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Numerous brittle stars, a gold coral bush, and a relatively large deep sea fish in a rock and sand environment.
Numerous corals, a large white sponge, and a translucent object similar to the "shrimp web" of images expl5765-66
Numerous species of sponges and a red soft coral with polyps extended.
Normally yellow vibrant coral colonies are here with seemingly dark "wilted" or reduced polyps
Nighttime fish sampling by hook and line.
Nighttime fish sampling by hook and line.
Note the galatheid crab leaping for its life as the Hercules ROV manipulator arm captures its home - a reddish antipatharian coral
Note the galatheid crab leaping for its life as the Hercules ROV manipulator arm captures its home - a reddish antipatharian coral
Note the galatheid crab leaping for its life as the Hercules ROV manipulator arm captures its home - a reddish antipatharian coral
Newly discovered Lophelia pertusa reef
Not a moment is wasted on modern oceanographic ships
NEWZEEPS (New Zealand Seeps) Expedition 2006
North Atlantic Stepping Stones Expedition 2005
North Atlantic Stepping Stones Expedition 2005
North Atlantic Stepping Stones Expedition 2005
North Atlantic Stepping Stones Expedition 2005
North Atlantic Stepping Stones Expedition 2005
North Atlantic Stepping Stones Expedition 2005
North Atlantic Stepping Stones Expedition 2005
North Atlantic Stepping Stones Expedition 2005
North Atlantic Stepping Stones Expedition 2005
North Atlantic Stepping Stones Expedition 2005
North Atlantic Stepping Stones Expedition 2005
North Atlantic Stepping Stones Expedition 2005
North Atlantic Stepping Stones Expedition 2005
North Atlantic Stepping Stones Expedition 2005
North Atlantic Stepping Stones Expedition 2005
North Atlantic Stepping Stones Expedition 2005
Numerous soft corals and reef fish.
Numerous types of algae visible in this image
Neuston net deployed off the starboard side of the ship
Nathan Buck works on preparing his Automated Trace Element samplers to collect water at different depths for trace metal testing.
Note on SE sheet of six sheets of New York Bay and Harbor designating that longitudes on the chart are referred to the Meridian of New York City Hall.
NOAA Corps Ensign Lindsey Norman retrieves a side scan sonar unit that NOAA Ship THOMAS JEFFERSON used to survey the Hudson River on a post-Sandy surv
NOAA Navigation Response Team launching survey vessel in Cobscook Bay in 2010.
NOAA survey launch BAY HYDROGRAPHER underway at container piers at Portsmouth, Virginia, within hours of Sandy's departure
Numerous offshore pilings mark a collapsed pier at a deserted cannery.
Newly uplifted seafloor along fault-line in SE Alaska
National Ocean Service tidal bench mark 0424 L 2011.
National Ocean Service tidal bench mark 0424 K 2003.
National Ocean Service tidal bench mark designator unclear set in 2009.
National Ocean Service tidal bench mark 9450296C 2010.
NOAA Ship FAIRWEATHER Chief Survey Technician Jim Jacobson and Assistant Survey Technician Thomas Burrow installing a tide staff at Terror Bay.
NOAA Teacher at Sea Dana Bradley reading tide staff at Japanese Bay
NOAA Teacher at Sea Dana Bradley with Ensign Joe Brinkley repairing horizontal control station at Cape Kaguyak
Nancy Mast and Mrs
Nancy Mast, daughter of Carl Mast, at a field camp at Sioux Falls, Iowa, during her father's 1940's stint in geodesy
NOAA Navigation Response Team members and gear associated with rapid response hydrographic surveys
NOAA Navigation Response Team member and Coast Guard personnel preparing for cooperative work outside of Eastport, Maine.
Navigational aid - front range marker
Native woman cooking at Mumtrakamut.
Native food caches at Mumtrakamut
NOAA's National Geodetic Survey disc, commemorating the national center of population as calculated by the Census Bureau and measured by the National
NOAA uses echo-sounding technologies to measure water depths, find underwater physical features, and gather data on the characteristics of the seafloo
Narrative of the second voyage of the PATHFINDER with line drawings of the PATHFINDER during World War II and of the headquarters of the USN Hydrograp
Narrative of the first voyage of the PATHFINDER
Napkin embossed with 162nd Anniversary of Coast and Geodetic Survey.
North Carolina triangulation network designed for converting state to the first State Plane Coordinate System for surveyors.
Nashawena Island tide gauge leveling operations.
Nashawena Island tide gauge operations
Night and holiday pass to get into Commerce Building for Arthur Howerter, a Coast and Geodetic Survey employee
Night and holiday pass to get into Commerce Building for Arthur Howerter, a Coast and Geodetic Survey employee
NOAA Ship PEIRCE crew erecting hydrographic signal over survey mark.
Newspaper article from the Virginian-Pilot detailing the development of automated hydrography
North Slope tractor train during Dew Line geodetic surveys.
Newspaper clipping detailing the work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey.
Newspaper clipping detailing the work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey.
Newspaper clipping detailing the work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey.
Newspaper clipping detailing the work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey.
Newspaper clipping detailing the work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey.
Newspaper clipping detailing the work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey.
Newspaper clipping detailing the work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey.
Newspaper article detailing work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey on the Salmon River, or as it is known, the River of No Return.
Northernmost point on the Alaska-Canada Boundary, where the 141st Meridian projects into the Beaufort Sea
Nine-lens photograph
Nine-lens camera used by the Coast and Geodetic Survey
Negative engraving tools.
Note by Harold Murray describing what is seen in image cgs00444.
