Pinterest > Pictures & Images > A translucent anemonme, pycnogonid crab and tube worms in lower left, small sponges, a small bamboo coral, and a hydroid looking like a small tree in
A translucent anemonme, pycnogonid crab and tube worms in lower left, small sponges, a small bamboo coral, and a hydroid looking like a small tree in  Picture

A translucent anemonme, pycnogonid crab and tube worms in lower left, small sponges, a small bamboo coral, and a hydroid looking like a small tree in

A translucent anemonme, pycnogonid crab and tube worms in lower left, small sponges, a small bamboo coral, and a hydroid looking like a small tree in the lower right.

Photo Location: Caribbean Sea, Mid-Cayman Rise
Photo Date: 2011 August 12

Author: NOAA Okeanos Explorer Program, Mid-Cayman Rise Expedition 2011/ NOAA

License: Public Domain Mark 1.0 (Public domain)
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Added On
16th October 2015
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