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Historic Fisheries Collection
Historic Fisheries Collection
Hatchery personnel sorting salmon in preparation for egg-taking at Dexter Holding Ponds, directly below Dexter Dam on the Middle Fork of the Willamett
Highway and bridge construction with loose fill that could easily erode into creek.
Hauling aboard shrimp trawl doors
Hauling aboard shrimp catch on the fishing vessel DUDLEY
Hauling in shrimp net
Hauling pink shrimp aboard
Hammerhead shark taken in shrimp otter trawl
Hoisting sandbar shark, Carcharhinus milberti, aboard shark fishing vessel
Hand filling and weighing tuna cans at De Jean Packing Co.
Head and shoulder of young Steller sea lion
Handling sea scallop dredge aboard BCF ship ALBATROSS IV
Harvesting salmon from fish trap
Humpback and dog salmon being unloaded at the False Pass Cannery.
Hauling in a salmon caught by hook and bait on troller
Hauling net with power block on salmon purse seiner
Hoisting the fish from the fish hold to the grading platform located dock-side.
Historic Fisheries Collection
High-speed plankton samplers are used aboard the USBCF vessel MURRE II to determine changes in distribution and abundance of zooplankton
Hypophysectomy being performed on fish at the University of Delhi in a NOAA supported international project.
High-speed micronekton net used to collect organisms in surface waters
High-speed micronekton net used to collect organisms in surface waters
Huge tuna being brought aboard FWS research vessel DELAWARE
Hawaiian fishermen aboard the Hawaiian sampan BUCCANEER mend bait nets at sea while cruising on the fishing grounds
Harvey Bullis (foreground) and George Berglund taking weight and length measurements of yellowfin tuna on board FWS research vessel OREGON.
Handnets and gear being loaded in preparation for Florida cultured cobia (Rachycentron candum) stocking in offshore cages in Puerto Rico
Harvested clams being aerated prior to going to market.
Hanging nets with pearl oysters used in culture in Japan.
Hand tools used for removing, grading and sizing cultured pearls.
Half-shell oysters showing good size from an aquaculture farm in Japan.
Harbor Branch staff showing pipe system used for recirculating tanks.
High School student hanging socks of scallop spat for grow-out in the harbor
Handmade nets ready for algae growth
Historic Fisheries Collection
Historic Fisheries Collection
Historic Fisheries Collection
Historic Fisheries Collection
Historic Fisheries Collection
Historic Fisheries Collection
Historic Fisheries Collection
Historic Fisheries Collection
Historic Fisheries Collection
Historic Fisheries Collection
Historic Fisheries Collection
Historic Fisheries Collection
Historic Fisheries Collection
Historic Fisheries Collection
Historic Fisheries Collection
Historic Fisheries Collection
Historic Fisheries Collection
Historic Fisheries Collection
Historic Fisheries Collection
Historic Fisheries Collection
Harvesting herring roe on rockweed (Fucus gardneri) on Summit Island.
Herring eggs on rockweed (Fucus gardneri) on Summit Island.
Herring eggs on rockweed (Fucus gardneri) on Summit Island.
Herring eggs on rockweed (Fucus gardneri) on Summit Island.
Hardy automatic plankton
Holothurian or commonly called sea cucumber
Head end of a holothurian or commonly called sea cucumber
Humpback shrimp ( Solenocera vioscai )
Hunchback scorpionfish ( Scorpaena dispar )
Hakeling or metallic codling ( Physiculus fulvus )
Harvestfish or American harvestfish ( Peprilus paru )
Highfin goby ( Gobionellus oceanicus )
Head of channel scabbardfish ( Evoxymetopon taeniatus )
Head of channel scabbardfish ( Evoxymetopon taeniatus )
Head of stippled spoon-nose eel or snapper eel ( Echiophis punctifer )
Horned lanternfish ( Diaphus splendidus )
Horned lanternfish ( Diaphus splendidus )
Hookskate ( Dactylobatus clarkii )
Horned whiff ( Citharichthys cornutus )
Hollowsnout grenadier or saddled grenadier ( Caelorinchus caelorhincus )
Horned searobin ( Bellator militaris )
Head scales of silver-rag driftfish ( Ariomma bondi )
Hickory shad ( Alosa mediocris )
Honeycomb cowfish ( Acanthostracion polygonius )
Head of Pacific sandfish caught during trawling operations.
