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Blurry aurora borealis
Blurry aurora borealis
Blurry aurora borealis
Breath-taking view of a fog-shrouded cove and valley from the MILLER FREEMAN.
Blizzard at sea off the Alaska Peninsula.
Blowup of Radar mosaic showing a strong frontal system with huge bow echoes extending across the center of the United States
Blowup of Radar mosaic showing a strong frontal system with huge bow echoes extending across the center of the United States
Base Reflectivity showing precipitation pattern around Washington, D.C., during Sandy's passage.
Blowup of predicted wave graphic for Hurricane Sandy.
Becket post office
Becket submerged
Beautiful cumulus clouds offshore of a Hawaiian island.
Beavertail cactus, common in desert climate of the American Southwest.
Beavertail cactus, common in desert climate of the American Southwest.
Beavertail cactus and other desert flora characteristic of the dry climate of the American Southwest.
Briefing a Tuskegee Airman.
Bird feeders still operating with red-bellied woodpecker on the left.
Back inside dog waits for a little treat to cheer him up following a foray into the snow during the blizzard of February 9-10 2010
Blizzard of February 9-10 2010
Bench providing no support for weary legs as covered with snow to almost two feet deep.
Blowing hard in Chesapeake Bay
Blowing hard in Chesapeake Bay
Blowing hard in Chesapeake Bay
Bridge of NOAA Ship Ronald H
Brooke Walsh explains how the ozone layer is measured at the Mauna Loa Observatory to a group of international students from the University of the Nat
Brooke Walsh measures the ozone layer using Dobson spectrophotometer number 76 shown in this fisheye view inside the Dobson dome at NOAA's Mauna Loa O
Brooke Walsh measures the ozone layer using world standard Dobson instrument number 83
Ballast adjustment of 6-Meter NOMAD Buoy.
Blue sky with rainbow.
Bizarre clouds over northern Mississippi.
Bizarre clouds over northern Mississippi.
Bizarre clouds over northern Mississippi.
Bizarre clouds over northern Mississippi.
Bizarre clouds over northern Mississippi.
Bizarre clouds over northern Mississippi.
Baron Von Steuben shrugs off a little snow.
Buras water tower on the ground after Katrina.
Boats on bank and oil slicks in the water at Venice.
Boats on the bank with oil slicks in the water
Boats on the bank at Venice.
Boats, barges and debris on the levee at Venice.
Boats tossed around like kindling at a marina.
Boats tossed around like kindling at a marina.
Breaks in I-10 bridges outside of New Orleans caused by Hurricane Katrina.
Bally's Casino.
Beach landing to inspect tide station.
Beach landing to inspect tide station.
Biloxi Small Craft Harbor
Biloxi Small Craft Harbor
Biloxi Beach (foreground) Keesler AFB and Biloxi Bay (background).
Biloxi Grand Casino barge 1,000 yards west of hotel on other side of Highway 90
Biloxi Grand Hotel
Biloxi Grand Hotel
Beau Rivage Hotel looking north.
Beau Rivage Hotel looking northeast
Beau Rivage Hotel looking east
Beau Rivage Casino barge
Biloxi just north of small craft harbor
Beginning the cleanup after Hurricane Mitch
Boats on the lawn of the Rhodes resort
Barber shop of the Grosvenor Building with barber chairs reflected in the remnants of storm surge waters
Boats strewn amongst homes in Pawtucket Cove
Bay Ridge homes undercut by erosion caused by New England Hurricane of 1938.
Bright red leaves, puffy cumulus, and blue sky on an autumn afternoon.
Befuddled and bedraggled dog can't find yard in heavy snow.
Bats encountering supercell thunderstorm with hook echo indicative of tornado.
Bow echo with strong winds racing across Alabama observed by Birmingham doppler radar
Bow echo with strong winds racing across Alabama observed by Birmingham doppler radar
Broken levee at Sandusky Street.
Broad Street near the B&O Railroad tracks showing box car on side with torn up track.
Broken levee at Sandusky Street
Bridge piers remain in the river where the bridge was washed away at Zanesville.
Blown out windows of Joplin Hospital that was effectively destroyed by an F-5 tornado
Before the Tuscaloosa tornado.
Before the Tuscaloosa tornado.
Before the Tuscaloosa tornado.
Before the Tuscaloosa tornado.
Barrier and instruments used in NOAA study to test the effectiveness of highway barriers in reducing sound and atmospheric pollution from major roadwa
Bottom of the radome (part of pedestal structure) with many barn swallow nests.
Building an instrument shelter - possibly for use with cooperative observing network
Building an instrument shelter - possibly for use with cooperative observing network
Beginning of a pilot-balloon run at Fort Omaha, Nebraska
Balloon on its way up
Balloon for radiosonde
Blow up of sun image on title page of "De thermis Andreae Baccii Elpidiani, civis Romani ...." by Andrea Bacci, published posthumously in 1622
Bending into the wind during a Midwest blizzard.
