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M1 - Page 10
Marine mammal observer with digitally enhanced boobie observing the observer
Marine mammal observer Paula Olson of the NMFS Southwest Fisheries Science Center at the computer/recorder position during STAR 2000.
McARTHUR deck hand Mike Theberge and NOAA Corps Lieutenant Alex von Saunder preparing pizzas on McARTHUR Pizza Night.
McARTHUR deck hand Mike Theberge preparing for Pizza Night at sea on the NOAA Ship McARTHUR.
McARTHUR deck hand Michael Theberge with Mahi mahi caught during free time off the NOAA Ship McARTHUR in the Eastern Tropical Pacific.
McARTHUR deck hand Michael Theberge with fish caught during free time off the NOAA Ship McARTHUR in the Eastern Tropical Pacific.
McARTHUR deck hand Michael Theberge fishing during free time in the Eastern Tropical Pacific.
Main deck, starboard side, table sieve, swinging table, anc collecting apparatus
MD500 taking off from NOAA Ship DAVID STARR JORDAN for marine mammal studies.
MD500 taking off from NOAA Ship DAVID STARR JORDAN for marine mammal studies.
MD500 taking off from NOAA Ship DAVID STARR JORDAN for marine mammal studies.
Maintaining Atlas TOGA-TAO buoys on the equatorial El Nino array
Maintaining Atlas TOGA-TAO buoys on the equatorial El Nino array
Maintaining Atlas TOGA-TAO buoys on the equatorial El Nino array
Maintaining Atlas TOGA-TAO buoys on the equatorial El Nino array
Male kelp greenling (Hexagrammos decagrammus) and foliose sponges in rocky crevice at 90 meters depth
Male Kelp greenling (Hexagrammos decagrammus) in rock reef habitat up close at 25 meters depth
Male Kelp greenling (Hexagrammos decagrammus) in rock reef habitat up close at 25 meters depth
Male Kelp greenling (Hexagrammos decagrammus) in rock reef habitat up close at 25 meters depth
Mixed invertebrates
Monk seal and albatross chick discussing the day's news.
Monk seals on the beach.
Midway Island
Midway Island
Midway Island
Midway Island
Midway Island
Midway Island
Midway Island
Midway Island
Midway Island
Midway Island
Midway Island
Midway Island
Midway Mall sign, your one-stop shop on Midway Island.
Midway Mall, your one-stop shop on Midway Island.
Midway Island
Masked boobies
Marine debris on Green Island, Kure Atoll.
Maritime Heritage team member Brenda Altmeier recording data from the wreck of the Scottish ship DUNNOTAR CASTLE.
Maritime heritage archaeological team on board the NOAA Ship HI'IALAKAI
Maritime heritage team underway for diving operations off the NOAA Ship Hi'IALAKAI on small boat HI-1.
Manini or convict tangs amongst finger coral in shallow water.
Monk seals
Mealtime for an albatross chick.
Mealtime for an albatross chick.
Marine archaeology dive team after return to surface from the shipwreck of the NORTHERN LIGHT.
Marine life
Marine debris on the shipwreck of the coal schooner Paul Palmer includes recreational fishing line and jigs.
Mary Sue Brancato, Resource Protection Specialist for the Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary, is setting a trap to monitor for green crab, an inv
Mary Sue Brancato, Resource Protection Specialist for the Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary, is tagging a dead bird as part of the COASST (Coast
Mary Sue Brancato, Resource Protection Specialist for the Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary, is setting a trap to monitor for green crab, an inv
Mother humpback and calf
Map of Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary
Marine life - Gray's Reef
Marine life - Gray's Reef
Mantle of lion's paw scallop closeup.
Manta "flying" over sand bottom
Manta seen in the water column as ascending to surface
Mud volcano caused by methane gas bubbling up through the sea floor with a resultant small cone that looks similar to a lava producing volcano
Marbled grouper
Massive starlet coral (Siderastrea siderastrea) and sea fans
Mangrove roots provide habitat for a variety of marine creatures.
Mangrove swamps provide habitat for many creatures as well as protect the coast from storm surge.
Minke whale on surface
Mating elephant seals on the beach at San Miguel Island.
Marbled godwits and willets at the water's edge
Mountains and shoreline typical of parts of the Channel Islands
Marine archaeologist surrounded by sea lions while studying the wreck of the S.S
Massive tabular Iceberg
Massive Iceberg
Mawson Ice Edge; Adelie Penguins
MV Nella Dan -stern view pushing through pack ice
MV Nella Dan
MV Nella Dan Danish research vessel
MV Thala Dan nearing Port Phillip Head Danish research vessel
Martensia & sponges (?)
Martensia australis cystocarps at 5 meters depth.
Moai amongst the coral
Mosaic moray eel
Miniata or grouper seen from above (Cephalopholis miniata) with pink and red soft coral
Miniata or grouper seen from above (Cephalopholis miniata)
Mantle of the flag pen shell Atrina vexillum
Mushroom coral (Fungia sp.)
Marlinspike augur (Terebra maculata)
Mushroom coral (Fungia sp.)
Manybar goatfish (Parupeneus multifasciatus)
Many spotted sweetlips (Plectorhinchus chaetodonoides)
Many spotted sweetlips (Plectorhinchus chaetodonoides)
Massive brain coral showing distinctive patterning
Mussa angulosa, a single polyp, is showing green fluorescence
Monsatrea cavernosa exhibiting orange fluorescence and green fluorescence in the mouth of the polyps.
