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Divers Dave Pence (left) and Ken Longenecker hold up a banner commemorating the Hawai's Undersea Research Laboratory's 1,000th dive with the Pisces su
Deep sea coral with brittle star attached and barnacle in upper branches
Deep sea corals provide habitats for lush communities of animals (Dive 11)
Deep sea coral Candidella ? with brittle stars.
Down-looking mosaic of Lophelia covering the bow of the sister ship to the Gulfoil, the Gulf Penn.
Diagram of communication system used during Lost City Expedition
Deep sea corals on Atlantis Massif.
Diving on a shallow volcanic cone the ROV encountered what appeared to be iron staining around cracks in the rocks and possibly a yellow bacterial mat
Dense community including sponges, sea lilies, corals, and even a galatheid crab imaged at Site K.
Deepsea urchins (reminiscent of cacti) grow on the lavas at Rumble V volcano
Divers enter icy waters from the edge of an ice floe
Deep sea coral (Lophelia pertusa).
Deep sea coral (Paragorgia arborea pacifica)
Deep sea coral (Paragorgia arborea pacifica)
Deep sea coral (Paragorgia arborea pacifica) with crinoid
Deep sea coral (Paragorgia arborea pacifica) in upper left, Pacific hagfish in the center of the image.
Deep sea coral (Stylaster sp.)
Deep sea coral (Paragorgia arborea pacifica)
Deep sea coral (Lophelia pertusa)
Deep sea coral (Lophelia pertusa), cup coral Desmophyllum dianthus in lower left,
Deep sea coral (Lophelia pertusa)
Deep sea coral (Lophelia pertusa) rubble field
Deep sea coral (Lophelia pertusa) rubble field
Deep sea coral (Lophelia pertusa) rubble field
Deep sea coral (Paragorgia arborea pacifica)
Deep sea coral (Paragorgia arborea pacifica) to right with a number of cup corals Desmophyllum dianthus particularly prominent in left center.
Deep sea coral (Paragorgia arborea pacifica) with small crab.
Deep sea coral (Paragorgia arborea pacifica)
Deep sea coral (Paragorgia arborea pacifica)
Deep sea coral (Paragorgia arborea pacifica)
Deep sea coral (Lophelia pertusa)
Dead coral stalk gathered by arm of ROV
Deep sea scallops
Dead broken coral on seafloor
Deep sea coral (Paragorgia arborea pacifica)
Deep sea coral (Paragorgia arborea pacifica)
Deep sea coral (Paragorgia arborea pacifica)
Deep sea coral (Paragorgia arborea pacifica)
Deep-sea blob sculpin (Psychrolutes phrictus); yellow Picasso sponges, and white ruffle sponge (Ferrea sp.) at 1317 meters.
Deep-sea blob sculpin (Psychrolutes phrictus); yellow Picasso sponges, and white ruffle sponge (Ferrea sp.) at 1317 meters.
Derelict fish net although appears quite old, still has the power to entrap marine animals.
Deep sea fish
Diploria sp
Dive at Popenoe's Coral Mounds.
Dive at Popenoe's Coral Mounds.
Dive at Popenoe's Coral Mounds.
Dive at Popenoe's Coral Mounds.
Dive at Popenoe's Coral Mounds.
Dive at Popenoe's Coral Mounds.
Dive at Wreckfish Cave.
Dive at Wreckfish Cave.
Dive at Wreckfish Cave.
Dive at Wreckfish Cave.
Dive at Wreckfish Cave.
Dive at Wreckfish Cave.
Dive at Wreckfish Cave.
Dive at Wreckfish Cave.
Dive at Wreckfish Cave.
Dive at Wreckfish Cave.
Dive at Wreckfish Cave.
Dive at Wreckfish Cave.
Deep-sea shrimp
Deep-sea corals form important habitats for unique and diverse array of marine life
Deep sea coral Bathypathes sp.
Deck-hand on the R/V SEWARD JOHNSON crouching in front of the Johnson Sea-Link II submersible as it is launched from the ship.
Deploying CTD and water sampler during Charleston Bump Expedition.
Deploying CTD and water sampler during Charleston Bump Expedition.
Deploying pipe dredge during Charleston Bump Expedition.
Duplicate Views of the Rosario Straight and Canal De Haro, and Simiahmoo Bay
Deep Sea Soundings Showing the Approaches to the Coast of South Carolina
Drawing of the "Self-Registering Tide Gauge", devised by Joseph Saxton for the use of the US Coast Survey, illustrating the horizontal plan, rear elev
Diagram of electrotype apparatus as devised by George Mathiot of the Coast Survey
Deploying CTD from survey launch.
Diagram of multi-beam sounding system
Determining position of Coast Guard day marker during shoreline mapping operations.
Don't know who this guy is but maybe he/she was recruited prior to the beginning of the survey season.
Dive operations for tide gauge installation.
Dive operations for tide gauge installation.
Dive operations for tide gauge installation.
Dive operations for tide gauge installation.
Dive operations for tide gauge installation.
Dive operations for tide gauge installation.
Dive operations for tide gauge installation.
Dive operations for tide gauge installation.
Dive operations for tide gauge installation.
Dive operations for tide gauge installation.
Dive operations for tide gauge installation.
Dive operations for tide gauge installation.
Dive operations for tide gauge installation.
Dive operations for tide gauge installation.
Deploying a bottom-mounted gravity meter.
Deploying a bottom-mounted gravity meter.
Diagram of a type of seismometer
Dasht-i-Biaz Earthquake
Dasht-i-Biaz Earthquake
Dasht-i-Biaz Earthquake
Dasht-i-Biaz Earthquake
Department of Agriculture Cadastral Survey mark designated Tractor 2000.
