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Page 7
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L1 - Page 7
Large hydrographic signal
Leo Otis Colbert with Dorsey Fathometer No
Leadline is vertical for reading
Low tide - rock shows where vessel struck and then sank
Launch with Shoran antenna off Sledge Island
Level instrument and Wild T-2
Loading for a drop on Owens Peak
Loading a stripped down Piper Cub on the PIONEER
Looking for pliers to fix the truck
Landing feed for the horses at Middle Point
Leveling operations at the White House
Leveling operations on Anacapa Island
Leveling operations on Anacapa Island
Level party crossing bayous near Dugdemona River
Leveling upper mark with accuracy only to cms
Leveling through the snow
Leveling through the snow
Level observations along the Salmon River
Level unit traveling along Glenn Highway
Leveling - scene of Colorado River crossing near Overton
Leveling on the "low line" at Hoover Dam
Leveling at Mormon Mesa, Lake Meade area
Leveling on the "low line" at Hoover Dam
Leveling - river crossing on the lower Mississippi River
Leveling - river crossing on the lower Mississippi River
Level party in New York City
Level party at Whisky Pass
Level party at Whisky Pass, 12,800 feet
Level party at Whisky Pass, 12,800 feet
Leveling along the trail to Prairie Portage
Leveling along the Loon River
Leveling on a cold winter's day
Leveling over the Tennessee River Bridge
Level work along a new highway route
Leveling in Mississippi
Levels lunch
Level party trying to stay warm in Washington
Level party at the top of Mount Whitney
Leveling up Mount Whitney
Leveling up Mount Whitney
Leveling on Alameda Boulevard in Los Angeles
Leveling observations between Valdez and Fairbanks
Level crew in boat in Glen Canyon, Colorado River
Leveling down the trail into Glen Canyon
Leveling down the trail into Glen Canyon
Level crew in the Arizona desert
Level crew with the tools of the trade
Level crew with the tools of the trade
Level setup with inclined tripod on motor velocipede
Level setup on motor velocipede
Level crew with velocipede
Level crew
Leveling across Isthmus of Panama.
Laser beam from Geodimeter
Laser beam from Geodimeter
Lester B
Lining stakes in on the Ranchester Base
Land surveyor using odometer in United States
Light reflecting from heliotrope
Latitude observatory at Ukiah, California
Lieutenant Eugene Taylor observing with Bamberg instrument
Lightweight aluminum observing tripod
Lake Survey hydrographic survey skiff with top off for the summer
Lake Survey hydrographic survey skiff
Lake Survey hydrographic survey skiff
Lake Survey hydrographic launch
Launch HELIANTHUS at Zachar Bay
Looking across the entrance to the harbor
Lieutenant Cynthia McFee checking the distances to major cities
Looking into the crater of Mt
Lake Bennet in Yukon Territory
Longfellow Glacier from across the valley
Looking into the Salmon River Canyon
Lieutenant Harley Nygren conducting gravity observations for Sandia Corporation.
L to R - Lieutenant Commander Skip Theberge, NOAA Corps, Gary Merrill standing, Steve Lloyd sitting, Glenn Hendrix
Lieutenant Arnold Karo, commanding officer of the LYDONIA 1940.
Lieutenant Francis B
Lieutentants Robert A
L-R -- unidentified, Rear Admiral Raymond Stanton Patton, Director C&GS 1929- 1937, and Captain Gilbert T
L-R -- Rear Admiral Jean Hawley, Commander Frank S
Last camp at the end of the trail
LCDR Commander John Bowie's base camp at Watertown, Yukon, Territory
Life imitating art in the Indian Ocean - celestial navigation
Lieutenant Roswell Bolstad measuring a horizontal angle
Leadline sounding operations
Leadline sounding operations from the WESTDAHL
Leadline survey from catamaran hull.
Large stern-wheel boat bringing supplies
Landing at Station "Steep"
Leveling crew with inclined tripod mounted on velocipede
Leveling crew entering tunnel on velocipede
Leveling crew moving velocipede off tracks for approaching train
Living in a railroad box-car left on the siding
Level party of B
Launch No
Launch No
Lowering Launch Alpha at King's Cove
Leaving the ship in a skiff
Launch towing 4 current buoys to area not accessible by ship
Launching survey boat with D-8 caterpillar at Nevat Camp
Lowering away with boat filled with Shoran gear for station installation
Launch approaching ship with shore party
Launch coming alongside EXPLORER.
