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Member of scientific party sorting fish on ALBATROSS IV.
Mending nets on the ALBATROSS IV
Mending nets on the ALBATROSS IV
Measuring and tagging an albacore prior to release to study patterns of movement
Method of treating shellfish bottoms invaded by starfish
Marine creature in a bowl
Maine sea urchin fisherman
Main street of Ketchikan
Map of Pacific Coast showing the various salmon research stations of the Branch of Fishery Biology
Maryland state patrol boat monitors oystering among other duties
Measuring the length of a Japanese oyster drill
Mature oysters grown below rafts are harvested by cutting wires upon which they were suspended
Mass of fur seal pups at Gorbatch Rookery
Marking barrel of fur seal skins for Canada
Marking fur seal pelts
Marking fur seal pelts
Mother fur seal and pup
Making a bathythermograph cast aboard the ALBATROSS IV
Member of scientific party of Pacific Oceanographic Group (POG) removing sample after tow from cod end of a POG plankton net.
Mackerel shark.
Mako shark caught on rigged eel off Nomans Island, Massachusetts.
Master of the LEMES on left with employees of the Everett Fish Company
Male killer whale, 27 feet long, with flensing crew at Akutan Whaling Station
Male killer whale, 27 feet long, on flensing deck at Akutan Whaling Station
Mating gray whales
Mating gray whales
Minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostata)
Mature male (smallest) and female shipped to California.
Moving tuna from dock to processing facility
Marine creature
Marine life
Marine animals
Marine animal
Marbled puffer (Sphoeroides dorsalis)
Marbled grouper (Dermatolepis inermis)
Marbled grouper (Dermatolepis inermis)
Marbled grouper (Dermatolepis inermis) in foreground; scamp grouper (Mycteroperca phenax) in center distance; and assemblage of other fish.
Marbled grouper (Dermatolepis inermis)
Marbled grouper (Dermatolepis inermis)
Macaroni penguin, Seal Island, Antarctica.
Macaroni penguin with chick at Seal Island, Antarctica.
Macaroni penguin chick at Seal Island, Antarctica.
Macaroni penguins at Seal Island, Antarctica.
Macaroni penguins at Seal Island, Antarctica.
Macaroni penguins at Seal Island, Antarctica.
Macaroni penguins at Seal Island, Antarctica.
Macaroni penguins at Seal Island, Antarctica.
Molting chinstrap penguin chick, Seal Island, Antarctica.
Melanistic chinstrap penguin.
Molting chinstrap penguin chicks, Seal Island, Antarctica.
Measuring a myctophid fish in a laboratory aboard the R/V Yuzhmorgeologiya, South Shetland Islands.
Members of the AMLR crew in 2004, aboard the R/V Yuzhmorgeologiya.
Myctophid fish.
Myctophid fish.
Melting ice at the edge of a glacier, King George Island.
Minke whale, South Shetland Islands.
Melting glacial ice.
Mountain ridge, King George Island, 2009.
Mealtime aboard the R/V Yuzhmorgeologia.
Mobile laboratory, or "Zoo Van", being placed on the stern of the R/V Yuzhmorgeologiya.
Macaroni penguins, South Shetland Islands.
Macaroni penguins, South Shetland Islands.
Mike MacCaulay's towed acoustic fish on NOAA Ship Surveyor.
Mike MacCaulay's towed acoustic fish on NOAA Ship Surveyor.
Molting elephant seals.
Molting chinstrap penguins, Seal Island.
Male fur seals, basking on the beach.
Michael Force, bird observer and zooplankton team member, is alert for marine mammals during the Drake Passage transit.
Measuring spino crabs.
Mountain ridges on the Antarctic Peninsula in the winter.
Mending a torn pound net
Many fish cannot be harvested with present-day gear because the species are scattered over wide areas
Mass culture of algae under artificial light provides food for larval and juvenile shellfish in BCF aquaculture programs
Mullet taken in experimental gill net
Market Place, Bahia, 1887.
Matagorda Bay, TX, oyster from Half Moon Reef, martesia borings, 1905.
Matagorda Bay, TX, oyster from Boiler Bayou and East Point Reef, 1905.
Matagorda Bay, TX, oyster from Forked Bayou, 1905.
Matagorda Bay, TX, oyster from Forked Bayou, 1905.
Matagorda Bay, TX, oyster from East Point Reef, 1905.
Matagorda Bay, TX, oyster from East Point Reef, 1905.
Matagorda Bay, TX, Boggy Lump.
Matagorda Bay, TX, public pavilion, rented quarters for oyster shucking by Mr
Matagorda Bay, TX, oyster house of P.E
Matagorda Bay, TX, oyster house, 1905.
Matagorda Bay, TX, shucking house of J.J
Matagorda Bay, TX, oyster shucking houses, panoramic view looking south.
Matagorda Bay, TX, oyster shucking houses, panoramic view looking south.
Monument at Petropaulski, Kamchatka, 1896, commemorating defeat of Allied fleet by the natives in 1854.
Marshall Group, Jaliut Lagoon, sailing canoe, port tack.
Marshall Group, Jaliut Lagoon, sailing canoe with fish net hung out to dry.
Marshall Group, Jaliut Lagoon, sailing canoe "snugged down" on beach.
Marshall Group, Jaliut Lagoon, sailing canoe on starboard tack brailed up to "spill" the wind which is too fresh.
Marshall Group, Jaliut Lagoon, crew of sailing canoe in primitive costume.
Marquesas Group, port Lai-o-Lae, Anna Maria Bay, Nukuhiva, view north from anchor, South Seas cruise, 99-1900.
Millepora alciconis lam., Fish Hawk, Puerto Rico, 1899.
