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Photos Sitemap
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G1 - Page 8
Graphic of TIROS II orbital path and examples of data products.
Graphic showing expected coverage of two TIROS satellites in orbit at same time
Graphic of TIROS meteorological satellite system showing components and photo products.
Graphic showing space-oriented TIROS satellite
Graphic showing difference of coverage of inclined orbit satellite versus polar orbit satellite.
Graphic of the TIROS wheel satellite
Gates of the Presidential palace in Dakar.
Goree Island, from the 15th to the 19th century, it was the largest slave- trading center on the African coast
Goree Island, from the 15th to the 19th century, it was the largest slave- trading center on the African coast
Geese killed by Prince Albert I of Monaco in a hunt at Spitzberg
Glyphocrangon spinulosa Faxon
Globigerina ooze species dredged from 4990 meters in the North Atlantic Ocean
Goodbyes as the VALDIVIA departs
Graphic of deep sea anglerfish at beginning of Chapter 1
Galvanized iron box with plate-glass front designed by Reighard for use with 5X7 camera
Gulf shrimp boat SUN STAR at entrance to Mobile Bay.
Gulf shrimp boat SUN STAR
Guided missile destroyer USS ARLEIGH BURKE DDG-51.
General characteristics of NOAA Ship MILLER FREEMAN.
Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory ship facility at Muskegon.
Gravestone of fisheries scientist Bell M
Getting ready to launch a survey launch on the NOAA Ship THOMAS JEFFERSON.
Government vehicle being transported on NANCY FOSTER for ship's use while ashore.
Gooseneck barnacles attached to buoy after year in ocean
Gooseneck barnacles attached to buoy after year in ocean
Gooseneck barnacles attached to buoy after year in ocean
Gooseneck barnacles attached to buoy after year in ocean
Getting some hydro.
Glassy smooth days make launch work look easy.
Global Positioning System navigation - "guidance from above"
Gulls using kelp as perch
Gopher rockfish (Sebastes carnatus) with other invertebrates in crevice in rocky reef habitat at 25 meters depth
Greenspotted rockfish (Sebastes chlorostictus) close-up on rocky reef habitat at 175 meters depth
Greenspotted rockfish (Sebastes chlorostictus) in sandy boulder habitat at 131 meters depth
Greenspotted rockfish (Sebastes chlorostictus)in boulder habitat at 175 meters depth
Greenspotted rockfish (Sebastes chlorostictus) in cobble habitat at 115 meters depth
Greenstriped rockfish (Sebastes elongatus), ratfish (Hydrolagus colliei), and sea cucumber in cobble sand habitat at 130 meters depth
Greenstriped rockfish (Sebastes elongatus) in soft bottom habitat at 175 meters depth
Giant pacific octopus (Octopus dofleini) on boulder habitat at 115 meters depth
Giant Pacific Octopus (Octopus dofleini) in boulder habitat at 90 meters depth
Giant Pacific Octopus (Octopus dofleini), rosy rockfish (Sebastes rosaceus), and anemone in boulder habitat at 90 meters depth
Gorgonian coral (Lophogorgia sp.) in mixed reef habitat at 90 meters depth
Green, gray, and white bottle brush corals with a few other deepwater corals mixed in.
Gardner Pinnacle
Green Island-Kure Atoll
Green Island-Kure Atoll
Green turtle (Chelonia mydas) hauling out on reef at Pearl and Hermes Reef.
Gray reef sharks
Ginger jar at Two Brothers shipwreck site.
Greg McCormack, Naturalist and Education Specialist for the Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary, is talking to a group of volunteer docents about
Greg McCormack, Naturalist and Education Specialist for the Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary, is talking to a group of volunteer docents about
Giant kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera)
Giant kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera)
Giant kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera)
Giant kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera)
Greeneyed fish and pink sponge
Giant manta
Great egret using mangrove trees as roosting site
Gray whales migrating through the Gulf of the Farallones
Green-spotted rockfish? (Sebastes chlorostictus?).
Giant spined star (Pisaster giganteus).
Giant kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera).
Giant kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera).
Giant kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera).
Giant kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera).
Giant kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera).
Giant kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera).
Giant kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera).
Giant kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera).
Giant kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera) holdfast torn from the bottom by a storm.
Giant kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera).
Giant kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera).
Garibaldi (Hypsypops rubicundus).
Gazing upward in a giant kelp forest
Gentoo Penguin.
Gorgonian (?) at night at 8 meters depth.
Gorgonian ? at 7 meters depth.
Giant clam (Tridacna sp.)
Giant moray (Gymnothorax javanicus)
Giant moray (Gymnothorax javanicus)
Galapagos shark cruising through a school of triggerfish.
Giant clam
Giant clam (Tridacna sp.)
Giant moray eel with cleaner wrasses in red barrel sponge
Giant moray eel with cleaner wrasses in red barrel sponge
Goby blending in with bottom
Goatfish at night.
Giant moray (Gymnothorax javanicus)
Giant moray (Gymnothorax javanicus)
Giant moray (Gymnothorax javanicus)
Giant moray (Gymnothorax javanicus)
Giant moray (Gymnothorax javanicus)
Giant moray (Gymnothorax javanicus)
Green sponge
Gray angelfish (Pomacanthus arcuatus)
Gray angelfish (Pomacanthus arcuatus)
Green moray eel
Green moray eel
Green moray eel
Green moray eel
Green and pink reef scene
Giant clam (Tridacna sp.)