Note by Harold Murray describing what is seen in image cgs00442.
Note by Harold Murray concerning image cgs00440
Note by Harold Murray describing deepest depth in the Aleutian Trench crossing shown in image cgs00437
Near Station Little Burro
Near Station Little Burro
Not quite "The Grapes of Wrath." Floyd Risvold and Lieutenant George L
No cell phones, no roving mechanics in this country
Negative engaver working on a nautical chart
Nautical chart compiler at work
Natives on Ticul Island.
Native sons of most any barrio.
NOAA Ship FAIRWEATHER inflatable boat in the pack ice on a foggy day.
NOAA Ship FAIRWEATHER seen in the distance with a mushroom shaped melting floe in the foreground.
NOAA ship FAIRWEATHER boats among ice floes.
NOAA Ship FAIRWEATHER survey launch in the ice.
NOAA Ship FAIRWEATHER survey launch in the ice.
NOAA Ship FAIRWEATHER in the fog at the edge of the ice.
Nome wind farm.
New ice pancakes with frost flowers
Navigation display on USCG icebreaker HEALY at 76 44 N, 134 09 W
Nilas ice with frost flowers
Nilas ice covered with frost flowers
Nilas ice covered with frost flowers with the ice pack extending to the horizon.
Nilas ice covered with frost flowers
Nilas ice with frost flowers
Nilas ice broken into interlocking fingers with frost flowers on surface.
Nilas ice broken into interlocking fingers with frost flowers on surface.
New ice forming over large area of open water with frost flowers on a foggy misty day.
New grey ice cracking into rectangular sheets as the CGC HEALY plows through new ice.
New grey ice cracking into rectangular sheets as the CGC HEALY plows through new ice.
New ice
New ice
New ice composed of nilas ice and frazil ice.
Nilas ice and frazil ice in foreground with ice floes and ice pack in the distance.
New ice
New ice
Nilas ice exhibiting finger rafting
Nilas ice exhibiting rafting
Nilas ice cracking and refreezing along boundaries between individual pieces of ice.
Nilas ice grading to grey ice.
Nilas ice and gray ice in a polynya.
Nilas ice with open water and frazil ice to the right
Nilas ice surrounding a floe.
Nilas ice and frazil ice forming in open water around an ice floe.
Nilas ice forming between floes of multi-year ice.
New ice forming along the edge of multi-year ice floes.
Nilas ice
New ice formed in lead.
New ice with frost flowers and reflecting sunlight.
Nilas ice at the edge of the pack ice
New ice formed over a polynya with ice ridges and mult-year ice in distance.
NOAA ice buoy being readied for deployment.
NOAA/Joint Ice Center ice buoy being readied for deployment.
NOAA/Joint Ice Center ice buoy being readied for deployment.
No penguins allowed - maybe do not freeze sign which seems like an exercise in futility
New communications building with ice fall in the background.
Nautically enhanced view of Antarctic coastline
Not every day is summer great weather
Northern fur seal.
Northern fur seal.
North Atlantic right whale amidst pilot whales
North Atlantic right whale
North Atlantic right whale
North Atlantic right whale
North Atlantic right whale
Northern right whale head showing baleen strainers.
NOAA biologist targets sei whale for tissue sample.
Northern right whale blowing with NOAA Ship OREGON II in background.
Northern right whale tail during dive.
Northern right whale head showing callosities.
Northern right whale tail.
Northern right whale head showing barnacle encrusted callosities.
Northern right whale blowing showing baleen and callosities.
Northern right whale showing blow holes and callosities.
Northern fur seal pups
Northern right whale dolphin
Northern fulmar
Nazca booby on a rock perch.
Noddy tern and chick.
Noble eagles picking for garbage on fishnets.
Noble eagles picking for garbage on fishnets.
Noble eagles picking for garbage on fishnets.
Noddy terns that have learned to count by twos except for the last one on the left.
Noddy terns
Note remora attached to left side of dolphin
Note white remora attached to left side of center dolphin
Note remora attached to left side of dolphin
Narwhals in the pack ice
Narwhal in a lead in the pack ice.
North Atlantic right whale closeup of head.
North Atlantic right whales.
North Atlantic right whale blowing
North Atlantic right whales.
North Atlantic right whale flukes.
North Atlantic right whale.
North Atlantic right whale.
North Atlantic right whale flukes as seen when diving.
North Atlantic right whale blowing
North Atlantic right whale.
North Pacific Right Whale in Bering Sea.
North Atlantic Right Whale off New England coast.
Notice vertical blow of center whale - Humpback whale -Megaptera novaeangliae.
Northern giant petrel.
Northern giant petrel.
Northern giant petrel.
Northern giant petrel.
Numerous boobies perched on the nearest equivalent to a tree within a thousand miles or so.
Nesting seagulls.
No gull has an ice island unto itself.
Now, now, children, act nicely towards each other
Nesting red-tailed tropic birds.
Nesting masked booby with chick.
Northern fulmar
NMML harbor seal researcher Dave Withrow conducts a seal count during a a harbor seal pupping survey.
NMML harbor seal researcher Dave Withrow conducts a seal count during a a harbor seal pupping survey.
NMFS Enforcement and Protected Resources mark a no-entry zone to protect a sick juvenile Steller sea lion.
Northern fur seal - Callorhinus ursinus.
Northern fur seal - Callorhinus ursinus.
Northern fur seal - Callorhinus ursinus.
Northern fur seal - Callorhinus ursinus.
Northern fur seal - Callorhinus ursinus.
Northern fur seal - Callorhinus ursinus.
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