Millepora alciconis lam., Fish Hawk, Puerto Rico, 1899.
Myers cannery, Seattle, WA, 1895.
Myers cannery, scow unloading salmon at docks, Seattle, WA, 1895.
Myers salmon cannery, Seattle, WA, 1895.
Map of Lake Maxinkuckee, IN, 1900.
Mussels reared in crates in river at Fairfax station and buttons cut from them less than 18 months from date of infection, Dec
Map of Karta Bay, AK.
Map of Unga Strait, AK.
Map of Anan Lagoon and Bay, AK.
Map of Gedney Pass, Hassler I., hatchery, and traps, AK.
Map of Smith Lake, Boca de Quadra, and hatchery, AK.
Map of traps in Lynn Canal, Icy Strait, Mansfield Peninsula, AK.
Map of Lake Bay and Sweet Lake, AK.
Map of traps in Lynn Canal, Icy Strait, Mansfield Peninsula, AK.
Map of purse seines in Chomondeley (Cholmondeley) Sound, AK.
Map of Southeast Alaska, proposed districts for fishing seasons, U.S
Map of Vixen Bay, Alaska.
Map of purse seines in Head of Kasaan Bay, Clarence Strait, AK.
Mammoth Spring raft (aquatic plants -643), 1909.
Matagorda Bay, TX, oyster investigation, oysters from East Point Reef.
Matagorda Bay, TX, oyster investigation, oysters from Forked Bayou Reef.
Matagorda Bay, TX, oyster investigation, oysters from Mad Island Reef.
Matagorda Bay, Texas, oyster investigation
Miles glacier, Copper River, AK.
Mackerel seine boat, landing from vessel.
Menhaden factory.
Menhaden Factory, Church & Co., Tiverton, RI, dumping fish in pens.
Menhaden steamer Joseph Church arriving in port with 100's of pounds of fish.
Menhaden steamer, showing fish in hold, Tiverton, RI, 1882.
Menhaden factory, Church & Co., Tiverton, RI.
Mackerel Schooner Laura Nelson off Half Way Rock, Massachusetts Bay.
Mackerel Schooner A.R
Mackerel Schooner A.R
Mariner's House, New Bedford, MA.
Mending nets on pier.
Mackerel canning of Pickett & Co., Provincetown, MA, Worth, 1891.
Mending herring nets by crew of Schooner Aroline Storno
Mackerel bbls., Portland, ME.
Mending fyke nets at Portland, ME, by crew of sloop Leader, 1882.
Making tin cans.
Main chemistry laboratory at the Western Fish Nutrition Laboratory at Willard, Washington
Merwin Dam on the Lewis River
McKenzie Drainage fish counting station at Leaburg Dam
Moose Creek, a tributrary of the Selway River.
Middle Fork of the John Day River at Gorge Creek
Metolius River, 1/2 mile downstream from its origin high in the eastern Cascades
Middle Fork of the John Day River frozen near Austin
Middle Fork of the John Day River frozen over above Caribou Creek
Measuring shrimp
Marking shrimp with a tag
Marking shrimp with biological dyes
Map showing shrimp concentrations and suggested study areas in the Gulf of Mexico.
Mackerel shark
Mouth of mako shark
Mako shark caught on rigged eel off Nomans Island
Measuring shrimp caught in research trawl
Marking shrimp with tags and biological stains provides BCF scientists with information on migrations, growth, age, and fishing and natural mortality
Men and women on assembly line at shrimp processing plant
Mako shark caught on rigged eel
Male blue shark (Prionace glauca) as seen from shark cage
Measuring and tagging scup on a "live car"
Measuring sea scallops aboard ALBATROSS IV
Molecular still used at Seattle BCF laboratory for final purification of fish- oil derivatives.
Measurements taken of the specimens in the catch of the FWS vessel JOHN N
Measuring machine used to measure salmon aboard the FWS vessel JOHN N
Marked pink salmon fry in livebox
Metal trap used in enumerating pink and chum salmon fry in Prince William Sound streams.
Migrating salmon jumping falls
Mike Houdikoff's son netting sockeye salmon on creek above village.
Mechanical fish lift
Mechanical fish lift
Mechanical fish lift
Mechanical fish lift
Mechanical fish lift
Mechanical fish lift
Mechanical fish lift
Metal grate at the Little White Salmon Hatchery
Male pink salmon passing over counting board
Most of the fishing in British Columbia is by gill net or purse seine
Mid-winter phytoplankton in the inner part of the bay -- dominated by the diatom genus Coscinodiscus with Chaetoceras, the peridinian Ceratium longipe
Marine biologists setting a plankton net.
Map designating shellfish harvesting areas
Memorial to the passing of a way of life - the commercial net fishermen of Cedar Key.
Memorial to the passing of a way of life - the commercial net fishermen of Cedar Key.
Microscopic view of 4-day-old larval black sea bass (Centropristis striata)
Moving cobia (Rachycentron candum) fingerlings by bucket toa holding tank for transport to Culebra Island in Puerto Rico for grow-out offshore
Moving cultured cobia (Rachycentron canadum) from tanks to pond for growout
Moi, Pacific threadfin, circling in a feeding patter inside and offshore cage.
Moi, Pacific threadfin, being sorted for market after harvest from an offshore aquaculture cage in Hawaii.
Moi fish which have been harvested from an offshrore cage and put on ice for market in Hawaii
Moi fish which have been harvested from an offshrore cage and put on ice for market in Hawaii
Metal tips used in holding a cultured pearl when making jewelry.
Machine used for holding a cultured pearl in preparation for jewelry making.
Machine that shapes the cultured pearl to make it rounder.
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