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Offshore from Wednesday Island
Old British Base F on Winter Island
Offshore view of Anchorage
On the way back home - a short stop in the Yakutat area
Open water to left, bare tundra to the right Weasel takes path of least resistance over strip of snow
Observer's tent with weasel in background
On the airstrip at Oliktok Point - wind blowing flag straight out.
Orphaned fox cubs
Open water at last - let's do some hydro! Shoran navigation antenna seen on launch
On a fresh water collecting expedition Pools of fresh water form on the top of the berg
Observing party on a barrier island
Observing party on a barrier island
Observing party on a barrier island
Observing tower with wind screen near Oliktok Point
Orange, white, and blue - survey launch next to ice berg
Observing tower with wind screen
Other than the cold, baseline measurements were facilitated by measuring across the flat lagoon ice from mainland point-to-point
Order of attack on Fort Fisher, January 14 and 15, 1865
Original survey of grounds of Arlington National Cemetery by Edwin Hergesheimer
Octopus (Octopus sp.) showing eyes and outflow siphons.
Orange fireworm (Eurythoe complanata)
Orange fireworm (Eurythoe complanata)
Orange fireworm (Eurythoe complanata)
Ornate butterflyfish (Chaetodon ornatissimus)
Orange-fin anemonefish (Amphiprion chrysopterus).
Octopus (Octopus sp.).
Oval butterfly fish (Chaetodon lunulatus)
Oval butterfly fish (Chaetodon lunulatus).
Oval butterfly fish (Chaetodon lunulatus).
Ornate butterfly fish (Chaetodon ornatissimus).
Olive shell.
Orange-finned clownfish (Amphiprion chrysopterus) with sea anemone
Ornate butterflyfish (Chaetodon ornatissimus)
Omilu or bluefin trevally (Caranx melampygus)
Onespot snapper (Lutjanus monostigma)
Onespot snapper (Lutjanus monostigma)
Oiled mangrove habitat near John's Pass, Pinellas County
Oiled mangrove habitat near John's Pass, Pinellas County
Oiled mangrove habitat near John's Pass, Pinellas County
Oiled mangrove habitat near John's Pass, Pinellas County
Oiled mangrove habitat on Elenor Island, Pinellas County
Oiled mangrove habitat on Elenor Island, Pinellas County
Outflow near Myrtle Grove - Pump Street
Ore loading facility at Manton on Keswick's Reservoir near Redding, CA
One of the secondary channels at Sachuest Marsh during a summer high course tide
One of a series of images that shows the process of how researchers inject microwire tags into juvenile lobsters.
One of a series of images that shows the process of how researchers inject microwire tags into juvenile lobsters.
One of a series of images that shows the process of how researchers inject microwire tags into juvenile lobsters.
One of a series of images that shows the process of how researchers inject microwire tags into juvenile lobsters.
One of the many boats that helped to transfer NOAA volunteers from the staging area to the clean-up sites.
Observers watch the progress
Oculina varicosa rubble destroyed by commercial fishing gear.
Oculina varicosa restoration structure comprised of cement blocks and PVC piping.
Oculina varicosa rubble destroyed by commercial fishing gear.
On the gulf side looking back at the Greenhill Production Facility, standing on newly deposited sediment that will provide the substrate to build the
Oil residue in the marsh.
Oiled marsh after the blowout.
Oiled water.
Oiled marsh plants, Salicornia, mangroves and Spartina alterniflora.
One of the volunteer transfer vessels loaded with hard-shell clams waiting to be transferred to the quahog spawner sanctuaries.
Oily mud near marsh grass plugs
Oily mud at the site
One year old mangrove seedlings are protected from high speed boat wakes by a PVC cage.
One year old mangrove seedlings are protected from high speed boat wakes by a PVC cage.
Oysters ready for transplant.
Over 200 school children planted 2000 native trees along Brush Creek to revegetate the stream bed to provide optimum spawning conditions for steelhead
One of the seedlings being prepared for planting along creek
One of the volunteers from a local school plants native vegetation along the creek
One of the channels that was excavated to provide access between the pond system to provide access for fish to move from pond to pond downstream.
One diver prepares to attach coral, another diver works using surface supplied air.
Open water surrounds East Timbalier Island.
Omaha NWS staff hosted a Cooperative Observer Appreciation Celebration and Awards Presentation with more than 40 observers attending
Officials from NOAA's National Weather Service Grand Rapids Forecast Office, Michigan State Police and Michigan Emergency Managers Association at cere
Officers and crew of the C&GS Ship FATHOMER
Officers off the PATTON at Sitka
Otto Krummel (1854-1912), a German oceanographer and geographer
Officers and crew of NOAA Ship BELL M
Otto Krummel, German geographer and oceanographer (1854-1912.)
Officers and crew of the FATHOMER at Jolo, Sulu, Philippine Islands.
Officers and crew of PATHFINDER in Seattle.
Officers of the Coast and Geodetic Survey Steamer EXPLORER leaving Honolulu on March 1, 1911
Officers of the Coast and Geodetic Survey Steamer PATHFINDER at Dutch Harbor, Unalaska, during the summer of 1901
Oliver Lanard Fassig, 1860-1936
One person Drager recompression chamber.
Offshore St
ODYSSEY is set to be deployed from ship.
ODYSSEY deployed through ice.
Once popular tire reefs may break apart and wash up on beaches.
Offshore red algae communities serve as egg beds for New England herring.
