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Eight members of the "Descaricaderes" the organization that controls all of the unloading at the French Market regularly all of which are either Austr
Eight members of the "Descaricaderes" the organization that controls all of the unloading at the French Market regularly all of which are either Austr
Eight members of the "Descaricaderes" the organization that controls all of the unloading at the French Market regularly all of which are either Austr
Eretmochelys Imbricata.
Emidoidea Blandingii.
Elephant-ear sponge, Mediterranean Sea, natural size.
Ethnology, McCloud River, CA, indian spearing salmon, taken about 1882.
Ethnology, McCloud River, CA, indian ranch east side of river 1/4 mile below.
Ethnology, McCloud River, CA, indians drying salmon, taken about 1882.
Ethnology, McCloud River, CA, indian posing.
Ethnology, McCloud River, Calehoolooloo Ranch, CA, indians.
Ethnology, McCloud River, CA, indian posing.
Entrance to large fish trap, Manila Bay, 1908.
Entrance to the cul-de-sac at flood stage of the river
Exterior of the Lake Superior Fisheries packing plant
Exterior of new fish packing plant
Experimenting in attempts to rear commercial varieties of Gulf shrimp from egg to adult under controlled conditions.
Experimental shrimp farming pond drained for harvesting.
Experimental shrimp farming ponds and holding tank
Exploratory fishing
Exploratory fishing
Emptying trawl net on deck with catch of crabs and small fish
Edible or blue mussels (Mytilus edulis)
Edible or blue mussels (Mytilus edulis)
Experiment to determine if shad can be "locked" over dam
Emptying juvenile shad from cod end of surface trawl
East end of Makarius Bay, looking north showing rocks and kelp with three sea otters on central rock.
East side of Makarius Bay, looking SW showing rock shelf covered with kelp
East side of Makarius Bay, looking west showing rocks and kelp
East side of Makarius Bay, looking north showing rocks and kelp with tide out.
Eyed chum salmon eggs being poured into trenches which were later filled with gravel
Elevator fish lift
Elevator fish lift
Elevator fish lift
Eggs taken from female (R) salmon are fertilized with sperm or milt from male ( L) salmon
Examination of zooplankton samples for indicators of water masses at the USBCF Booth Bay Harbor laboratory.
Examining a culture of marine phytoplankton grown in radioactive seawater under controlled conditions of light and temperature.
Egg sacs revealing 2-day-old black sea bass (Centropristis striata)
Equipment used in the depuration of Crassostrea gigas oyster culture at Sato Oyster Culture Company.
Equipment used in the depuration of Crassostrea gigas oyster culture at Sato Oyster Culture Company.
Examples of nulon, tettron, and silk threads used in the stringing of pearls
Examples of various sized sieves used in screening pearls for sizing and sorting
Equipment for measuring pearls
Eels orienting to feeding cage at Japanese eel farm in Shizuoka Prefecture Anguilla japonica, freshwater eel
Eels orienting to feeding cage at Japanese eel farm in Shizuoka Prefecture Anguilla japonica, freshwater eel
Epcot Living Seas systems blueprint illustrating volume of water chilled and moved.
Epcot Living Seas Aquarist, Jane Davis shows bulletin board where chemistry data for the aquarium is kept.
Epcot Living Seas Aquarist, Jane Davis, discusses health procedures in the veterinary laboratory while Dr
Empty plastic unit with mesh bottom used for holding clam spat at Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute
Empty algae growth tank waiting to be stocked by students
Emptying net of trawl catch
Eyed eggs for planting on natural gravel or in spawning channel.
Elevator offloading sockeye salmon from scow
Eyes of ratfish.
Eel closeup.
Eel under rock ledge.
Eupomacentrus leucostictus (Muller & Troschel)
Eupomacentrus fuscus (Cuvier & Valenciennes)
Epinephelus morio (Cuvier & Valenciennes)
Epinephelus maculosus (Cuvier & Valenciennes)
Epinephelus striatus (Bloch)
Epinephelus adscensionis (Osbeck)
Etisus splendidus, sp
Erythrichthys schlegeli Gunther
Etelis evurus Jordan & Evermann
Eteliscus marshi Jenkins
Echidna nebulosa (Ahl)
Electric ray or Atlantic torpedo (Torpedo nobiliana)
Eight-foot long sevengill sharkn ((Notorynchus cepedianus)
English language poster discussing aquaculture and the potential for harmful algal blooms in Senegalese waters.
Encircling the school of tuna is now complete
Eucampia zoodiacus preserved by lugol solution
Ebria sp
Edible mussel (Mytilus edulis) in the Barents Sea at Dalnezelenetsky Bay, Lat
Eggs of a branchial mollusc in the Barents Sea at Dalnezelenetsky Bay, Lat
Eager buyers make their selections from the morning's bountiful catch of rockfish and sablefish.
Even this off-the-beaten path warehouse in Biloxi, Mississippi, sports a proud bit of art announcing its trade
Eskimo woman and child ice fishing in the Bering Sea
Entrance to crab pot used in North Pacific king crab fishery
Entrance to crab pot used in North Pacific king crab fishery
Even boat's die - once a cherished workboat of a North Carolina crabber
Equipment used by a shark-grouper- snapper fisherman
Equipment used by a shark-grouper- snapper fisherman
Equipment used by a shark-grouper- snapper fisherman
Entrance of Tuna Harbor Park
Experimental longline operations in the Atlantic
Emptying the net prior at the end of a trawl run
Emptying the net prior at the end of a trawl run
Emptying the bag on deck at the end of a trawl
Even in the 1970's it was hard to keep the skipjacks operating.
Entrance to Tuna Harbor Park
Estrella Malca gets tready to deploy the MOCNESS aboard the NOAA ship GORDON GUNTER.
