Pinterest > Pictures & Images > A rectangular prism shaped block of stone is covered with brisingid starfish, cup corals, small octocorals, a few sponges, and one very large venus fl
A rectangular prism shaped block of stone is covered with brisingid starfish, cup corals, small octocorals, a few sponges, and one very large venus fl Picture

A rectangular prism shaped block of stone is covered with brisingid starfish, cup corals, small octocorals, a few sponges, and one very large venus fl

A rectangular prism shaped block of stone is covered with brisingid starfish, cup corals, small octocorals, a few sponges, and one very large venus flytrap anemone. White brittle stars are in the sediment below the block of rock but don’t seem to be adhering to the rock.

Photo Location: Heezen Canyon, southwestern flank, 1,710-1621m
Photo Date: 20130807T165425Z

Author: NOAA OKEANOS Explorer Program , 2013 Northeast U. S. Canyons Expedition/ NOAA

License: Public Domain Mark 1.0 (Public domain)
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Added On
17th October 2015
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