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Page 12
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W1 - Page 12
White corals and white sponges on a sandy bottom
White squat lobster on rock outcrop
White squat lobster on rock outcrop
White squat lobster on a spherical pillow lava boulder
White brachyuran crab with red stalked eyes half-buried in sediments
Weird creature in water column.
Weird jellyfish?
Weird jellyfish?
Weird jellyfish?
White holothurian sea cucumber feeding on sediments
White bamboo coral with polyps extended
White bamboo coral with polyps extended and small shrimp
White bamboo coral and large white sea urchin
White sparsely branched octocoral
White sparsely branched octocoral
White sparsely branched octocoral
White stylaster? coral
White alcyonacean corals with small shrimp
White alcyonacean coral bush
White bacterial material in area of hydrothermally altered rocks.
White bacterial mat on sediment.
White bacterial mat on sediment and rock at Kawio Barat.
White bacterial mat covering sediment in vicinity of hydrothermal vent
White bacterial mat and some shrimp at Kawio Barat.
White starfish, white squat lobsters, and a white holothurian on a rotting log.
White starfish and a white worm? on a rotting log.
White barnacles on non-descript material
Well-colonized rotting log with many urchins and other smaller biota.
Well-colonized rotting log with many urchins and other smaller biota.
White ruffle sponge, white starfish, orange fish, and a small yellow coral.
What appears to be a large octopus hiding in the rocks.
White whip corals, yellow feather star crinoids, pink brittle stars, an orange black coral whip coral, and a red black coral at the bottom center on a
White, orange, purple, and yellow corals and a large white sponge
White squat lobsters hiding in a log.
White squat lobster crawling over rock with numerous barnacles
White lithoides sp
White dirty squat lobster
White bodied hermit crab with an anemone on shell on a sandy substrate
White bodied hermit crab on a sandy substrate
White stalked glass sponges, two yellow feather star crinoids, and a large orange octocoral whip coral are seen in this image.
White sponges growing from pebble and sand substrate
White-legged brittle star with pink central disk
Whitish-orange starfish
White starfish on a sand substrate
Weird sea urchin with very long thin spines? or perhaps a white spherical dandelion siphonophore anchored just off the bottom .
White starfish on black rock.
With legs folded back, this five legged stalked sea lily crinoid assumes the shape of a star-like pinwheel.
With legs folded back, this five legged stalked sea lily crinoid assumes the shape of a star-like pinwheel.
Whip coral
Whip coral colonized by hydroids
Whip coral - antipatharian "black coral"
Whip coral - antipatharian coral Cirrhipathes sp
Whip coral and large red crinoid with long extensions on arms.
White octocoral with pink polyps colonized by zooanthids
White scleractinian coral with large brittle star intertwined in branches
White octocoral with yellow polyps and a large yellow crinoid on a vertical wall .
White coral with brittle stars.
White coral with large brittle star
White crinoid?
White zoanthids on white sponge with yellow crinoid behind
Weird worms? Orange iron oxide would indicate proximity to a hydrothermal site.
White feather duster tube worm
White feather duster tube worm
While most of the wood has disintegrated from what is believed to be an early to mid-19th Century wooden-hulled shipwreck, copper sheathing used as pr
Wreck 15577.
Wreck 15577.
Wreck 15577.
Wreck 15577.
Wreck 15577.
Wreck 15577.
Wreck 15577.
Wreck 15577.
Wreck 15577.
Wreck 15577.
Wreck 15577.
Wreck 15577.
Wreck 15577.
Wreck 15577.
Wreck 15577.
Wreck 15577.
Wreck 15577.
Wreck 15577.
Wreck 15577.
Wreck 15577
Wreck 15577.
Wreck 15577.
White circular object is a compass card with a gimbal ring
White circular object is a compass card with a gimbal ring
Wreck 15577 showing metal container containing black powder, an iron cauldron, and a whetstone
Wooden shipwreck with lophelia coral and at least three species of anemones
Wooden shipwreck with lophelia coral and at least three species of anemones
Wooden shipwreck with lophelia coral and at least three species of anemones
Wooden shipwreck with lophelia coral and at least two species of anemones
Wooden shipwreck with lophelia coral and at least three species of anemones
Wooden shipwreck with lophelia coral and at least three species of anemones
We recovered a bowl or large cup fragment from the concentration of ceramics in the stern.
With the ceiling planking eaten away the framing and hull curvature are clearly defined in the bow.
Watching the work underwater from the big screen in the laboratory.
Wreck of steamer VOLUND found in "The Race", southeast of Valiant Rock
Wreck of vessel discovered on Stratford Shoal SW of Bridgeport
Wreck of vessel discovered on Stratford Shoal SW of Bridgeport
Wagon wheel diatom in La Nature 1880.