Besides disrupting transportation, heavy ice and snow can damage utilities
Broadway in Watervliet, New York, under 8 feet of water
Benjamin Franklin's experiment with the kite "..when the string was thoroughly wet, abundance of electricity was procured..." In: "The Thunder-storm"
Ben Sawyer Bridge to Sullivans Island after passage of Hurricane Hugo
Beach-front community after Hurricane Carol
Beach-front community prior to Hurricane Carol
Broadway and Soulard Streets
Bohemian Gymnasium
Boiler Room of the Superior Laundry
Bizarre hailstones that were oblong disks approximately 1/3 as thick as long
Bronze sunset reflecting in the Straits of Georgia
Ben Hickok and Bill Unger riding the Alabama, a Tennessee River ferry boat
Bill Chisom, rodman; George Hastings, the observer and party chief; and Bill Unger rodman
Ben Hickok in the new Dodge Brothers truck.
Ben Hickok tamping in a monument
Ben Hickok painting arrows in center of tracks pointing to bench marks set off railroad, but still on the railroad right-of-way.
Ben Hickok showing his best hole digging form for placing marks
Ben Hickok standing about 90-feet above the ground
Ben Hickok on the light-keeper's perch on a Bilby tower at North Carolina State University.
Benton Hickok on left, Ethyl Porter (wife of party chief Wilbur Porter) in left center
Base camp at Kotzebue, Alaska, before the field work began.
Base line measuring party.
Bombardment of Fort Sumter and adjacent forts by the Union Fleet in Charleston Harbor.
Building a corduroy road across White Oak Swamp
Bird's-eye view of the passage of the forts below New Orleans.
Bottom mounted sidescan sonar system.
Bottom-mounted multi-beam sonar transducer
Back end of Coast and Geodetic Survey Tide Prediction Machine No
British Association Tide Predicting Machine.
Belfast Bay, Maine, pockmarks as shown on sidescan sonar record and bottom penetration sonar.
Belfast Bay, Maine, pockmark field showing location and relative size of "pockmarks." Compare to image theb4063
Bridge and plot table of NOAA Ship RUDE
Black and white version of Coast and Geodetic Survey emblem
Bureau of Commercial Fisheries vessel at Seguam Island.
Bubbler tide gauge installation
Bathymetric map of the World's oceans
Boats from HMS EREBUS and HMS TERROR - Captain James Clark Ross
Bob was the duty driver that night
Bob and his pal were okay after all
Before women were part of the crew
Bad news for Pollywogs - an Equator crossing is imminent
Brownie begging for food from NOAA hydrographic launch at Wide Bay
Billy after growing up being fed by Leo O
Billy making a mess - boy that stuff takes good.
Billy as a cub being fed by Leo O
Black bear cub on the GEDNEY.
Black bear cub on the SURVEYOR
Black bear at triangulation station Patsy.
Benjamin F
Bob Pryce - self portrait while in a helicopter
Benjamin Peirce
Benjamin Peirce
Benjamin Peirce
Benjamin Peirce
Boatswain John Janke
Benjamin Apthorp Gould
Boatswain Eden
Benjamin A
Bos'n Casey of the HYDROGRAPHER.
Bloomberg and Robert A
Bilan tribesmen near C&GS shore camp.
Bloomberg's topo party.
Bloomberg doing topo work on Calayan Island.
Building a signal with the help of Tagabuanas tribesmen.
Boat off the RESEARCH at tide gauge.
Boat in shore break in channel islands after getting caught in the surf
Boat in shore break in channel islands after getting caught in the surf
Boat in shore break in channel islands after getting caught in the surf
Black lava sand beach on Tahiti.
Bizarre clouds in the Gulf of Mexico.
Big Sur coastline from Point Lobos looking south
Buster's Cafe
Base line end point monument.
Bronze triangulation mark
Bob Pryce operating Wild T-3 theodolite at signal in Puerto Rico
Bob Pryce operating Wild T-3 theodolite at Chandeleur Lighthouse
Bob Pryce operating theodolite at Geographical Center of North America
Bob Pryce observing with Wild T-4 Theodolite
Bush plane operations in Alaska
Bush plane operations
Bob Pryce getting near the top
Bob Pryce taking a breather at the station
Bottom mounted current meter being deployed from FERREL
Buoy in tow from the MARMER
Box core showing high density of manganese nodules
Box coring operations during DOMES project
BISP ready for release
BISP being released and beginning trip to bottom
BISP breaks surface after leaving anchors on bottom
Bering Sea Conductivity-Temperature-Depth rosette
Bongo nets being deployed
Bongo nets for biological sampling at depth
Bongo nets on OCEANOGRAPHER during DOMES project
Bongo nets flying in the wind prior to deployment.
Bottom samples from dredge haul south of Australia
Bottom samples from dredge haul south of Australia
Bottom photograph - compass used to orient photo
Boomerang corer rigged for release
Beach erosion studies
Beach erosion studies
Bob Pryce - the well-dressed field man
Birdseye view of an orderly campsite
Bear bait - sometimes this was the best that could be done for a camp
Base camp for Mount Elbert observations
Base camp at Sheep Mountain near the Glenn Highway
Bear at the garbage dump
Base camp at Mount Como
Base camp at Mount Como
Breaking camp on Uncompahgre Peak - over 14,000 feet elevation
Bilby tower failure at Station Flatlick due to tornado
Bilby tower failure at Station Flatlick due to tornado
Bilby tower built on oil rig south of New Orleans.
Building the tower at Station Hunter
Building Station Reid
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