of Department of Geography at Shanghai Normal University.
Flowers in public park
First mate of the WESTWARD viewing copra drying operation.
Fanning Island lagoon shoreline with native outrigger.
Fanning Island shoreline with research vessel WESTWARD in background.
Fish weirs built of coral stone on reef flat on lagoon side
Fringing reef as seen through palm trees
Fisheries office on upper left, Fishermen's Coop in center right.
Fish culture tanks used for sea bream
Fish culture tanks used for sea bream
Fonualei South seamount
First bathymetric map ever produced
First attempt to draw a profile of the floor of the Atlantic Ocean
Figure 61 from "Popular Astronomy" by Camille Flammarion translated by J
First published indication of the dual-peaked with median valley nature of a mid-ocean ridge
First published indication of the dual-peaked with median valley nature of a mid-ocean ridge
First map produced from SEAMAP surveys of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey
From "Depths of the Ocean" - Bathymetrical Chart of the Oceans showing the "Deeps" According to Sir John Murray.
Full disc map of Pacific Ocean showing location of Submarine Ring of Fire Expeditions from 2002 through 2006
Flat-topped seamounts, later termed guyots, as noted by Harold Murray of the C&GS.
Francis Shepard's diagram showing worldwide distribution of known submarine canyons
Full page presentation of the two maps shown in image map00019 and map00020
First profile of an oceanic basin
First map of an oceanic basin
Fishes in a tunnel with the light coming through.
Fauna on American Coastline
Foggy and water as seen from top - Little Diomede Island, Alaska
Fantastic sunrise and the reflection in water - Little Diomede Island, Alaska
Fog and mist - Little Diomede Island, Alaska
Fairway Rock Alaska
Fairway Rock Alaska
Frost-heaved angular boulders on a Shumagin Island ridge overlooking a quiet beach and cove
Float plane on Hallo Glacier melt lake.
Fall colors on Thompson Pass.
Flying over the juncture of two glaciers.
Flying over the coast ranges of SE Alaska
Flying over the coast ranges of SE Alaska.
Flying over the coast ranges of SE Alaska.
Fairweather Range seen from the Gulf of Alaska.
Fishing vessels tied up on the Sitka waterfront
Frost heaved rock fragments on the high lands of St
Frost heaved rock fragments on the high lands of St
Fremont Avenue bascule bridge opening with George Washington Bridge, commonly called the Aurora Bridge, seen in the background.
Fremont Avenue bascule bridge opening.
Fishing vessels tied up at Dutch Harbor.
Final approach to Dutch Harbor
Final approach to Dutch Harbor
Final approach to Dutch Harbor
Fire Island on final approach to Anchorage Airport about 3-4 miles out.
Fog shrouded cliffs of the Pavlof Islands
Fog shrouded cliffs of the Pavlof Islands
Forbidding shoreline of the Pavlof Islands
Forbidding shoreline of the Pavlof Islands
Forbidding shoreline of the Pavlof Islands
Fishermen with Paul Bunyanesque size salmon greet visitors to Kodiak.
Forty-mile Point Lighthouse
Folded and twisted metamorphic rocks along the Alaska shoreline
Fort Jefferson Lighthouse
Fort Jefferson Lighthouse
Fowey Rocks Lighthouse
Fishing port in Alaska
Farming, Port Oneida, Lake Michigan
Fish adorning seafood restaurant in Pascagoula area.
Fish adorning seafood restaurant in Pascagoula area.
Fishing vessels on the ways at Juneau.
Flying over the Beaufort Sea turning for approach to Barrow.
Flying over the Arctic coastline prior to landing at Barrow
Foam and sun glint
Foam and surf highlighted by the afternoon sun.
Frozen ropes of pahoehoe lava
Frozen ropes of pahoehoe lava
Flying over the Unalakleet River Delta in the late afternoon on the way to Anchorage
Flying over the Unalakleet River Delta showing oxbow lakes and bends on the low gradient area next to Norton Sound.
Former Catholic Mission at Pilgrim Hot Springs on the Pilgrim River, Imuruk Basin
Fish drying racks
Fur seal from "Alaska and Its Resources" by by William Healy Dall
Flag and members of the scientific corps of the Western Union expedition to Alaska looking for a telegraph route across North America and then across
Fort Yukon in June 1867from "Alaska and Its Resources" by William Healy Dall
Fishing boats and stacked containers at Akutan Harbor
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