Determining position of tide gage.
Divers installing tide staff and offshore sensor to measure changes in tidal height.
Deploying survey gear from stern of launch.
Diver in kelp checking least depth over pinnacle rock.
Divers working to install tide staff.
Daymark indicating keep aid to starboard when returning from sea.
Daymark indicating keep aid to port when returning from sea.
Daymark indicating keep aid to starboard when returning from sea.
Deploying radio acoustic ranging buoy in the northeastern Gulf of Alaska off the USC&GS Ship SURVEYOR
Dehart Serrill and Norman Calvan on wash day at the OK Bay hydrographic survey camp.
Dehart Serrill on trusty steed at O.K
Dark Cove Camp at Kiska
Deploying mechnaical current meter from hand-operated winch.
Deploying Price Current Meter.
Deploying Pillsbury current meter from USC&GS Steamer BLAKE for Gulf Stream studies.
Deploying Pillsbury current meter from USC&GS Steamer BLAKE for Gulf Stream studies in Anegada Passage.
Deployed marker buoy.
Diver assisting with obstruction removal from wire drag vessel.
Diver heads over the side of survey launch during 1958 survey of Georges Shoal.
Drift bottle information to be furnished by finder and returned to Coast and Geodetic Survey.
Deploying Roberts Radio Current Meter from USC&GS Ship GILBERT
Deploying Roberts Radio Current Meter from USC&GS Ship EXPLORER during Gulf Stream observations
Deployment of Roberts Radio Current meter
Deployment of Roberts Radio Current meter from USC&GS MARMER
Diver helping guide Roberts Radio Current Meter and keeping various wires from getting tangled.
Deployment of Roberts Radio Current meter from USC&GS MARMER
Display showing classic leadline
Diagram of electrotyping apparatus of the U.S
Doodson-Lege tide predicting machine installed and used by the Philippine Coast and Geodetic Survey.
Delegates to 8th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics
Delegates to 8th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics
Dry weather trail only in the vicinity of Metekel on road from Engiabara to Gubba
Denver, Rio Grande, and Western Narrow Gauge Railroad
Driver with rolled lightkeeper truck 707 somewhere in Arizona
Dos Cabezas Peaks
Divers at low tide during tide gage installation
Divers at low tide during tide gage installation
Display panel detailing the contribution of Ferdinand Rudolph Hassler, the founder of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, to the American science community
Diagram of the projection ruling machine of the U.S
Diver's sketch of boulder-strewn bottom.
Diver's sketch of side-by-side sunken vessels off Caroline Point.
Diver's sketch of debris on seafloor that was observed in image cgs01101.
Diver's sketch of sunken barge after discovery by side scan sonar.
Diver's sketch showing nature of side scan sonar target by Lt
Diagram of side scan sonar operation showing derivation of height and along- track distance of target.
Diagram illustrating use of differential GPS as navigation system to control hydrographic survey.
Diagram illustrating hydrographic survey techniques including leadline survey, single-beam acoustic survey system, and side scan sonar system.
Dive operations to inspect targets discovered during survey operations.
Dive operations to inspect targets discovered during survey operations.
Dive operations to inspect targets discovered during survey operations.
Dive operations to inspect targets discovered during survey operations.
Dive operations to inspect targets discovered during survey operations.
Dive operations to inspect targets discovered during survey operations.
Dive operations to inspect targets discovered during survey operations.
Dive operations to inspect targets discovered during survey operations.
Dive operations to inspect targets discovered during survey operations.
Dive operations to inspect targets discovered during survey operations.
Deploying Seabird CTD for determining velocity of sound in seawater.
Deploying Seabird CTD for determining velocity of sound in seawater.
Deploying Seabird CTD for determining velocity of sound in seawater.
Deploying Seabird CTD for determining velocity of sound in seawater.
Deploying Seabird CTD for determining velocity of sound in seawater.
Deploying Seabird CTD for determining velocity of sound in seawater.
Doing something with a tree stump in a lake somewhere in Alaska
Department of Commerce, U.S
Doing range-azimuth hydrography off NOAA Ship PEIRCE
Doing range-azimuth hydrography off Canadian Hydrographic Service Ship MAXWELL.
Diagram of components of Submarine Signal Company Fathometer
Double-tower triangulation signal at station Observatory of the Cincinnati Survey.
Different view of Saugerties Lighthouse than image cgs00569.
Diagram of buoy for deploying Roberts Radio Current Meter.
Deep sea sounding gear rigged for work
Deep sea sounding with electrically driven drum.
Dredge and trawl winch.
Designated "upper lake", possibly Carlton Lake on the trail to Mt
Dick Dana packing into Station Atacosa along the Arizona-Mexico border.
Dube Erickson stamping name of station on geodetic marker.
Departing from station on Morro Rock in Morro Bay
Dining on the saddle below triangulation station Pico Blanco
Determination of the epicenter of an earthquake by manual means on a globe of the Earth
Destruction caused by logging at Batottan.
Destruction caused by logging at Batottan.
Dry Pass camp site.
Driftwood structures erected near Demarcation Point
Divers from the MILLER FREEMAN being tended by small boat at edge of ice.
Divers from the MILLER FREEMAN being tended by small boat at edge of ice.
Dune-like structures in graupel covering the ice surface
Dune-like structures in graupel covering the ice surface
Dark nilas ice which easily bends on waves and swell.
Dark nilas ice which easily bends on waves and swell.
Dirty brash ice
Deteriorating ice floes with melt pools, blue-green ice, and deep dark water in late summer.
Deteriorating ice floes with melt pools, blue-green ice, and deep dark water in late summer.
Different layers of clouds give a striking view of melting ice floes.
Deploying an instrument package from the stern of the USCGC HEALY
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