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Page 25
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Carry-away sloops; bailing in the catch
Crew pursing the seine; the fish striking the net
Crew of menhaden steamer surrounding a school with purse-seine From sketch by Capt
Cape cod mackerel drag-boat lying to at night From sketch by J
Culling and packing mackerel at Portland, Maine From photograph by T.W
Cod line hand gear - Fig
Cutting bait and baiting trawls on halibut schooner at anchor On the fishing grounds Drawing by H
Closeup of an octopus arm and suckers.
Closeup of the shell in image expn3085
Closeup view of face area of red crab (Chaceon quinquedens) in vertical position.
Closeup of the surface of the sea star Neomorphaster forcipatus (Stichasteridae) next to a small sponge.
Closeup of a large brown anemone.
Closeup of worm tubes encrusting vase sponge.
Closeup of feather star crinoids atop a vase sponge encrusted with worm tubes
Closeup of polyps of orange "black coral" bush.
Closeup of anthomastus coral.
Closeup of a pycnogonid sea spider on large white octocoral.
Closeup of a Paragorgia coral with polyps extended and what is probably an attached anemone.
Cup corals, a white squat lobster, and a yellow octoral with white polyps.
Closeup of the polyps of an orange "black coral" bush.
Coral bush branch with polyps retracted.
Closeup of the base of the large bamboo coral seen in image expn2653
Cup corals, Lophelia pertusa, and whitish gray sponges on a canyon wall.
Closeup of a large orange venus flytrap anemone.
Closeup of the mouth and tentacles of a large orange venus flytrap anemone.
Closeup of large circular depression along Bryant Canyon flank
Circular depressions along canyon flank.
Closeup of the dandelion siphonophore seen in image expn2408.
Closeup of spiky white sponge.
Closeup of the texture of the sponge in image expn2336.
Closeup of the central disk and arms of a seven-armed brisingid starfish.
Chain catshark
Chain catshark
Closeup of the head of the skate seen in image expn2267.
Chain catshark
Chain catshark
Closeup of the back of the skate seen in expn2229.
Cusk eel.
Cusk eel.
Closeup of a white feather star crinoid
Closeup of a white feather star crinoid.
Closeup of yellow zoanthids on dead coral bush.
Crown of a Metallogorgia sp
Closeup of the branches of a small white coral
Closeup of retracted polyps of bamboo whip coral.
Cup coral over a hermit crab.
Closeup of a red shrimp with very spindly legs and delicate chelae.
Closeup of red furry squat lobster.
Chaceon sp
Chemosynthetic community shrimp Alvinocaris muricola at cold seep site.
Cold seep site with many dead bi-valves and what appears to be a single large living clam on right center of image
Cold seep site with numerous broken and dead bivalve shells, some carbonate rocks, a single large tube worm, and a small pink squat lobster in the low
Carbonate rock outcrop with cold seep, mussels, and 1-foot long fish (antimora?) .
Cold seep site with what appears to be a small mud volcano.
Cold seep site at brine pool.
Cold seep site with white bacterial material and other discoloration.
Cold seep site with mussels, urchins, and lamellibrachian tube worms.
Cold seep site with methane hydrate trapped under overhanging ledge.
Cold seep with mussels and white gastropods.
Closeup of cold seep mussels, a white urchin, and white snails.
Cold seep site with mussels, a few urchins and an outcropping of methane hydrate below the rock ledge.
Closeup of a brown cerianthid tube anemone.
Closeup of a brown cerianthid tube anemone.
Closeup of a brown cerianthid tube anemone with a sprig of sargassum weed behind.
Carbonate rock outcrop with repeat scientific station and numerous species visible including Lophelia pertusa coral (white) and orange "black coral" S
Coral bush with live and dead areas partially covered with brown flocculent material
Coral and brittle star impacted by Deepwater Horizon disaster
Coral impacted by Deepwater Horizon disaster with an attached brittle star and an anemone in a typical place on the coral
Callogorgia americana deep sea coral with numerous ophiuroid brittle stars
Callogorgia americana deep sea coral with flocculent material on branches
Callogorgia americana deep sea coral with flocculent material on branches.