Electro-shocking for juvenile wild salmon (parr) to PIT-tag for mark recapture study in Salmon River drainage in Idaho wilderness.
Equipment installation at Ice Harbor Dam for juvenile salmon radio-telemetry study
Entangled elephant seal
Entangled fur seal
Entangled fur seal
Entangled fur seal
Emptying the catch on the sorting table
Emptying the catch on the sorting table
Emptying the trawl net onto the sorting table on the NOAA Ship MILLER FREEMAN.
Emptying the net onto the sorting table.
Emptying the cod end of a large trawl catch into the sorting tables of the NOAA Ship MILLER FREEMAN.
Emilisa Saunders prior to sorting sargassum weed for the many possible life forms that can be found associated with this floating algae.
Electronic chart showing location of dredge stations acquired by R/V HUGH R
Emilisa Saunders holding a pyrosome.
Emptying the cod end of a trawl into a small sorting basket.
Emptying the cod end of the trawl into a sorting bin.
Emptying the cod end of the trawl into a sorting bin.
Emptying a very small trawl - called a "water haul" when net comes up nearly empty.
Expendable bathythermograph
English harpoons
Eel Fish
Eel Fish
Eel Fish
Eel Fish
Eel fish
Eel fish
Eel fish
Eel fish
Eel fish
Eel fish
Eel fish
Eel fish
Eel fish
Eel fish
Eel fish
Eel fish
Extended polyps of a bamboo octocoral.
Exposed "root" system of whip coral seen in image expn2645.
Elongated venus flower basket shoes.
Extended polyps of a baby Paragorgia sp
Extended polyps of bamboo whip coral.
Excrement? Remains of some fish or other creature?Oil? floating in the water column.
Eel doing gymnastics.
En echelon fracturing along canyon wall showing a relatively new rock surface
Eels of the genus Dysommina were common at many hard vertical walls, and seemed to prefer entwining themselves in corals along with the bythitid fish.
Eel pouts at a cold seep
End of stringy life form seen in in image expl7935
Eggs released from the gonopore of a sea urchin
Eggs emerge from the gonopore of a sea urchin
Eelpout poking its head out of a hole with a large shrimp above.
Edge of huge vent orifice
Even here, at the edge of creation, human trash finds its way to the seafloor.
Extensive beds of the giant clam Calyptogena magnifica were found in in abundance at Tempus Fugit vent field
Eel-like fish cruising over pillow lavas
Eel-like fish near crevice in pillow lavas.
Eel-like fish swimming over lava field
Eels, brachiopods, small corals, and a few orange scorpion fish are seen in this image.
Extended octocoral polyps on branches of a coral bush.
Eel-like member of moridae family inhabiting large depression in seafloor sediment.
Eel-like member of moridae family inhabiting large depression in seafloor sediment.
Eel-like member of moridae family inhabiting large depression in seafloor sediment.
Eel-like member of moridae family - Phyiculus sp.
Eel-like member of moridae family - Phyiculus sp.
Eel-like moridae fish
Eel-like fish swimming over sediment-covered rock outcrop
Eel-like fish on a sand bottom
Extended polyps of an alcyonacean octocoral - possibly Siphonogorgia alexanderei.
Extended octocoral polyps along a main branch of a yellow and white bamboo coral.
Either a translucent anemone attached to a rock outcrop or a jellyfish hovering above the outcrop.
Empty gun casings are scattered across the rear deck near the 4-inch gun mounted at the stern of the GULF OIL.
Exploring a derelict wrecked on the reef
Experiment to determine the velocity of sound in sea water conducted by Francois Sulpice Beudant off Marseilles in 1820 as illustrated in La Nature Ju
Elements of siphonophore physiology as seen in La Nature.
Eelpout rolled up and thornyhead
Eel-like deep sea fish
Eel-like deep sea fish
Eel-like deep sea fish
English sole hovering above the bottom with a few translucent holothurians.
Extended polyps of an alcyonacean coral, Anthomastus sp.
Extended polyps of lyrate bamboo coral - an octocoral
Extensive beds of siboglinid polychaetes provide a habitat for many animals
Eel (congrid conger eel) observed during OKEANOS EXPLORER shakedown cruise.
Eye-in-the-Sea as seen from submersible
Eye in the Sea, a camera observatory with a visiting crab
Eye in the Sea, a camera observatory with a visiting crab
Encounters of the third kind
Extraordinary numbers of mussels are fighting for a piece of real estate on this rocky outcrop where warm hot-spring water discharges from the seafloo
Enormous numbers of crabs were seen in the Mussel Ridge vent area often fighting over their next meal
Estuary to the Abyss 2004 Expedition
Estuary to Abyss Expedition 2004
Estuary to Abyss Expedition 2004
Estuary to Abyss Expedition 2004
Estuary to Abyss Expedition 2004
Estuary to Abyss Expedition 2004
Estuary to Abyss Expedition 2004
Estuary to Abyss Expedition 2004
Estuary to Abyss Expedition 2004
Estuary to Abyss Expedition 2004
Estuary to Abyss Expedition 2004
Estuary to Abyss Expedition 2004
Estuary to Abyss Expedition 2004
Elephant ear sponge (Agelas clathrodes).
East Bank -old anchor covered with growth.
Echinus tylodes
Expanded view of Topographic Survey T-331 of "Galveston Bay"
Embracing surveys of the "Farallones Entrance to the Bay of San Francisco, Bays of San Francisco and San Pablo, Straights of Carquines and Suisun Bay
Ensign Rosemary Abbitt operating the level instrument during tide staff leveling operations.
Establishing horizontal control station on Coast Guard daymarker.
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