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Bobtail squid on bottom.
Bobtail squid on bottom.
Bobtail squid on bottom.
Bobtail squid on bottom.
Bobtail squid on bottom.
Bobtail squid on bottom.
Blackbelly rosefish (Helicolenus sp.)
Blackbelly rosefish (Helicolenus sp.)
Blackbelly rosefish (Helicolenus sp.)
Blackbelly rosefish (Helicolenus sp.)
Blackbelly rosefish (Helicolenus sp.) OK
Blackbelly rosefish (Helicolenus sp.)
Blackbelly rosefish (Helicolenus sp.)
Blackbelly rosefish (Helicolenus sp.)
Blackbelly rosefish (Helicolenus sp.)
Blackbelly rosefish (Helicolenus sp.)
Blackbelly rosefish (Helicolenus sp.)
Brittle star.
Brittle star.
Brittle star.
Brittle star.
Brittle star.
Brittle star.
Brittle star.
Brittle star.
Brittle star.
Brittle star.
Brittle star.
Brittle star.
Brittle star.
Brittle star.
Brittle star.
Brittle star.
Brittle star.
Brittle star.
Brittle star.
Brittle star.
Brittle stars on outer branches of Paragorgia sp
Branches of a Paragorgia sp
Branches of the pink Paragorgia sp
Base of a very large Paragorgia sp
Base of a small Paragorgia sp
Beautiful white octocorals and small tube worms on a black rock outcrop
Brownish red cerianthid anemone.
Brownish red cerianthid anemone.
Brownish red cerianthid anemone.
Brownish white cerianthid anemone.
Basalt boulders with a few random brittle stars.
Bamboo coral with a rarely seen snail fish of the family Liparidae was collected with DSV Alvin's suction gun shortly after this photo was taken.
Basalt rock on a Gulf of Alaska seamount.
Beautiful large tubeworms, some of which we collected were a meter in length and an centimeter in diameter at the opening to their tube, were seen for
Black smoke from the top of a chimney is carried "downwind" by the strong current in the vent field.
Bering flounder (Hippoglossoides robustus), the first record from the Eastern Siberian Sea, RUSALCA 2009.
Blackbelly rosefish - these striking fish are fairly common in the rocky canyon habitats
Bubbles of methane gas rise through a mussel bed at the Pascagoula Dome.
Bubbles of methane gas rise through a mussel bed at the Pascagoula Dome and are seen silhouetted against a calibrated grid.
Bubbles of methane gas rise through a mussel bed at the Pascagoula Dome and are seen silhouetted against a calibrated grid.
Bubbles of methane gas rise through a mussel bed at the Pascagoula Dome and are seen silhouetted against a calibrated grid.
Bubbles of methane gas rising through a mussel bed at the Pascagoula Dome seen silhouetted against a calibrated grid.
Bubbles of methane gas rising through a mussel bed at the Pascagoula Dome seen silhouetted against a calibrated grid.
Broken mussel shells at the site of a cold seep.
Brown methane hydrate outcrop being covered by sediment, or conversely, breaking through sediment
Brown methane hydrate outcrop being covered by sediment, or conversely, breaking through sediment.
Bathymodiolus mussels, white to translucent shrimp, zoanthids colonizing the mussel in the lower left corner, and vestimentiferan worm tubes at a cold
Bathymodiolus mussels, white to translucent shrimp, a scale worm and small life forms
Bathymodiolus mussels at a cold seep site.
Bathymodiolus mussels at a cold seep site.
Bathymodiolus mussels and a red crab seen at a cold seep
Bacterial mat at cold seep site.
Bell-shaped gelatinous organism
Bell-shaped gelatinous organism
Bell-shaped gelatinous organism
Bell-shaped gelatinous organism
Breeding red crabs (Chaceon sp.)
Base of soft stalked octocoral.
Bare rock face with small non-charismatic biota.
Bathymodiolus mussels, a small white shiny gastropod, and a white chiton.