Callogorgia americana deep sea coral with numerous ophiuroid brittle stars.
Callogorgia americana deep sea coral with numerous ophiuroid brittle stars.
Callogorgia americana deep sea coral with numerous ophiuroid brittle stars.
Clumpy mudstone lying on the bottom
Clumpy mudstone lying on the bottom
Camera motion combined with motion of material in water gives a bizarre effect.
Closeup of an orange squat lobster on Lophelia pertusa coral.
Closeup of a large squat lobster with yellow feather star crinoid and pinkish orange octocoral behind the squat lobster.
Calamari for dinner
Calamari for dinner
Calamari for dinner
Calamari for dinner
Calamari for dinner
Calamari for dinner
Calamari for dinner
Calamari for dinner
Calamari for dinner
Calamari for dinner
Callogorgia americana coral bushes with a large number of associated large brittle stars
Cold seep site with lamellibrachian tube worms and acesta clams
Cold seep site with lamellibrachian tube worms and acesta clams
Chemosynthetic mussels along the edge of a brine pool.
Callogorgia americana coral bush with large ophiuroid brittle stars growing in a stand of lamellibrachian tube worms at a cold seep site.
Coral rubble, yellow feather star crinoids, and a red coral bushes
Coral rubble, yellow feather star crinoids, and a red coral bushes
Coral rubble, yellow feather star crinoids, and a red coral bushes.
Closeup of delicate tentacles of large white anemone, orange "black" coral, red swiftia coral in bottom right, and lollypop sponges.
Closeup of a large white anemone with orange mouth.
Computer display showing surface vessel location, ROV location, and depth contours
Curious fish inspecting ROV over a white sediment covered area of Mytilus Seamount.
Canyon wall with at least seven different species of coral visible.
Contorted ripple pattern in the vicinity of a small boulder.
Closeup of a fossil burrow exposed on the canyon wall.
Cold seep site with bathymodiolus mussels, white bacterial mat material, and brownish granular material
Cold seep site with bathymodiolus mussels, white bacterial mat material, translucent worm tubes, a few small serpulid worm tubes, and small gastropods
Cold seep site with bathymodiolus mussels, white bacterial mat material, and brownish granular material
Chemosynthetic mussels discovered by the ROV Deep Discoverer in areas of active hydrocarbon cold seeps.
Closeup of methane hydrate observed at a depth of 1,055 meters, near where bubble plumes were detected in previously acquired sonar data
Carbonate rocks, an orange rockling, two red crabs visible, a small octopus, and many dead mussel shells at an "extinct" cold seep site.
Clusters of live bathymodiolus mussels were encountered by Deep Discoverer (D2) at seep sites south of Nantucket
Cup corals, numerous types of octocorals, and a few sea urchins are seen in this image.
Ctenophore that has ingested another ctenophore (visible within).
Ctenophore and lobate ctenophore.
Chains of salp (Salpa aspera)
Chains of salp (Salpa aspera)
Chains of salp (Salpa aspera)
Chains of salp (Salpa aspera)
Closeup of a salp.
Closeup of a salp.
Cup corals, a large pink octocoral, purple Clavularia sp
Closer inspection reveals small a small red octocorals, serpulid worm tubes, and a moderate-size anemone with a rough brown column in the upper right
Closer inspection reveals small a small Paragorgia coral, serpulid worm tubes, small sponges, and pinkish octocoral.
Closer inspection reveals small orange anemones, serpulid worm tubes, and a squat lobster as well as cup corals and acesta clams.
Closeup of biota on rock including encrusting sponges, small brittle stars, small shiny bivalves, hydroids, and nearly invisible tube worms (look for
Cup corals and brisingid starfish are in great abundance on this canyon wall
Canyon wall seen from a distance showing linear patterns in outcropping rock and growth of biota
Closeup of red brittle star and pinkish anemone in Paramuricea coral bush.