Octopus live in all oceans, including the muddy deep sea floor.
Ocean sunfish floats serenely in midwater
Oldest series of weather maps in the United States
Oldest series of weather maps in the United States
Oldest series of weather maps in the United States
Oldest series of weather maps in the United States
Oldest series of weather maps in the United States
Oldest series of weather maps in the United States
Oldest series of weather maps in the United States
Oldest series of weather maps in the United States
Oldest series of weather maps in the United States
Oldest series of weather maps in the United States
Oldest series of weather maps in the United States
Oldest series of weather maps in the United States
Orange red sunset reflecting off the sea.
Orographic uplift forming fog over island with wind blowing from left to right.
Orographic uplift forming a cloud over the high peak with wisps of cloud streaming away.
Odd high clouds seen over the Alaska Peninsula.
Orographic uplift causing condensation causing clouds over Haleakala Crater at elevations approaching 10,000 feet above sea level.
Ocean Observation buoy commemorated on $2 stamp from the Federated States of Micronesia.
On the streets of Barton, Vt.
On the road to Barton, Vt.
Ominous wall cloud portending possible violent weather.
Outward bound from San Francisco
Ornamental cabbages and flowers blooming in late November in Washington, D.C
Over a foot of snow had fallen up to this time during the first great Mid-Atlantic snowstorm of the 2009/2010 winter season.
Overhanging snow from roofs of row houses following second major snowstorm of 2009/2010 season.
Overview of damaging wind event over Sully and northeastern Hughes County.
Orange Halloween sunset.
Orange Halloween sunset.
On board NOAA Launch 3102 entering Chesapeake Bay during a thunderstorm
Orographic lift of moist air coming off ocean produces clouds along the Santa Lucia Mountains south of Monterey.
One of the first loads of shrimp are prepared for market over one year after Katrina struck.
Obtaining much needed supplies.
Oil rig washed aground.
One of the few remaining structures in the first block back from the Gulf in Biloxi.
Our Lady of the Gulf Catholic Church and St
Our Lady of the Gulf Catholic Church
Oil spill on St
Orange and yellows so bright they almost hurt to look at on an autumn afternoon.
One of the drift-breeding locations which led Pennsylvania to invest in a million feet of snow fence
Outside walls of Knickerbocker Theater following collapse of interior
Orange growing
Over the air from border to border and coast to coast go the radio weather flashes
Operator's console of SCR-615B fixed radar unit
Operational layout of an SCR-615B fixed radar unit
Operating console of Radio Set SCR-584, a mobile radar unit
Office of the Weather Bureau at Johns Hopkins University In: Outline of the Present Knowledge of Meteorology and Climatology of Maryland by F
Ohio and Park Avenues
One of many tornadoes in the vicinity of Gothenburg, Nebraska
One of the oldest known photographs of a tornado
Observing three-point sextant fix while surveying the reservoir of the Grand Coulee Dam.
On a Bilby tower looking up to the lightkeeper stand
Observing along the Norton Branch of the Southern Railroad
Observing along the Norton Branch of the Southern Railroad
Observing along the Norton Branch of the Southern Railroad
Observing along the Norton Branch of the Southern Railroad
Observing along the Norton Branch of the Southern Railroad
Observing along the Norton Branch of the Southern Railroad
Office trailers in the city park at Colfax, Washington.
Officers on the MCARTHUR May 1 to June 30, 1915.
Officers on the MCARTHUR May 1 to June 30, 1915
Officers on the MARINDUQUE
Officers of the Coast and Geodetic Survey
Officers on PATHFINDER on first trip
Officers and wives of the GEDNEY.
Ox-power transporting equipment to station site.
Operating the mechanical sounding engine on the MARINDUQUE.
Officers were able to sail with their wives
Officers and crew of the MARINDUQUE.
Officers and crew of the PATHFINDER
Officers on the PATHFINDER.
Otis Swainson on the PATHFINDER.
OCEANOGRAPHER south of Australia during around the World cruise
Off-loading Shoran equipment at St
On the north shore of Unalaska Island.
One dog I didn't try to pet
Observing stand with signal light and batteries
Observing with a Wild T-4 Theodolite
One slip and you'll have some cold feet
Officer discussing work with woman operating photogrammetric stereoplotter.
Officers' Sound and Flash Ranging Class No
Over 4,000 miles of wire laid to communicate with sound and flash ranging bases
Oops!!! Buoy pulled under by strong currents under Golden Gate Bridge
Orange peel sampler ready for deployment
OCEANOGRAPHER hosting Princess Grace of Monaco
Oceanographic laboratory on the PIONEER
Office trailer and camp at Alexandria
On the trail of the observing party
Observing party on 103-foot tower in Missouri
Observing angles from the top of the day marker
Orifice and tide staff for bubbler gauge on offshore structure
Operational Raydist station at Kamishak Bay
ORCA signal in Taku Inlet
On top of Station PERP
Octant with simple artificial horizon in the form of a pendulum
Outer Nushagak Bay sand waves
Operator using Dorsey Fathometer with flashing light method
Oldest known sketch of Coast Survey sounding operations
Observing from the top of beachfront building.
Observing in Chinitna Bay area at twilight
Observing with Wild T-2 in Chinitna Bay
Observing with Wild T-2 near Columbia Glacier.
Observing with Wild T-3 on Arctic field party.
Oh for the gypsy life
On the move with new-fangled trailers
On the way from Kansas to Del Rio
On the way from Kansas to Del Rio
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