Gudgeon from rudder system on early Nineteenth Century whaling vessel with grinding stone to right
Gas mask on side of small tank on the Nippo Maru.
Gauges in the engine room of the Kiyozumi Maru.
Growth on the Kansho Maru.
Gauges in the engine room.
Gauges in the engine room.
Grating closing off engine room storage area on Fujikawa Maru.
Gas mask staring at divers entering the engine room of the Fujikawa Maru.
Gunners station on side of Betty Bomber
Green dye for determining current direction within Pearl and Hermes Atoll Lagoon
Green turtle skeleton entangled in derelict net.
Green turtle skeleton entangled in derelict net.
Green turtle skeleton entangled in derelict net.
Gorgonacean sea rod growing in barrel sponge (Porifera sp)
Great star coral (Montastraea cavernosa) in the foreground and a large barrel sponge and a smaller encrusting sponge (Porifera spp) behind the coral.
Gray angelfish (Pomacanthus arcuatus)
Great barracuda (Sphyraena barracuda) in turtle grass (Thalassia testudinum)
Great barracuda (Sphyraena barracuda) swimming over turtle grass (Thalassia testudinum).
Green moray (Gymnothorax funebris) with Y branched algae and a small goby (Elacatinus sp) near its eye.
Grunt (Haemulon sp.) in close proximity to a long-spined urchin.
Green razorfish (Xyrichtys splendens)
Green moray (Gymnothorax funebris) with Y branched algae and a small goby (Elacatinus sp) near its eye.
Great barracuda (Sphyraena barracuda)
Great barracuda (Sphyraena barracuda)
Great barracuda (Sphyraena barracuda) and nurse shark (Ginglymostoma cirratum)
Great barracuda (Sphyraena barracuda)
Great barracuda (Sphyraena barracuda) swimming over turtle grass (Thalassia testudinum).
Gorgonacea plumes/rods/whip commonly called sea plumes, sea rods, and sea whips
Grooved brain coral (Diploria labyrinthiformis) and Sharknose gobies (Elacatinus evelynae).
Grunt (Haemulon sp.), French grunt (Haemulon flavolineatum), herring (Jenkinsia sp.), sponge (Porifera sp.), and mangrove prop roots (Rhizophora rts
Gorgonian coral bushes and small red cup corals.
Giant stromatolites
Giant stromatolites
Glassy sweepers and elkhorn coral
Gray snappers at the reef.
Giant clam (Tridacna sp.) embedded in Faviidae coral.
Giant clam (Tridacna sp.) embedded in Faviidae coral.
Giant clam (Tridacna sp.) embedded in Faviidae coral.
Giant clam (Tridacna sp.)
Giant clam (Tridacna sp.)
Green sea turtle over relatively barren bottom
Giant clams (Tridacna sp.)
Giant clams (Tridacna sp.)
Giant clams (Tridacna sp.)
Giant clams (Tridacna sp.)
Giant clams (Tridacna sp.)
Giant clams (Tridacna sp.)
Giant clams (Tridacna sp.)
Giant clams (Tridacna sp.)
Giant clams (Tridacna sp.)
Giant clams (Tridacna sp.)
Giant clams (Tridacna sp.)
Giant clams (Tridacna sp.)
Giant clams (Tridacna sp.)
Giant clams (Tridacna sp.)
Giant clams (Tridacna sp.)
Giant clams (Tridacna sp.)
Giant clams (Tridacna sp.)
Giant clams (Tridacna sp.)
Giant clams (Tridacna sp.)
Giant clams (Tridacna sp.)
Giant clams (Tridacna sp.)
Giant clams (Tridacna sp.)
Giant clams (Tridacna sp.)
Giant clams (Tridacna sp.)
Giant clams (Tridacna sp.)
Giant clams (Tridacna sp.)
Giant clams (Tridacna sp.)
Giant clams (Tridacna sp.)
Gray reef shark
Gray reef shark with blue and yellow fusiliers in foreground
Green sea turtle cruising over the reef
Green sea turtle cruising over the reef
Green sea turtle cruising over the reef
Green sea turtle cruising over the reef
Green sea turtle coming up from the depths
Gray reef shark and green sea turtle cruising along a near vertical reef.
Green sea turtle doing a fly-by while sharks cruise in the background.
Gray reef shark (Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos) over the reef with whitecheek surgeonfish (Acanthurus nigricans) hovering above
Gray reef shark (Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos) over the reef
Gray reef shark (Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos) over the reef
Green sea turtle
Gray reef shark in a cloud of anthias
Giant trevally and gray reef sharks over reef
Gray reef sharks over a wide expanse of lettuce coral
Gray reef shark cruising the reef
Giant trevally and gray reef sharks over reef
Giant trevally and gray reef sharks over reef
Gray reef shark (Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos) cruising over bottom
Gray reef shark cruising over bottom with giant trevally in upper left.
Gray reef shark, surgeonfish, and lone unicornfish in upper right.
Gray reef shark headed towards photographer
Golden damselfish hiding under coral
Golden damselfish (Amblyglyphidodon aureus) in beautiful undersea coral garden
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