Cup corals, white octocorals, an acesta clam, at least three small squat lobsters, Solenosmilia variabilis coral in lower right, and a small jelly fis
Cup corals, acesta clams, some small purple octocorals, a purplish white sea urchin, and at least two shrimp using the peach-colored octocoral for hab
Closeup of a squid eye and each individual spot, each of which can change color.
Closeup of the remarkable colors able to be generated by the contraction and relaxation of squid muscles.
Copulating squid? Cannibal squid? Definitely two squid in this image
Copulating squid? Cannibal squid? Definitely two squid in this image
Close-up of brittle stars on whitish-purple Paragorgia sp
Coral polyps on a Paragorgia sp
Coral polyps on a Paragorgia sp
Closeup of a "young" bamboo coral colony
Cup corals and a small Paragorgia coral.
Cup corals on a vertical wall.
Closeup of squat lobster.
Carapace of a large lithodid crab.
Closed anemone on rock
Closed Venus flytrap anemone on glacial erratic.
Closeup of tentacles of large pink anemone.
Closeup of tentacles of large pink anemone.
Closeup of brownish red cerianthid anemone.
Closeup of tentacles of pink deep sea anemone.
Collecting a small Paragorgia coral on Dickins Seamount.
Cidaroid (pencil) urchin collected with the Jason II remotely operated vehicle on NOAA Ship RONALD H
Coelopluerus sp., urchin collected with the Jason II remotely operated vehicle on NOAA Ship RONALD H
Close up of crabs and snails near chimneys at Mata Tolu.
Carbon dioxide released into the water column as small droplets of liquid at Niua North.
Clusters of what appear to be polysaccharide sacs on the seafloor seen at the beginning of the dive at Volcano O.
Close-up view of the stalked barnacles filter-feeding with their white citti that look like little palm fronds.
Chain dogfish shark and their egg casings are commonly found on the shipwrecks documented on the third leg of this mission
Close-up of a crinoid attached to a bubblegum coral (Paragorgia)
Close-up of the coral branch in expl8380, showing a cross-section of its growth bands
Cup corals, also known as Cockscomb coral, Demophyllum dianthus, growing around an anemone on a mud-covered ledge.
Closer inspection of the hole in expl8317 reveals whisps of white material trailing through the water.
Closeup of a group of bathymodiolus mussels at a cold seep site
Cold seep site looking somewhat like a channel.
Cold seep site with large bathymodiolus mussels, white squat lobsters, and tube worms
Coryphaenoides rupestris
Closeup of the head of a Shaefer's anglerfish (Sladenia shaefersi.
Chain catshark (Scyliorhinus retifer)
Chain catshark (Scyliorhinus retifer)
Closeup of lithodid crabs "face".
Closup of a pink rock shrimp
Closeup of a crab (Chaceon sp.) with numerous small white barnacles attached.
Crab (Chaceon sp.) in the vicinity of a group of rocks
Crab (Chaceon sp.) buried in the sediments.
Closeup view of a spiky looking pink lithodid crab.
Closeup of a red paragorgia octocoral with translucent polyps extended.
Closeup of paramuricid coral with brittle star.
Closeup of red shrimp in delicate pink octocoral.
Chrysogorgia coral with squat lobster.
Closeup of large red shrimp in chrysogorgia coral
Chrysogorgia coral with large red shrimp.
Closeup of coral
Cerianthan anemone on sandy bottom.
Complete view of woodfallwith orange and white anemones, white sponges, two crinoids, some white tubeworms, and other biota.
Closeup of a crinoid and large barnacle on a solitary coral stalk
Crinoid, shrimp, and crab-eating shrimp ? (shrimp-eating crab?) odd animal? in left bottom of image.
Closup of the center of the crinoid in expl8005
Closeup of white sea star.
Carbonate cap rock with small tube worms.
Cold seep area with possible white bacterial material
Cold seep area with possible white bacterial material, large clams, and two zoarcid eel pouts.
Cold seep area with an eelpout, mussels, a holothurian, and squat lobsters
Cold seep area with snails, squat lobsters, and a small eelpout.
Cold seep area with mussels, a few tube worms, and a large holothurian.
Cold seep area with stained sediment.
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