Montastrea cavernosa exhibiting green fluorescence only
Must come down --- photo -2 of sequence
Massive coral (Porites sp.)
Mushroom coral (fungia sp.) with polyps extended
Massive coral (Porites sp.)
Mushroom coral
Massive corals
Massive corals looking more like giant mushrooms
More like a garden of stone than an array of living corals.
Measuring two cannons from ship wreck of early Nineteenth Century whaling vessel on Pearl and Hermes Reef.
Measuring one of two cannons (second in bottom left of image) from ship wreck of early Nineteenth Century whaling vessel on Pearl and Hermes Reef.
Measuring grinding wheel that was used to sharpen harpoons and flensing knives
Measuring the distance from the blubber rendering pot to other debris of an early Nineteenth Century ship wreck of a whaling vessel on Pearl and Herme
Marine archaeology in action
Main propulsion shaft from modern ship wreck on Pearl and Hermes Reef.
Modern ship wreck at Pearl and Hermes Reef
Medicine bottle recycling on the Sankisan Maru.
Mast on the Nippo Maru.
Medicine bottles strewn about the hold of the Fujikawa Maru.
Machine gun from Betty Bomber in Chuuk Lagoon.
Measuring coral by University of Washington scientist during coral regrowth studies.
Mindless destruction of the reef
Make sure not to touch the bottom when snorkeling or scuba diving.
Make sure not to touch the bottom when snorkeling or scuba diving.
Make sure not to touch the bottom when snorkeling or scuba diving.
Make sure not to touch the bottom when snorkeling or scuba diving.
Make sure not to touch the bottom when snorkeling or scuba diving.
Marine debris
Marine debris
Marine debris
Marine debris
Marine debris
Marine debris
Marine debris
Marine debris
Marine debris
Marine debris
Marine debris
Marine debris
Marine debris
Marine debris on the reef
Monk seal and ulua fish looking for a meal on the outskirts of a net debris pile.
Monk seal hunting on edge of net debris pile.
Monk seal cruising around a net debris pile on the bottom looking for a meal from fish living on the edge of the pile.
Major amounts of derelict nets taxed the ability of divers and equipment to bring to the surface
Mutton snapper (Lutjanus analis)
Mermaid's fans (Udotea sp.)
Mermaid's fans (Udotea sp.)
Mermaid's wine glass (Acetabularia sp.) surrounded by Caulerpa sp.
Manatee grass (Syringodium isoetifolium)
Manatee grass (Syringodium isoetifolium)
Manatee grass(Syringodium isoetifolium) and mermaid's fans (Udotea spp)
Manatee grass (Syringodium isoetifolium) in a strange topography of mounds caused by burrowing organisms.
Mangrove prop roots (Rhizophora rts
Mangrove prop roots (Rhizophora rts
Mangrove prop roots (Rhizophora rts
Mangrove prop roots (Rhizophora rts
Mangrove prop roots (Rhizophora rts
Mangrove prop roots (Rhizophora rts
Mangrove prop roots (Rhizophora rts
Marine debris - a derelict net entangled on the reef.
Marine debris - a derelict fish trap with an entrapped spiny lobster.
Montastrea sp
Map of coral and sediment cover in the Tortugas by Alexander Agassiz
Massive porites coral with staghorn coral acropora sp.
Multiple scractinian coral species
Manta ray (Manta birostris)
Manta ray (Manta birostris)
Manta ray (Manta birostris)
Manta ray (Manta birostris)
Manta ray (Manta birostris)
Manta ray (Manta birostris)
Mr.Al Momany's son diving on a Red Sea reef
Miniatus grouper (Cephalopholis miniatus)
Many banded pipefish (Doryrhampus multiannulatus)
Masked or blue cheek butterfly fish (Chaetodon semilarvatus)
Masked or blue cheek butterfly fish (Chaetodon semilarvatus)
Miniatus grouper - Cephalopholis miniatus
Many fish species survive by eating tiny zooplankton that drift over the reef
Moray eel peering out from its coral home.
Mutton hamlet (Alphestes afer)
Montastraea franksi
Massive star coral
Mahogany snapper (Lutjanus mahogoni)
Mackerel scad (Decapterus macarellus)
Mission scientist Paul Markowski (PSU) showed how VORTEX2 was going to set up dual-Doppler lobes to try and catch fast moving storms on May 10, 2010.
Mobile mesonet vehicles beginning their transects through storms.
Making preparations for the storm chase in an NSSL vehicle
Mike Coniglio standing next to an NSSL chase truck.
Mobile Mesonet vehicle stopped alongside the road with storm ahead.
Mike Biggerstaff of OU being interviewed.
Mammatocumulus sunset
Mammatocumulus sunset
Mammatus clouds.
Mammatus clouds.
Mammatus clouds.
Mammatus clouds.
Mammatus clouds.
Mayfield Tornado.
Microburst (CSU) - extremely dangerous for aircraft
Mature stage of large tornado
Multiple cloud-to-cloud and cloud-to-ground lightning strokes caught using time-lapse photography during a night-time thunderstorm.
Multiple cloud-to-ground and cloud-to-cloud lightning strokes during night-time
Mangrove habitat.
Mangrove habitat.
Manatee (Trichechus manatus)
Marsh grass vista with sunshine sparkling off the water.
Marsh grass vista with sunshine sparkling off the water.
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