Launch returning to the PIONEER.
Leave party returning to ship
Launch picked up and swinging to cradle
Launch hooked and ready for pickup
Loading a weasel on a umiak
Launch a skiff at low tide
Landing weasel with native umiak
Landing on an exposed coast
Landing equipment from a LCVP on the Arctic Coast
Landing at Station MIR2.
Launch departing the PIONEER for a day of hydrography
Learning to sail in training class.
Launch lowering on the PIONEER.
Launch Hydrographic Party
Launch ELSIE with house flag
Landing Shoran gear at Nushagak Bay
Launch PRATT
Landing on Amlia Island
Launch RITTER on combined operations
Lowering launch off PIONEER.
Landing over coral reef.
Landing on Necker Island
Landing on Necker Island
Life on a hydro ship
LCVP from SURVEYOR landing.
L to R-Coast and Geodetic Survey Ships SURVEYOR, PIONEER, DISCOVER, GUIDE.
Lake Union ship base on holiday.
Launching of Coast and Geodetic Survey Ship HYDROGRAPHER.
Launch off WESTDAHL
Lava Cove, Sequam Island
Looking NW from the C&GS Ship PATHFINDER to Cape St
Launching of Coast and Geodetic Survey Ship HYDROGRAPHER
Launch DELTA churning and burning
Launch WILDCAT at base of 550-foot cliff - Palisade Lagoon.
Landing through surf on boulder beach.
Launch WILDCAT in Nuka Bay area.
Launch getting underway
Landing at base of cliff.
Launch WILDCAT at base of 550-foot cliff - Palisade Lagoon.
Launch 67 in the mist.
Launch WILDCAT at base of 600-foot cliff.
Launch DELTA - note sheave for sounding on stern.
Landing through surf under oars.
Landing on boulder strewn beach
Launch DELTA on line surveying
Landing on a rocky shore
Launch of NOAA-N Prime from Vandenberg Air Force Base.
Launch of GOES-P, which upon becoming operational became GOES 15, from Cape Canaveral
Launch of NOAA-N which became NOAA-18 after launch from Vandenberg Air Force Base.
Looking down on cloud streets and a honeycomb pattern in cumulus
Large thunderstorms probably over the Central United States plains.
Low pressure center over the northeast Pacific Ocean.
Large cyclone south of the Aleutian Islands in the North Pacific Ocean.
Low clouds and fog blanket the East Coast on one of the busiest travel days of the year causing multiple automobile accidents
Large thunderstorms occurring from New Mexico to western Florida
Large thunderstorms over eastern Kansas and Missouri.
Large severe thunderstorms over Iowa, Illinois, and Indiana.
Light blue and green waters off the coast of Namibia indicate phytoplankton bloom.
Large fires burning in Alaska and Canada as shown by infra-red imagery
Loop Current shows as darker water in the Gulf of Mexico as seen by Very High Resolution Radiometer (VHRR) on NOAA -3 satellite.
Launch of ITOS-H
Launch of ITOS-H
Launch of NOAA satellite
Launch of NOAA satellite
Launch of NOAA satellite
Launch of TIROS I by a Thor-Able rocket
Launch of ESSA IV
Launch of ESSA I, the first satellite actually owned and operated by a forerunner of NOAA
Launch of ESSA IV
Large trees on islands - Small World Collection
Looking down on Anahoe Bay
Looking out over the Pacific Ocean from the veranda of a Pohnpei restaurant - "The Village".
Looking to the west along the north coast of Pohnpei through the lush jungle foliage to Pailapap, the 186-meter peak at the entrance to Pohnpei harbor
Looking to the east to the Kolonia airport and harbor from Pailapap.
Looking to the west from Pailapap to the lagoon and sheltered anchorage afforded by the fringing reef
Looking for treasures from Bongo net cod end.
Looking for treasures from Bongo net cod end.
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