Head of a pacific Viperfish caught during trawling operations.
Head of a pacific Viperfish caught during trawling operations.
Horned sea robin (Bellator militaris)
Holacanthus tricolor (Bloch)
Haemulon album Cuvier & Valenciennes
Holocentrus ascensionis (Osbeck)
Holacanthus bispinosus Gunther
Heniochus macrolepidotus (Linnaeus)
Hemipteronotus baldwini Jordan & Evermann
Hemicoris ballieui (Vaillant & Sauvage)
Hemicoris venusta Vaillant & Sauvage
Holocentrus ensifer Jordan & Evermann
Holocentrus diadema (Lacepede)
Holocentrus xantherythrus Jordan & Evermann
Holocentrus leo Cuvier & Valenciennes
Holotrachys lima (Cuvier and Valenciennes)
Humpback salmon, breeding female
Humpback salmon, adult female
Humpback salmon, breeding male
Humpback salmon, adult male
Hauling in Aleutian wing trawl during sperm whale predation survey - picking small organisms adhering to net for further study.
Hauling in Aleutian wing trawl during sperm whale predation survey - picking small organisms adhering to net for further study.
Hauling in Aleutian wing trawl during sperm whale predation survey - picking small organisms adhering to net for further study.
Hauling in Aleutian wing trawl during sperm whale predation survey
Hopper with ladder for conveying fish to wet lab for analysis
Honeycomb rockfish (Sebastes umbrosus)
Hydro-acoustics laboratory on NOAA Ship MILLER FREEMAN.
Hobnail vase anemone
Harmful algae Pseudo-nitzschia
Hunt's Mill Dam on the Ten Mile River
Humanitarian shipment to Senegal at U
Humanitarian shipment to Senegal ready for loading on USS NASHVILLE, LPD 13.
Humanitarian shipment to Senegal ready for loading on USS NASHVILLE, LPD 13.
Humanitarian shipment to Senegal ready for loading on USS NASHVILLE, LPD 13.
Humanitarian shipment to Senegal ready for loading on USS NASHVILLE, LPD 13.
Humanitarian shipment to Senegal at U
Humanitarian goods shipment to Senegal at U
High seas fisheries: Ocean pelagic resources living near the surface are exploit ed by purse seiners and surface long-liners
Hold of a fishing boat full of anchoveta (Engraulis ringens).
Hold of a fishing boat full of anchoveta (Engraulis ringens).
Helicopter eye view of ship pulling net in circle to capture tuna
Hydrofoils linking Favignana and Trapani pass very close to the western side of the nets
Here's a new one boys! The veteran collector of the Woods Hole station is in the foreground of both pictures
Hatchery and laboratory building at Woods Hole
Hauling the largest shad seine in the world
Headquarters of the U.S
Holluschickie hauling up from the sea
Healing trace of an injury on a living female red king crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus)
Healing trace of an injury on a living female red king crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus)
Healing trace of an injury on a living female red king crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus)
Hurt by groundfish declines, Gloucester, Massachusetts, welcomes tourist dollars from whale watching.
Hauling in beach seine from the Columbia River by horse teams
Hundred of starfish dredged or scraped off an oyster bed
Headed out from Point Judith during the United States Atlantic Tuna Tournament
Heading out for a day's fishing during the United States Atlantic Tuna Tournament.