William Scoresby's Marine Diver, used to obtain water samples from below the surface of the ocean
White Star Steamer TITANIC gymnasium In: Marshall, Logan 1912
Waiting for the news of the TITANIC disaster In: Marshall, Logan 1912
White knobby sponge with pink crab
White ruffle sponge with pink squat lobsters
Whitish yellow vase sponge providing habitat for hagfish
White sponges with white starfish
White vase sponge providing habitat for crabs
White sediment covered gastropod crawling over sea floor
White whelk on sea floor with bristleworm in upper right.
Worms? on coral branch
White starfish on a silty bottom
White-tip shark cruising by umbilical cord between Seirios and Little Hercules while in near surface waters.
White ruffle sponges, a large seastar, and bamboo coral Acanella (lower left) on rock outcrop.
What looks like the branch of a palm tree is actually a black coral, Bathypathes sp.
White Paragorgia coral with brittle stars
White Paragorgia sp
White Paragorgia sp
White sponges with a pink crinoid.
White sponge and cnidarian with "fishing gear" out.
Worm extracted from base of large coral bush.
What appears to be a lone black jellyfish is silhouetted against the white antlers of the Nature Pinnacle.
What appears to be a lone black jellyfish is silhouetted against the white antlers of the Nature Pinnacle.
What appears to be a lone black jellyfish is silhouetted against the white antlers of the Nature Pinnacle.
Whitish-gray corals blending in with the underlying rock.
White deep sea corals.
West Kawio (Kawio Barat) Seamount which rises 3800 meters from the seafloor
White sponge and crinoids
White sponges on lophelia coral bush
WHOI's Jason II on the deck of the NOAA Ship RON BROWN
White structure with brittle stars
Whelk egg capsule "towers"
Whelks and clams at a methane cold seep in the Juan de Fuca Canyon
White species is deep sea coral (Lophelia pertusa) while peach colored cup coral is Desmophyllum sp.
White gastropods, feather stars, and white coral
White ruffle sponge and feather stars
White nudibranch and crinoids
White ruffle sponge.
White sponge
White coral?
White trumpet sponge at 1572 meters water depth.
White trumpet sponge.
White ruffle sponge (Farrea sp.)
White ruffle sponge (Farrea sp.)
White ruffle sponge (Farrea sp.) in background.
White slime sea star (Pteraster sp.) at 1520 meters water depth.
White slime sea star (Pteraster sp.) at 1520 meters water depth.
Witch eel (Venefica tentaculata) at 1854 meters water depth.
Witch eel (Venefica tentaculata) at 1854 meters water depth.
Witch eel (Venefica tentaculata) at 1854 meters water depth.
Witch eel (Venefica tentaculata)
White vase sponge (Class Hexactinellida) at 2572 meters water depth.
White sea cucumber (Abyssocucumis abyssorum) at 3250 meters water depth.
White ruffle sponge and white coral
White mushroom sponge (Caulophacus sp.)
White mushroom sponge (Caulophacus sp.)
White ruffle sponge(Ferrea sp.) blanketed large areas at or near the crest of the seamount; here at 1400 meters water depth.
White trumpet sponge.
White ruffled sponge, orange starfish, and pink coral
Whip corals and a stalked glass sponge.
White zigzag coral and crinoids
White translucent hydroids.
Whip corals and reef fish.
White zigzag coral and orange soft coral.
What one sees without artificial light a few hundred meters below the surface
Winter Harbor Maine
Western portion of Hydrographic Sheet No
Westerly view from triangulation station West Rock near New Haven.
Westerly view from triangulation station Stony Hill
Waiting to unload additional equipment for horizontal control station at low tide on a steep sided rock
Wonder if this kelp is helping performance of hull-mounted sidescan unit.
Walking shoreline with Trimble GPS receiver to map shoreline and check obstructions seen on aerial photography.
Walking shoreline with Trimble GPS receiver to map shoreline and check obstructions seen on aerial photography.
Walking shoreline with Trimble GPS receiver to map hazards and check obstructions seen on aerial photography.
Walking shoreline with Trimble GPS receiver to map hazards and check obstructions seen on aerial photography.
What the Geomagnetism Branch of the Coast and Geodetic Survey did
World Wide Standardized Seismological Network Galvos
World Wide Standardized Seismological Network Galvos
World Wide Standardized Seismological Network Galvos
World-wide network of standard seismograph stations managed by Coast and Geodetic Survey
Walking a skiff into shore from the seaplane
Work party crossing stream on improvised ferry operated by rope.
Work party crossing small stream on improvised raft - perhaps a little too much weight.
Work party crossing small stream on improvised raft.
Work party crossing small stream on improvised raft.
Work party along beach crossing small stream with improvised foot bridge.
Work party on beach taking a break
Whale boat departing beach
Whale boat landing in surf - dragging the boat up the beach.
Whale boat landing in surf
Whale boat landing in surf
Whale boat landing (probably departing) in surf under oars - a lost art
Whale boat leaving beach.
Whale boat coming into beach to offload personnel and supplies.
Whale boat approaching shore while USC&GSS SURVEYOR lies to offshore.
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