Broken mussel shells, a few live mussel shells, two large urchins, and some evidence of still active cold seep venting at white and gray patched areas
Bubbles of methane gas rise through a mussel bed at the Pascagoula Dome.
Broken mussels and a small brown anemone apparently near terminated cold seep area.
Broken dead mussel shells with a white gastropod and nearly invisible well- camouflages white translucent zoanthids.
Bathymodiolus mussels, white gastropods (some covered with the small white disks seen in images expl7911 and expl7909
Bathymodiolus mussels, white gastropods, and zoarcid eelpout on the left
Bathymodiolus mussels, white gastropods, and zoarcid eelpout on the left
Bathymodiolus mussels and white gastropods
Bathymodiolus mussels, a white gastropod, and white, probably bacterial, material
Bathymodiolus mussels, a white gastropod, and white, probably bacterial, material.
Bubbles of methane gas rise through a mussel bed at the Pascagoula Dome.
Bubbles of methane gas rise through a mussel bed at the Pascagoula Dome.
Bubbles of methane gas rise through a mussel bed at the Pascagoula Dome.
Bubbles of methane gas rise through a mussel bed at the Pascagoula Dome.
Bubbles of methane gas rise through a mussel bed at the Pascagoula Dome.
Bubbles of methane gas rise through a mussel bed at the Pascagoula Dome.
Bubbles of methane gas rise through a mussel bed at the Pascagoula Dome.
Bubbles of methane gas rise through a mussel bed at the Pascagoula Dome
Bubbles of methane gas rise through a mussel bed at the Pascagoula Dome
Bubbles of methane gas rise through a mussel bed at the Pascagoula Dome on left of image
Bathymodiolus mussels and small white to shiny snails with beautiful whorled pattern.
Bathymodiolus mussels, a white snail, and numerous small white to translucent anemones.
Bathymodiolus mussels and associated small white snails at cold seep site
Bamboo corals, white sponges, and yellow feather star crinoids on a rock face
Bamboo coral with two large feather star crinoids
Bamboo corals and two spiraling iridogorgia corals on top of a rock outcrop.
Bamboo corals, an iridogorgia coral bush, paramuricid corals, and a yellow stony coral can be found in this image
Bubblegum coral growing on the seafloor partially colonized by white translucent zoanthids, small white corals, white and blue sponges, and other smal
Black coral bush and many crinoids on a rock outcrop
Bathyal swimming crab (Bathynectes longispina) eating jellyfish
Bathyal swimming crab (Bathynectes longispina) eating jellyfish
Bathyal swimming crab (Bathynectes longispina) eating jellyfish
Bathyal swimming crab (Bathynectes longispina) eating jellyfish
Bathyal swimming crab (Bathynectes longispina) eating jellyfish
Bathyal swimming crab (Bathynectes longispina)
Bathyal swimming crab (Bathynectes longispina)
Bathyal swimming crab (Bathynectes longispina)
Benthothuria, an escape swimmer
Benthothuria, an escape swimmer
Benthothuria, an escape swimmer
Benthothuria, an escape swimmer
Benthothuria, an escape swimmer
Benthothuria, an escape swimmer
Brown sponge growing from rock wall.
Base of a yellow-brown crinoid with a delicate white coral in the background.
Base of dead? coral with purple hydroids.
Beautiful white octocoral bush.
Beautiful peach-colored octoral with delicate white polyps
Beautiful peach-colored octoral with delicate white polyps.
Beautiful peach-colored octoral with delicate white polyps and the tip of a white octocoral in the lower left corner
Beautiful peach-colored octoral with delicate white polyps.
Beautiful peach-colored octoral with delicate white polyps.
Beautiful peach-colored octoral with delicate white polyps.
Bamboo whip coral growing from a sand and mud bottom area.
Bamboo whip coral with very distinctive black bands.
Bamboo coral covered with peach-colored zooanthids?
Bamboo coral covered with peach-colored zooanthids?