Headboat F/V CAPT DOUG II tied up on the Woodcliff Canal
Headboats fishing off Sandy Hook
Holding pens for soft-shell "peeler" blue crabs
Holding pens for soft-shell "peeler" blue crabs
Headquarters of the American Tuna Association
Hoists for use by fishing vessels at the commercial piers
Hoisting used nets for maintenance and preparation for another cruise
Halibut on the pier waiting to be processed
Halibut on the pier waiting to be processed
Heading and gutting salmon in anticipation of a community fish fry in support of the United Seiners Association
Heading and gutting salmon in anticipation of a community fish fry in support of the United Seiners Association
Hispanic American shrimper in the Gulf of Mexico
Hauling in the net on a shrimp trawler
Harvesting the herring after closing the purse on the Maine coast
Hand-tonging for oysters
Hand-picking oysters from dredge material
Hauling lobster trap on a trawl line
Hauling lobster trap
Humor in names - the F/V LIEN MACHINE tied up at Crosby's Fish & Shrimp Co.
Happy angler standing next to 629 and 1/2 pound marlin at Hawaiian Billfishing Tournament.
Happy angler displays small sculpin aboard charter (CPFV) vessel
Happy angler displays albacore tuna aboard charter (CPFV) vessel
Happy angler displays two albacore tuna aboard charter (CPFV) vessel
Hatchery at Mukilteo Research Station
Hollings Marine Scholar demonstrates water sampling for interns during tour of Manchester Marine Station.
Hollings Marine Scholar demonstrates water sampling for interns during tour of Manchester Marine Station.
Hugh Finn looking through the Big Eye binoculars aboard the NOAA ship Oscar Elton Sette on a PISC cetacean research cruise.
Hawaiian monk seal entangled in rope
Happy fishermen displaying their catch after a cold and rainy day off Gloucester
Harbor seal biologists in Boston Whaler proceeding to study area.
Hauling back net from NOAA Ship MILLER FREEMAN
Hauling back net from NOAA Ship MILLER FREEMAN
Hemiaulus hauckii from the Bay of Villefranche
Hosing down the bongo nets before bringing them aboard.
Hermit crabs
Head of lancet fish and unidentified fish above.
Humboldt squid
Hake in the foreground, a myctophid lanternfish and an eel in top center.
Hake and a mictophid with an isopod
Hake and salmon shark
Hooking up the Wesmar acoustic sensor on the net prior to deploying.
Hosing down nets on MOCNESS.
Hauling in herring-seine at Herbert's Fishery, Detroit River Inclosure for keeping fish alive Sketch by L
Haul-seine fishing at Sutton Beach, Albemarle Sound, North Carolina A large haul of alewives From a photograph
Haul-seine fishing at Sutton Beach, Albemarle Sound, North Carolina Boating the seine From a photograph
Herring drying on flakes in the sun Landing, cleaning, washing, &c., at sardine cannery, Eastport, Maine From a photograph by T
Herring boat landing fish at sardine cannery, Eastport, Maine From a photograph by T
Herring smoke-house at Eastport, Maine Smoke ventilators on roof; sticks of herring inside From a photograph by T
Herring "horse" loaded with smoked fish on sticks From a photograph by T
Herring pinkey bound for the fishing grounds Nets hanging over bowsprit and stern; net dories on deck From a photograph by T
Herring schooner bound for Wood Island, Maine Outfit of salt and barrels on deck From a photograph by T
Haul-seine fishing for menhaden at Long Island, 1790 to 1850 Taking out the fish From sketch by Capt
Haul-seine fishing for menhaden at Long Island, 1790 to 1850 Hauling the seine on the beach by horse-power From sketch by Capt
Haul-seine fishing for menhaden at Long Island, 1790 to 1850 Setting the seine From sketch by Capt
Hand-line dory cod fishing on the Grand Bank Drawing by H
Handling fresh halibut at Gloucester, Mass Weighing, unheading, and packing in ice for shipment by rail Drawing by H
Hoisting halibut from hold of schooner at Gloucester, Mass From photograph by T
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