Pinterest > Pictures & Images > A sea anemone and a hermit crab share a snail shell, providing a wonderful example of commensalism
A sea anemone and a hermit crab share a snail shell, providing a wonderful example of commensalism Picture

A sea anemone and a hermit crab share a snail shell, providing a wonderful example of commensalism

A sea anemone and a hermit crab share a snail shell, providing a wonderful example of commensalism. The anemone has stinging cells that help protect the crab from predators and benefits from being transported as well as receiving scraps from the crab’s feeding. When the crab grows and moves to a larger shell , it brings the anemone along to share its new home.

Photo Date: 2010 July 11

Author: NOAA Okeanos Explorer Program, INDEX-SATAL 2010/ NOAA

License: Public Domain Mark 1.0 (Public domain)
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16th October 2015
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