Beautiful little white and red polyps on branches of an octocoral bush.
Base of paramuricid coral
Bamboo corals and a large white stalked sponge
Base of a small red octocoral on coarse sand and shell substrate.
Bamboo coral in the foreground with a large iridogorgia spiraling coral in the background.
Bamboo whip coral
Bamboo whip coral
Bamboo whip coral
Bamboo whip coral dominates scene containing numerous iridogorgia and callogorgia corals
Bamboo coral with polyps extended numerous triangular pteropod shells are seen on the rock outcrop.
Beautiful purple and yellow octocoral bush
Beautiful purple and yellow octocoral bush with white polyps extended.
Base of a black coral bush with many small life forms both on the base and in the near vicinity.
Black coral bush with white polyps and colonized by small white zoanthids on large branch above crack.
Beautiful white polyps on antipatharia coral bush; hydroid in bottom center, and white zooanthids
Beautiful white polyps on antipatharia coral bush (black coral); note zooanthids colonizing dead branch to left
Beautiful white polyps on antipatharia coral bush (black coral)
Beautiful white polyps on antipatharia coral bush (black coral); hydroid below left side of coral bush; yellow crinoid in bottom right.
Beautiful white polyps on antipatharia coral bush (black coral)
Base of antipatharia coral bush (black coral)
Brownish anemones
Brownish anemones
Base of whip coral? in image expl7164.
Body of large fish passing by ROV in water column
Bell-shaped jellyfish
Broken jumbled mass of hydrothermally altered rocks indicating possible proximity to hydrothermal venting.
Beautiful swirl in lava reminiscent of pahoehoe lava.
Beautiful swirl in lava reminiscent of pahoehoe lava.
Broken sheet lava slabs covered on broken edges covered with small life forms
Broken sheet lava slabs covered on broken edges covered with small life forms
Broken sheet lava slabs covered on broken edges covered with small life forms
Broken sheet lava slabs covered on broken edges covered with small life forms
Bluish gray sponges seen along a rock wall
Bluish gray sponges seen in a rock crevasse between two adjacent rock outcrops covered with clay-like material
Broken flat slabs of rock (sheet lava?) on side of ridge
Brisingid starfish on rock outcrop
Beautiful white octocoral polyps
Bamboo whip coral and relatively large sponges (for this area) on a rock outcrop partially covered by white sand.
Bamboo coral, a gorgonian coral, and numerous small gray sponges.
Base of a bamboo coral showing location of adherence to rock surface.
Bamboo coral with delicate polyps extended
Bamboo corals and small sponges on a rock outcrop.
Bamboo corals and small sponges on a rock outcrop.
Bamboo coral contrasted with dark volcanic rock.
Bamboo octocoral
Bamboo coral
Bristleworm on Venus flower vase sponge
Bent over Venus flower vase hexactinnelida Igor
Blue gray sponges on a vitreous lava surface
Brown sponge growing from junction of sediment-rock interface
Bed of live and dead giant clams in vicinity of hydrothermal venting.
Brachyuran crabs are seen on a rock surface near a site of diffused venting
Brachyuran crabs rest on rock near a site of diffused venting
Bacterial mat covering basaltic rocks and white vent crabs
Black patterns on a sediment substrate
Baked appearing rock with circular shatter patterns and some indication of hydrothermal alteration.
Baked appearance to rock surface with indications of hydrothermal alteration.
Baked appearance to rock surface
Blunt nosed macrourid fish over pillow lavas
Brown squid observed in water column with siphonophore in foreground.
Brown squid observed in the water column nearing the limit of vision
Bivalves, brittle stars, small corals, a cup coral, and a small white coral bush are seen in this image on rock and sand bottom.
Bivalves, brittle stars, small corals, a cup coral, and a small white coral bush are seen in this image on rock and sand bottom.
Brachyuran crab half-buried in sediments
Bright yellow holothurian crawling over seafloor
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